Hello and welcome to the official KiritoCaelumStream page :3 . While we're still in the editing phase making sure all and any information is where it should be. I like to take this time to welcome you and explain what this page will be used for to give a better understanding.
Videos , streams , and upcoming information from Twitch and YouTube will be posted here. information will also be available directly on YouTube and my Twitch about section but for more details in what's happening or what will be planned it will all be here ready so you can read it in your free time, any important posts like this will always be pinned so its ez to find.
Streams will also be planned on Facebook in the future so something to look forward to as well. Some changes will be occurring actively so do keep an eye on those just in case.
On that note I look forward to serving you as a streamer, suggestions and ideas are always welcomed here so don't be shy to shoot a message and I will respond as soon as I can when I'm not streaming, recording or working . I'll be playing and streaming between PC and PS4. Have a good day :3