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Open Journal of Business Theology The Journal of Business Theology is a broad-based, blind peer review forum, published by Open Christ


They want to be like God. In the beginning, Satan tricked Eve and Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Could Satan's end-time deception lead humanity into trying to eat from the tree of life without going through Jesus? In this video, Yuval Noah Harari, a Luciferian agent, is acting out his role. But do you know whom he represents? What time is it? Are you ready to meet our Lord in the air? We are going to need oil!


Headlines are emerging about major fires burning through Los Angeles. We've previously written about weather warfare planned for 2025 and Project 2025, which aims to initiate a post-constitutional era starting in the USA. One thing to consider is the timing of these winds. Is it merely coincidental that five separate fires started simultaneously as the Santa Ana winds reached hurricane force speeds of over 100 miles per hour? If you accept coincidences, you might believe whatever the mainstream media—essentially the government—tells you. But examining how they're covering this story reveals their efforts to prevent people from questioning the official narrative. This is their standard approach when events occur where the science seems inconsistent—they must prevent suspicion about how scientific explanations conveniently shift. Currently, we're witnessing ongoing winds in California. They're reporting hurricane-strength winds, and it's highly unusual for California to experience wildfires in January, especially five separate fires starting in different locations that appear deliberately ignited—possibly through directed energy weapons.

Whether it's conventional arson or other methods, the government appears to be behind these fires. They have multiple ways to start fires, but the wind plays a vital role by helping the fires ignite and spread across the entire region—which seems to be the intended goal. Media outlets are calling the Santa Ana winds *"devil winds"* and claiming that these winds combined with climate change are fueling California's fire conditions. It's notable that there are biblical undertones being promoted in mainstream media and trending on Twitter. This appears to be an attempt to influence conservatives away from considering weather modification, directed energy weapons, and other military technologies that are actually being used. Instead, they want people to believe that God is punishing Los Angeles for its sinners. This is the mindset they're trying to promote?

People's interpretation of disasters varies based on state politics. They claim Hawaii's situation is government-related due to lithium deposits and its conservative Christian population, while California's fires are labeled *"God's judgment"* because of its liberal population and Hollywood culture. Critics point to Hollywood's elite, noting their preparedness with bunkers and supplies, and their tendency to document the destruction for sympathy. However, it's disturbing that some celebrate these disasters simply because California is Democrat-controlled. The truth is, good and bad people exist everywhere—political boundaries don't define human worth. It's hypocritical when people arbitrarily decide which disasters are *"divine intervention"* versus government action. For instance, they'll claim Trump's political survival is God's will, despite the government's theoretical ability to intervene, while simultaneously attributing California's fires to divine judgment but Carolina's hurricanes to government action. This inconsistent logic is baffling.

I personally believe that Jesus Christ's sacrifice and atonement was the perfect offering that fully satisfied God's justice regarding human sin. This removed the need for further divine intervention to punish sin until Judgment Day. But that's just my perspective on the matter.

Let's examine what's happening with these *"devil winds."* The Sinclair Broadcasting Group is distributing stories across all affiliate news markets—that's your local news stations in Philadelphia, New York, Florida, and elsewhere. They're feeding these stations the same script: *"Why is it so windy? Here's what to know about the Santa Ana winds."*

Look at the pattern: Salt Lake City, Philadelphia, the Weather Channel, Forbes—all media outlets, both mainstream and local, are publishing explanations about the Santa Ana winds. Why? They're using these winds to explain away the fires' spread, hoping to prevent questions about why five separate fires started simultaneously in random locations. The Santa Ana winds conveniently reaching hurricane force speeds isn't routine—this is HAARP technology and weather modification at work. These aren't normal Santa Ana winds, this isn't a typical wildfire season, and these aren't ordinary wind patterns.

If you accept the coincidence of multiple fires starting simultaneously during extreme Santa Ana winds, you'll likely accept their scientific explanations—explanations that seem to shift whenever they need to justify mass destruction or the burning of people's homes. HAARP can manipulate wind speeds, and whether the initial ignition came from aluminum, barium, drones, or directed energy weapons hardly matters now—this was clearly a man-made disaster. We'll see more of these events. HAARP has signal and amplification dish sites throughout North America, giving them complete weather control capabilities through wavelength frequency transmission.

I've spent years explaining this to people who haven't yet awakened to these realities. They've conditioned you since childhood to believe you can't control Mother Nature or the weather. You accept this as truth because it's been repeated endlessly. This is how the system operates—we're taught falsehoods from youth, and we believe them because they're ingrained in our educational system. One of their most persistent myths is that weather control is impossible.

I'll show you below clips that prove weather control is possible, including footage of former presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson discussing how *"he who controls the weather will control the world."* This might help you understand why we're hearing so much about jet streams taking new routes. Is this the real reason weather is becoming more extreme? The jet streams are behaving erratically because they're being manipulated, but they're blaming it on climate change. That's why, within hours and days of these fires starting, stories emerged explaining how climate change is fueling California's conditions. Since the weather patterns are unusual, they're reinforcing this message daily. Whether you believe it initially or not, they know that repeated exposure to this programming—while people are in a passive, receptive state—will lead them to accept and repeat it.

So when you question why five fires suddenly started at once, or why the Santa Ana winds reached hurricane speeds and unusual directions, people will automatically respond: *"It's climate change. We need to act on climate change."* This serves their purposes in two ways: they're not only convincing people that weather modification and warfare don't exist, but they're also persuading people that the solution is to change their lifestyle—exactly what they want. People will start living with less, embracing the *"own nothing and be happy"* mindset. They'll accept having their lives monitored through carbon footprint tracking to "prevent" future disasters.

This gives the globalists a double victory. They succeed in hiding their actions behind *"science"* while making you pay the price—giving up your car, meat consumption, regular showers, swimming pools, and whatever else they deem necessary. The carbon footprint system reveals itself as a model of control, forcing behavior changes that keep people confined to their homes, just as we saw a few years ago. But for those unfamiliar with HAARP.

Here are a couple of clips from Dan's podcast (See [full podcast](

[Weather Manupilation Plans.mp4](

In the video, former US President Kennedy stated: *"We shall propose further cooperative effort between all the nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control"* ([Kennedy, 1961]( Months later, former Vice President Johnson offered this recommendation: *"It lays the predicate foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world's cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather. He who controls the weather will control the world"* ([Johnson, 1962]( Though long dismissed as conspiracy, a tour of the HAARP facilities reveals its true nature. HAARP itself now acknowledges that it *"is comprised of 180 antennas linked together to function as one giant steerable antenna. Steerable because it can aim millions of watts of ELF waves into one tiny patch of the atmosphere. The intense energy being beamed into the sky by HAARP is actually heating up the atmosphere causing weather changes."* They are clear when they said: *“We can transmit signals all around the world […] It basically makes the ionosphere a laboratory and we can do experiments that no one else can do”*

No doubt, HAARP is being used for weather modification. The military's own records prove this, yet they continue to deny it publicly. HAARP is one of several ELF wave transmitters located globally, working in coordination. These transmitters can potentially alter weather patterns worldwide by changing jet stream courses. They could even steer hurricanes by heating the atmosphere and creating high-pressure domes that deflect or redirect storm paths. Extensive evidence exists about these weather manipulation and geoengineering efforts, including HAARP's own explanations of its activities. Sources include HAARP's public facility tours ([Anchorage Daily News](, documented research on weather modification ([Geoengineering Watch]( #:~:text=HAARP%20is%20the%20test%20run,everything%20)), and demonstrations of the facility's capabilities ([HAARP facility tour](

Clearly, since they've discussed it openly, we can estimate how much information they're now hiding through political and diplomatic means. Everyone should be aware that they have the ability to control weather patterns. They can create tornadoes and generate massive winds whenever they choose. And this isn't just through HAARP. These towers that have gone up aren't just causing widespread illness and radiation exposure—they can use radio frequencies and EMFs to steer and control weather patterns. This is no longer just a conspiracy theory. They want you to dismiss it as one because it's difficult for people to comprehend. Consider this: if we had been taught from ages 3 to 24 that governments can control weather, instead of being told that Mother Nature is beyond human control, we'd readily recognize government involvement. Instead, we've been conditioned to believe weather control is impossible and that anyone suggesting otherwise is a conspiracy theorist. But why would US presidents in the 1940s, '50s, and '60s discuss weather modification and control? These technologies have been patented since the 1800s. What we're seeing now is an attempt to prevent people from awakening to this reality. While many conservatives are calling this an act of God, even some politicians like the US democrats, are questioning the strange circumstances—five major wildfires in 36 hours, hundreds of thousands displaced, casualties, injuries!

How possible and can you believe that insurance companies were dropping California homeowners' coverage just before their homes burned down? Where they prophesizing? The implications are clear: this land will be seized by the government. Why is it hard for people to believe they want to build these cities? You won't comply willingly. How else do you think they'll implement their stated plans? I've discussed this repeatedly—they want to build smart cities. They openly tell you that's their plan. These infrastructures are actually control grids they intend for you to live inside. Do you think people will willingly give up their homes so they can bulldoze them and build smart homes and apartment complexes? Remember, their motto is "you'll own nothing." They know that neither Democrats nor Republicans will voluntarily hand over their homes and cars to the government. They'll have to destroy everything to get what they want.

For those who can't comprehend such malevolence—if you knew what these people do in secret with children, as many of our viewers do, you wouldn't be surprised. The realization that they would burn people's homes and lives to the ground wouldn't make you blink. They don't hesitate. They don't question their actions. They work together, regardless of how you vote or whether you're a Democrat. Though the New World Order government leans toward Democratic ideologies, it's a seesaw—moving back and forth between Democrats and Republicans until everything is destroyed. Now Donald Trump has been positioned to usher in these changes, like the Club of Rome's ten kingdoms. They're all working together. They don't care about your vote, your gender equality beliefs, or your pronouns. They're soulless.

Look at the Sinclair Broadcasting Group and what I always tell people to watch for: the media narrative. Everyone probably expected them to push climate change, but notice how they're emphasizing the Santa Ana winds across the country. When people in Philadelphia hear about California fires and find it suspicious, they're fed this narrative about Santa Ana winds. If anyone mentions HAARP's ability to create powerful wind gusts that spread fires, they counter with "No, it's Santa Ana winds." They deliberately avoided discussing victims, instead focusing on explaining these unprecedented hurricane-force winds—stronger than typical Santa Ana winds—that engulfed Los Angeles in flames.

Consider the affiliate markets, where Sinclair Broadcasting sends identical scripts nationwide. It's not coincidence that meteorologists in Philadelphia, Utah, Florida, Texas, and Missouri all decided to explain Santa Ana winds on the same day. They receive their scripts from above, instructed to explain these winds to prevent suspicion. In Democratic states especially, they worry about voters awakening to these realities. Democrats might question whether Trump is targeting California, given the "God's wrath" narrative circulating in other states. Being largely atheist, they don't accept that explanation or believe it's random coincidence—the science doesn't add up.

Remember, these are the same people who trust "the science" and listen to the World Economic Forum claim "we own the science"—which means they can manipulate it. When the science doesn't align with their narrative, they reinvent it. They're desperate to keep you focused on Santa Ana winds rather than questioning how multiple fires started simultaneously. They want you to blame climate change because if civilians realized that a small group of wealthy psychopaths can manipulate weather and destroy homes, people would unite across gender, race, and political lines—and revolution would follow swiftly.

They can't let that happen. They must keep you divided, dumbed down, and believing in their version of science, which they'll modify daily to suit their needs. They expect compliance while they commit mass destruction and chaos. Thank you all for being here. God bless you and your families, as always.


For those who haven't seen the evidence regarding the Lucis Trust and its connections to the United Nations and David Rockefeller, I strongly urge you to examine this information. It includes the deliberate use of numerology—specifically the numbers 33 and 666—and features an altar room within the United Nations headquarters that serves ritualistic purposes. Observe carefully what occurs in this place where world leaders gather and scheme together, working toward humanity's downfall.

The United Nations headquarters, built in 1945, was largely financed by John D. Rockefeller. Inside is an ominous meditation room, with Lucis Trust Company serving as its custodian. Lucis Trust, formerly located at 666 United Nations Plaza, was originally named Lucifer Publishing Company. The Rockefeller-funded meditation room measures 33 feet long and 18 feet wide (18 being 6 + 6 + 6). This small, dimly lit windowless room is shaped like a pyramid lying on its side.

At its center stands a four-foot-high black, casket-shaped stone slab weighing 6.5 tons. This highly magnetic stone rests on a concrete pillar that extends into the bedrock below, supposedly tapping into Earth's energies to induce altered consciousness. Near the meditation room lies the United Nations Security Council Chamber—the UN's emergency room where world leaders convene during peace threats to determine nations' fates. A massive mural dominates this chamber, featuring a risen phoenix bird as its centerpiece, traditionally symbolizing Lucifer.

Egyptian mythology depicts the phoenix as a deity ascending to heaven as a morning star, like Lucifer, following death and rebirth. The phoenix in the mural stands not above ashes but over shed skin, like a snake revealing its true form. The mural's top left shows a cross-less church steeple, suggesting Christianity's demise. Below, a woman bathes in sun god rays while a man plays Pan's flute. Nearby, two pyramids appear alongside people bound by a serpentine blue cloth. The mural shows a sword piercing a dragon beast, representing the defeat of traditional religious views that portrayed Lucifer as monstrous. The new doctrine presents him as beautiful. Ghostly figures step into a void behind the phoenix, suggesting depopulation. The right panel displays Revelation's pale horse bringing death through weapons, hunger, and disease. A chained Black figure represents bo***ge, while the upper panel depicts a technologically advanced white race controlling industry, art, and science. A military figure salutes elites emerging from underground shelters. Above the phoenix, a woman holds flowers in a wedding scene, while a serpentine figure tempts Eve with an apple. The top panel's right side shows a green-scaled creature dancing with a naked woman amid musicians. This prophetic mural, beneath which global leaders make decisions affecting nearly 7 billion people, suggests humanity's transition into a Luciferian age.


It appears that what is often labeled as clean water may actually contain harmful substances. This situation reflects the broader issue of the Illuminati's agenda, particularly the concept of "Poisoning the Elixir." This brief video provides further insight into how this agenda is being implemented. However, this raises an important question: what can we do in response?

As Scripture indicates, "It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them..." (Revelation 13:7). This highlights the ongoing spiritual battle we face.

For more information, you can watch the video and read our recent article on this topic here:

You can also view the video on YouTube: Watch Here.


Is Elon Musk's Omega Symbol Necklace a Sign of End-Time Deceptions or What?

Elon Musk's unusual necklace at the UFC event prompted thousands worldwide to question its significance. The symbol appears connected to "Project Omega," a venture purportedly aimed at revolutionizing AI-powered renewable energy distribution. This aligns with themes discussed in the video—promises of a golden age, parallels to Tesla's occult beliefs, and aspirations toward an "omega point." It's worth noting that while people may believe they are pursuing righteous goals, their rejection of Christ can inadvertently advance the enemy's agenda.

Video sourced from:

Please read this full commentary if you have time:


This video shows the propaganda featuring the rise of the Beast Confederation that is being promoted in the world today. The Babylon Son of Perdition Antichrist agenda and re-building of a Third Temple, whether literal or symbolic, with the destruction of the old religion to bring in the new Luciferian deception. The lie of self ascension, which came from the Garden of Eden.

Thankfully, the Bible has warned us about the great deception thousands of years before it happened. Because of this we can rest assured that nothing takes God by surprise. Witnessing this propaganda and world events drives us to the cross of Jesus Christ for salvation and forgiveness for our personal sins. Knowing this period of time on earth is only very short and temporary will lift our eyes beyond it to the place above that has been prepared for all those who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ the Saviour - who already defeated the powers of death and hell at the cross.

Romans 8:18-19
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. -

An R$E Production 2024.

These videos are not meant to predict specific events, or be prophetic, but rather to dismantle false doctrines of demons and point to the inerrant truth of the Bible

Sourced from


Donald Trump has controversially embraced the title of "King of Israel," a phrase that has sparked significant debate among both Christians and Jews —reminiscent of the inscription on Jesus's cross— Could this simply be a form of self-aggrandizement? Critics argue that this appropriation is problematic, as it blurs the lines between political leadership and religious significance. His sharing of a tweet calling himself "the second coming of God" directly parallel titles given to Jesus Christ. Could he subsequently become the Antichrist? This pattern raises questions that warrant careful scriptural examination.


Sacramento Truth Movement: Donald Trump Converts to Judaism?

Trump visits the rabbi's home in Ohel under heavy security and recites Talmudic prayers.

Trump visits Chabad Rabbi's grave in Queens to mark Oct. 7, 2024. The visit to Ohel, as the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is known, served as a gesture for a Jewish district that is expected to support Trump in the election. "The first person to welcome him was Ben Shapiro, the famous conservative political pundit... Trump met with Rabbi Levi Shemtov, executive vice president of American Friends of Lubavitch-Chabad in Washington, D.C. »

(Donald Trump's New York Presbyterian pastor, famous 33rd degree Freemason, Scottish Rite, Shriner, author of "The Power of Positive Thinking," Dr. Norman Vincent Peale)

(Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and his building at 666 Fifth Avenue in New York)

(Trump and the book The Way To The Top mention Kabbalah teacher Eitan Yardenie)

(Donald Trump visits the Western Wall in Israel)




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