出新影片啦! 去旅行的時候隨手記錄了PlayStation掌機的遊玩希望對有需要的朋友有幫助。畫質達不到1080p,感覺720p是有了,但是流暢性沒有問題,在外面玩得了還是玩不了取決你的網速。
While travelling, I recorded my experience playing on the PlayStation Portable step-by-step showing you how to remote play, hoping it would be helpful to friends in need. The picture quality doesn't reach 1080p, but it seems to be around 720p. However, there are no issues with actually playing this game. Whether you can play outside or not depends on your internet speed.
去旅行的时候随手记录了PlayStation掌机的游玩希望对有需要的朋友有帮助。画质达不到1080p,感觉720p是有了,但是流畅性没有问题,在外面玩得了还是玩不了取决你的网速。=============时间戳============0:00 介绍0:08 最重要0:18 第一步0:...