New Illustration and publication design for the Meridian ACT report on The role of peer-led services in meeting the health needs of LGBTIQA+ people in Australia.
Lived experience research is incredibly important to amplify our voices in saying what we need for positive health outcomes, and to thrive. The many participant quotes captured in this report are invaluable to understanding the barriers to seeking support in the health system. As a q***r designer, I loved having an opportunity to work on this report and bring our voices to life through the design and illustration.
Graphic design and illustration by Jacq Moon. For more info and to download the report, check out
[image ID: a carousel of 8 images:
Image 1 cover of the report- a person holds a rainbow flag with the hand on the back of another person supporting them.
Image 2 - a young woman sits on the floor and smiles looking at her phone.
Image 3 - a pull quote "there will always be a need for specialised spaces for us to live our unique lives. Peer-led spaces aren't for everyone, but they must be available for everyone".
Image 4 - a woman holds a shoulder bag that reads 'protest our trans kids'.
Image 5-6 are sample spreads of the report.
Image 7 - an older man holds up a red ribbon that is sold on World Aids Day.
Image 8 - a non-binary person of colour wears a t-shirt that reads 'always was, always will be'.]
Graphic design and illustration by Jacq Moon. For more info and to download the report, check out
***rdesigner ***rgraphicdesign ***rillustration ***rdesigner