The Magic Sauce

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  • The Magic Sauce

The Magic Sauce The Magic Sauce designs, leads and facilitates innovation projects with our clients. We’re The Magic Sauce. We’re a creative concentrate. A bit like Tabasco.

We design, lead and facilitate creative projects with our clients. A little bit of us, in the right place, makes an intense difference to a project. On a daily basis, we apply our creativity and our creative process to IDEAS projects, so new thinking becomes actionable ideas. We’re often asked to inject fresh perspectives to INSIGHT projects, as many traditional research approaches tend to yield t

he same old stuff. And recently, we’ve been busy with VISION & STRATEGY projects that aligned, engaged and excited senior people about their future. We’re also passionate about BUILDING THE CREATIVE CAPABILITY of people, teams and organisations. When you want to bring out the magic on your projects, just add a bit of us. One drop at a time.

My video making rockstar course is now on Udemy. And for the price of a small meal and a beer you get 50+ engaging modul...

My video making rockstar course is now on Udemy.

And for the price of a small meal and a beer you get 50+ engaging modules with everything you need to create engaging videos for social.

All things I do myself from the comfort of my home:

- Camera confidence
- Storytelling ingredients
- Lighting & audio stuff
- Editing on a phone and computer
- And much more

There’s many courses on videomaking, but only ONE with me.

My early YouTube days. Shooting a video used to take me hours and hours. And that’s without editing. Now, with more stru...

My early YouTube days. Shooting a video used to take me hours and hours. And that’s without editing. Now, with more structure, script writing and a teleprompter, shooting a video takes me 20-30 minutes.

New video is up: Lessons from the Best Pitch Ever. Think you’ll like this one. With

New video is up: Lessons from the Best Pitch Ever. Think you’ll like this one.


Always think out of the boxing ring.

Always think out of the boxing ring.


WTF is the IKEA Effect?



I am at the dentist’s. Whoop whoop!

I read today that the average learning facilitator (or trainer) in Singapore makes 9$ SGD an hour, which is roughly $6 U...

I read today that the average learning facilitator (or trainer) in Singapore makes 9$ SGD an hour, which is roughly $6 USD. That is ridiculous.

Whether that number is (still) accurate or not, it definitely is very low.

One of the reasons facilitation is so underrated is because so many lead with workshops - like it's the Holy Grail; the answer to everything. It usually never is tho.

A workshop is one way to engage, but there are many others. Before deciding on that, push back and get clear on the WHY and the WHAT. Once you know that, then you decide on a HOW.

Up your game, solve real problems, get paid more.

I read today that the average learning facilitator (or trainer) in Singapore makes 9$ SGD an hour, which is roughly $6 USD. That is ridiculous.One of the rea...

Well, this is nice.

Well, this is nice.

Expert videos on creating online events to get the best results

This 3 dollar bell is a life-saver!

This 3 dollar bell is a life-saver!

If you were to open my facilitator kit bag, you will definitely find this little bell. Been using it for years. It is one of the easiest and non-aggressive w...


Not only do pointless, uninspiring and unengaging meetings and workshops cost a lot of money, time and energy, there’s an even bigger risk of creating widespread cynicism in the company.

But it does not have to be that way, join us at virtually


Was down with something evil, though they have not concluded what it is yet.

Most important, the fever has dropped and I feel mighty again.

Just a shout out to wish you a lovely week ahead.


Here is a little clip I shot for the Virtually Possible program. This one was all about going above and beyond. 90 second clip took me about 8 hours. Daaaayum. #007


I have been making too many miles and hours. It’s paying off, but it all comes at a price. Will try to work less this weekend.

So many things I wanna do!!


Ignored me the whole day, but now decides it’s time for me.

For which I am thankful.


Baz wanted attention, so I gave him the spotlight. Hilarious.


Every minute a poor soul dies in a pointless, boring virtual meeting.
No more!

You can help end the suffering.

Learn how to run virtual meetings and workshops like a pro.

Join the 'Virtually Possible' program here:

Doors close in 48 hours.



I’m a bit removed from the 100k subscriber mark, but in the spirit of celebrating small wins, I am about to celebrate 1,977 subscribers. Which was also a fantastic year. Vintage even.

You have no idea how important rubbish bags are to facilitators?

You have no idea how important rubbish bags are to facilitators?

This is the first in a new series called 'Holy Cow, I didn't know that!' where I share practical, more granular tips around facilitation. These are not the b...

5 super easy things to make sure you keep people's attention in virtual meetings and workshops.-----Now imagine this:You...

5 super easy things to make sure you keep people's attention in virtual meetings and workshops.
Now imagine this:

You are facilitating a meeting.

A bunch of people have signed on.

You can see their names on your screen in tiny little boxes.

Some have their camera on; some don't.

Every now and then you mumble: "is that clear for everyone?"


And you have a little voice in your head asking: "are they even paying attention?!"

Sucks, right? Cause if they are not even paying attention, then why would you even hold this session?!

Well, then here are a couple of simple things you can do to spice stuff up. A bit of Magic Sauce to make it more engaging.

These are not rocket science. I shot this video in 15 minutes and kind of made it up as I went. And that's the point: don't overthink it.

Keep it simple.

Have a play with them and let me know how they went for you.

How about you? How do you keep everyone's attention on your virtual meetings and workshops?


Learn more about the virtual facilitation bootcamp here: Since half the world is facilitating sessions online, it can be hard to asses...

Rebels. Rule breakers. Instigators. Change agents. Innovators. Provocateurs. Whatever you call them; they are crucial to...

Rebels. Rule breakers. Instigators. Change agents. Innovators. Provocateurs. Whatever you call them; they are crucial to keeping us moving forward.

There are too many rules and conventions that are in real need to being challenged and changed. Very often the ones who set the rules don't like it, but it has to be done.

That is why I am launching The Rebel Rulez Podcast to celebrate those who change the game.

Sign up here:

We all have that little rebel inside us. It's time to bring it out and build for a better future.

Hope you enjoy the video!

Rebels. Rule breakers. Instigators. Change agents. Innovators. Provocateurs. Whatever you call them; they are crucial to keeping us moving forward. There are...

Should you work for free? 🤨For some strange reason I have gotten a lot of requests recently to work for free.Maybe it's ...

Should you work for free? 🤨

For some strange reason I have gotten a lot of requests recently to work for free.

Maybe it's because of the Covid19 lockdown and people think I am bored at home waiting for someone to give me unpaid work!

Usually it’s disguised like "why don't we hop on a quick Zoom call?", which is the new way of saying "I'll buy you a coffee cause I want to pick your brain".

I can buy my own coffee, thank you. Besides, I love how that quick brain-picking of yours turned into me helping you with your company's strategy.

I know, I am a total sucker and full-time nice guy.

But if you don't even consider my needs in this equation, you lose a lot of my respect.

In this video, let's look at what it means when people ask you to work for free and, SPOILER ALERT: why I think you should never work for free.

On top of that I'll show you a simple tool I use to determine my responses to these silly requests:

How about you? Do you work for free and how do you deal with these kinds of requests?

Should you work for free? I have been asked this question many many times and I have a fairly simple answer to this one: NO. If you run a business, however b...

Yes, that's me when I was 12 in the thumbnail and yes, I was 25 kg heavier in this video.---This is from a talk I did at...

Yes, that's me when I was 12 in the thumbnail and yes, I was 25 kg heavier in this video.
This is from a talk I did at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore when they first opened.

I had a massive room of very serious biz leaders wanting to innovate. I'll rephrase: ...needed to innovate.

Innovation is a serious business topic, whereas creativity is still seen as "something fun HR should organise once a year for a bit of a rah-rah hour at our company's town-hall just between country updates and strategy planning".

Yet, innovation cannot happen without creativity. It’s such an important element in it. It need a whole lot more, for sure, but creativity is that oil that makes the innovation engine run.

And kids are good at it; really good at it. Actually, half the things kids are good at can be ingredients of creativity.

And the good news is, we were all kids once. At least, I hope you were.

Maybe we should learn to play again.

How about you? What did you do with your creative powers as a child? Did you play with an empty box?


A child's imagination and creativity is out of this world. For real. It's like their brains are wired in a different way. And even an empty box can become a ...

How long should my remote workshops and virtual meetings be?-----These are questions I have been seeing a lot recently. ...

How long should my remote workshops and virtual meetings be?
These are questions I have been seeing a lot recently.

Well, they need to be as long as they need to be.

Not very helpful, eh?

In the end, it all depends on a variety of factors, yet I'd say keep them shorter, rather than longer.

How long? I aim to keep mine between 16 and 89 minutes. Focused. Paced. Nimble.

And in this video I share my humble theory on why that is.

What are you thoughts? Am I far off? What is your theory?

How long should my remote workshop be? How long should my virtual meeting be? These are questions I have been seeing a lot recently. And even though it all d...

So many meetings end with a list of random words rather than well-captured ideas, actions, feedback or strategies.This w...

So many meetings end with a list of random words rather than well-captured ideas, actions, feedback or strategies.

This way, they are unlikely to go anywhere, because if people don't get an idea, they will usually reject it. Or, when people are unsure, they say no.

And it would be such a waste if you just spent hours in a meeting or workshop, and nothing happens afterwards.

Spend a bit more time capturing each item, so everyone gets them and they become actionable.

Hope you enjoy the video!

P.s. If you too want to create engaging videos for your audience, grab my free email course with 5 video ideas at

So many meetings end with a list of random words rather than well-captured ideas, actions, feedback or strategies. This way, they are unlikely to go anywhere...

If you're a Design Thinker or Sprinter, watch this.Critical thinking is as important as creative thinking. Particularly ...

If you're a Design Thinker or Sprinter, watch this.

Critical thinking is as important as creative thinking. Particularly in design, innovation or value creation.

Yet, I see many just focusing on divergent thinking - "we need more creative ideas" - without spending ample time on convergent thinking, or critiquing ideas.

The harsh truth is that it is easier to say "this is a YES AND session, everything is in, so you cannot criticise" than to really put some hard thinking into them and understand not all of them should make the cut.

What you might end up with is a range of cool creative ideas that never get anywhere, because they have not been stress tested.

Blue sky thinking is often a recipe for disaster. You don't need 100 crazy ideas; you need a handful of robust ones you can prototype and test.

There is a time to be open and create possibilities, but you need to put equal energy into critiquing and filtering these.

In this video, you will find 3 simple and engaging ways to critique your ideas, without it turning into a moping session.

Share this with one person who needs to see this.

What are your thoughts? How do you make sure you end up with a range of practical solutions?

When it comes to design thinking, critical thinking is as important as creative thinking. Far too often to people stay in creative. divergent thinking and ke...

Whatever you are selling is probably not what people are buying.Had a nice group discussion with some SMEs who were stru...

Whatever you are selling is probably not what people are buying.

Had a nice group discussion with some SMEs who were struggling to get back up during this crisis.

One of them even said: "stop telling me I need to pivot!!"

Maybe you don't need a radical change, but chances are there's a lot of opportunity right in front of you.

But to see those, you need to let go of that preconceived notion of what you sell, and start looking at what people want and need now.

Asking yourself 'what are you in the business of?' is a great way to expand the scope of what you can offer and spot opportunities to grow, change, innovate and yes, even pivot.

This is more an exploration than it is about black and white answers. But once you understand what it is people really want, you can jump on that opportunity and get unstuck.

*** Here is a little cheatsheet with a couple of questions for you to answer 'what am I in the business of?' ***

Hope you enjoy the video!

P.s. If you too want to create engaging videos for your audience, grab my free email course with 5 video ideas at

Whatever you are selling is probably not what people are buying. Asking yourself 'what are you in the business of?' is a great way to expand the scope of wha...

Want your own bartender for your next Zoom party?For only 39 dollars per person, I will make 3 fantastic cocktails that ...

Want your own bartender for your next Zoom party?

For only 39 dollars per person, I will make 3 fantastic cocktails that will rock your world.
And the best thing is, I will bring all the glasses, tools and ingredients AND drink them all myself.
Direct message me for bookings* and I look forward to making your virtual get-together a unique experience. *PayPal and PayNow both accepted.

Can Eye Ball Yoga save the day? 🤔Energizers don't have to be fun and silly. But, if you want them to be, they TOTALLY ca...

Can Eye Ball Yoga save the day? 🤔

Energizers don't have to be fun and silly.

But, if you want them to be, they TOTALLY can be. "Everyone has a monkey button", I once heard. 🙈

Here are three simple activities you can run during your online and offline sessions that get people energized and get them moving.

Hope you enjoy the video!

P.s. If you too want to create engaging videos for your audience, grab my free email course with 5 video ideas at

Energizers don't have to be fun and silly. But, if you want them to be, they TOTALLY can be. "Everyone has a monkey button", I once heard. Here are three sim...

Wanna see how well your videos perform on LinkedIn?I spend a lot of time creating videos. A LOT of time.Before, I would ...

Wanna see how well your videos perform on LinkedIn?

I spend a lot of time creating videos. A LOT of time.

Before, I would always adapt my creative ideas for each platform I wanted to post on, which was a lot of extra work.

Reason is that traditionally, platforms would hide posts that potentially take people away to another platform. Which, I understand - ad dollars eh. But it’s still annoying.

It seems LinkedIn has become a lot friendlier to YouTube links.

So in this video, let's look at how my video performance on LinkedIn translates to performance on YouTube.

Link is right here:

Remember, sharing is caring and feel free to reach out.


Let's look at how well your YouTube videos perform on LinkedIn and how that impacts your results on YouTube. I post on several platforms. And it is quite ann...



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