
Skinandall_ Dermatologist
Author of Medi-thrive


Aesthetic procedures are in! Which is great because it shows us that medicine keeps advancing. However, before you get those procedures, ensure that you're doing these..
-Do it because YOU want it not because someone else is asking you to.
-Do your research. Don't be lazy. It is YOUR body
-Have an accountability partner that can tell you, "se e n sinwin ni, abi e ti fe ma ya were?😃"


Let's talk about body odour!
Do you truly have body odour? Or you're not practicing the hygienic practices you should be doing?

There are two major types of sweat glands. The eccrine and the apocrine glands. Remember A is for adolescence? The apocrine glands do not become active till puberty and they're in areas like the armpits, the groin, around the ar**la of the breast. The eccrine glands are all over the body around the fine hairs on the body. It is the apocrine glands mainly implicated in body odour.

Other things you can do?
Wash the areas with the apocrine glands with 5 or 10% benzoyl peroxide wash like Panoxyl 5 or 10 or even a glycolic wash.
Clean the area with a glycolic toner like the Ordinary toner.
Shave the hairs regularly - every 2 weeks.
Good hygiene
Use deodorant.

Don't give yourself a wrong label. It can be stigmatising. How do you gently tell a person about body odour?
Do it privately- most don't even know.
Do it kindly.
But please...tell them if it is obvious.

Thank you for building the Skinandall brand with me!

Thank you for building the Skinandall brand with me!

It has been a privilege doing the 'works' behind the SkinandAll brand, from organising sets in short time frames and shooting high quality videos, to days of editing and production. Glad to be a part of the story the brand is telling. SkinAndAll brings the best of trusted skin care tips,...


June 1st of every year is World Skin Health day.

Let's talk skin.

Remember, the skin you have is a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some have such 'good' skin genes that they spend little or nothing on their skin to make it look healthy. Others have 'not so amazing' skin genes but they do all the right things to keep their skin healthy. Some have great skin but damage it all by themselves.

Remember the three basic steps - Cleanse with a pH balanced cleanser to remove oil and impurities, moisturise and use a sunscreen.

Be kind to your skin...and it will treat you right. It is the largest organ in the body!

From a Dermatologist and Venereologist. I have to use a 🎤 for this...A few wrong things that patients do..1. Leaving a s...

From a Dermatologist and Venereologist. I have to use a 🎤 for this...
A few wrong things that patients do..
1. Leaving a simple routine that is working well for you and switching to certain products just because someone you like is using it. It usually ends in tears.

2. Hoarding and buying so many products and you're confused about the ones to use. I promise you that as you're confused, your skin is confused too. You don't need to buy all the products in the world before it shows that you're taking care of your skin. Most dermatologists don't have that much products. Less is more. Break free.

3. Hyperpigmentation is one of the most common skin concerns in black skin. This is because of the type of melanin we have, the size of the 'container' that stores our melanin..amongst other factors. Even amongst black people, we pigment in different ways, and some develop hyperpigmentation more rapidly than others.

When treating hyperpigmentation, use different products such as tranexamic acid, azelaic acid, niacinamide, retinoid in combination and then ENSURE you're using your sunscreen correctly (every 3 hours till 5pm). Without that, you're going to end up with more hyperpigmentation. Did you also know that we use hydroquinone medically for hyperpigmentation? I see a lot of patients getting ahold of it and using it the wrong way without a doctor's prescription. They usually present when they've ended up with rebound hyperpigmentation as shown in this picture called exogenous onchronosis...Don't do it. We are not magicians Remember to be patient and consistent. If you want faster results, get procedures like chemical peels or microneedling done by your Dermatologist or aesthetician.

4. Using triple action creams to treat vaginal candidiasis (thrush) or any other thing for that matter in the ge***al area. I promise you, it will end in more thrush and more infections. Check out my thread on triple action creams to learn more about the side effects of using triple action creams.

5. Thinking that you can only get s*xually transmitted infections (STIs) from penetrative in*******se. I have seen a lot of cases where patients think like this and they present with STIs. It is not just penetrative s*x. At all times, practice safe s*x especially using condoms CONSISTENTLY and CORRECTLY. Consistently- Every single time
Correctly- On an erect p***s and not to be reused.

6. Not being patient when it comes to skin diseases. Majority of skin diseases are chronic. Time and patience is required. Don't fall into the wrong hands. See a dermatologist early so that you get respite on time. Be patient with the process and stop going from one treatment to the other in 1 week

7. Doing all the extras and forgetting the basic steps - Cleanse your skin of dirt with a pH balanced cleanser, moisturise with an appropriate moisturiser for your skin type, and using a sunscreen with SPF of between 30 to 50. Without these 3, you're not doing right.

Remember, it is very easy to care for the skin, repairing that damage may take years. The dermatologist does not possess a magic wand to make it all go away. That patience you did not have then, you'll be forced to have it when the damage occurs. Resist all temptation to get carried away by trends.


There's something for everyone and not just the doctors! With the way social media is filled with a lot of information about skincare, many are confused now and a lot are doing all the wrong things. I have been educating about the skin on social media for years, but this time...this is a live class on how best to care for your specific skin type, the products to use, the common issues that can arise with each skin type and how best to manage them.

Why should you register for this live class coming up on the 25th of May by 5pm? Because I am a dermatologist who is going to give you all the right information!
Click on the link in bio to take advantage of the early bird fees. See you in class!

The link to register is in the comments section..


I have been teaching dermatology online for over two years. I realised that a lot of doctors have deficient knowledge in dermatology, yet patients with skin diseases present often to their practice. I have created this live course specifically for doctors in both private & public practice to learn about the most common skin conditions they're likely to encounter.

This live course will take place in about two weeks on the 28th of May starting 4pm. Register in the first week to take advantage of the early bird fee.

Can't wait to have you in class! Promises to be exciting, educating and fun at the same time.

Click the link below in comments section to register....


Dermatosis Papulosa Nigras which most people call skin tags. Cause is not known, but related to genetic and environmental factors as explained. My brother and I used to have DPNS, but I took them out. Perks of being related to a dermatologist. My sister is on my neck to take hers out too.
We got it from our dad.
Creams do not treat DPNs
Don't let anyone take your money.


I have performed my civic duty. Have you done yours?
Sunscreen ✔️
Water ✔️
Ijekuje check ✔️
Sunshade ✔️ ✔️

Add your wide brim hat if you have one. Make sure you stay in the shade as much as possible.

May whoever wins this election bring peace, prosperity, and good tidings to our country, Nigeria. 🙏


Your pr***en and adolescent child is having acne, but your response is, "It's one of those things joo. Don't worry yourself! It is just 'ordinary' acne."
Watch it! Nothing is ordinary about acne. It can erode their self esteem and can cause significant complications. Do something about it.

Be like my son who told his dermatologist mum - "Why me? The son of a dermatologist having acne??"
His dermatologist mum told him, "acne does not even respect dermatologist's children or even dermatologists themselves." Lucky him, because his mum knows the language acne understands.

Want to know how to manage acne in pr***ens and adolescents?

Watch this video...

Book a dermatologist appointment if there is no improvement.


Are you having your company quarterly retreat or annual meeting soon? How much do you know the largest organ in the body - your skin? Everyone wants healthy glowing skin, but they're getting the information on how to achieve that from the wrong people. Why not send that email to [email protected] for me to speak physically or virtually at your next meeting about how to care for your skin and how best to achieve healthy skin.

I'll be waiting....


Let's talk about Chicken pox! Caused by Varicella zoster virus and it is an infection more common in children less than 12 years old. It is usually a mild infection that will run its course and the rash evolves rapidly. Not unusual to go to bed with two and wake up with multiple crops of the rash.

Manage symptomatically, as explained in the video. It is more worrisome in children greater than 12 years and in adults.

Did you know that the virus that causes chicken pox finds a way to 'hide' in the system and can be reactivated later as Herpes zoster? Now you know! Google Herpes Zoster and let me know what you find.

Ensure liberal hydration apart from the other things mentioned. Do NOT scrub the skin and do NOT rupture the vesicles. Do away with the sponge. It increases the risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.


Hyperpigmentation is one of the most common skin concerns in black skin. This is because of the type of melanin we have, the size of the 'container' that stores our melanin..amongst other factors. Even amongst black people, we pigment in different ways, and some develop hyperpigmentation more rapidly than others.

When treating hyperpigmentation, use different products such as tranexamic acid, azelaic acid, niacinamide, retinoid in combination and then ENSURE you're using your sunscreen correctly. Without that, you're going to end up with more hyperpigmentation. Remember to be patient and consistent. If you want faster results, get procedures like chemical peels done by your Dermatologist or aesthetician.

Remember that you can book an appointment through this link


That season is here again! Where people start to look ashy. What can you do to ensure your skin looks good in harmattan?
Some extras- Soak your feet in warm water at night with some coconut oil and a wash like Dove. Then gently scrape off the excess scales. Then moisturise like I explained in the video.

Watch this video!

Happy new year people!This new year...we would be more deliberate about our skincare starting with the basics firstClean...

Happy new year people!

This new year...we would be more deliberate about our skincare starting with the basics first

Cleanse...Moisturise...Sunscreen...Then add a retinoid or retinol

Somebody say Amen?

The skin you have in your latter years, is highly dependent on how you treat the skin in the former years. K.I.S.S - Keep it simple, stupid.

How you know you're in Lagos? When there's mad traffic at night on a Sunday and people are cussing each other's 'iyalaya...

How you know you're in Lagos? When there's mad traffic at night on a Sunday and people are cussing each other's 'iyalaya' on the road.
Have you booked your slot for the pop up d dermatology clinic at Next Haematology Medicare?

Call this no 09125608273 to book an appointment for consultation and procedures or book via this link

9am to 5pm on 19th to 22nd
9am to 12pm on 23rd

See you there!

I took this picture from Dr. Corey Hartman to buttress a point that I've mentioned before. We will ALL age. No matter ho...

I took this picture from Dr. Corey Hartman to buttress a point that I've mentioned before. We will ALL age. No matter how much preventive botox or enhancement surgeries we do. It is only a matter of time before nature takes its toll on us. Aging gracefully, is what really matters. The dopamine that comes from getting aesthetic procedures is one that must be controlled before addiction sets in.

As a dermatologist, I love aesthetics too. I believe in fixing things (that can be fixed) and making people look even more beautiful. However, there is a thin line between aesthetics and addiction. Be careful that you don't cross that line. There are some things that cannot be reversed, no matter how much you regret it. Even if it can be reversed, it will cost much more, and you may not be able to afford it.

Genetics play a huge role in the skin type we have, and how people age. Before you start swallowing those supplements, before you start wasting your time doing those 'ojuju' baths, remember the role of genetics.
Do your research well before you go for any procedure. "I didn't know that complication can occur," is no longer an excuse especially if you signed an informed consent form.

I tell my patients to have an accountability partner once they start getting aesthetic procedures. Someone that will tell them when they're becoming unrealistic or going overboard and they start having grandiose expectations.
Dermatologist please- Not a descendant of Prof Peller. There's a limit to what we can, and should do.

Let me end this with a line from one of my favorite poems 'Desiderata' by Max Ehrmann.
"Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth."
We will all age at the end of the day. Aging gracefully is what matters.

Cleanse, Moisturise and Sunscreen. Don't forget those three basic steps. Next thing you should add, is a retinoid or over the counter retinol - The best topical antiwrinkle or anti ageing agent. Then other things can follow.
The dermatologist is warning you now o. A word is enough for the discerning wise.


We've neglected dry skin for too long! All the tips you need! Remember, intensive moisturising is the most important skin care tip for dry skin. Use a cream or ointment, not a lotion, and the trick is to do the moisturising while the skin is still damp. Discard the sponge, and don't 'sleep' in the bathroom. Scrubbing the skin vigorously strips it off the hydration.


Lagos, are you ready? The first pop up dermatology clinic by Skinandall is coming up in Lagos at Next Hematology Medicare at No 34, Curtis Adeniyi Jones Close, Surulere, Lagos.

Taking it back to where it all started from. I will be there to address your skin, hair, scalp and nail concerns. Procedures such as dermatologic surgeries and aesthetic procedures will also be carried out. From 9am to 5pm on 19th to 22nd, and from 9am to 12pm on the 23rd.

Limited slots available! Book your slots for consultation and procedures by clicking on this link.

If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected] with the title Lagos pop up clinic

Let's have a discussion on Instagram live tomorrow by 7.30pm. Let's talk about some of the reasons why people are bleach...

Let's have a discussion on Instagram live tomorrow by 7.30pm.
Let's talk about some of the reasons why people are bleaching..or not - A dermatologist's perspective.
With some tips on skincare
Skinandall_ IG live tomorrow. See you there!

Long term effect of using triple action creams.There are more adverse effects.The person in this picture is less than 20...

Long term effect of using triple action creams.There are more adverse effects.The person in this picture is less than 20. It will take years to repair this damage, and the skin may not even go back to predamage state. Easy to take care of the skin, easy to damage. You choose one.


3 things about the skin...I'll be doing a lot of 3s in my videos..whether about the skin, or on other important things I'm discussing.

Once they tell you about the magic cream that will take acne away forever, just run. For most people with adolescent acne, it will resolve after some time. Adult acne in p
Why not head to my YouTube Skinandall to see more. Adult acne tends to be more difficult to treat than adolescent acne, but the right products and procedures help.

Hyperpigmentation refers to having darker areas of skin tone than your normal skin. It may be localised in an area, or be more extensive. It may follow a primary skin issue which we call post inflammatory hyperpigmentation or it may be the primary skin issue itself such as in Melasma. If you're using all the vitamin C, azelaic acid, niacinamide, retinoid amongst others without using a sunscreen, that is tantamount to time wasting.

Finally, keloids are scars that may grow to incredible sizes and even with treatment, about 50% of keloids recur. The cause is not known but genetic factors play a huge role. It is more common in blacks. Combination treatment gives better results. Keloids are so naughty, because spontaneous ones can occur even without any noticeable injury.

Video shot by


Stop taking shortcuts when it comes to the skin..You end up with more than you bargained for most times. You'll spend more and it will take longer for the condition to be managed. Listen to your dermatologist!


Let's talk about stretch marks today!

What does 'afowofa' mean? - Using your hand to 'do' yourself.

There's no cream out there that 'magically' removes stretch marks.

I should do an Instagram live soon. Shall I? Should I? Will I? Lol

Listen to your dermatologist!



What to do if you're reacting to a skincare product? It doesn't mean the product is bad, it just means it is not agreeable with your own skin. Never forget the basics before anything else. Book an appointment with your dermatologist if it doesn't improve with the steps outlined. Be patient with your skin. Most times, we get into trouble because we're impatient. Listen to your dermatologist...


Is it Shaki? Or abodi? Or goat meat?

EVERYTHING about this video is all wrong!!
It will take patience, money and time to repair the damage that face has gone through.


I am team light skin. I am team dark skin. What body cream am I supposed to be using? Is there really a specific cream for light or dark skin. Not really. Never forget the three basic steps. Cleanse - Moisturise - Sunscreen. Stay away from creams that will bleach your skin. The side effects are numerous especially with heavy chemicals like Mercury which can get absorbed and is implicated in renal failure.

Black skin is also really prone to abnormal pigmentation. I had a patient recently who decided to use the 'organic cream' her friend was using because she was seeing the glow. It almost ended with damaged skin - but she was smart enough to stop it in good time. Some are not so lucky. Remember, it is VERY easy to damage the skin. Repairing it may take years and it may not even go back to normal.
Some of these creams also don't write their contents anymore, please be careful out there.
We are all beautiful in our different shades. Half of beauty, is in the confidence. Love the skin that you have.


No dey whine Dr. Gold. Don't stress me plix.
Anything done in a hurry, almost never ends well. Don't get procedures done a week to your wedding. Make it a deliberate journey instead. Be careful with those out there with grandiose claims of what they can do for your skin. Listen to your dermatologist!


Acne is a chronic disorder of the pilosebaceous unit- that unit that is made up of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland that produces sebum (oil) on the skin. Genetic and environmental factors are involved. It is manageable rather than curable, although most patients with adolescent acne will get 'cured' after the adolescent period except for those that progress to adult acne.

Your morning routine should contain a cleanser like salicylic acid or 5% benzoyl peroxide wash. Don't leave on your face for more than a minute while cleaning. Apply an on the spot treatment like 2.5% or 5% benzoyl peroxide cream on the pimples ONLY.

Then remember to moisturize. That is a vital step that a lot miss out and you'll dry out your skin excessively. Cerave face lotion for oily skin or neutrogena Hydro boost moisturizer are good choices. Next comes your sunscreen- La Roche posay, Neutrogena Hydro boost and Revox sunscreens are great for oily skin. That's all for morning. Ensure you have like a minute in between application of products.

At night, wash with Dove moisturising soap or Cerave face cleanser for oily skin. Then ensure your face is dry before applying a prescription retinoid ALL over the face like 0.05% tretinoin cream. Start with alternate nights to reduce chances of skin irritation, then increase gradually to every night. Even when the acne is all gone, DON'T stop the tretinoin cream at night. Helps keep acne in check. Do procedures like chemical peels to help with post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. To watch a more comprehensive video, check out my YouTube channel skinandall. All questions answered!

Don't ask me any more questions about acne oo.


Stop mixing triple action creams with our children's body cream! Triple action creams have no use whatsoever. Leave innocent shea butter alone and stop mixing things with it! If you insist on damaging your own skin, leave our children's skin alone!





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