WSJ Noted

WSJ Noted A new take on the news from The Wall Street Journal, aimed at people aged between 18 and 34.

The way you present yourself is often the first impression you make with a hiring manager, so it's important to make an ...

The way you present yourself is often the first impression you make with a hiring manager, so it's important to make an effort. “When done right, your look isn’t the first thing your prospective employer notices,” says Dena Giannini, the style director for British Vogue. “They just notice that you are polished and possess an air of quiet confidence.”

Try these tips to make sure your interviewer is focused on what you're saying, not what you're wearing.

Keep it classic, clean and comfortable so the focus remains on what you are saying, not what you are wearing.

Whether you are working remotely, from an office or picking up part-time gig work and odd jobs, it is crucial to network...

Whether you are working remotely, from an office or picking up part-time gig work and odd jobs, it is crucial to network so you can forge and strengthen relationships with your colleagues.

It is not just senior staff who can help you advance in your career. Your peers and junior colleagues can also become helpful contacts and give you some insight into the avenues you do and don’t want to pursue professionally.

Here are some techniques you can use to make the most of your working relationships.

Keep an open mind and make the most of technology to build connections in person or remotely.

You may only have roughly seven seconds to make an impression with your résumé. Shaking up the format could help if you’...

You may only have roughly seven seconds to make an impression with your résumé. Shaking up the format could help if you’re struggling to get callbacks.

While it is most common to order your résumé chronologically, there are other formats that could be more suitable to showcase your skills and suitability for a role, particularly if you don’t have much work experience.

Here's how to format your résumé to play up your strengths.

By switching up your résumé format, you can highlight what is most relevant to the job you are applying for

Ever been rejected off the bat for a job you thought you had the perfect background and credentials for? Your résumé m...

Ever been rejected off the bat for a job you thought you had the perfect background and credentials for? Your résumé might have failed the robot test. 🤖⁠

Employers increasingly rely on software to sort through applicants, which is why it’s essential to tailor your résumé to ensure it makes the cut. ⁠

Here's what to do, and what not to do, to get your application past the robots and in front of hiring managers.

Make sure your résumé gets past the robots and in front of hiring managers with these pointers.

WSJ Noted reporter Allison Pohle has edited hundreds of cover letters for her family members, friends and acquaintances....

WSJ Noted reporter Allison Pohle has edited hundreds of cover letters for her family members, friends and acquaintances. They often ask her whether spending time writing one is worth the effort, in the belief that it won't be read. It absolutely is worth the effort, she writes.⁠

What's more, it pays off to write a custom cover letter for each job you apply to. "It may seem easier to use a form letter and swap out the company and job title, but hiring managers will be able to see right through you," she writes.⁠

Here are some tips from experts—and Allison's own playbook—for writing a compelling cover letter.

Craft an original cover letter for each job, and be specific about how your experience meets the role's requirements.

Job interviews can be nerve-racking, but doing your homework and preparing for tough questions will set you up to do you...

Job interviews can be nerve-racking, but doing your homework and preparing for tough questions will set you up to do your best.

Make sure you can convey how your skills and experience help you meet each of the job requirements and have some examples ready.

You can also make a list of anything in your background or résumé that makes you feel nervous and prepare explanations for gaps in your experience.

Here are some tips to prepare for your next job interview.

When you finally land that interview, here’s how to set yourself up for success.

Fewer students have applied to colleges for undergraduate programs or filled out federal financial-aid forms compared wi...

Fewer students have applied to colleges for undergraduate programs or filled out federal financial-aid forms compared with a year ago, amid uncertainty created by the Covid-19 pandemic. ⁠

The decline is happening among those who need extra support to get through the application process or even picture themselves on a campus.⁠

Meanwhile some people at the midcareer level are deciding to go back to school while they sit out a tough job market and use this time to gain credentials.

The pandemic is affecting two groups of prospective students differently

Building a network is vital for your career, whether you are looking to take the next step, change industries or build y...

Building a network is vital for your career, whether you are looking to take the next step, change industries or build your personal brand. ⁠

Networking can feel intimidating at any age or stage of life, but overcoming jitters can lead to productive and lasting professional relationships. So don’t be afraid to send that email! But when you do meet, think about what you can offer. A good professional relationship, whether with a mentor or peer, should be reciprocal.

Conquering your doubts and doing your homework can help you make productive and lasting professional connections.

Trying to decide where to focus your job hunting efforts online can be overwhelming. Picking the right job boards can he...

Trying to decide where to focus your job hunting efforts online can be overwhelming. Picking the right job boards can help you to hone your search and find the resources you need.

Building relationships can also play a huge role—from networking to joining professional organizations in your job sector. Read more about how to kick-start your search in the first of a series of guides we are producing to answer any questions you may have about getting a job and developing your career.

What techniques have worked for you while searching for a job? And what would you recommend avoiding? Share your experiences in the comments. ⬇️

Searching online postings isn't the only way to find vacancies; building professional relationships can play a huge role.

Meet our latest cohort of WSJ Noted Advisers! ⁠⁠The WSJ Noted Adviser network is a community that provides an important ...

Meet our latest cohort of WSJ Noted Advisers! ⁠

The WSJ Noted Adviser network is a community that provides an important connection between WSJ Noted and younger audiences across the country.

We introduce you here to our latest group of featured advisers. We’re so excited to have them on board! ⁠

If you’d like to be a part of our extended community, where you can get career-related insights from our staff and other young professionals, as well as articles, videos, access to events and more, join our network on LinkedIn. ➡️

The WSJ Noted Advisers are part of a network of 18-34 year olds across the U.S.

As the pandemic has confined many people to their homes, more renters are moving out of cities and into suburbia, where ...

As the pandemic has confined many people to their homes, more renters are moving out of cities and into suburbia, where they can get more bang for their buck

City-dwellers that once fueled the urbanization trend are opting for spacious apartments and outdoor space further out.

These are the 10 most sustainably managed companies in the world. A new ranking by The Wall Street Journal considered co...

These are the 10 most sustainably managed companies in the world. A new ranking by The Wall Street Journal considered companies' management of environmental, employee, workplace and social issues, as well as business models and innovation

The global rankings take into account a range of sustainability metrics.

The world’s top cryptographers are competing to develop algorithms that can withstand attacks from an ultrafast quantum ...

The world’s top cryptographers are competing to develop algorithms that can withstand attacks from an ultrafast quantum computer

Entrants were asked to design encryption algorithms that they think could withstand a cyberattack from a quantum computer.

Rosa Clemente, a public speaker and activist, says she was scheduled to speak at the National Credit Union Administratio...

Rosa Clemente, a public speaker and activist, says she was scheduled to speak at the National Credit Union Administration last week. Less than 24 hours before the talk, she got word that her presentation would be canceled after the staff reviewed her PowerPoint presentation, which she said made references to “white supremacy” and “racial capitalism.”⁠

It comes as federal agencies and companies with federal contracts try to understand a White House directive to limit racial-sensitivity training. Some are putting diversity training programs on hold or canceling scheduled events.

President Trump's directive to limit racial sensitivity training has caused confusion among some government agencies and companies with federal contracts

As the national conversation in schools around race brews, one school superintendent is giving students from marginalize...

As the national conversation in schools around race brews, one school superintendent is giving students from marginalized groups first priority for in-person learning, among other antiracism programs

Priority in-person learning seats for students from marginalized groups and antiracist training for teachers are among measures being taken.

State-mandated shutdowns due to the pandemic have hampered voter registration efforts. City and civic-engagement groups ...

State-mandated shutdowns due to the pandemic have hampered voter registration efforts. City and civic-engagement groups are seeking to make up the difference with initiatives aimed at 18-29 year-olds

More than 430,000 young eligible voters have yet to sign up to vote.

President Trump halted talks with Democrats about a Covid-19 stimulus package earlier this week, instead pushing for ind...

President Trump halted talks with Democrats about a Covid-19 stimulus package earlier this week, instead pushing for individual relief bills, including aid for airlines and another round of direct stimulus checks to many U.S. households. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has signaled she wouldn’t support a stand-alone airline relief bill without a broader coronavirus aid package.

After halting stimulus talks, President Trump called on Congress to pass individual coronavirus relief measures, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pushed back.

What happens when a city sends $500 a month to 125 randomly selected households in low-income neighborhoods?⁠⁠“What we f...

What happens when a city sends $500 a month to 125 randomly selected households in low-income neighborhoods?⁠

“What we found is that you can trust people to make good decisions,” says Michael Tubbs, the 30-year-old mayor of Stockton, Calif., which has been running the civic experiment since last year. The funding has given recipients extra support during the pandemic and helped many to pay for food and utilities.⁠

Read more about the cities advocating for a nationwide guaranteed income on WSJ Noted.

Recipients are thought to be using the money for necessities but critics have concerns

“This isn’t Black Lives Matter spirit week. This work is a long journey,” says creative consultant and activist Deon Jon...

“This isn’t Black Lives Matter spirit week. This work is a long journey,” says creative consultant and activist Deon Jones.

Jones told WSJ Noted about the pivotal moments that have shaped his activism, including his childhood in the deep South, finding a legendary mentor and his time spent campaigning.

Deon Jones traces the origins of his activism to a heavy police presence in his high school and living in Washington, D.C., during Barack Obama's presidency

As classes have gone remote this fall, students are missing out on clubs and activities.⁠⁠⠀Follow the story of this Geor...

As classes have gone remote this fall, students are missing out on clubs and activities.⁠
Follow the story of this Georgia State University Super Smash Bros. club and discover the integral role it has played in its members' lives.⁠

"I’m just going to miss the sense of community you had in college where it’s like you can see these people on a regular basis," says senior Devang Patel.

What dozens of students built at a weekly Super Smash Bros. tournament—and what they left behind

In an effort to promote racial equality, Harvard Business School said it would boost its enrollment of Black students in...

In an effort to promote racial equality, Harvard Business School said it would boost its enrollment of Black students in future classes, hire a chief diversity officer and recruit more Black faculty and staff.

The school, which has acknowledged past missteps involving race, plans to build more issues of diversity into its case-study method of teaching. It also said it would make conversations about race a higher priority in its curriculum.

The school has acknowledged past missteps involving race and said it would recruit more Black students and faculty.

Some colleges have multibillion-dollar endowments, so why can't they dip into them to cover the costs of providing servi...

Some colleges have multibillion-dollar endowments, so why can't they dip into them to cover the costs of providing services that students can't use during the pandemic?⁠⠀

We asked Liz Clark, vice president of policy and research at the National Association of College and University Business Officers, to explain.

As college students negotiate increased fees for often restricted experiences, some are asking why schools aren't stepping in to cover the costs.

College students who have received their bills for the fall semester are frustrated because they're being asked to pay f...

College students who have received their bills for the fall semester are frustrated because they're being asked to pay for amenities they won't benefit from. From $499 athletics fees—even though sports have been suspended—to $97.50 charges for recreation facilities that are closed, many don't feel they are getting their money's worth.⁠⠀
As classes go remote and clubs are canceled, the pandemic is making some students question what exactly they're paying for and why it's still so pricey.

Remote learning, canceled clubs and limited access to on-campus amenities are generating debate about the cost and value of higher education.

Is it possible to have safe s*x during the pandemic? The potential of catching and spreading Covid-19 has added a layer ...

Is it possible to have safe s*x during the pandemic? The potential of catching and spreading Covid-19 has added a layer of health concerns, and raised many questions, when it comes to physical intimacy.

The chance of catching and spreading Covid-19 has added a layer of health concerns, and many questions, when it comes to s*xual intimacy.

As colleges take precautions to protect students’ health on campus during the Covid-19 pandemic, the issue of s*x has be...

As colleges take precautions to protect students’ health on campus during the Covid-19 pandemic, the issue of s*x has been less of a priority.

"Obviously some people will be having s*x," says Anna Greer, a sophomore at the University of Southern California. Since many students on campuses are required to sign codes of conduct agreeing to socially distance from others, that can pose a dilemma.

Schools across the country are trying to provide clarity around safe s*x practices in the Covid-19 era, as students return to campus.

In the latest edition of “Taking Note,” an evolving photo series about life during the coronavirus pandemic, New York Ci...

In the latest edition of “Taking Note,” an evolving photo series about life during the coronavirus pandemic, New York City native and Noted. reporter captured the return of streetball. ⁠⠀
Over the past several months, the barren basketball backboards in courts across New York have been an odd sight to behold. But phase three of the city's reopening brought the rims back, and with them, an essential part of New York's summertime culture.⁠⠀
You can see the full photo essay at our .

Tomorrow is the final day to file your taxes with the IRS. No matter how stressed or financially stretched you are this ...

Tomorrow is the final day to file your taxes with the IRS.

No matter how stressed or financially stretched you are this year, it's better to file your tax forms even if you can't pay your bill. Not doing so will only make a difficult situation worse, as the IRS is the most powerful creditor in the nation.

The IRS does have programs and other measures for taxpayers who can’t pay what they owe. But for people using them for the first time, they can be confusing and difficult to navigate.

Head to our to learn what steps you can take and what pitfalls you can avoid in this extraordinary tax year.

The pandemic has made many people painfully aware that their jobs don’t allow for social distance. While many white-coll...

The pandemic has made many people painfully aware that their jobs don’t allow for social distance. While many white-collar workers are not required to be in close proximity to others, about one in three Americans have jobs demand close proximity, according to an analysis of Labor Department data. ⁠⠀
Of these jobs, cashiers and social workers can maintain the greatest distance; health care professionals and hairdressers, among others, have jobs that require the most physical contact.⁠⠀
Only 50% of workers under the age of 25 have jobs that allow for social distance, in contrast to two-thirds of older workers. This is largely because most jobs that allow for social distancing and are available to people under 25 require college degrees. This means that as young people transition from school to the workforce, the pandemic has forced many to choose between their livelihood and risking their well-being.⁠⠀
You can read more about 's investigation into how age and race impacts one’s ability to have a career that permits socially distancing at our .

The killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis has sparked mass protests against racism and police brutality acros...

The killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis has sparked mass protests against racism and police brutality across the globe, with daily vigils and marches in New York City. Our reporter took these photos on May 31, in Lower Manhattan, a couple of days before the city imposed a nighttime curfew. To see more, check out this week’s installment of Taking Note at our .


Over the last couple of months, we interviewed more than 100 young people about who they were before the pandemic, what happened to them when the pandemic struck, and where they find themselves now.

We wanted to understand how the pandemic has affected younger people at this formative time of their lives, just as financial downturns, war and other major events colored the lives of prior generations.

We chose eight lives to follow closely. You can read their stories at our .



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