The live as a grandmother after husband passes away.

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The live as a grandmother after husband passes away. this is a true and honest account of police misconduct discrimination burtality which is so horrific


Well seems like that as long as you where a badge or related to some one that does gives you a license to lie cheat and just down right make up a story to get the other person who ever they may be mad at jealous or they just won't to bully who ever it might be at that time . They are aloud to do it and some times that person that is not even quillty but ends up paying a fine .That is the lucky one that just get off with a fine the rest of there victoms find there selfs behind bars and there whole life left in shambles and have been tormented so severally that they will never be the same again and the emotional scars that have been inflicted will never heal no will they ever trust what gives the sheriff office and it's officers or city county state police the right to inflicted that kind of damage to any one .and what has our justice system come too. How have they turned there oath from serve and pertect us to causing us pain .While we the tax payers pay there wages .why would we pay them to inflect pain on the incentives .and help the quilty ones ..


Besides that witch of them has accomplished any thing in the last six years after lieing robbing ra**ng me and what do they have to show for it .


That's the only way I have endured the abuse from these people.And why the promise of his word makes me smile today for there punishment is far worse than any judge could ever sentence me too.


He had hair like wool, skin like brass (Revelation 1:14-16). I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? Fine, I'm not one to judge, because I'm not the judge. Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our believing in Jesus bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? Fine. How does that affect you? If you're wrong, your consequence is far worse. I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late. There's no shame in my game! I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father (Matthew 10:33-35). HE'S COMING BACK...Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. His name is Jesus!

If you're not ashamed copy to your page.
I Am Not Ashamed!


Well I have decided until it happens to them .no one will ever take the time to read this or sign the page to make a real investigation of dirty fu***ng pigs pay for the crimes to they commit àginst others. But it goes on swept under the carpet while they get away with r**e murder asult grantheft burgerly grand larceny and tapering with evidence black mail forgery and making false reports .just to take land bank accounts and anything to keep some ones land for city county.when ever they can make money for them selfs and family members all the whole Poisoning us with drugs they put back out on street and dumping millions of waste water from sewer plant into the reogrand river so every one that gets there water from it that lives south of Albuquerque gets contaminated water .but keeping it Quiet and trying to cover it up but I was eye witness to where they have the pipes at like letting water out of a damn to keep it from flooding .both sides of the river six on both sides of the banks.yes they do and did it .


Well nothing has changed dirty pigs still getting away with all there illegal bull s**t judge still hoping it isn't all uncovered from murder to. burglary grand larceny.r**e invasion of privacy tamping with evidence and that is just on my case just how many have they really done this too cause I know I am not the only one that had property there and sure didn't own the most so just how many have the done this to just to get that county land for free the cars trucks land and houses that's worse than any of the criminals in prison ex cept the child molesters and killers they use there badge to rob r**e murder kidnap and get the judge to help them the planning zoning and every office in between.and unlike the rest get promoted # for doing it. While the tax payer foots the bill for there cars there houses and all there furniture probably came from there victims like mine and they get to choose the best of the best. Wish it was that simple for all the rest of the poor no matter what color city or state they live in but not one of us would get away with any of this.


Well another year all most gone yet these people still laugh about the crimes they we aloud to do and get a way with the tourcher is still there every day but it is harder for them to do because they can only say those things and not send there flunkies to act it out where ever I am at because leave at least 350.00 miles away from them and all my grandsons are here .And I know when there sick hurt of in trouble at school or at home.All except the one they murdered and there is not a day that I don't miss him and Ask God how could this be what he wanted for my grandson.A little boy that didnt get to live his life because I was blind to the bastoreds lies and fake. Ass s**t and that the scars they left on me and my family will never heal we work. And I have pulled my self back up from the hell they put me .but hat cost me more than money could ever buy.


If trust gets you killed and love gets you hurt and being real gets you hated and honesty gets you laughed at by the whole city.then why the f**k are the fake f**ks .still running there mouths about how real they are. Just asking just trying to figure out how the real can get to the top like the fake.thats all.


If the truth of it all seems to be very well hid to most unless you are one of there victims .but for the government testing and using abusing and hovering up of there transzrecivers that have been planted in unexpected people I do believe that is why there are so many more mass shooting in this country.all because we had some thing that city county or federal government wonted that they used every means at there disposal to truamatize mentally abuse us verbally abuse and even fisical abuse at the hands of nursing staff sheriff's office and even the cos from mdc neighbors and mister romero's in laws step children county commissars courts judge D A even to the point of my p***c defender .was set up all the way for them to rob stele kill for what I had and what I witnessed that januraru of 2015 yes that is really the tip of it all it really started the second Wednesday of October 2013.

Well nowa set of good tires and my fun can start and can't wait to see which one of the haters run the fastest

Well nowa set of good tires and my fun can start and can't wait to see which one of the haters run the fastest


Red white and blue danm you really to stupid that you didn't know the colors of flag that's some funny s**t there so how's your cook doing thease days


Oh by the way did the fu***ng fonacator that thought it was funny to jack off in people's ice cream ever die yet or you still sucking on his dick. Just wondering ha ha see you in hell


But the funny thing how did you like my leave in condusiner Ahslly Adriona Helen biggie now it had Nair in it by the way now we know why you only had enough hair to make you look like it was duck tail in pony tail that's some funny s**t .good ridence


To badtheydont have real balls to come see me now and try play there games over here. Where I am at and they don't know ant one.chicken s**ts.


It's seems funny that all or most of the numbers that call thease days are nonworking numbers when you try to call them back or you get text from the same names Like Archy Romero that isn't even his name or the same bitch that does all the phone celisting has the same voice butcalls from New Mexico Florida Airzona and God only knows where eles that person has called from .but they can't seem to be able to up set you any more how hard do they try and make up better lies to try and get you up set f**k the haters glad I must be doing things right cause I know I have more going for me than they must have and that's why they try bring me down .F**k Off all ready s**t your lives must be really badsorry for your bad luck but mine good ha ha you did me thebigest favor ever and to stupid to even realize it.

Well to day was one of the best days I have had sence this all started it n 2013 because this started from the first day...

Well to day was one of the best days I have had sence this all started it n 2013 because this started from the first day they robed my house that Wendesday in October while I was at work Then the bitch that was suppose to relive me at three was two hours late and before any one else's new about it see mentioned it to me as if she was wondering why me or my husband said any thing so that means she there in the back ground in this too. Her name is Rosealy Gwin and was wonted by the police for not going to court on charges from Walmart for inbessiling and Mister Devan baild her out and would lock us out of the office in the after noons as soon as his father and mother would leave town to go back to India for 4 to five months of every year said that it was cause he didn't like the cold but I do beleave the truth to be his other wife's were still over there and he had no choice but to go untill they could bring them over here to this country for here they are not allowed to marry more than one but my husband was gulpable and beleaved Bobby Patel when he said that no he only had his one wife .or he new the truth and was losing to me about it the whole time after what he said to me 7 months before all this started and what I know now he is a lier that had no balls to stand up for what is right and good .I find him to be just like the others to be gang members or devil worshiping bastards. For any one to condone the treatmeant of a fellow man the way I and grandchildren were treated and for him to stand by while they murderd my oldest grandson knowing what that little boy had been threw and how hard he had cought to live and be a boy is still beyond my comprehension but I guess the money they offered him meant more than I ever did .but what a lessen I have learned trust no one and if they say they love you spit in there face and walk away .for they love no one not even them selfs.


Well just been working and trying to get as much signitures on this page to were they have to bring these people to Justice for they are the ones in charge of keeping us safe and our personal property and they are even the ones that hold the crimaneals accountable yet so far they have committed r**e murder fisical vebale and mental abuse for the last six years and that's not including the grand larceny the violations of civil rights discrimination and tampering with evidence buragerly trasspasi get to robbery to auto theft and the assult of three small boys animal cruelty faleaving recoreds to imatating lawerys all with the help of the judge district comishiners water athourity planning and zoning and trible children perfective services and weren't even on Indian Land or reservation is that includes the federal government as well and thease are the kind of people that most would thank would be put in prisson in stead they are making the laws in which they broke so many of and we the tax payers are paying them to treat honest law abiding people this way for the county's and personal gain at the expence of us.

Well seems while the thief's and haters of the south valley of Albuquerq with the help of law infourcemeant think it's c...

Well seems while the thief's and haters of the south valley of Albuquerq with the help of law infourcemeant think it's cool to go Rob hide wills in the court system mean while trying to black mail there inacent victons that don't belong to the biker gang or south side locos after commiting every crime you can thank of and with there cuzins working of sheriff's department grandfather's from there mother's side being in law inforcemeant untill retired then there father working for country then retiring from that job and then becoming sheriff's deputty.and the judges appitet for under aged prostatitis. They thought because I was not from there and dis not know them I was easy pray .But it did not quite turn out the way they had it planed because if it would of I would be sitting behind bars for 18 and more years for crime there own officer commuted .and would be unable to tell the truth to any one mean while they mental tourcher me hoping I will kill my self or commit some mass shooting like so many of there over victons around the world have done but me I thank the lord of the strength he has giving me while they waste money of our tax payers tourcher some of us murder our loved ones and gave prespatirn hospitals administer some kind of drugs to us or maybe even the crona virus for there own amusement while I keep climbing back up the latter once again with honesty hard work and loyalty. For the ones I work for .and it sure is not no crupt law inforcemeant state government that thanks they are all above the law I say it is time we the American tax payers say enough and hold them a countable for the laws they breaker while the are in office whether it get government sheriff's judges city mayor's senators concress or comishiners why should they be aloud to break law that the rest of us would be sent to prission for and not face the same no one is above the law as so many of our president's seem to think they are look at nixion and every one that has held office sence him and truely see the cruption has just became away of live for most of them.


Well seems like every one around me thinks that it is cool to waste other's time with out giving a s**t about the pain it causes others then there lies there words of mental verbal abuse is the way we do things in our society.Thease days as long as the government pays there way with our hard earned money . How can any of the poor trust any polaticen for we have been lied to by every one of them sence this country was made.then to use children widows to tormit untill they kill some one or take there own lives. And to keep it up for 6 years is just unbelievable just so exploited one can! Exscape there hell at the cost of 14 year olds life and the life's of 6 more children and one adult and therefamuly pets keep sakes cloths and ant thing they can do to release any happy memories that all night of shared and be paid to do it.


Well back to the house on 1204 Lopez road you see theasr people have a long history of death surounding there family and i am not talking about people just dieing around them i am talking about murder.


Well what kind of people all these must be . From the judge county city and state offices .that seem to believe that none of the poor or low working class .have any rights of innocent until proven guilty or rights to say no to s*x .right to privacy or it is all right to take every thing the do own and give it to people they choose to let the bank still over 1 million from some one and as long as the split it with them they will get rewarded.then help there family members get as much dope as they won't from there bust and set the ones that still try to believe that domarcercy is still alive in this country.behind bars.and to shut them up to what they really saw that night .and who was the shooter in two of there cases.


Well didn't get to make it back to the seen of crime but will soon cause this year have two weeks and more of paid time off .and it will be better weather and warmer to move around in not so cold . In the places I have to walk for few blocks and these fools that are running there mouths keeping me awake every night trying to get me to kill my self or die of heartatac don't seem to be goinging any where sence can't get the official s to do any investigation on the judge the city offices or the sheriff's department or the compose the lorado or Romero family .that all live on the same street.and Mister won't a be big wig the Patel family and the terist budys.

Well looks like this coming week i will be back at the seen of the crime but this time the out come for them is going to...

Well looks like this coming week i will be back at the seen of the crime but this time the out come for them is going to be different and i wonder just how fast they can run but i bet it have 17 little friends that they can't out run and those car washes and laundry Matt's from Indian School to two brovoe all the way to 98th street aren't going to be the same agin after next week but let's see what the news will say then.


How could person find a transreciver and what freqancy they are using.would some one please help with that but I won't to make sure you are not affiliated with any of the gang members and dirty plgs that have done this to use the Americans as tarest. Saves them time and money if can cause mass shooting bombing and other things. All cause me and this man worked for them him over 34 years and me for seven but had no idea they were tarest and believed in selling there daughters to highest bidder for lousy goats and cows property with other things sometimes as early as 9 years old. Thanks Mister Robbery Joseph Anthony Romero.

Well not sure what it is but once again was in another car accident Friday after Thanksgiving this time car was driving ...

Well not sure what it is but once again was in another car accident Friday after Thanksgiving this time car was driving wrong way on highway it us going so fast that it spun him around and got his car cought on the one I was in where the recker couldn't even get them apart but toattled our car I didn't think I was hurt just jamed one of my fingers on back of passengers seat but now I think I might of got hurt a little more than I realize cause my shoulder and arm kind feel like I might of broke something so now having to get exrays and see what it is going to cost me I have insurance from work but why should I be out the money when it wasn't our fault that he was driving wrong way and so fast.

But there life's must be really miserable for they have to make mine like there's are for I have to work and here there ...

But there life's must be really miserable for they have to make mine like there's are for I have to work and here there s**t the whole time just wish some one would know who to complain to to get some one to help me bring them to justice before they make the war warld three breaker out or take all our rights away.So if you know where or who I can't turn them in to to bring them to justice for there crimes please let me know where do you turn to report the cops for crimes as r**e doctors lawyers and all of them. How can the owners of theses motels in Albuquerque condone there maintancee men to have peep wholes and to sit and watch others wife's darters as they underss not knowing that they are being whatched be the first pigs that r**ed me and had the hospital help them cover up how can there be so many willing to tell nothing but lies what did they really gain stupid bitch keeps saying some thing about bragging right of what how she got away with Robert of my juelery and computer really if I were you I would be ashamed of myself if I acted that way but then what do I expect out of those that do not believe in the father up above .those in the end will have nothing but he'll to look forward to for all eturnity for that promise was given to us all at the beginning of time and those promises are what keep me trying to prove there quilt for they shall not get away with doing it to someone ever are some pictures of the lieing bastard.and the motels they own.


Well the worst thing about it all is having to hear the fu***ng cowards talk s**t about me and not in person where I can defend my self not that it is needed because there is not one bit of truth any any thing they say or do talk about the biggest liers club is what this state seems to be not one honest cop have I ever met in over 55 years or politicens that were in volved have even lost a second of sleep knowing they helped r**e rob and murder a 14 year old boy that had just got a second chance at life .or do they even have any remorse for there actions but what I can't seem to find out is just who is in charge of the illeagel wire tapping and the gang members that are using transrecivers to toucher hold hostage and verbale abuse there test subjects witch happens to be the ones that stand up for what's right and wrong in this country in my case it happens to be the only white person in the whole cumnity and and out side to these people for I grew up in a state that believe in the rights of the Constitution but for most it is all about making there selfs richer while starving out the poor and helping to cause more mass shooting that take out more of the poor.

Well sence I can't seem to get any help from the law attorneys or get the federl government to investigate the sheriff's...

Well sence I can't seem to get any help from the law attorneys or get the federl government to investigate the sheriff's or no one seems to care about there rights any more and beleave that they can go into any ones house at any time take what they won't give the rest away take your well trained dog sell them all under fales pretense and to keep you shut up try to kill you asult you after giving you some kind of drug at hospital let man in to r**e you while thanking you won't remember cause of the drugs you were given by hospital staff even those they had no reason to take you to hospital just because you called the sheriff's department to file complaint on them for harrasment illeagel serch and taking of personal property. And never gave them any consent to give me any drugs or treatment.for I was not hurt or on any kind of drugs and had no reason to be at hospital.and had never called for ambulance. Just because I turned some of the deputys family members and the judges sister and daughters in for home burglary theft of car computer cell phones dogs clothes and more but here is just part of what they did before the trumatuzed me for over 9 months straight.all because this listing basterd and our exemployers and some of our excoworkers that had been fired for various reasons.but thease links just tell the wiorest of it.And how they had the whole cumnity help and how they treated me for being only s**t person in the cumnity.that was and is all Hispanic as well as being the only white woman at the motel were I and some of the others worked all long with losing bastard. So I still don't even know if my husband is really dead or he was in on this with them and the only way for me to find out truth is to order hand gun in his name to see what back ground check will revile to is the lieing bastard's picture. He is responsible for my oldest grandsons death and as just as much responsible of the other crimes as all the other s that were there stealing and robbing me at gun point knives. And pickup truck.


Icase you are new to this page I will send you the links so you can see just how the last to govinors spend our tax money to pay off top judges lawinforcemeant with the help of lawyers business men and woman city offices and more they will stop at nothing to get what they won't from murder r**e kid napping asult verbally mental tourcher grand laurcing child pornogeifee reassadenteal burglary distraction of preivit property fales statements receiving and transporting stolen property asult with intent to do great boddley harm with fire arm with Auto and with butcher knives. Harrasment police misconduct resulting in s*xaral assault by officer.Tabuel and his partner.denied right to justice.and with tribal cyfd.planning Zoning and so much more premetetated murder .purgery theft.intemadating of state wittiness and animal cruelty three accounts.

Isnt it funny that when they call and need my help I am all ways there know matter what it cost me but when you call and...

Isnt it funny that when they call and need my help I am all ways there know matter what it cost me but when you call and ask for help they laugh in your face .here I am stuck paying others light bill and can't even get any of them to give me a jump after there the ones that f**ked up van to start with me how nice.some things just don't change.


1068 Don Romero Drive




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