Well seems like that as long as you where a badge or related to some one that does gives you a license to lie cheat and just down right make up a story to get the other person who ever they may be mad at jealous or they just won't to bully who ever it might be at that time . They are aloud to do it and some times that person that is not even quillty but ends up paying a fine .That is the lucky one that just get off with a fine the rest of there victoms find there selfs behind bars and there whole life left in shambles and have been tormented so severally that they will never be the same again and the emotional scars that have been inflicted will never heal no will they ever trust agin.now what gives the sheriff office and it's officers or city county state police the right to inflicted that kind of damage to any one .and what has our justice system come too. How have they turned there oath from serve and pertect us to causing us pain .While we the tax payers pay there wages .why would we pay them to inflect pain on the incentives .and help the quilty ones ..