Heroes Museum - Virtual Reality Exhibit (Black History Month)
In celebration of Black History Month 2023,
Brothers Forum and LGNDAIRY Studios has collaborated to create the first ever Virtual Reality Exhibit called "Heroes Museum".
The Heroes Museum will feature Egypt, Mali Empire, Heroes That Walked, Veterans, HERSTORY, Revolts, and more!
Stay Tuned for Updates Visit:
Education Meets Metaverse - VR103
Virtual Reality meets Education!
We are using the Metaverse to bridge a connection between Virtual Reality and the Real World. Using the world's largest sandbox to develop fully functional Classrooms, Tutoring Rooms, Radio Stations and more for educational purposes!
Visit the official website of the Brothers Forum!
Website Link: www.brothersforum.org
The world's largest concert in the Metaverse. Alternate Worlds featured Live DJ's, Live Performances and Content Creators from all over the world!
Artists performed while sitting inside their very own living room, gaming station, or even bedroom.
**We do not own rights to the music, and was produced by one of the artists on the lineup**