All humans have emotions, even me. It’s part of life. Even though I know so much and I am a life coach, I still have feelings.
Yesterday was a day of disappointment. I let myself down. Expectations were not met and all the feelings came - frustration amidst sadness and a little grief. But it did not get to the level of darkness I have had in the past.
The feelings and emotions did not overtake me as they have in the past. Before when I would have a bad day… well, honestly, the bad days ran together and were not distinguishable as “days”.
Negative emotions would overcome me for weeks at a time.
But that was not the case this time!
I have learned processes and moved my spirit to a different place where I am stronger than my feelings. I still have them. They are necessary as part of human life. But they do not control me anymore.
I still watch with some awe, and complete gratitude, as I move through my feelings in hours now instead of weeks.
Hope returned with renewed confidence in my abilities, trust in my adjusted plan of action, and peace in my heart before the night had ended.
I’m going to be teaching some classes about how I turned my life around.
There are people out there who are where I used to be with a dark gloomy cloud hanging over you. It feels like trying to swim through thick peanut butter. Maybe not impossible, but not easy and not fun.
It doesn’t have to be that way. We can change the peanut butter experience to gliding through clear calm water. We still have to swim and sometimes it will be upstream, but it is easier and more enjoyable when it is water.
Knowing how to experience feelings in a different way supports my internal superpowers. I am better able to relate to others, find solutions to problems, and communicate. My relationship with myself is a happy one now and I am able to lead like I never could before.
Other side effects of learning to process/manage emotions and unleash your superpowers are clarity of thought, ability to make decisions quickly, and engaging others to cooperate more effectively.
This class is going to go deeper than my previous free classes so this one will have a small investment. I am more eager to get my clients results than ever before so it’s still going to be extremely affordable, only $27. If you want to upgrade to VIP and get extra time after the class and access to the replay it will be $7.
🌟 The Superpower Workshop Webinar is on the schedule 3 times for you to choose from:
📅 Thursday, April 18th at 11:00 AM 🕚 (Mountain Time)
📅 Wednesday, April 24th at 11:00 AM 🕚 (Mountain Time)
🌙 Wednesday, April 24th at 7:00 PM 🕖 (Mountain Time)
Please share the info with someone you think could benefit from attending, and leave a comment or DM me and I will send you the registration link of the time you prefer.