It's a brand new day - so, if you're a poet, why not think some positive thoughts and send us your best work for our submissions window?
We're looking for poets to publish in 2025 and we have to charge a relatively small reading fee (£10) for each submission. We've read some negative comments about this policy, so we'd like to take this opportunity to explain why we (like many other publishers) charge for submissions.
We are a small, independent non-profit publisher and receive no external funding. We offer our own time and expertise free of charge for the work we do at every stage of the process leading to publication.
However, there are naturally costs associated with publishing our chapbooks, principally: printing, proofs, cover design and hosting our website. The income we receive from reading fees, along with sales, simply allows us the chance to break even.
Hope this makes sense - as anyone who has worked with us can tell you, we are very conscientious, entirely professional and will read your submissions carefully.
We look forward to seeing a sample of your best work. This time next year, you could have a chapbook dedicated to your poetry on your shelf at home!
More details can be found here ...
This page describes the submissions window Dithering Chaps have opened on 1st July 2024. Poets can submit 10 pages of their poetry collection and we will shortlist our favourites, so that we can produce a publication schedule for 2025.