Mental health is the forefront for happiness.
If I could spread my wisdom and help even one person, that’s all I care about. You the reader.
I’ll be writing about these topics, not from an ‘expert’ standpoint (although I will reference scholarly sources) but for any add ins, giving my personal experiences and lessons learned.
-Mindfulness and Self Regulation
-Knowledge about the different mental illnesses
-Coping strategies
-Emotional Intelligence
I’m someone who normally dislikes drinking water due to the taste. (Yes, im talking about the tastelessness) I don’t drink nearly enough, and a gallon a day is a milestone I’m working on because drinking water:
1. Helps normalize blood pressure.
2. Cushions joints.
3. Increases your metabolism.
5. Fights fatigue.
6. Maintains fresh breath.
7. Helps your largest organ (your skin) detoxify.
Although these are known things, even writing this post I was refreshed with details I had kind of forgotten… For me, the journey to healthy living starts with just staying hydrated.