Dropped today. Season 3: Episode 2 Lucinda Canty on racism in institutions and birthing care. Content warning: Birth trauma and Negligence.
"In my study, there was one woman who actually thought she was gonna die. She had preeclampsia, they couldn't get her blood pressure down, but she says, you know, my nurses were on it. My doctor was on it.
Even when I went home, my doctor said, you know, any problem is a big problem. So if you, even, if you think it's small, I want you to call me, let me determine that. And that gave her strength. She had preeclampsia, she had a postpartum hemorrhage and then postpartum, she developed preeclampsia again, she was stable and then she had symptoms. But because of the comfort that she had with her provider, she called right away. And he was like, you have to come in, we need to see you. So we have to develop that relationship where if somebody needs help, they know that they can rely on us to help them and listen to them and care about the symptoms that they're talking about. It's just so important. "https://www.buzzsprout.com/1798765/10583162-season-3-episode-2-lucinda-canty-on-racism-in-institutions-and-birthing-care
As a US-based Black nurse-midwife, Lucinda Canty knows that nurses and midwives do not leave their prejudices at home. Implicit assumptions and biases follow them to work and wield a profound influence on perinatal care and patient outcomes. In th...