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PRAV Publishing Books for Beyond the "End of History"

PRAV books travel throughout history

PRAV books travel throughout history

Surprise! NOW AVAILABLE from PRAV Publishing:What the Gods have Left: The Askr Svarte Notebooks99 pages, available in pa...


NOW AVAILABLE from PRAV Publishing:

What the Gods have Left: The Askr Svarte Notebooks

99 pages, available in paperback

Have the ancient Gods and the mythical world disappeared, or is it we humans who have lost sight of them? Can we still catch sight of ourselves in the technologically enframed metropolis? What the Gods have Left, based on the private journals of Askr Svarte and presented in the form of a pocket-sized quotebook, dwells on the metaphysical and existential questions that beset lone pagans at the end of the present cosmic cycle.

A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old Worldby Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell(PRAV Publishing, 2024)136 pages, a...

A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World

by Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell

(PRAV Publishing, 2024)

136 pages, available in paperback and ebook




I. Premeditated Crimes









Humane, Inhumane

Artisan, Algorithm

House, Hubris

Symbol, Syle


II. Crimes of Passion

In the newest episode of Jive Book Review, Tom Rowsell of Survive the Jive (one of the PRAV team's favorite channels!) r...

In the newest episode of Jive Book Review, Tom Rowsell of Survive the Jive (one of the PRAV team's favorite channels!) reads and critically discusses Askr Svarte's Polemos: The Dawn of Pagan Traditionalism (PRAV Publishing, 2020):

Attentive viewers might also notice on Mr. Rowsell's bookshelf in the background a copy of Askr Svarte’s Tradition and Future Shock: Visions of a Future that Isn’t Ours (PRAV Publishing, 2023), which is relevant to some of the questions raised in the discussion.

After the Virus: The Rebirth of a Multipolar Worldby Boris Nad(PRAV Publishing, 2022)358 pages, available in hardcover, ...

After the Virus: The Rebirth of a Multipolar World

by Boris Nad

(PRAV Publishing, 2022)

358 pages, available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook.


Foreword – To Be or Not To Be: Experiencing Multipolarity with Boris Nad

Preface – The Rebirth of a Multipolar World

I. Many Worlds

The West and the Rest

The Struggle for a Multipolar World

Is there a Western Civilization?

The Rise of Civilization-States

The Western World’s Heart of Darkness

II. The Lost Continent of Europe

The Forgotten Continent: Eastern Europe

The “Greater Eastern Europe” Project

The Myth of Central Europe

The Ninth Country

Europe is Dead!

III. The Return of Greater Asia

The Return of Greater Asia

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

The Rise of the Celestial Empire

Iran: Toward the Eurasian Strategic Triangle

IV. American Hubris

American Hubris

The Self-Destructiveness of Russophobia 2.0

American (Quasi-)Fascism

America vs. China

American Collapse

V. The Era of Eurasia

The Beginning of the Era of Eurasia

Contours of the New Order

The Revival of the Bandung Spirit

Between Capitol Hill and Davos: Eurasia Against Techno-Feudalism

Solidarity with the Global South

VI. Virus Geopolitics

How the Pandemic Halted Western Globalization

Coronavirus and Hybrid War

Fear of Infection

The Outbreak and Outcome of the Modern Plague

VII. The Battle at the Edge

Has the Final Countdown Begun?

Western Imperialism and the Battle for Ukraine

The Big Reveal: The Unreality of Western Sanctions

Beyond Ukraine and the Dollar: The Return of History

In Lieu of an Epilogue: Impressions of a Post-American World

The Reawakening of Mythby Boris Nad(PRAV Publishing, 2020)455 pages, available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook.https:...

The Reawakening of Myth

by Boris Nad

(PRAV Publishing, 2020)

455 pages, available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook.


From the Publisher

Author’s Preface

PART I: The Return of Myth

1. The Return of Myth

Myths of Hyperborea

The Oblivion and Speech of Being

The Return of Myth

The Androgyne

East and West

Mythical America

The Idea of the Center

2. Symbols of Hyperborea


Lions from Kalemegdan

One Dream



City of the Gods

Symbols of Hyperborea

3. Stories and Chronicles



Atlantis: The Kingdom of Shadows


Two Dreams


Barbaric Scythia



America (The United States)

The Golden Fleece

PART II: A Tale of Agartha

1. The Secret of Secrets

2. Descent into Agartha

3. Epilogue

Afterword: Sikorsky’s Mission

PART III: Sacred History and the End of the World

Sacred History

Archy and Anarchy

The Antichrist

Post-Apocalypse: Technocracy and the Apocalypse

The War for the End of the World

Rome and Carthage

The Secret of the East and the Crisis of the Western World

The Askr Svarte collection:Polemos: The Dawn of Pagan Traditionalism(PRAV Publishing, 2020)401 pages, available in hardc...

The Askr Svarte collection:

Polemos: The Dawn of Pagan Traditionalism
(PRAV Publishing, 2020)
401 pages, available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook

Polemos II: Pagan Perspectives
(PRAV Publishing, 2021)
517 pages, available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook

Tradition and Future Shock: Visions of a Future that Isn’t Ours
(PRAV Publishing, 2023)
538 pages, available in hardcover and paperback

Coming soon:

What the Gods have Left: The Askr Svarte Notebooks

Towards Another Myth: A Tale of Heidegger and Traditionalism

Passages: Studies in Traditionalism and Traditions - Volume I (PRAV Publishing: 2023)Edited by Jafe Arnold, Evgeny Nechk...

Passages: Studies in Traditionalism and Traditions - Volume I (PRAV Publishing: 2023)

Edited by Jafe Arnold, Evgeny Nechkasov, Lucas Griffin, and Luca Siniscalco

393 pages, available in paperback and ebook.


From the Editors: Recollecting Traditionalism

Alexander Dugin – René Guénon: Traditionalism as a Language

Róbert Horváth – Regarding the Term “Traditional Authors”

Maxim Makovchik – Traditionalism as Understood by René Guénon and its Contemporary Understanding

Jonatán Gődény – The Realisation of the Spirit of Tradition and the Culture of the Unrealised Spirit

Giovanni Sessa – Guénon’s Crisis, “Crisis Literature,” and Negative Thought

Troy Southgate – Anti-Tradition in the Age of Iron

Gianfranco de Turris – The Antitheses of Modernity

Giovanni Damiano – The Temporality of the Tiger: Some Notes on the Evolian ‘Riding the Tiger’

Uligang Xanth Ansbrandt – Traditionalism as the Tree and the Ark of the Radical Selves for the Restoration of the Erst Philosophy

Jean-Pierre Laurant – Heart and Center in René Guénon: On the Usage of Symbols

Tamás Bencze – Metaphysical Solipsism — A Basic Principle of Tradition

Eduardo Zarelli – A Traditionalist Inquiry into Nature

Collin Cleary – Heidegger Against the Traditionalists

Askr Svarte – Traditionalism and (Mis-)Understanding Heidegger

Charlie Smith – Yuri Mamleev’s Fate of Being as a Response to Guénon’s Metaphysics

Veleslav Cherkasov – Tradition and Traditionalism in Contemporary Slavic Native Faith: My Subjective View

Dmitry Moiseev – The Political Dimension of Traditionalism in René Guénon and Julius Evola: Defining the Ideal Principles of Social Organization

Roberto Cecchetti – Evola and Jung: For a Reactualisation of Tradition

About the Authors

"We struggle not in order to overcome purposelessness. We struggle because purposelessness is another name for lifelessn...

"We struggle not in order to overcome purposelessness. We struggle because purposelessness is another name for lifelessness, and so, we are only alive insofar as we maintain in ourselves a state of ontological opposition. There is neither victory in this pursuit, nor life beyond it. It defines life. Conflict is the extent of the meaningful substance of life.

Anyone whose particular interest doesn’t consume them entirely — a complete obsession, a question of life and death — might as well be pushing papers for all it matters. Why live at all if not voraciously, if not maniacally, desperately, if not on the grounds that there’s no other way?

Shame is like a sheath on the sword of genius."

-- A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World
by Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell

NOW AVAILABLE in paperback and ebook from PRAV Publishing:

On this day 103 years ago, an elite circle of Russian thinkers fleeing the carnage of revolution and civil war met in So...

On this day 103 years ago, an elite circle of Russian thinkers fleeing the carnage of revolution and civil war met in Sofia, Bulgaria, where they held a mini-conference on the meaning of culture. Their discussions culminated a few months later with the publication of “Exodus to the East: The Affirmation of the Eurasians”, a book regarded as the founding document of the Eurasian movement and the Eurasianist school of thought.

Since 2020, PRAV Publishing has been working to make the Eurasianists accessible to the world in original English translation and with the commentary of leading Russian scholars. PRAV’s Foundations of Eurasianism series, recently spotlighted by the New York Review of Books, has already inaugurated 28 texts by 9 authors and is soon to enter its third volume.

Foundations of Eurasianism - Volume I:

Foundations of Eurasianism - Volume II:

Foundations of Eurasianism - Volume III: coming soon!

TODAY is the LAST CHANCE to enjoy 5% off PRAV gear!Coupon code: PRAV5Supporting independent publishing is right and good...

TODAY is the LAST CHANCE to enjoy 5% off PRAV gear!

Coupon code: PRAV5

Supporting independent publishing is right and good, especially when you gain a talisman to ward off bad influences!

"Developing strength, health, and thereby an emergent or incidental quality in one’s own body is, in essence, a ritual t...

"Developing strength, health, and thereby an emergent or incidental quality in one’s own body is, in essence, a ritual that one observes. This is the precise meaning of orthopraxy, or, correct practice. Moreover, as Socrates hints in the matter of fettle, there is the cultivation as well of a component of self-discipline, which is entirely beyond the purview of the natural sciences and their technologies. These qualities cannot be handed over in a lesson on the board. They cannot be transferred in the form of doctrinal awareness alone. Being told the path to strength does not make one strong. There is no mechanical or chemical process that can imbue the slovenly mind with discipline. Neither words nor technology can impart these qualities on a person. Only through ritual are they attained. The metaphysical rituals — or praxis, as we have said — that yield those fruits are inflicted upon oneself, by oneself, and each generation must re- earn, re-till and re-harvest the field of the self by their own willing expenditure."

-- Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell, A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World

NOW AVAILABLE from PRAV Publishing in paperback and ebook

"Look around. Look outside. We in the West have spent now two hundred thirty years deliberately making a world without a...

"Look around. Look outside. We in the West have spent now two hundred thirty years deliberately making a world without a soul. Calculating it. Painstakingly sifting out everything that won’t value in gold on the scales. And our prize is that we wake up every morning beaten down and obliterated from the inside-out by this godforsaken landscape of synthetic objects and economically-sized birdcages, and garish, impermanent frivolities, crushed as we are by cities designed for automobiles, not for humans, hurried along on sweltering and ever-widening conveyor belts toward disgusting and lifeless piles of building material which swallow us up and spit us back out — and yet all of it fits nicely in a spreadsheet. All of it produces good returns for someone. It’s economical. We call it “home.” We grew up here, and our parents grew up here. Our children are born here. Against this backdrop we say, on the way to the therapist, how horrible it must have been to spend a day under the court of the Great Khan. What pill could I have even taken for my headache?

The West longs for an artist of total and ancient severity to exorcise our so-called institutions of ‘art,’ to liberate them from the throngs of paying customers who fatten them, now to the point of bursting. But more than a sculptor, or a portrait painter, the West is desperate for someone to patron those individuals. For her aristocrats — and beyond that, for a place of such oppressive dignity as to cry out to be inhabited by that work. Where is the city of stone and symbol in which machinery is relegated to the underbelly and to the outskirts; where is her body, the polis, where are her architects? And further still, who among us could even train them up? If there are any living individuals of this sort, they will scarcely be found constructing anything. One would do well to look for them under someone’s heel. Most of them will not even know themselves. In the library, perhaps, or at the drafting table after hours, learning from the works of teachers long-dead for no good reason. Tormented by the fact that their ends appear to be entirely selfish. Teaching themselves things not taught in the schools, and dreaming things hardly permissible in the industry, things which are not acceptable to the slave-drivers of that industry. There are perhaps a handful of such architects alive today, who are known to some degree, but nevermind.

The cultures of antiquity which form the Western canon do so because those cultures allowed their sages to educate their artists, and their artists then to dictate terms to their engineers and financiers. For our part, we contribute nothing, because we have allowed our engineers to consume our sages and to educate our artists themselves, and then, we hand them over to the terms dictated by our financiers."

excerpt from A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World
by Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell

NOW AVAILABLE in paperback and ebook from PRAV Publishing:

"Our intent with this work is to arm him who feels dogged by something unseen, like a hagstone placed in the hand of Per...

"Our intent with this work is to arm him who feels dogged by something unseen, like a hagstone placed in the hand of Peredur. Its purpose is to lend form to suspicion. It functions to quiet the orderlies, and to assure the reader that his misgivings about the Kafkaesque box — which he calls home on account of a paucity of personal agency — are, in fact, well-founded, regardless of the purse-lipped protests of his well-paid therapist. This book is, to borrow the word from Nietzsche, a rhapsody, arranged to accompany the movements of him who was already dancing, alone, without it.

Is this 'traditionalism?' Who can say. It hardly matters; the word is too rife and many who attire themselves with it succeed only in reducing the idea to an issue of modern aesthetics anyhow. What we describe is no City of Ezekiel, but only the inclination to laugh in the faces of those who would. It defies terminology, that great siege-weapon of all degeneracy — useless without a metropolis against which to unleash it. Is it humanism? Nonsense. The very notion is a redress of hubris after the fashion of French revolutionaries. What we see, not ahead like judgement day or above like the cross of Constantine, or rather what we observe, not what we envision, is a recollection as opposed to a prophecy — not humanism, but humane in the sense that we remind man to affirm himself rather than deny himself...

Perhaps by these observations it will be argued that we mean some sort of a revolution, nonetheless — Prolix. It’s an exorcism, more nearly. Only ‘the people’ are so cursed as to believe that the meaning of the golden age myth is in what’s before us, in the future; no, futurism is incompatible with heroism. Could all this be “conservative?” Impossible, when the mentality described here constitutes nothing short of exile from the mundus ut est. The conservation of man, yes, but first the golems whom we’ve dressed up and called ‘men’ out of some ghastly etiquette will have to be, once again, seen through.

Reactionary? 'Alright,' says Cioran, 'But in the same way God is.'"

- from the Foreword to A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World by Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell

NOW AVAILABLE in paperback and ebook from PRAV Publishing

THE WAIT IS OVER! NOW AVAILABLE from PRAV Publishing:A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old Worldby Alexander J. Ford a...


NOW AVAILABLE from PRAV Publishing:

A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World

by Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell

136 pages. Available in paperback and ebook editions.


It has been now two hundred thirty-one years since Edmund Burke wrote of the materialistic revolutionaries in France: “The age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever.” The passage of time has long since rendered the verdict that those were vatic words rather than reactionary contrivances, nearer to the spirit of Cassandra than to those of the last Pisistratids.

In A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World, Alexander Ford and Jack Parnell unveil a no-holds-barred assault on the citadels of Burke’s sophists, revealing that modernism and all of its progeny are essentially linguistic phenomena. What emerges from two centuries of academic haze is a lucid and elemental picture of the metaphysical disposition which defined the pre-industrial world. In this collection of swift essays and striking aphorisms, Nietzsche and Cioran talk to priests, Wittgenstein and Dugina face the eschaton, Krier and Evola critique consumerism, and Soviet and American Housing are haunted by the spirits of the home. A Slow Death is a dramatic confrontation too long in the making, an urgent questioning, and a radical answering.


Alexander J. Ford is an American architectural designer, illustrator, and author. Ford earned his Bachelor’s of Architecture at the University of Arizona and his Master’s in Historic Preservation from Columbia University in New York. He served as the Assistant Field Director for Architecture at the archeological excavation of the Sanctuary of Lykaian Zeus in Arcadia, and he has lectured at the University of London’s Birkbeck College and the University of Arizona’s College of Architecture. His drawings have been published by Princeton Architectural Press and exhibited across the United States.

Jack R. Parnell is an American architectural designer and author, holding a Bachelor’s of Philosophy from the University of Arizona and a Master’s in Architecture from the University of Colorado in Denver. His design work has been featured by Princeton Architectural Press. In addition to his professional work, Parnell is a lifelong martial artist, teaching a wide range of styles including Muay Thai, Kali, Karate, and Taekwondo.

THE HORNS HAVE SOUNDED: PRAV GEAR IS HERE book publishing is not a busi...


True book publishing is not a business, but an art, a dedication, a passion, even “philosophy” in the original sense of the word as “love for wisdom.” Alas, in the world into which we were born — a regime of markets, virtuality, censorship, and conformism, where the Dollar desperately wishes to remain king and where taking the time to read and think is a real challenge — maintaining and growing an independent book publishing house is no easy feat. Especially when books like ours go against the grain, suggest a different reality, and encourage paths of Thinking and Being that can’t be accounted for by “algorithms” and “data”.

In the four years since we got started, PRAV Publishing has been blessed with dedicated readers and inspiring interlocutors. As PRAV finds itself at a crossroads of new opportunities, new challenges, and newfound aspirations, we are humbled to be asking for your support for the first time — a time when your support is more vital, needed, and potentially farther-reaching than ever before. We want to do both more and better.

By purchasing a PRAV t-shirt, sweatshirt, tote bag, coffee mug, or decal sticker, you are helping lay part of the foundation for the grand agora, library, and temple of Thinking and Being that we are striving to build.

The proceeds of each piece of apparel and gear which you take your precious time and resources to purchase don’t go to some corporation or ideological corner. They go to help bring to you the ideas, authors, and books that open up horizons for understanding and living better in the world in which we find ourselves, a world in which something like PRAV Publishing appeared and has dared to take the leap and explore what calls for (re)thinking above and beyond the reigning illusions.

Moreover, we dare to share that wearing and brandishing the PRAV symbol has been proven to be a highly effective way of cleansing a place of bad spirits, cancelling out the emissions of corporate logos, and turning unexpected people onto the path of great questions.

Without further ado, we are pleased to unveil the first batch of PRAV gear, available worldwide for all “with eyes to see and ears to hear.”

For a limited time only, we’re able to offer 5% off with the discount code: prav5

Sneak peek of PRAV gear (coming soon!)

Sneak peek of PRAV gear (coming soon!)

COMING SOON from PRAV Publishing:A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old Worldby Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell *...

COMING SOON from PRAV Publishing:

A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World

by Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell


It has been now two hundred thirty-one years since Edmund Burke wrote of the materialistic revolutionaries in France: “The age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever.” The passage of time has long since rendered the verdict that those were vatic words rather than reactionary contrivances, nearer to the spirit of Cassandra than to those of the last Pisistratids.

In A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World, Alexander Ford and Jack Parnell unveil a no-holds-barred assault on the citadels of Burke’s sophists, revealing that modernism and all of its progeny are essentially linguistic phenomena. What emerges from two centuries of academic haze is a lucid and elemental picture of the metaphysical disposition which defined the pre-industrial world. In this collection of swift essays and striking aphorisms, Nietzsche and Cioran talk to priests, Wittgenstein and Dugina face the eschaton, Krier and Evola critique consumerism, and Soviet and American Housing are haunted by the spirits of the home. A Slow Death is a dramatic confrontation too long in the making, an urgent questioning, and a radical answering.


Alexander J. Ford is an American architectural designer, illustrator, and author. Ford earned his Bachelor’s of Architecture at the University of Arizona and his Master’s in Historic Preservation from Columbia University in New York. He served as the Assistant Field Director for Architecture at the archeological excavation of the Sanctuary of Lykaian Zeus in Arcadia, and he has lectured at the University of London’s Birkbeck College and the University of Arizona’s College of Architecture. His drawings have been published by Princeton Architectural Press and exhibited across the United States.

Jack R. Parnell is an American architectural designer and author, holding a Bachelor’s of Philosophy from the University of Arizona and a Master’s in Architecture from the University of Colorado in Denver. His design work has been featured by Princeton Architectural Press. In addition to his professional work, Parnell is a lifelong martial artist, teaching a wide range of styles including Muay Thai, Kali, Karate, and Taekwondo.


In "Prophecy of a Theban Princess", Perrin Lovett reviews "For a Radical Life: Meditations by Daria Platonova Dugina" (P...

In "Prophecy of a Theban Princess", Perrin Lovett reviews "For a Radical Life: Meditations by Daria Platonova Dugina" (PRAV Publishing, 2024):

"...each and every sentence in it, every word lifts the spirit, touches the heart, and engages the mind..."

"...the book would make a fine gift for, say, a college student or a young adult. Or for anyone...."

"...a radical and informative mental excursion presented in short, referenced paragraph form..."

"...join with the wit, charm, wisdom, sorrow, joy, and iron defiance of Daria Dugina. Read her Meditations and live your own radical life..."

Last fall, I had the privilege of reviewing Eschatological Optimism by the late Daria Dugina (1992-2022), a book I learned of thanks to a very good friend. Earlier this year, I was reminded by...

"Recently, Passages: Studies in Traditionalism and Traditions was released by Prav Publishing as a call to renew the Tra...

"Recently, Passages: Studies in Traditionalism and Traditions was released by Prav Publishing as a call to renew the Traditionalist discourse. This is a collection of essays with contributors from France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Belarus, Russia, and the United States, which provides a wide overview of Traditionalist thinking today...

Like Passages they are also published in English by Prav Publishing, which, with young Traditionalist authors like Askr Svarte and Uligang Xanth Ansbrandt and other interesting figures has the potential to constitute a crucial intellectual node for Traditionalist thinkers...."

- Novas

Recently, Passages: Studies in Traditionalism and Traditions was released by Prav Publishing as a call to renew the Traditionalist…

*4 Years of PRAV Publishing*Four years ago, in the very same days when much of the world was being locked down, PRAV Pub...

*4 Years of PRAV Publishing*

Four years ago, in the very same days when much of the world was being locked down, PRAV Publishing opened its doors. In this time, which for some seems to have flown by and for others has felt like an eternity, we’ve inaugurated 13 books into the world. At least six more are already in the works to be released in 2024.

In content and in style, PRAV’s titles cut across the boundaries of genres, disciplines, and eras. The PRAV team, our collaborators, and the authors we’ve had the pleasure and honor of publishing hail from 11 countries. Our books have made their way to more than 50 countries.

And we’re just getting started.

To celebrate four years of PRAV, we’re offering 15% off all orders (including Weisswerk crafts) until April 1st. Coupon code: 4PRAV

We extend sincere thanks to everyone who engages in the noble deed of supporting independent publishing and ensuring that the great classical form of sharing ideas, the book and the experience of reading, endures against all the odds of “virtual reality.”

*For a Radical Life* sale ends soon!Only 5 days are left for the 2-for-1 giveaway on orders of *For a Radical Life: Medi...

*For a Radical Life* sale ends soon!

Only 5 days are left for the 2-for-1 giveaway on orders of *For a Radical Life: Meditations by Daria Platonova Dugina*.

Place your order by the end of March 15th to receive an extra copy for every copy of *For a Radical Life* you order. Spread the word!

REMINDER: For every copy of *For a Radical Life: Meditations by Daria Platonova Dugina* you order, we’ll attach another ...

REMINDER: For every copy of *For a Radical Life: Meditations by Daria Platonova Dugina* you order, we’ll attach another copy for free!

One reader excited to spread the word ordered 10, so we’re sending her 20!



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PRAV Publishing

PRAV Publishing, founded in October 2019, is an independent publishing housedevoted to the publication of scholarly and popular works which build bridges of ideas between Continents and Civilizations – East and West, North and South, Past, Present, and Future.

Through its translation and publishing initiatives, PRAV is guided by the understanding that the past several centuries have by no means been the “End of History.” As the illusions of the waning period of ideological and geopolitical unipolarity fade, and as the planet’s diverse cultures are faced with the many complex realities and possibilities of multipolarity and the return of “rejected knowledge”, PRAV sees the growing need and aspirations for critical reconsiderations of histories, ideas, and currents which transcend the Modern, predominantly Western frameworks which have “divided and conquered” in recent times and spaces. Through the publication of diverse authors, ideas, and perspectives, PRAV strives to contribute to a Polylogue of Civilizations, unfettered by the reductions and prejudices of what has passed for the “progress of knowledge” under the paradigm presently in decline. This means not only recovering the diverse histories and intellectual exchanges which have been excluded, mistreated, and disconnected in mainstream discourses, but also moving beyond these inadequate paradigms towards perspectives which reintegrate the old and new in relations befitting of the world’s plurality of cultures and experiences from the depths of prehistory to the horizons of the contested future. In this spirit, PRAV welcomes authors, theories, methodologies, and styles which testify to the existence and flourishing of Thought and Being before, during, and after the fading of the much-fabled “End of History.”

About the name: In the Slavic languages, Prav has a range of meanings encompassing “right”, “good”, “correct”, “straight”, and “true.” The root pra- means “pre-”, “proto-”, “ancestral”, and “ahead.” In Slavic Native Faith, Prav’ is the higher reality and order of the Cosmos, the heavenly realm of the Divine, and the Slavic word for Orthodox Christianity, pravoslavie, means “the right glorification.”