Guess who was on the Icelandic equivalent of Radio 4 (RÁS 1, the main state radio channel) this morning? Me, Mister Adam! Back in October a nice chap from Reykjavik emailed after stumbling across my Youtubes and mistakenly thinking I was some sort of expert. I showed him round Brighton & Hove and that forms part of a programme wot cultured Viking types enjoyed over their pickled shark breakfasts today.
The majority of the show is the producer talking in Icelandic (translating what interviewees said etc) but there are several clips of me talking as well as some audio from my Youtubes. Apart from accidentally saying 1950s rather than 30s/40s re racecourse gangs I don't think I messed anything up.
Should you wish to point your ears at my cultural ambassadoring, you'll find the programme here:
From 26 mins in the presenter talks about other (inferior) Brighton-based YouTubers like Pewdiepie and Zoella, then it switches to me around the 29 minute mark and covers our walk around Brighton and me bitching about other YouTubers until just after 38 mins (last mention of Mister Adam).
Not knowing any Icelandic, I assume in his bits he is saying that I am brilliant and all other YouTubers are rubbish. If you have any Icelandic friends who can confirm he's actually saying I'm a dick, please do forward them the link. Cheerses x
Hvað skilgreinir borg og hvernig er saga hennar rituð? Borgarmyndir vefa saman fortíð, samtíð og framtíð borga og gerist þarmeð þáttakandi í að skrásetja söguna. Með frásögnum íbúa, gesta og sagnfræðinnar fær hlustandinn að kynnast borgum víðs vegar um heim frá ólíkum s...