A Shared Inheritance

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A Shared Inheritance An online resource for Christian women around the world. This is a collaborative effort by Liz Rober

A new month means a new theme! Read Jillian Ryan's article "Under His Wing You Will Find Refuge" which is our topic for ...

A new month means a new theme! Read Jillian Ryan's article "Under His Wing You Will Find Refuge" which is our topic for July.

You can read her article here or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

As with many others I know, the last few years have personally been some of the most difficult of my life. The business I had worked tirelessly for 8 years to build fell apart. The future I had envisioned for myself abruptly crashed down around me. I needed to care for my parents during some very di

Join us as we discuss June's theme of God's judgment.  You can use the link or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Join us as we discuss June's theme of God's judgment. You can use the link or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Our third article for June is by Lori Asher.  It's titled "A Picture of God's Character in Judgment."  You can read it h...

Our third article for June is by Lori Asher. It's titled "A Picture of God's Character in Judgment." You can read it here:
https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/godscharacterinjudgment or listen to it wherever you get your podcasts.

By: Lori Asher, Wichita, KS In my recent years of reading through the Bible, an interesting text has jumped out at me and become one of my favorite passages to dwell upon. In 2 Chronicles chapter 12, King Rehoboam is under invasion by King Shishak of Egypt. A prophet named Shemaiah is sent to Rehob

We have the second article for June out and available on the website!  Here is the link to Sonja Winburn's article "Judg...

We have the second article for June out and available on the website! Here is the link to Sonja Winburn's article "Judgment of God" https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/judgmentofgod
All of our articles are also available wherever you get your podcast.

By Sonja H. Winburn, Acworth, GA The state of the earth in Noah’s day was so antithetical to what was intended in the Garden of Eden that God decided to destroy the world and start over again with just eight souls.  In directing them to build the ark, He kept these four couples safe using

We have a new theme for the new month!  This month's theme is "The Wisdom of God Seen Through His Judgment."  The first ...

We have a new theme for the new month! This month's theme is "The Wisdom of God Seen Through His Judgment." The first article is by this month's editor, Amy Schlosser. Read "Imprecatory Psalms" here or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

“Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who pays you back what you have done to us.  Happy is he who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rocks.”  Psalm 137:8-9 How does this passage from the 137th Psalm make you react?  I know my first re

Join us as we discuss this month's theme.  You can watch the video or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Join us as we discuss this month's theme. You can watch the video or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

The final article for May is titled "Create in Me a Clean Heart" by Sheila Reaves of Denver, Colorado.Read it here https...

The final article for May is titled "Create in Me a Clean Heart" by Sheila Reaves of Denver, Colorado.

Read it here https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/createinmeacleanheart

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

By: Sheila Reaves, Denver, Colorado I distinctly remember reading Shakespeare’s Macbeth in my high school English class.  I don’t remember much about the play, but I do remember the notorious scene when Macbeth has committed murder and then is trying to wash his hands of the blood.&n

Find May’s second article, "Fighting Spiritual Heart Disease" by Cheryl Robertson of Tampa, Florida, here:https://www.as...

Find May’s second article, "Fighting Spiritual Heart Disease" by Cheryl Robertson of Tampa, Florida, here:


Or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

By: Cheryl Robertson, Tampa, Florida Psalms 51:10 -“Create in me a clean heart , O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Months after David’s sins of covetousness, adultery, murder, and deceit, he is confronted by Nathan, the prophet, with his wrongdoing.  David’s indignation to...

A new month means a new theme!  Find May’s first article, “Filling a Clean Heart,” here: https://www.asharedinheritance....

A new month means a new theme! Find May’s first article, “Filling a Clean Heart,” here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/fillingacleanheart

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me” Psalm 51:10 One of my favorite parables is found in Matthew 12:43-45.  It tells of an evil spirit leaving a man’s body looking for another place to dwell.  However, finding no other place as comfortab

Read, “A Study in Forgiveness,” as the author takes a deeper look at Psalm 51. Find the article here: https://www.ashare...

Read, “A Study in Forgiveness,” as the author takes a deeper look at Psalm 51. Find the article here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/astudyinforgiveness

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts!

By: Amanda Olson, Temple Terrace, FL “To err is human, to forgive divine.” This quote, credited to Alexander Pope in 1711, is so ubiquitous that we may not have stopped to truly understand its power. Forgiveness is one way we rise above our human desire for justice and equity. Forgiveness defies...

The month of April, we are reflecting on Psalm 51. Find our newest article, “Dirty to Clean,” here: https://www.asharedi...

The month of April, we are reflecting on Psalm 51. Find our newest article, “Dirty to Clean,” here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/dirtytoclean

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts!

Psalms 51:1-2 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! I enjoy working in my yard. I enjoy the pleasures of planting, watering, an

Our final article for this month comes from Shelby Carter. Find, “I Will Serve the Lord with Gladness,” here: https://ww...

Our final article for this month comes from Shelby Carter. Find, “I Will Serve the Lord with Gladness,” here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/servehimwithgladness

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts!

By: Shelby Carter, Tampa, Florida “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing! Know that the Lord, He is God!  It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates w


Written by: Carrae Gibbons, Atlanta, GA What does our worship say about our relationship with God? Have you become so overwhelmed with your thoughts and your circumstances that your worship is suffering? Have you become complacent with mediocre worship? It may be time for a re-charge, a heart trans

Continuing in this month’s theme of worshiping then Lord with gladness, find “Recharging our Worship.”Read it here: http...

Continuing in this month’s theme of worshiping then Lord with gladness, find “Recharging our Worship.”

Read it here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/rechargingourworship

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Written by: Carrae Gibbons, Atlanta, GA What does our worship say about our relationship with God? Have you become so overwhelmed with your thoughts and your circumstances that your worship is suffering? Have you become complacent with mediocre worship? It may be time for a re-charge, a heart trans

This month, will will be discussing what it means to worship the Lord with gladness addressed in Psalm 100. Find our fir...

This month, will will be discussing what it means to worship the Lord with gladness addressed in Psalm 100. Find our first article here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/matteroftheheart

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts!

Psalm 100 “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!     Serve the Lord with gladness!     Come into his presence with singing!   Know that the Lord, he is God!

This month, we will be discussing the perfection of Law of the Lord (Ps. 19). Find our first article, “A Light Unto My P...

This month, we will be discussing the perfection of Law of the Lord (Ps. 19). Find our first article, “A Light Unto My Path,” here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/lightuntomypath

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Have you ever had the opportunity to start a hike while it is still dark outside?  Imagine the setting.  It is in the early hours of the morning before the sun has risen.  There is a stillness as the world around you still slumbers. The air is brisk.  Fortunately,

Have you seen our last article for the month? Read, “Creation through the Psalms,” here: https://www.asharedinheritance....

Have you seen our last article for the month? Read, “Creation through the Psalms,” here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/creationthroughthepsalms

Or listen where ever you get your podcasts!

By: Stacy Rogers, Arlington, TX God’s creation is a labor of love.  Psalm 19 states, “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” All around us, we can see the grandeur of God’s creation, and this creation shows us the intricacies ...

Read, “In His Time,” following this month’s theme. Find it here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/inhistimeOr...

Read, “In His Time,” following this month’s theme.

Find it here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/inhistime

Or listen where ever you get your podcasts.

By: Linda Barnett, Artesia, NM Wisdom is defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary as the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships, i.e. insight; good sense, i.e. judgment. We, as finite beings, can never fully understand the infinite God, but the Psalms help us to consider His wisdom s

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."  - Psalm 19:1What better way to start...

"The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." - Psalm 19:1

What better way to start a year, then to reflect on our God as Creator? Find our first article, "Man in Relation to God," written by our editor, Amy Schlosser.

Read it here: www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/maninrelationtogod

Or listen where ever you get your podcasts.

Finishing up our articles this year, read, "Gaining the Ultimate Victory."  Find it here:www.asharedinheritance.com/arti...

Finishing up our articles this year, read, "Gaining the Ultimate Victory." Find it here:

Or listen where ever you get your podcasts.

You can return to our homepage by clicking here, or you can try searching for the content you are seeking by clicking here.

Read, "With Every Breath, I Long to Follow Jesus," by Sarah Hanlon here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/wit...

Read, "With Every Breath, I Long to Follow Jesus," by Sarah Hanlon here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/witheverybreath

Or listen where ever you get your podcasts.

By Sarah Hanlon, Tampa, Florida What do you consistently think about? For one person, it may be clothing. For another, it could be building a home and new decorations. For some, it might be continual anxiety over tests or how their child is behaving at school. For others, it may be concern for th

Wrapping up our year, we end with the last month's theme: Gaining the Victory.  Read Lee Carter's article here: https://...

Wrapping up our year, we end with the last month's theme: Gaining the Victory. Read Lee Carter's article here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/gainingthevictory

Or listen where ever you get your podcasts

In her poem known as “Success is Counted Sweetest,” the American poet Emily Dickinson writes that “success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed.” The poem’s theme is that in order to understand success, we must first understand what it means to fail.  It seems to me t...

This November, A Shared Inheritance will be focused on, "opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel.....

This November, A Shared Inheritance will be focused on, "opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel..." from Ephesians 6:19.

Our first article is, "Speakers' Corner," written by one of our editors, Liz Roberts. Read it here: www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/speakerscorner

Or listen where ever you get your podcasts.

You can return to our homepage by clicking here, or you can try searching for the content you are seeking by clicking here.

Continuing with this month’s theme, read “Be on High Alert,” by one of our guest writers, Karen Padgett.Find it here: ht...

Continuing with this month’s theme, read “Be on High Alert,” by one of our guest writers, Karen Padgett.

Find it here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/beonhighalert

Or listen whenever you get your podcast!

By: Karen Padgett from Moody, AL In 1941, Pearl Harbor was thought to be impenetrable. It was a geographically secure location with some of the most formidable and protected military presence in the world. U.S. Navy Admiral Kimmel was preparing to play golf on the morning of Sunday, December 7th, u

Interested in learning more about the prophets?  Editor, Amy Schlosser, is beginning an "In the Trenches," series!  Find...

Interested in learning more about the prophets? Editor, Amy Schlosser, is beginning an "In the Trenches," series!

Find the first one here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/in-the-trenches/ufwxaaq8222wsrcqtkgheuhnhdy37y

Or listen wherever you get your podcast.

I wanted to begin a series of articles on the prophets but thought an introduction to prophets may be helpful.  I know in my youth I had very little detailed knowledge of the prophets.  I knew the children’s story about Jonah and knew the names, but I only had a vague awareness at

Our final themed article this month comes to us by Deban Becker.  In it, she discusses what it means to be constantly in...

Our final themed article this month comes to us by Deban Becker. In it, she discusses what it means to be constantly in prayer with God.

Find it here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/adk13us0ysmxnbvfynmjcrh34nmhxz

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts

By: Deban Becker - Dallas, TX Covered from our temples to our toes in the whole armor of God, we, dear sisters, stand strong, mighty, and filled with grit to face the uncertainty of the day.  In Ephesians 6:17, Paul invites us to take up the sword of the Spirit, God’s Word, and now in vers

Read more about this month's theme - prayer.  Find encouragement to pray like children in Jennifer Kinnison's article.Fi...

Read more about this month's theme - prayer.
Find encouragement to pray like children in Jennifer Kinnison's article.

Find it here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/90wt7siu2bfg8r972fublzmyalqko7

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

By: Jennifer Kinnison, Houston, TX A few months ago we were putting our kiddos to bed and my oldest son, who was 5 at the time, was having a rough day all around. Most parents have been there (more often than I like to admit). My husband and I turned off the lights and as we were leaving, we overhe

Now, as fully armored soldiers, we are to be "praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication." - E...

Now, as fully armored soldiers, we are to be "praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication." - Eph. 6:18

Find our editor Jill Ryan's article here: https://www.asharedinheritance.com/articles/uc07h42aug3g1u9apebbkcx1w937st

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication…” Ephesians 6:16



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