Revi Bar

Revi Bar I help entrepreneurs attract prospects on social media without prospecting or cold outreach.

If someone tells you network marketing is easy… they are lying.It is not.It takes a lot of work.It takes time to build.I...

If someone tells you network marketing is easy… they are lying.
It is not.
It takes a lot of work.
It takes time to build.
It requires to have faith. Mainly in yourself.
And patience (even Rome was not built in a day)
AND consistency.
And a LOT of self discipline!

But when they tell you it can be done - they are not. Not lying.
Many people join the business.
Many people leave.

But the ones who believe
Have the vision
And the will power
The ones who have patience to build
And are determined

The passionate ones -
Those are the ones who will make it!!

If you are one of the passionate ones, and you haven't found your tribe yet, let's talk.


Tuna on your pizza?
Yes or no?

When you choose to brand yourself.Because know you want to make a difference.And your path is clear…And you choose an aw...

When you choose to brand yourself.
Because know you want to make a difference.
And your path is clear…

And you choose an awesome photographer.
who knows what questions to ask you prior to your session.
And who knows how to make you step out of your comfort zone, in a good way…
Well, these are the results 😃

What do you think?

Don't stop because it is harder than you imagined. Keep going. Be consistent. And you will get there.

Don't stop because it is harder than you imagined. Keep going. Be consistent. And you will get there.


How I went from stuck NWMer to growing my team x 10 in 30 days. Black Friday 😃 best time to start your mental wellness biz with me. Interested?

Be a limited edition. Be unique. Just be you.

Be a limited edition. Be unique. Just be you.

No teenager should live with pain.I was 15 when the back of my shoulder started hurting. From a slight pain "just before...

No teenager should live with pain.

I was 15 when the back of my shoulder started hurting. From a slight pain "just before the rain" it became an everyday thing. It felt as if a knife kept cutting through my shoulder blade.

Doctors, imaging, lab work every few months, they couldn’t find anything.
Three years later I was taking daily medication to control inflammation.

But the pain was still there.

And it was affecting me, my mood. I was not happy.
My parents couldn’t bare it so they searched for solutions.

And I started seeing a holistic doctor.

After 4 months I finally had relief.
The inflammation in my body was gone, and the pain went away.
I felt like a new person.

Have you every tried a holistic approach? Is it something you are open to?
Comment “yes” if you are.

“When a happy person comes into the room, it is as if another candle has been lit”-  Ralph Waldo.Positive attitude is so...

“When a happy person comes into the room, it is as if another candle has been lit”
- Ralph Waldo.

Positive attitude is something I learned I needed to practice years ago.
That’s my superpower for a happier life.

I deal with tough stuff in a cool way, you know?

For example, think of a hard homework assignment -
I see the positive - I get a chance to learn something new, not just a headache.

when you're positive, it's like you're spreading good vibes to everyone you meet.
And I am all about good vibes!

Positivity is kind of like a secret potion for feeling good in your body and mind.
It's like stress relief!

It also helps me dream big, reach my goals, and believe in myself.
Who doesn’t want that?

So, be the candle. Bring light to others. Be the light 🩵

Have a beautiful day!

Have you ever tried to prospect your waiter?The lady at the mattress store?Your hygienist?I have… 🫣Was I embarrassed - h...

Have you ever tried to prospect your waiter?
The lady at the mattress store?
Your hygienist?

I have… 🫣
Was I embarrassed - hec yes! And VERY uncomfortable…
Did they join me - what do you think???… yes, I am being sarcastic 😝

So I went searching for other ways.

Because I love my time freedom.
Because I love being able to work from anywhere.
Because I love people and I love helping people.
Because I believe network marketing companies have some of the best products.
Because I believe in network marketing!

And yes! I’ve found another way.
And it is life changing. No cold calling. No embarrassment. No rejection.

And tons of authenticity 😆

If you’re interested to learn more about these modern systems, drop “more” in a comment and I will connect.

I want to change the world.I want to make a difference.Call me crazy... 🤪

I want to change the world.
I want to make a difference.
Call me crazy... 🤪

Feeling stuck? Working on your business with no progress to show for?Too many ideas in your head yet you’ve not implemen...

Feeling stuck?
Working on your business with no progress to show for?
Too many ideas in your head yet you’ve not implemented one?
Trouble prioritizing?

Get yourself a coach.
I am so glad I did.

It is unbelievable what you can accomplish with guidance.

A good coach can help you define your clear goals.
Set your next target.
Help you prioritize your time to be more efficient.
Help you pave the path for where you want to be.

If you’d like to know which coaching program is helping me with my goals, drop “info” in a comment and I will contact you.

The world needs more mental wellness… 11 years ago I had my first panic attack. I remember it like it was yesterday…I wa...

The world needs more mental wellness…

11 years ago I had my first panic attack. I remember it like it was yesterday…
I was at a red light heading home and it just happened.
Racing heart, couldn’t breathe, I felt dizzy like I was going to faint or even… die.
Sitting in the middle lane with cars on both sides and nowhere to go.

I opened all the windows, turned the music up and started to sing. I had to get my mind off of it…

I made it home, shaking all over, and trying to make sense of it. Too embarrassed to tell Daniel, or the kids. I thought it was a one time event. It would go away.

Only, it didn’t…

The panic attacks turned pretty quickly to a 24/7 ongoing anxiousness.
And I continued life as usual… with a big smile on my face.
Because that’s what we do. We often fake it, even when we don’t feel it.

But deep down I was dying.

I was prescribed some pills and I never took them because I wanted to get to the root of why these panic attacks came out of nowhere.

I decided to go the holistic route and found out that I was allergic to gluten.
So I changed my diet completely and in just TWO days I felt better.

No more panic attacks, no more anxious feelings.

You see, my gut was leaking but what I didn’t know then, that I know now…
The gut and brain are connected. So my panic attacks were a direct result of leaky gut.

I’m at a point in my life where I want to be a part of the change.
Mental wellness is the missing link for so many people.

What if we could all live HAPPIER?

I’m starting my journey with the mental wellness company to do just this.
Help people improve their gut health and mental wellness.

I’m so excited! I started taking my daily happy juice - a mix of probiotics, prebiotics and adaptogenic herbs that are proven to improve your happy hormones (serotonin and dopamine)
And lower your stress hormones (cortisol).

I’m looking forward to taking you on my new journey…
Comment “happy” if the mental wellness mission resonates with you and you’d like more info.

Do you know who your people are?Yesterday I had a long conversation with my daughter. She was upset. Someone in her clas...

Do you know who your people are?

Yesterday I had a long conversation with my daughter.
She was upset.
Someone in her class (grad school) mocked another student, everyone was laughing and the professor didn’t say anything.

My daughter knows how it feels to be bullied.

We were talking about how sometimes people can be mean and so unkind to others.

(This is a subject I would definitely dive into one day, because I really want to understand the psychology behind it )

I know who my people are.

Kind, positive, compassionate people with a passion to make a difference, in other peoples lives as well as in the world.

If you are one, let’s talk. Drop “kind” in a comment and I will reach out.

Ok ok ok... this is a tough one!! On a week day I will take a smoothie 😊, but on the weekend, please give me that milksh...

Ok ok ok... this is a tough one!! On a week day I will take a smoothie 😊, but on the weekend, please give me that milkshake 😆!!!

I had to post this 🤣 no offense, anyone. Just giggles for Monday. I hope you have a wonderful day!

I had to post this 🤣 no offense, anyone.
Just giggles for Monday.
I hope you have a wonderful day!

Authenticity is consistently choosing to be real over being liked.It’s about standing firm in who you are, what you beli...

Authenticity is consistently choosing to be real over being liked.
It’s about standing firm in who you are, what you believe in, and how you react.
It is the expression of your genuine self.
Just remember, at the same time, don't forget to be kind...
Are you authentic and kind?

Orange leaves or flowers? which one are you?I'm a bit torn here... Can I say both? 🤣

Orange leaves or flowers? which one are you?
I'm a bit torn here... Can I say both? 🤣

Positive attitudeLast week, during our BNI weekly meeting, one of our members presented that quote by Charles Swindoll. ...

Positive attitude

Last week, during our BNI weekly meeting, one of our members presented that quote by Charles Swindoll.
I haven’t heard it before, and it touched me…
So I wanted to share.

“The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude is more important than facts, it is more important than the past, than education, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important that appearance, giftedness, or skill.

We cannot change the past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.
The only thing we can do is play the one string we have, and that is, our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it, and so it is, with you and me, we are in charge of our attitudes”.

Charles Swindoll


Shine bright. Show your light 🌻

Shine bright. Show your light 🌻

Today I feel overwhelmed. And you know what?  It is absolutely okay!!Life can present us with challenges and responsibil...

Today I feel overwhelmed.
And you know what? It is absolutely okay!!

Life can present us with challenges and responsibilities that might seem too much to handle sometimes.
We might be changing jobs and have a lot on our plate, with so much to learn…
We might be having technical difficulties… and get frustrated a bit, because, let’s face it, many of us are not tech savvy 🤪

It's a natural human response to stress and pressure.

Please know you are not alone.
And it's important to be kind 🩵 to yourself during these moments.

🌸 Take a deep breath
🌸 Talk to your friends or loved ones

Always remember that you are stronger and more capable than you think.
You've got this 💪
And it's okay to ask for help!

What helps you when you are overwhelmed? 🩵 👇

Think about it... This quote really speaks to me. You are creating your own belief, your own reality. You can change it ...

Think about it... This quote really speaks to me.
You are creating your own belief, your own reality.
You can change it anytime, by attracting a different energy.
Be positive. Be kind. Be grateful.
and watch the magic happens.

Well, I guess I like to talk 🤷🏻‍♀️I am officially the top 121 producer in my BNI chapter for 2023. Yup.It means I had me...

Well, I guess I like to talk 🤷🏻‍♀️
I am officially the top 121 producer in my BNI chapter for 2023. Yup.
It means I had meetings with 150 people this past year 👏
Oh wait, I am also a part of other networking groups, so I actually met even more people 🙃

If you are an entrepreneur, small business owner, network marketer or a social seller, you know that creating relationships is a big part of our business and our world. And the impact on your business can be huge.

Surround yourself with people that know, like and trust you.

To check for groups in your area, you can start with your local chamber of commerce, your local BNI chapter, or search it on social media.

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to help!

There are many things your friends don’t know about you.I have many friends that I’ve met along the way and I keep in to...

There are many things your friends don’t know about you.
I have many friends that I’ve met along the way and I keep in touch with, from time to time. One of them reached out the other day, just to say hi.
I would like to share my reply, if you’d let me.

“I appreciate you reaching out.
It has been hard for us in the last few days.
Some of our friends are no longer with us.
My family is safe. I am very grateful for that!

Sorry I am not my usual happy self, we are coping. It is not about us.

Sometimes life makes you realize that you never know what will happen tomorrow.
Live life to the fullest. Enjoy it. Savor every moment. Love your loved ones like there is no tomorrow.

I am working on raising my vibration these days. Love, light, gratitude and peace. For all.”

I hope you all have a beautiful day, full of love 🩵 and sunshine ☀️

Who doesn’t like to be awesome? If there is someone, I haven’t met them yet!I think we all do. We want to be awesome, we...

Who doesn’t like to be awesome? If there is someone, I haven’t met them yet!
I think we all do. We want to be awesome, we want to be liked, we strive to.
I know I do.

I used to cringe every time I reached out to my phone to send a message to a prospect. Literally.
It just didn’t feel right. I felt like I was pushing away my friends and family, and every single person I knew.
I felt like I was doing something that didn’t sit with me.
It was inauthentic to me.

If you feel the same, know there is another way. Full of fun and laughs and most important - authentic 🥰.

Happy to share more 😊


I've received 300 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks you ALL for your support. 🙏🤗🎉 I appreciate every sin...

I've received 300 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks you ALL for your support. 🙏🤗🎉
I appreciate every single one of you 🩵
Happy dance 💃

I know, I know, girly colors 🤪. But if I had to choose, I would go with the modern red car. I might be classy, but I do ...

I know, I know, girly colors 🤪. But if I had to choose, I would go with the modern red car. I might be classy, but I do like my comfort 😉 and it is safer...

I can be stubborn. Yes. As a bull? maybe 🤔. But in my own creative way 🤪.Have a beautiful weekend y'all 🩵

I can be stubborn. Yes. As a bull? maybe 🤔.
But in my own creative way 🤪.
Have a beautiful weekend y'all 🩵

Since the moment we are born we grow.Physically, mentally, emotionally. Several years ago I found myself stuck. You coul...

Since the moment we are born we grow.
Physically, mentally, emotionally.

Several years ago I found myself stuck. You could say I wasn’t growing.
As a dept. manager for a big company, I was extremely busy… but I was bored, mentally.
Every day felt like the one before. And Mondays were the worst! That feeling every Sunday night of not wanting to go back was killing me.
But my salary was keeping me there.

I eventually made the decision to quit. I trusted myself.
Because I needed that brain stimulation. I needed to learn. I wanted to grow.
So I got into something that I have never done before, and oh boy 🤣 was I learning every single day! It was scary and awesome at the same time! It definitely wasn’t boring. I was way out of my comfort zone, but in a good way, you know?

It was one (of many!) of the best decisions I’ve ever made. So many things have changed since, because I learned to be curious.

Today I have more than just one stream of income. Each day is different, and I get to manage it, and take it to whatever direction I choose. Whichever makes me more curious 😉.

And I am growing.

Just keeping it real…Someone once told me I was the most honest (honestest? 🤷🏻‍♀️) person they met.Today I was creating ...

Just keeping it real…
Someone once told me I was the most honest (honestest? 🤷🏻‍♀️) person they met.
Today I was creating content about being authentic, and looked up the difference between the two.
“An honest person is one who is sincere and truthful.
An authentic person is one whose behavior reflects his or her deep feelings, core values and inner qualities.”
I can honestly say I am authentically honest 😊 or honestly authentic! 🙃
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend 🩵😘


Fun fact about me. I’m half Spanish.
I grew up in Israel in a house full of flamenco dancers, bulls and matadors figurines. Yes 😊. And flamenco music, every night after dinner with dad clapping 👏 his hands to the music.

Last weekend we went to the theater to watch Authentic Flamenco . They were absolutely amazing 🥰.
I felt like a kid back in my parents house.
It felt like home 🩵.

Happy Spanish Heritage month!

Rejection sucks! There, I said it.It is a common part of the network marketing niche.  It can be disheartening, to say t...

Rejection sucks! There, I said it.
It is a common part of the network marketing niche. It can be disheartening, to say the least.
Not everyone you approach will be interested in your product or opportunity, and some may even respond negatively 😔.
I will never forget the day I walked into my networking meeting, and my new friend walked all the way to the other side of the room, trying to avoid me. I was so embarrassed. And ashamed. Was I too direct with her during our coffee meeting? Should I have held back? So many questions came to mind that moment. The feeling that took over left me frozen. I couldn’t get myself to walk over and say hi that day.

Handling rejection gracefully and learning from it is an essential skill, but it can take time to develop this resilience.

But you know what did happen that day? I came home and started searching for solutions. That’s right. I learned from it, and chose to look for a better way to conduct and run my business, without running my friends away.

Today I have systems in place that attract my prospects to me! The best part is that they approach me, because they want to learn how I do what I do 😊.
And as for my friend, well, she is still my friend, and better than before! Because I learned to lead with relationship. Lead with love. And with value. Before anything else.
If you feel the same, dealing with friends and family's rejection and would like to learn how to conduct your business using modern friendly systems, please drop "info” in a comment.

Much love, y’all 🩵.


Prospecting can be daunting… it is a challenge, you know? But we cannot grow our business without it. I was told to reac...

Prospecting can be daunting… it is a challenge, you know?
But we cannot grow our business without it.
I was told to reach out to everyone I knew. Or approach strangers for that matter…
“Share your products and business opportunity with EVERYONE!! “
I was given scripts that didn’t resonate with me, or my personality 🤪.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I was lucky when I started my journey. My warm market was responding to me. My husband was supporting me. My daughter joined my team. And I hit every single bonus in my first three months. It can be a great business model, when your systems work.
But after a few years I found myself stuck.
I wasn’t able to generate daily leads to grow. I was still using the old spammy techniques, which were no longer working, and to be honest, well it felt icky.

I did my research and found a new system that helps me generate leads authentically leveraging social media. And the best part? I get to ditch the old school techniques, yes! Stepping into the modern world 😊.

If you feel the same way, having a hard time meeting new people, adding new customers and new team members, if you're ready for modern systems that work, drop “info” 👇 in a comment and I will reach out.

Wishing you all a wonderful day full of sunshine and smiling prospects.

This one is easy for me! Relax on the beach, probably with a frozen mojito 😊. How about you?

This one is easy for me! Relax on the beach, probably with a frozen mojito 😊. How about you?

Feeling on top of the world right now! 🚀🎉 Literally, would you look at this view...So incredibly grateful to be able to ...

Feeling on top of the world right now! 🚀🎉 Literally, would you look at this view...So incredibly grateful to be able to run my business from literally ANYWHERE! 💻🌍 The freedom it brings is beyond words. It's not just about working in pajamas (though that is a major perk 😜), it's about breaking boundaries, being flexible, and living life on my own terms! 🙌 Embracing this digital nomad lifestyle and loving every bit of it! 💖

Pushing boundaries, shattering limits , breaking the mold - that's what personal discipline is all about! It's not about...

Pushing boundaries, shattering limits , breaking the mold - that's what personal discipline is all about! It's not about punishment or deprivation.

✓ It's about setting goals and crushing them.
✓ It's about harnessing the willpower to keep going even when the going gets tough.
✓ It's about realizing that the only thing standing between me and my dreams is ME!

So, folks, The path may be uphill, but the view from the top is ALWAYS worth it.

Let’s do this! Who’s with me?



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