So Here Is One Of Our Clients Win 🥳
One of our clients first did the Free Workshop. He tried to launch a paid workshop before but was not able to get any breakthrough. Also worked with different agencies but the same results every time.
Doing Free Workshop
Leads Generated: 10,000
Clients Closed: 11
Then I recommended him to launch a Paid workshop of Rs. 51 to get qualified leads and we launched the paid workshop also. In the first week we generated 65 Leads of Rs. 51 out of that only 53-55 Leads appeared in the workshop and out of that he closed 8 Deals In the workshop only.
After Results:
Launched Rs. 51 Workshop
Leads Generated In One Week: 65
Clients Closed: 8 (In First Workshop Only)
Now he extended our 1 Month contract to next 6 Months.
In a free workshop if you are not able to get quality leads then always try to launch a paid workshop. Whether it will be as little as Rs. 9 Workshop to Rs. 499 Workshop (If You Have A budget).
Always Keep Testing And Keep Learning.
Thank You.