The “description” hasn’t changed since policing started I guess 🤷🏾♂️
Check out “MAKE THE NORM” podcast! Where we’re reclaiming the culture and making being BLACK and all the dopeness associated, the norm!
#makethenorm #wearetheculture #deathtoculturevultures #podcast #blackpodcasters #blackcreators #blm #blacklivesmatter #philly #blackculturematters #blackculture
#supportblack #buyblack #watchblack
#blackpower #makethenormpodcast #failuresnotanoption #blm #blackexcellence #alllivescantmatteruntilblacklivesmatter #supportblackowned #supportblackcreators #blackpodcasts #blackmedia
When you willing give up the power of the 🍑 the 🍆 will reign supreme! You being tricked out your spot and applauding.
White peoples!! When you realize you or your friends are the problem immediate action is required!
Black people, we need to started throwing shyt back! Fuk punch’s
#policebrutality #blm #blacklivesstillmatter #blacklivesmatter #pbm #ftp #fuk12
There was an explosion this morning in Tennessee today? Who you think responsible? We don’t blow Ish up ijs...
hope everyone recovers 100%
#blm #blacklivesmatter #tragedy #news #explorer
“If you fail to plan you plan to fail “
“United we stand divided we fall” understand what’s going on...
#blackpower #makethenorm #makethenormpodcast #failuresnotanoption #blacklivesmatter #blm #blackunitedforchange #blackexcellence #alllivescantmatteruntilblacklivesmatter #tunein #supportblack #supportblackowned #supportblackcreators #blackpodcasters #blackpodcasts #blackmedia
Church call the cops on a black woman for sitting on “Their” grass smh
#Repost @chakabars
Body trafficking is a multi billion dollar business with very sophisticated tech solutions. Not the primitive stuff we see depicted in tv.
NFAC pulled up on the KKK headquarters like waddup doe!
fuk12 #ftp #f**kthecops #f**k12 #f**kthepolice #f**kthesystem #burnitdown #blmmovement #blackpower #blackpowermovement #✊🏿 #selfdefense #selfworth #knowledgeispower #knowledgeofself #respectme #blackman #power #powertothepeople #fightback #catchthesehands #cops #coplivesmatter #policebrutality #policebrutalityawareness #alllivesmatter #alllivesmatter✊ #alllivesmatters #alllivesmatter✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #alllivesmatterwhenblacklivesmatter #bluelivesmurder
How much to turn one of them whites only pies to a nigga pie!?
#amerikka #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #whiteprivilege #whitepeoplebelike #whitepeoplearetheminorityoftheworld #blacklivesmatter #education #educationispower #knowledgeispower #knowledgeofself #buyblack #segregation #Fintegration
#reparations #jimcrow #jimcrowisback #Fjimcrow
This is true community.... I would love to raise my kid in a community like this.
Each year during the second week of June, hundreds of locals gather to hand build a new Q’eswachaka bridge over the Apurímac River. The 124-foot-long rope bridge is meant to honor the Andean gods. Using only natural fibers and no small measure of dedication and teamwork, the community tears down the previous year’s bridge and constructs a new one in an epic three-day feat. Master builders Eleuterio Callo Tapia and Victoriano Arizapana took us through the process and even invited us to the ensuing celebration.
#justiceforgeorge #justiceforgeorgefloyd #georgefloyd #nojusticenopeace #nojusticenopeace✊🏾 #peacefulprotest #blm #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #policebrutality #policebrutalityawareness #thinblueline #livingwhileblack #handsupdontshoot #icantbreathe
Sometimes life becomes unbearable especially being White, a woman, and a police officer but things will get better.
#policeofficer #cops #bluelivesmatter #thinblueline
#blm #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #alllivesmatter #whiteprivilege #whitelivesmattermost #whitelivesmattermore #whitelivesmatter #policebrutality #copaplee #foh #ftp