American Laughter Championship

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American Laughter Championship This page is dedicated to all United States North American citizens. In order to see if you qualify

The 2023 American Laughing Championship is over. We will be cheering the amazing Carla Brown on at the World Laughing Ch...

The 2023 American Laughing Championship is over. We will be cheering the amazing Carla Brown on at the World Laughing Championships on 21 May at noon ET.
-->THANK YOU to the wonderful contestants - you are fabulous laughers, each and everyone of you - Lisa Sanphillippo, Leah Johnson (Ginger), Katy Magg, Julie Ostrow, Cole Robinson and of course Carla Brown. Dorothy, we missed you but look forward to your entry next year.
-->THANK YOU to all the audience who came, cheered and voted - you posted beautiful comments to the participants and were great cheer.
-->THANK YOU Giselle for the warm up and Marina for the Laughter Pledge. Giselle, wherever you were going we want to go with you!
-->THANK YOU to our volunteer helpers - Delphine, F***y and Steve. You did such a great job at spotlighting, catching and diving with the polls, helping with admitting folks, muting and more....

Wishing you all a great weekend!
Larry and Laila

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

Please meet Dorothy Pincus!
Dorothy Pincus (The Human Instrument) is the proud owner of Yoga Speaks Volume-LA
Just like singing and music, laughter is one of the most powerful tools to connect people in business with health benefits. -Dorothy Pincus
Dorothy is an award-winning entertainer. She has over 20+ years in the entertainment business through SAG/AFTRA and BMI Music. Also, a best seller author of several books through She singed the National Anthem for Lakers, Clippers and the LA Sparks.
She has worked with Legendary artist such as Jennifer Hudson project RESPECT, The Rock on HBO, Barry Manilow, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Nine Inch Nails, Mariah Carey, Will I Am, Toni Braxton, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Snoop Dog, Tupac all over the world and studio sessions, Tours, TV appearances with many icons in the business.
A show stopper as a musical inspiration, Dorothy has inspired crowds with her soulful hypnotic sound for many gurus in the Spiritual, Holistic and Wellness world like the Dalai Lama, Marianne Williamson, Lisa Nichols, Deepak Chopra, Neal Walsh, Michael Beckwith from the Secret, and Dr. Madan Kataria the creator of Laughter Yoga from India, Holistic Chamber of Commerce, and many more.
Back in 2015 Dorothy was diagnosed with a chronic illness which caused chronic pain. Dorothy is pain free through the power of laughter, mindfulness/sound healing. Laughter is an exercise that doesn’t put anything in your body but just like singing and music it makes you feel good and brings you to a happier successful place.
Dorothy brings the 3 P elements, Passsion, Presence and Performance in every laughter session, which
*Improve moods, helps people feel happier and more positive
*Burn outs, when you are overwhelmed, emotionally drained, resulting in excessive and prolonged emotional, physical and mental stress.
*Relief Pain, a good laugh relieves body aches and pains
*Lowers blood pressure
*Mental health
*Strengthen your immune system much like moderate exercise which keeps folks healthy
*Stress Reliever helps with mental health
*Promotes Teamwork- Defuses conflict, Better Morale in the office, Better Relationships
*Keeps you young at heart

Dorothy company has been acknowledged for her work in LA Magazines, she’s appeared on Tru TV, Motivational speaker at the Holistic Chamber of Commerce, Laughter Yoga Conventions, Women Economic Forum Globally, United State of Women of Southern California, promoting the power of laughter as an alternative practice.
As a Show Stopper Laughter partner, Dorothy knows what you want, to assist you with what you need for your company.

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

Please meet Carla Brown, the 2022 American Laughing Champion! Carla will be laughing to keep her title tomorrow.

Hahaha, hellooo! I'm so honored to be included in this amazing group of people! Wow!

Laughter Yoga came into my life in 2009, when I was looking for a way to offset a familiar feeling of low-grade depression. After my first experience I was hooked! Over the next year and a half I attended multiple laughter yoga trainings, while offering as many Laughter sessions as possible. I’ve worked with seniors, elementary, high school and college students, educators, nurses and doctors, hospice, dialysis units, cancer patients, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients, county health departments, community organizations, caregivers, University admin staff, and on and on.

In 2017, deeper aspect of my service work was revealed, when my mother and best friend passed within a year of each other. I then took a deep dive into the experience and study of grief and loss. As I moved through my own journey with it, I began to learn valuable things about the gift of grief and how it relates to the depth of love, joy and aliveness in our lives.

My training and life experience over the last 30 years, as a Laughter Yoga Leader and Teacher, Hatha Yoga Teacher, Grief Yoga® Teacher, Emotional Resiliency and Joy Coach, CMT, Reiki Master, Energy Medicine Practitioner, health advocate, transformational workshop leader, kindergarten teacher, and caregiver has informed and shaped all that I bring into my practice. With dual degrees in Psychology and Social Science, I have always been interested in mental and emotional health, empowering people to bring joyful, loving connection, authentic expression and self-compassion into daily life.

In private practice online and in Santa Cruz, CA, I facilitate weekly online laughter classes, GriefYoga®, and the popular Joy Reboot, as well as working with clients one-on-one, to liberate fear, grief and discordant emotions and embody more joy.

Laughter is the medicine that liberates the stagnant energy and awakens more joy within! Coach, CMT, Reiki Master, Energy Medicine Practitioner, health advocate, transformational workshop leader, kindergarten teacher, and caregiver, has I informed and shaped all that I bring into my classes, trainings and one on one support. With dual degrees in Psychology and Social Science, I have always been interested in mental and emotional health and wellness.

In 2017, deeper aspect of my service work presented itself, when my mother and best friend passed within a year of each other. I then took a deep dive into the experience and study of grief and loss. As I moved through my own journey with it, I began to learn valuable things about the gift of grief and how it relates to the depth of love, joy and aliveness in our lives. I facilitate weekly online laughter classes, GriefYoga®, and the popular Joy Reboot, as well as working with clients one-on-one to liberate fear, grief and discordant emotions and embody more joy. Laughter is the medicine that liberates the stagnant energy and awakens more joy within!

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

Who is next? Please meet Lisa Sanphillippo!
Lisa Sanphillippo is a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, Reiki II practitioner, nature tour guide, and budding community builder. She was also the runner up in the 2022 American Laughing Championship.

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

Here is our third contestant. Meet Julie Ostrow.
She is ready to laugh for fun and for some friendly competition! She is the First-Ever American Laughing Champion (2013) and displays her trophy in her office for her dogs to see and admire. Julie believes in the power of laughter as a stress reliever and a delightful way to connect with others.
As a Humorous Speaker and Communication Coach, The Second City-trained (1995) Julie Ostrow teaches and shows organizations how to use improv skills and humor to improve creativity, communication, and collaboration within their organizations and with their clients. Improv skills lay the foundation for effective communication and the ability to be truly present with whom we interact. Being truly present and really listening are key to connecting and communicating with team members and clients. Julie trained with the World Laughter Tour (2007) and in Laughter Yoga from The American School of Laughter Yoga (2009).

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

Today, please meet Leah the Laughing Ginger!
Hi, I am Leah Johnson known also as that Joyful Ginger! Known to crack up most people with contagious, snorting, hilarious laughter.

I am a Teacher, A Joy Life Coach, A Medical Qigong Provider, A World Peace Advocate, A Feminine Empowerment Leader, A Family and Child Wellness Advocate, A Sought After International Collaborator, A Professional Laugher, A Spiritual Warrior, and an Energy Healer and Body Worker. I teach free online laughter classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 8am to 8:40am Pacific Time. Among my many accomplishments I hold a Masters in Medical Qigong from IIMQ Overseas College, A Bachelor of Science from the UW Seattle. A Massage License in CA, and a Certifications as a Laughter Yoga Leader and Teacher from Laughter Yoga University In Bengalura India.

I am the founder and creator of Women Of The World Courageously Unite Using Our Voices to Express Our Joy and Freedom. An Annual Event that is currently in progress to be turned into a scholarship program to support women in different parts of the world moving out of domestic violent situations and wanting to support positive changes in their community's bring more joy, love, light, laughter and life to those around them. I will be holding a laughter tent in the Netherlands this August 26th and 27th at the Redhead days in Tilburg, stay tuned for more information. I cohosted with Larry Last year and enjoyed it so much I wanted to compete this year. Thanks to Laila it is possible this year. May we all laugh and have a fun time together. Let the laughter games begin. Hahahhahhaha

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

To cheer the contestants and vote for the next champion: Saturday, May 13th, 1 pm ET:

Please meet Katy Magg who will be competing in the American Laughing Championship on May 13th:

Katy Maag, BSN, RN, CCRP, Laughter Yoga Teacher/Therapist helps bring Laughter and Wellness to all ages. Before starting to practice Laughter Yoga, Katy worked for over thirty years as a nurse. The past twenty-two plus years in Cardiac / Pulmonary Rehabilitation. During this time she has helped patients obtain better health after a heart-related incident with exercise and education. She also realized that stress is hard on people and that people often faced with troubles forget to laugh to help release the stress. Laughter has many benefits, including stress reduction, increasing energy and even enhancing mental and physical well-being.

Katy also shared this lovely poem which she says pretty much sums up why she does what she does:
Laughter every day. And every way. For my highs and for the lows. Spreading cheer wherever I go. Just a little snicker can bring a little picker –up for those around. And why not spread the cheer as long as they don’t fear. For a quick little bond for Humankind.


Are you going to be the next American Laughter Champion?
Auditions are now open to select the participants for the Championship to be held on Saturday, May 13th, 2023 at 1 pm ET.
To enter is very easy:
1. Record a short video of yourself laughing your most contagious laughter - 30-45 seconds max.
2. Post your video in the comments of this post.
3. Keep laughing every day as it's the best training to prepare for the championship!

OKAY, All you laughers, If you'd like to participate in the American Laughing Championship on May 13, post a short video...

OKAY, All you laughers, If you'd like to participate in the American Laughing Championship on May 13, post a short video of yourself laughing. Eight participants will be chosen the event! Nobody loses, everybody wins! Ask Carla Brown if she had fun last year

It's long over due but here is the ALC 2022

It's long over due but here is the ALC 2022

In April 2022 I was asked to cohost the American Laughter Championship with Larry O'Brien. Together with the technical support of Laila Trogneux-Goosen we ma...


The American Laughter Championship joyfully congratulates this years winner Carla H. Brown Yeah(hand claps) 👏 (whistles) (cheers🥂 )!!!!

Laila Trogneux-Goosen Larry O'Brien & Joyful Ginger Would all like to thank all of our amazing and wonderful participants in this years American Laughter Championship. Everyone Did a fantastic job.

Thank you to
1. Bill Hamaker
2.Jill Naomi-Russel
3.Carla H. Brown
4.Gigi Otalvaro-Hormillosa
5.Tiffany Caudill
6. Julie Ostrow
7. Lisa Sanphillippo

Everyone laughed so well and fabulously. Thank you for submitting your videos and participating in this wonderful event.

We also wish to thank Albert Nerenberg for attending and providing more wonderful information about the purpose of laughter championships and spreading contagious laughter.

A playback will be provided here shortly, check back soon for a replay of the event. hahahha.

As a reminder we all win in health and happiness in laughter. Keep spreading the joy, love and laughter because you are all wonderful as you are. We love you The American Laughter Championship team!


Hi everyone I just discovered under the more options, if you click "community" you will see all videos posted to this page. They are great. Larry and I look forward to laughing with you all tomorrow. Yeah... If you did not make it into the championship this year, please come and vote this year.


Congratulations to the Participants in tomorrow's American Laughter Championship,
1. Mary Ann Duffy
2. Bill Hamaker
3.Jill Naomi-Russel
4.Carla H. Brown
5.Gigi Otalvaro-Hormillosa
6.Tiffany Caudill
7. Julie Ostrow
8. Lisa Sanphillippo
9.Linda Hamaker

Here are the time zones to which all participants much log in before we start.
Log in time 1:45 pm for 2pm et start time
Log in time 12:45 pm for 1pm ct start time
Log in time 11:45 am for 12pm mt start time
Log in time 10: 45 am for 11pm pt start time

Here is the link for tomorrow’s event.
Who has the most contagious laugh in the land?
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 4326 3996
Passcode: 144477

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...

Just add your one-minute audition video by April 23rd. The contest will be 4/24 at 2:00 PM (ET)!  O boy! The winner will...

Just add your one-minute audition video by April 23rd. The contest will be 4/24 at 2:00 PM (ET)! O boy!
The winner will receive the DOUG COLLINS AWARD for the most contagious laugh in the Fifty States!




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