Season 20 Is Over!
This was the toughest season of competition yet and we’ve received feedback that the meta was varied with a wide range of viable team compositions. A large part of this was thanks to the awesome suggestions made by the community.
Over 2,600,000 players participated in Season 20! The prize pool of 117,676 AXS was our largest ever, with a current value of almost 6,000,000 USD. Remember, we will be scaling up these rewards over time through various game modes as our products become mature enough to sustain larger distributions of earnable tokens through gameplay achievements.
We know that many of you are interested in the future of this classic battle mode as we prepare for a shift to Axie Infinity: Origin. Right now, we plan on having a 1 month offseason before moving into Season 21 which would likely be the last season of Axie Infinity: Classic.
AXS rewards for Season 20 will be claimable through your marketplace dashboard later this week. We will be conducting a final review of suspicious activity and win-trading before enabling claiming.
For those interested, here is a breakdown of player levels by MMR: