Woman to Woman

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Woman to Woman Woman to Woman is one of my ways to minister to other women with words of encouragement on topics that are common to all women.


Hi ladies,
In my reading the other day, I came across an acrostic I had heard years ago. Acrostics use certain letters in each line to form a word. The purpose of this is to help us more easily remember whatever the information is.
The acrostic I read the other day was a formula for prayer:

A doration
C confession
T hanksgiving
S upplication

There is so much meaning in this simple acrostic. That got me to thinking about others, so that is what I’m sharing with you today. Although they may seem simple, if you meditate on what they actually mean there is so much depth. This message is shorter than most, but these words speak for themselves and are so powerful. So, don’t just quickly read over them, but actually take some time and get their meaning deep in your heart.
You are probably familiar with some, but maybe some are new to you.
B asic H olding F orwarding God''s L isten
I nstructions O nto A ll R iches O verlook
B efore P romises I ssues A t V alue
L eaving E ternal T o C hrist’s E ncourage
E arth H eaven E Expense

Dear Lord, thank you for your grace, the faith you gave us, the love and hope we have in you. Amen
God bless,

Hi ladies,
In my reading the other day, I came across an acrostic I had heard years ago. Acrostics use certain letters in each line to form a word. The purpose of this is to help us more easily remember whatever the information is.
The acrostic I read the other day was a formula for prayer:
A doration
C confession
T hanksgiving
S upplication
There is so much meaning in this simple acrostic. That got me to thinking about others, so that is what I’m sharing with you today. Although they may seem simple, if you meditate on what they actually mean there is so much depth. This message is shorter than most, but these words speak for themselves and are so powerful. So, don’t just quickly read over them, but actually take some time and get their meaning deep in your heart.
You are probably familiar with some, but maybe some are new to you.
B asic H olding F orwarding G od’s L isten
I nstructions O nto A ll R iches O verlook
B efore P romises I ssues A t V alue
L eaving E ternal T o C hrist’s E ncourage
E arth H eaven E xpense
Dear Lord, thank you for your grace, the faith you gave us, the love and hope we have in you. Amen
God bless,

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Hi ladies,
An article I read the other day made the statement, “We all have a habit of looking around at others to measure or compare how we are doing. We assess our godliness and obedience as if God were grading on a curve. He’s not.”
If we want to assess our godliness and obedience, our comparison needs to be with God’s Word. Are we doing what it says? Are we listening to the Holy Spirit? We are the ones responsible for our relationship with the Lord. We can’t go to heaven on another’s coat tail. We each have to work at our own salvation.
Philippians 2:12-13: Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
These verses imply a need to live out – to practice, demonstrate, and exhibit – the salvation which believers have in Christ. The concept of "fear and trembling" addresses worshipful respect for God. We have to live out God’s commands without compromise. Not only are we not to be like the world, we aren’t to be like others period if they aren’t godly.
We need to live our lives to please God and not man – not even ourselves. No pleasure here on earth is worth displeasure from God. There is absolutely nothing He commands us to do or not do that isn’t for our benefit and because He loves us.
Some view God (even some Christians) as stern and giving us a list of rules to follow just because He is God – a stern Father demanding obedience. That is a very misguided view. Anything God asks of us is for our ultimate good. That doesn’t mean it is easy or won’t hurt at times. That doesn’t mean we won’t lose friends , positions or be mocked because we are different, but we are called to be different.
1 Peter 2:9 KJV: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Most people consider peculiar as being strange or unusual. I certainly think a person today who is faithfully trying to live by biblical standards is unusual indeed! We should consider it an honor to be called peculiar!
God bless,
vvHi ladies,
An article I read the other day made the statement, “We all have a habit of looking around at others to measure or compare how we are doing. We assess our godliness and obedience as if God were grading on a curve. He’s not.”
If we want to assess our godliness and obedience, our comparison needs to be with God’s Word. Are we doing what it says? Are we listening to the Holy Spirit? We are the ones responsible for our relationship with the Lord. We can’t go to heaven on another’s coat tail. We each have to work at our own salvation.
Philippians 2:12-13: Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
These verses imply a need to live out – to practice, demonstrate, and exhibit – the salvation which believers have in Christ. The concept of "fear and trembling" addresses worshipful respect for God. We have to live out God’s commands without compromise. Not only are we not to be like the world, we aren’t to be like others period if they aren’t godly.
We need to live our lives to please God and not man – not even ourselves. No pleasure here on earth is worth displeasure from God. There is absolutely nothing He commands us to do or not do that isn’t for our benefit and because He loves us.
Some view God (even some Christians) as stern and giving us a list of rules to follow just because He is God – a stern Father demanding obedience. That is a very misguided view. Anything God asks of us is for our ultimate good. That doesn’t mean it is easy or won’t hurt at times. That doesn’t mean we won’t lose friends , positions or be mocked because we are different, but we are called to be different.
1 Peter 2:9 KJV: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Most people consider peculiar as being strange or unusual. I certainly think a person today who is faithfully trying to live by biblical standards is unusual indeed! We should consider it an honor to be called peculiar!
God bless,

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Hi ladies,
In Paul’s greetings in Romans Chapter 16, he names a list of people and makes a few comments on some. You might want to take the time to read this chapter and get a better feel for what these saints meant to Paul. They were very dear to him.

A few of them are mentioned more than once in the Bible so we know more of their history, but most aren’t. These were just a few of the many faithful servants who assisted Paul in his ministry. I imagine they would be amazed how many have read their name. Many in the early church names and service we won’t know until we reach heaven.

That is still true today – so many unsung heroes – soldiers in God’s Army who get little recognition past their small circle of people where they live. No one will read their name in a book thousands of years later, but that is ok. God knows and his is really the only recognition we need. His “Well done, my good and faithful servant” is what we all desire.

I want to make several points in today’s message.

1. As Christians, we should all be doing the work of the ministry. Even new believers can serve in some capacity.

2. Serve others without expecting recognition – maintaining a humble spirit

3. Colossians 3:23-24: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

4. Recognize those who faithfully serve no matter how big or small their role – all service is of great value – encourage them

So often we only consider those on the platform as ministering, such as the pastor and worship team. There are so many more people involved with having a service and the operation of a church. Many we never see like those who clean the facility, mow the grass, or put tithing envelopes & such out. It takes many hands and everyone has something they can do. 1 Peter 4:10: As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. We all can do something.

During the summer, church attendance usually drops off some with people going on vacations and such, but school will start back up soon. I want to encourage you to re-evaluate how you serve in your local church. Don’t wait for someone to ask you to participate. Take the initiative and volunteer – find where the need is and if it is within your gifting fill it. One thing we all can do is pray and that is so needed.

1 Corinthians 3:6-10 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building. According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.

2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Dear Lord, we thank you for blessing us with talents and abilities needed to do the work of the ministry. We ask you to open up doors of opportunity for us to be a blessing to the body of Christ and to the world that we may be your hands and feet here on earth. Amen

God bless,

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Hi ladies,
I know I just recently did the July 4th e-mail on our country and taking a stand for the godly principles our forefathers founded this nation on, but after the attempted assassination of President Trump I feel lead to continue in that direction.
We so need to pray like never before against the demonic, especially in this presidential election. Satan would like nothing better than to disrupt the election in some way.
Isaiah 59:16 NKJV: He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him.
This verse is a messianic verse referring to the salvation brought by Christ. Of course, He was the only one who could. No human intercessor qualified for such. But the point I want to make with this verse is “Are there no intercessors today?”
I will answer my own question. Yes, a resounding yes there are, but we need more and we need to intercede more! Let’s look a few verses down in Isaiah.
Isaiah 59:19 NKJV: So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.
Well, we certainly can say that the enemy is coming in like a flood. Our nation is so divided. God is our only answer. We need Him to lift up a standard against the evil one and his demons. The word STANDARD represents a force, like a narrow flood, that flows with great speed and force, and carries away everything before it. By the word of the Lord and by His power the attack of the enemy shall be broken.
We should regularly intercede for our nation, but I am asking you these coming months at least until the November election to pray and even fast if you can more than usual. Set aside extra time to go before the Lord – to intercede for America. Some of you don’t live in the U.S., but what happens here affects the whole world. I am asking you also to pray.
Here are some prayer suggestions:
1. Pray against the enemy’s agenda in this election and our country period
2. Protection for both candidates and running mates
3. Wisdom for Security Services & protection
4. Civility on all sides
5. Fair electoral process – ballots, etc.
6. No delays in the election
7. Christians get out and vote
Only the Lord can change the hearts of mankind, but we are his vessels here on earth. We need to do our part in faith believing He will be the force and do what only He can do. Praise you Lord. Your will be done with America. You are not finished with us. Amen
God bless,
Hi ladies,
I know I just recently did the July 4th e-mail on our country and taking a stand for the godly principles our forefathers founded this nation on, but after the attempted assassination of President Trump I feel lead to continue in that direction.
We so need to pray like never before against the demonic, especially in this presidential election. Satan would like nothing better than to disrupt the election in some way.
Isaiah 59:16 NKJV: He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him.
This verse is a messianic verse referring to the salvation brought by Christ. Of course, He was the only one who could. No human intercessor qualified for such. But the point I want to make with this verse is “Are there no intercessors today?”
I will answer my own question. Yes, a resounding yes there are, but we need more and we need to intercede more! Let’s look a few verses down in Isaiah.
Isaiah 59:19 NKJV: So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.
Well, we certainly can say that the enemy is coming in like a flood. Our nation is so divided. God is our only answer. We need Him to lift up a standard against the evil one and his demons. The word STANDARD represents a force, like a narrow flood, that flows with great speed and force, and carries away everything before it. By the word of the Lord and by His power the attack of the enemy shall be broken.
We should regularly intercede for our nation, but I am asking you these coming months at least until the November election to pray and even fast if you can more than usual. Set aside extra time to go before the Lord – to intercede for America. Some of you don’t live in the U.S., but what happens here affects the whole world. I am asking you also to pray.
Here are some prayer suggestions:
1. Pray against the enemy’s agenda in this election and our country period
2. Protection for both candidates and running mates
3. Wisdom for Security Services & protection
4. Civility on all sides
5. Fair electoral process – ballots, etc.
6. No delays in the election
7. Christians get out and vote
Only the Lord can change the hearts of mankind, but we are his vessels here on earth. We need to do our part in faith believing He will be the force and do what only He can do. Praise you Lord. Your will be done with America. You are not finished with us. Amen
God bless,

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Hi ladies,
Today we will look at 2 Timothy, Paul’s final epistle written from prison to his spiritual son, Timothy. Paul knows he will be dying soon. He is encouraging Timothy that he is ready to carry on the ministry after his death.
A person’s last words are treasured by those who love them. I’m sure these last words from Paul were precious to Timothy – words of instruction and support.
The key verse is 2:15: Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
I think it will be helpful to go over briefly what Paul tells Timothy in each chapter. This wisdom and guidance is as beneficial for us today as it was back then to Timothy.
Chapter 1: Paul tells of his love for Timothy, to remember his call, use his gifts with boldness and keep to the truth.

Chapter 2: Prepare others to follow him in ministry, be disciplined & ready to endure hardship, keep his eyes and mind focused on Christ, hold to sound doctrine, reject error, avoid godless chatter, correctly handle the word of truth, and keep his life pure.

Chapter 3: Warns of opposition he will face from those that teach false doctrine, be prepared – remember Paul’s example, understand the real source of opposition, find strength and power in the Word of God.

Chapter 4: Charges him to preach the Word and to fulfill his ministry until the end.

Paul knows Timothy has the qualities necessary to be a faithful minister of Jesus Christ. He is reminding Timothy of this in his last words. Just as we all want our sons and daughters to succeed in life, especially in service to God, Paul was leaving Timothy with life priorities that would serve him well.

These priorities come down to:
1. Sound doctrine
2. Steadfast faith
3. Confident endurance
4. Enduring love

Dear Lord,
Help each of us to make these our life priorities daily. We know we will come up against false doctrine, and when we do our being grounded in the Truth will keep us on the right path and able to help others. May no matter what comes our way our faith does not waiver. May we remain confident in you and the ability to endure. May our love abound til you are ready to call us home. Amen

God bless,

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Hi ladies,
Happy 4th of July! I hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by family and friends; maybe barbequing and shooting a few fireworks. Also, I hope you give some thought to what Independence Day means and the freedoms it provided us.
Our nation was founded on godly principles and for years reaped the blessings from this heritage, but those principles are no longer being upheld like they were meant to be. Now at our 248th year, we are so far from where we started we can hardly recognize America.
If things continue the direction they are going, we will no longer be a democracy, but Socialist/Marxist. Many young people believe this is the way to go. There is such deception in our land. They don’t have a clue what real life under such would mean. We need to do what we can to save this land before it is too late.
I believe that is still possible. Our nation can repent and return to being one nation under God. It has to start with the church – the true church. The body of believers who have not compromised God’s Word. The light we shed in the darkness is keeping satan from taking our nation completely over. Rather than getting discouraged and fed up, lets’ get stirred up with righteous indignation.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
This verse is addressing the church. The body of Christ has to humbly seek God, pray, and repent. If we want things in our country to change, it needs to start with us. We need a mighty move of God in our lives that flows outside the church building to touch lives all across our land with the gospel.
PTL revival is breaking out here and there. The church is finally waking up out of her complacency. We must join in spiritual warfare for our country to become on fire for God again. For that to happen the church has to be bold and stand up against the craziness that is going on even if it makes life harder for us and it probably will.
Our forefathers didn’t back down and we must not either. Take a stand in any area that pushes anything other than godly principles whether politics, schools, work, media, or family. It doesn’t matter if we are liked. It doesn’t matter if we are mocked.
Dear Lord, forgive us for allowing the wonderful country you gave us to become what it has. As Christians we have not stood up and we’ve allowed prayer to be taken out of our schools, abortion to be legalized and all the horrible things we now have to deal with.
At times we feel helpless, and that is one of satan’s strategies, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We can stand on your Word. Your Word says we are more than conquerors. We can stand against ungodliness and win. We do NOT have to compromise. We have you on our side. Amen
God bless,

Hi ladies,
Happy 4th of July! I hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by family and friends; maybe barbequing and shooting a few fireworks. Also, I hope you give some thought to what Independence Day means and the freedoms it provided us.
Our nation was founded on godly principles and for years reaped the blessings from this heritage, but those principles are no longer being upheld like they were meant to be. Now at our 248th year, we are so far from where we started we can hardly recognize America.
If things continue the direction they are going, we will no longer be a democracy, but Socialist/Marxist. Many young people believe this is the way to go. There is such deception in our land. They don’t have a clue what real life under such would mean. We need to do what we can to save this land before it is too late.
I believe that is still possible. Our nation can repent and return to being one nation under God. It has to start with the church – the true church. The body of believers who have not compromised God’s Word. The light we shed in the darkness is keeping satan from taking our nation completely over. Rather than getting discouraged and fed up, lets’ get stirred up with righteous indignation.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
This verse is addressing the church. The body of Christ has to humbly seek God, pray, and repent. If we want things in our country to change, it needs to start with us. We need a mighty move of God in our lives that flows outside the church building to touch lives all across our land with the gospel.
PTL revival is breaking out here and there. The church is finally waking up out of her complacency. We must join in spiritual warfare for our country to become on fire for God again. For that to happen the church has to be bold and stand up against the craziness that is going on even if it makes life harder for us and it probably will.
Our forefathers didn’t back down and we must not either. Take a stand in any area that pushes anything other than godly principles whether politics, schools, work, media, or family. It doesn’t matter if we are liked. It doesn’t matter if we are mocked.
Dear Lord, forgive us for allowing the wonderful country you gave us to become what it has. As Christians we have not stood up and we’ve allowed prayer to be taken out of our schools, abortion to be legalized and all the horrible things we now have to deal with.
At times we feel helpless, and that is one of satan’s strategies, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We can stand on your Word. Your Word says we are more than conquerors. We can stand against ungodliness and win. We do NOT have to compromise. We have you on our side. Amen
God bless,

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Hi ladies,
Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary gives several definitions of devotion:
1. The state of being dedicated, consecrated, or solemnly set apart for a particular purpose
2. A yielding of the heart and affections to God
3. An act of reverence and respect
4. Earnestness and eagerness
Based on these definitions, devotion can be given to not only God, but people, or things. Some people are devoted to their spouse and that isn’t wrong as long as not above God. Some people are devoted to some cause like standing against abortion and that is good.
But there can be misplaced devotion. Jobs and material things can become things of devotion. Many are dedicated to such; it’s their purpose in life.
Many in the world are devoted to false gods – Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims. They are sincerely devoted to their god, but as Christians we know they are so deceived. When they die, neither their gods nor them will be in heaven.
Most of you who are receiving these e-mails were raised in the U.S. Unfortunately, we are no longer the godly nation we use to be, but we have had more chance of hearing the true gospel than most nations.
My intention when I started this message was to talk about Christian devotion specifically, but God is directing me otherwise. He wants me to point you to the millions of people with misplaced devotion. We may not personally come in contact with many people who follow these false religions I have mentioned, but we can pray for their followers to come to truth. We can help support missionaries to go to them and proclaim truth.
Most of us do try to impact the lives of those around us, but we can influence those far away also. We need to not get so caught up in our little world and even America’s issues that we forget the world at large. God wants all to know Him, be devoted to Him the one true God.
My husband and I have been on the mission field and very aware of life and all these false gods, but it is easy to get so caught up in our own little comfortable life surrounded by Christians we fail to be as concerned as we should for those in deception here in the U.S. and all around the world.
Father, forgive us. Set our hearts on fire for a great worldwide awakening. May we be more committed in prayer and financial support for the gospel to be proclaimed and souls saved. We ask for the eyes of those deceived by false gods to be open. Place specific people groups, specific missionaries and needs on our hearts to pray for. May you be glorified around the world. Show yourself in miraculous way. Amen
God bless,

vHi ladies,
Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary gives several definitions of devotion:
1. The state of being dedicated, consecrated, or solemnly set apart for a particular purpose
2. A yielding of the heart and affections to God
3. An act of reverence and respect
4. Earnestness and eagerness
Based on these definitions, devotion can be given to not only God, but people, or things. Some people are devoted to their spouse and that isn’t wrong as long as not above God. Some people are devoted to some cause like standing against abortion and that is good.
But there can be misplaced devotion. Jobs and material things can become things of devotion. Many are dedicated to such; it’s their purpose in life.
Many in the world are devoted to false gods – Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims. They are sincerely devoted to their god, but as Christians we know they are so deceived. When they die, neither their gods nor them will be in heaven.
Most of you who are receiving these e-mails were raised in the U.S. Unfortunately, we are no longer the godly nation we use to be, but we have had more chance of hearing the true gospel than most nations.
My intention when I started this message was to talk about Christian devotion specifically, but God is directing me otherwise. He wants me to point you to the millions of people with misplaced devotion. We may not personally come in contact with many people who follow these false religions I have mentioned, but we can pray for their followers to come to truth. We can help support missionaries to go to them and proclaim truth.
Most of us do try to impact the lives of those around us, but we can influence those far away also. We need to not get so caught up in our little world and even America’s issues that we forget the world at large. God wants all to know Him, be devoted to Him the one true God.
My husband and I have been on the mission field and very aware of life and all these false gods, but it is easy to get so caught up in our own little comfortable life surrounded by Christians we fail to be as concerned as we should for those in deception here in the U.S. and all around the world.
Father, forgive us. Set our hearts on fire for a great worldwide awakening. May we be more committed in prayer and financial support for the gospel to be proclaimed and souls saved. We ask for the eyes of those deceived by false gods to be open. Place specific people groups, specific missionaries and needs on our hearts to pray for. May you be glorified around the world. Show yourself in miraculous way. Amen
God bless,

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