Woman to Woman

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Woman to Woman Woman to Woman is one of my ways to minister to other women with words of encouragement on topics that are common to all women.


Hi ladies,
Well, 2025 is here. So often with a New Year we hear about making resolutions. I had decided not to go that route, but my devotional on New Year’s Eve changed my mind. That is what I want to share with you today.
First, I read 365 Bible Promises to Bless Your Heart. That day’s scripture was Heb. 12:15: Make sure that no one misses out on God’s wonderful kindness. This was followed by a quote from Thomas a Kempis: Endeavor to be always patient of the faults and imperfections of others, for thou hast many faults and imperfections of thy own that require a reciprocation of forbearance.
Wow! I can certainly say Amen to that for myself and I imagine a few of you could also. When I read this, I thought “what a wonderful endeavor (resolution).” One that would benefit everyone.
This brought to mind Matthew 7:3-5 ESV: Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
Next, I read the daily reading from Rivers of Divine Truth. That day’s scripture was Psalm 27:4: One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple.
We see here that King David wanted above all else to continually experience God’s presence. So the first scripture I read told me to be kind and patient with people and remember how imperfect I myself am. Then this scripture from a totally different devotional tells me how I can do this: by seeking daily the Lord – being in His presence births kindness and love.
Most of us would benefit from developing some better habits this new year; things like more exercise and eating right, but we will benefit the most from some spiritual resolutions. In our own abilities, most of us aren’t very successful long term in the physical, but when we seek our all powerful God to help us be more like Him when 2026 rolls around we can look back at the changes that have taken place in us.
Dear Lord, my prayer for each lady reading this message is for them to humbly seek your will for their life for this coming year. Place on their hearts the path you have for them, what you desire to bring forth and give them the faith to believe it is possible. Have your way oh, Lord. Mold them and make them in your image I pray. Amen
God bless,

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Hi ladies,
During the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, many work hard to make what they consider to be “The Perfect Christmas.” This could entail buying the perfect gifts, cooking the perfect meal in the most perfectly decorated house, etc. I have been there tried that; it is impossible because all these are things of the world and the world isn’t perfect; us humans aren’t perfect.
Not that there is anything wrong with these things in themselves, but they aren’t what makes “The Perfect Christmas” and if that is our expectation, we will be disappointed.
I certainly enjoy giving gifts others will like, my meal turning out nice, and a beautifully decorated house, but if I’m not careful, my focus can get so caught up on such that I’m too busy to focus on what Christmas should be all about – JESUS!
So, dear ones, may this holiday season you enjoy all the traditional activities, but do so, not expecting perfection. Instead, focus on the peace, love and joy that baby Jesus brought into the world so long ago and that is ours to have not just this time of year but every day.
May the light of His unending love bring you peace and happiness all year long.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

My next weekly e-mail will start up in the new year.

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Hi ladies,
As a wife and mother, I am usually the one taking care of my family, but after my foot surgery that wasn’t the case. They had to take care of me. Being a very independent person use to doing for myself, although I greatly appreciated all they did, I certainly didn’t like being in that position. I doubt many people would. We all want to be able to take care of ourselves and not be a burden on our family.

Does this independent attitude cause us problems with being dependent on God? Do we accept the dependance on God easier than with people? These questions are very thought provoking.
I think when we really realize our limitations without Christ and see Him as a loving Father capable and wanting to take care of us; we more willingly surrender our independence into His hands. As His children we have a Father who like that children’s song says, “He’s got the whole world in His hands.”

Why would we not? The only reason I can think of would be pride. I think it is natural and good to want to do all we can for ourselves in the physical, but gratefully depend on God to do what we can’t. After all, He is God; we are not. He is all knowing and all powerful.
What does the Bible say about dependance? In 2 Cor. 1:8-10, Paul tells how he and others while on a missionary journey faced such hardships they had to depend on God. They felt they could do nothing of themselves.

It is easy to depend on ourselves when things are smooth, but when hardships come and we are helpless we realize how little we can do. For Christians our response to that should quickly be, “Oh, but God is not limited; He is powerful; He will care for me.” Then we need to be receptive to that care, however He sends it. It might not be through the means we want. Which brings us to being dependent on God means accepting His will in our life.

My time off my foot won’t be over for a few more weeks, but so far this time has:

1. Blessed me by having loved ones step up to do things they have never had to do before for me.
2. Given me time to slow down and just be rather than do.
3. Shown me how hard it is to be restricted by physical limitations. I have always been able to get about. I believe this is developing in me a more compassionate nature.
4. Emphasized my ultimate dependance on the Lord.

Not many of us go through life without difficulties, but these difficulties are so much easier and can even bear fruit if we depend on the Lord through them; trusting He is in control and allow Him to work all things for good.

Romans 8:28 NIV. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
God bless,


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Hi ladies,
This will be my last e-mail for a few weeks. I will be having foot surgery Nov. 19th and out of commission for a few weeks. The surgery itself I don’t expect to be a big deal, but my being off my feet will. As hyper as I am, that will be difficult. Your prayers appreciated.
I am so full of thanksgiving that we don’t have to face the next four years with the same political party we have endured the last four years. I truly believe that is because God’s people prayed, and He honored those prayers. I am so grateful and believe President Trump is the best choice for America.
I certainly don’t think he can work miracles and everything turn around immediately, but America has shouted we no longer want to go in the direction we were headed. Our voices have been heard. But now is not the time to stop praying. We still need to continue to pray daily for President Trump and his party for protection, wisdom, divine guidance, powerful influence worldwide for good and that the Lord paves the way for America to be restored to a godly nation, a united nation, a prosperous nation and respected as such.
Although, we probably all feel more hopeful for our nation, our hope is and always should be in the Lord no matter who gets elected president.
As Psalm 46:1 says, “He is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” Psalm 33 says, “He is our help and our shield.” Let’s look at Psalm 33 closer.
Psalm 33:20-22 ESV:
20 Our soul waits for the LORD;
he is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.
What a beautiful hymn; a people waiting for the Lord, declaring Him their helper and shield, joyful in Him, and trusting Him. Then they ask for his unchanging love to be on them; ending professing their hope in Him. Awesome!
Dear Lord, We hope for great change through this new administration, but our ultimate hope in in YOU! We know you love us and want the best for us. No matter what lays ahead you will never leave us or forsake us. We continue to pray you move in the lives of the people of this land and bring revival. Destroy the enemy and the damage he has done in this country especially in the last 50 years. May tomorrow hold a bright future for us all.
God bless,
vHi ladies,
This will be my last e-mail for a few weeks. I will be having foot surgery Nov. 19th and out of commission for a few weeks. The surgery itself I don’t expect to be a big deal, but my being off my feet will. As hyper as I am, that will be difficult. Your prayers appreciated.
I am so full of thanksgiving that we don’t have to face the next four years with the same political party we have endured the last four years. I truly believe that is because God’s people prayed, and He honored those prayers. I am so grateful and believe President Trump is the best choice for America.
I certainly don’t think he can work miracles and everything turn around immediately, but America has shouted we no longer want to go in the direction we were headed. Our voices have been heard. But now is not the time to stop praying. We still need to continue to pray daily for President Trump and his party for protection, wisdom, divine guidance, powerful influence worldwide for good and that the Lord paves the way for America to be restored to a godly nation, a united nation, a prosperous nation and respected as such.
Although, we probably all feel more hopeful for our nation, our hope is and always should be in the Lord no matter who gets elected president.
As Psalm 46:1 says, “He is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” Psalm 33 says, “He is our help and our shield.” Let’s look at Psalm 33 closer.
Psalm 33:20-22 ESV:
20 Our soul waits for the LORD;
he is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.
What a beautiful hymn; a people waiting for the Lord, declaring Him their helper and shield, joyful in Him, and trusting Him. Then they ask for his unchanging love to be on them; ending professing their hope in Him. Awesome!
Dear Lord, We hope for great change through this new administration, but our ultimate hope in in YOU! We know you love us and want the best for us. No matter what lays ahead you will never leave us or forsake us. We continue to pray you move in the lives of the people of this land and bring revival. Destroy the enemy and the damage he has done in this country especially in the last 50 years. May tomorrow hold a bright future for us all.
God bless,
Hi ladies,
This will be my last e-mail for a few weeks. I will be having foot surgery Nov. 19th and out of commission for a few weeks. The surgery itself I don’t expect to be a big deal, but my being off my feet will. As hyper as I am, that will be difficult. Your prayers appreciated.
I am so full of thanksgiving that we don’t have to face the next four years with the same political party we have endured the last four years. I truly believe that is because God’s people prayed, and He honored those prayers. I am so grateful and believe President Trump is the best choice for America.
I certainly don’t think he can work miracles and everything turn around immediately, but America has shouted we no longer want to go in the direction we were headed. Our voices have been heard. But now is not the time to stop praying. We still need to continue to pray daily for President Trump and his party for protection, wisdom, divine guidance, powerful influence worldwide for good and that the Lord paves the way for America to be restored to a godly nation, a united nation, a prosperous nation and respected as such.
Although, we probably all feel more hopeful for our nation, our hope is and always should be in the Lord no matter who gets elected president.
As Psalm 46:1 says, “He is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” Psalm 33 says, “He is our help and our shield.” Let’s look at Psalm 33 closer.
Psalm 33:20-22 ESV:
20 Our soul waits for the LORD;
he is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.
What a beautiful hymn; a people waiting for the Lord, declaring Him their helper and shield, joyful in Him, and trusting Him. Then they ask for his unchanging love to be on them; ending professing their hope in Him. Awesome!
Dear Lord, We hope for great change through this new administration, but our ultimate hope in in YOU! We know you love us and want the best for us. No matter what lays ahead you will never leave us or forsake us. We continue to pray you move in the lives of the people of this land and bring revival. Destroy the enemy and the damage he has done in this country especially in the last 50 years. May tomorrow hold a bright future for us all.
God bless,

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Hi ladies,
About two weeks ago we became great grandparents to our 3rd and 4th great grandchildren (twin girls). As I looked at them laying side by side in their little bed, I thought such innocence. Even though all humans after Adam & Eve are born with a sin nature, newborns are probably as close to innocence as possible.
They are so totally helpless and dependent upon others to take care of them. It seems God instilled in them the ability to cry out when they need something. We may not be sure what they need, but we know something is wrong. Usually, it is pretty basic; they are hungry, need a diaper change or hurt.
All humans have basic physical needs: Food, clothing, and shelter. Generally, the parents met these needs during childhood. By the time we are adults, we have to seek how to provide for our own physical needs.
Just as we are born with physical needs, we are born with emotional needs: things like purpose, security, freedom, to love and be loved. As with the physical, our parents can provide for these for a time then as we get older we seek them from other sources.
Our physical and emotional needs are real and need to be met, but the most important need humans have is spiritual. This need can’t be met by humans. It can only be met by God. Even though man sinned, God made a way through Jesus Christ for the void within mankind to be filled. But so many won’t accept this provision. Many never even accept they have this need for a Savior.
Humans would be so much better off if we felt like David in Psalm 63:2-4 (NAS):
O God, you are my God – it is you I seek! For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts, in a land parched, lifeless, and without water. I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory. For your love is better than life, my lips shall ever praise you!
David’s close relationship with God was the most important thing in his life. He wasn’t denying his other real needs, but he needed God more!
Just as God provided all David needed, He will do the same for us. At times our physical and emotional needs are so overwhelming, even as Christians we may try to provide for ourselves rather than seeking God.
Dear Lord, Forgive us when we get so caught up in life and what we feel we need that we get our priorities out of order. May we turn to you and place all our cares in your capable hands; knowing that you love us and are able to meet all our needs no matter what they are. Amen
God bless,

vHi ladies,
About two weeks ago we became great grandparents to our 3rd and 4th great grandchildren (twin girls). As I looked at them laying side by side in their little bed, I thought such innocence. Even though all humans after Adam & Eve are born with a sin nature, newborns are probably as close to innocence as possible.
They are so totally helpless and dependent upon others to take care of them. It seems God instilled in them the ability to cry out when they need something. We may not be sure what they need, but we know something is wrong. Usually, it is pretty basic; they are hungry, need a diaper change or hurt.
All humans have basic physical needs: Food, clothing, and shelter. Generally, the parents met these needs during childhood. By the time we are adults, we have to seek how to provide for our own physical needs.
Just as we are born with physical needs, we are born with emotional needs: things like purpose, security, freedom, to love and be loved. As with the physical, our parents can provide for these for a time then as we get older we seek them from other sources.
Our physical and emotional needs are real and need to be met, but the most important need humans have is spiritual. This need can’t be met by humans. It can only be met by God. Even though man sinned, God made a way through Jesus Christ for the void within mankind to be filled . But so many won’t accept this provision. Many never even accept they have this need for a Savior.
Humans would be so much better off if we felt like David in Psalm 63:2-4 (NAS):
O God, you are my God – it is you I seek! For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts, in a land parched, lifeless, and without water. I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory. For your love is better than life, my lips shall ever praise you!
David’s close relationship with God was the most important thing in his life. He wasn’t denying his other real needs, but he needed God more!
Just as God provided all David needed, He will do the same for us. At times our physical and emotional needs are so overwhelming, even as Christians we may try to provide for ourselves rather than seeking God.
Dear Lord, Forgive us when we get so caught up in life and what we feel we need that we get our priorities out of order. May we turn to you and place all our cares in your capable hands; knowing that you love us and are able to meet all our needs no matter what they are. Amen
God bless,

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Hi ladies,
Today’s e-mail is not my usual devotional. I want to get political. In just a few days in the U.S , we will be electing a president in the most crucial election in my lifetime. In my opinion, with the condition our country is in now, the outcome of this election will make the difference of whether we will remain the home of the free and the brave. That might sound an exaggeration, but in my spirit I don’t think so.
First of all, voting is a privilege all legal citizens have and should use. It is so upsetting how many people (even Christians) don’t vote. If we don’t vote, our voices won’t be heard. We are leaving it up to others to decide the direction our government takes. We don’t have a right to complain when we don’t vote!
This election is so much more than one party against another – one man against another. We should be voting for a leader who will take us in a direction that is best for America; not best for an elite group. We need a leader that supports the church and our Christian values. We don’t have to like this person’s personality. We just have to believe he is better for our nation than the one for global government, open borders, abortion, and allowing our children to chose s*x altering procedures without parental consent.
It amazes me that any sane person would vote for such a person, but that is where our world is today. If we want to stop going down this destructive path, we need to stand up and fight at the voting precinct by voting FOR exactly the opposite of what the Harris/Waltz ticket stands for.
I have never sensed in my lifetime an election that was so much a spiritual battle – good against evil, life against death (meaning democracy against socialism). It has so shocked me to hear how those in the Democratic Party have proclaimed lies as truth and so many are believing them. Have we completely gone crazy. I hope not. I pray not. The outcome of this election will be the deciding factor.
I know God will never abandon His own, but that doesn’t mean we won’t suffer the consequences of allowing sin to rule without a fight. We need to do all we can to keep this from happening. In the remaining days until the election, we need to be spending much time in prayer for the Lord’s will done and His mercy for our nation - that the next President is for making America the America it once was – a free nation, a safe nation, a prosperous nation, and above all a godly nation. Of course, we need to VOTE, but we also need to be encouraging others to vote – that their vote is important!
God bless,

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Hi ladies,
My church’s Fall Festival this year is having those who want to participate dress up as a Bible Character. I expect to see some men dressed up as Noah, Moses, David, maybe John the Baptist. There might be an Eshter, Mary or two and certainly some angels among the women. But for a married couple, I think portraying Priscilla and Aquila would be good characters to dress up as. They were a first century missionary couple who were zealous advocates for the Christian cause. Most of the time they were mentioned together as a team.

From Acts 18:2-3, 18-19 we learn Aquila was a tent maker. They lived in Rome until Claudius commanded all Jews to leave. At some point they moved to Corinth where they met Paul and helped in his ministry. When Paul left Corinth to travel to Ephesus they went with him.

Acts 18:24-26: Priscilla and Aquilla instructed Apollos in the faith in their home.

Romans 16:3: Paul acknowledges them as fellow workers in Christ Jesus and that they risked their lives for him; expressing not only his gratitude, but that of all the churches.

1 Cor. 16:19 Again Paul greets them and says they have church in their home.
2 Timothy 4:19 The last we hear of them is Paul’s greeting here.
From all these mentions of this couple in the New Testament, we see what a faithful ministry team they were. Considering the time they lived, I found it interesting that when mentioned together Priscilla’s name came first. I wouldn’t think that generally would be the case in such a culture. Might it show Priscilla was the main leader – the prominent teacher? Whether that was the reason or not, we do know she was an active part of the spreading of the gospel message in her time.
It is wonderful learning about the lives of those doing the work of the Lord mentioned in the Bible, but there were and are so many unsung heroes as they say. Men, women and children who daily give of themselves to others through serving, witnessing, teaching, loving, etc. Most will never get much acclaim on this earth, but they can be assured the Lord sees and they will get their just reward in heaven.

Dear ones, I know you don’t give to get, but it is nice to know you are appreciated. What if there hadn’t been a Priscilla and Aquila? Would those they would have shared the good news with not hear it otherwise?

The theme of the classic “It’s A Wonderful Life” is how everyone’s life has an impact on others. In George’s case, he had a positive impact although at first he didn’t realize it. Think about the lives you impact simply going about your day. Be sure to portray the love of Christ to all you come in contact with.
(Why this last paragraph started being indented I don’t know. Will never understand computers!)

God bless,

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Hi ladies,
Sometimes these devotionals come about from something that happens in my life; simple worldly events that get me to thinking and often that leads to some connection with the Lord. That is the case with today’s message.
Last week I attended the Homecoming Parade for my grandson’s high school. As I watched them throw candy, beads, etc., I wondered when this tradition got started. According to an internet search, in the U.S., processional style parades appeared in the early 1800s; they became mainstays by the mid-century when in 1857, New Orleans held its inaugural Mardi Gras parade. This marked the first time floats were used to celebrate the annual holiday. Throwing candy from parade floats originated from the 1870s.
The U.S. style of parades may be a little different from other places and other ages, but parades are not a modern thing. Since the definition of a parade is a public procession, especially one celebrating a special day or event, then parades in some form have taken place even in Biblical times.
We know there were a lot of Jewish Festivals in the Bible. At times during at least some of the festivals there would have been some type of processional. At times the processional probably was very loud and joyful like modern day parades, but at times solemn and reverent.
In the Old Testament, we’re told of processions leading from the streets to the Sanctuary and Altar of the Temple. 1 Kings 8:1-10 tells us about the Ark being carried to the Temple; this would be one example of a religious procession.
So parades could be religious celebrations, but they also could have been and still do celebrate false gods. Supposedly, the first reference to any vehicle resembling a parade float comes from Greece in about 500 B.C. when a statue of the god Dionysius was carried from his temple in a "festival car" pulled by two men.
In the New Testament, we are all familiar with Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem (coming from the Mount of Olives on the eastern side of the city) on what we call Psalm Sunday. This could be called a processional. Just picture Jesus riding on a donkey with many gathered to cheer him on. John 12:13 says they shouted “Hosanna? Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Irael!”
Every year Pilate came to Jerusalem from his home in Caesarea Maritima (about 60 to 75 miles away) during Passover. He would use the palace compound built by Herod the Great as his headquarters during these visits. This palace compound was in the western part of the city. With all the Jews entering the city, full Roman military power and control would be in force. I doubt very much this influential man came without his own processional. The people might not be cheering him on with their hearts, but probably cheered nonetheless.
These two processionals; Jesus (coming from the East) proclaiming the kingdom of God and Pilate (coming from the West) proclaiming the power of the empire; good against evil – spiritual against worldly.
The same is true today. Christians proclaiming the gospel message vs. the world trying to force its power and dictates.
God bless,

Hi ladies,
Sometimes these devotionals come about from something that happens in my life; simple worldly events that get me to thinking and often that leads to some connection with the Lord. That is the case with today’s message.
Last week I attended the Homecoming Parade for my grandson’s high school. As I watched them throw candy, beads, etc., I wondered when this tradition got started. According to an internet search, in the U.S., processional style parades appeared in the early 1800s; they became mainstays by the mid-century when in 1857, New Orleans held its inaugural Mardi Gras parade. This marked the first time floats were used to celebrate the annual holiday. Throwing candy from parade floats originated from the 1870s.
The U.S. style of parades may be a little different from other places and other ages, but parades are not a modern thing. Since the definition of a parade is a public procession, especially one celebrating a special day or event, then parades in some form have taken place even in Biblical times.
We know there were a lot of Jewish Festivals in the Bible. At times during at least some of the festivals there would have been some type of processional. At times the processional probably was very loud and joyful like modern day parades, but at times solemn and reverent.
In the Old Testament, we’re told of processions leading from the streets to the Sanctuary and Altar of the Temple. 1 Kings 8:1-10 tells us about the Ark being carried to the Temple; this would be one example of a religious procession.
So parades could be religious celebrations, but they also could have been and still do celebrate false gods. Supposedly, the first reference to any vehicle resembling a parade float comes from Greece in about 500 B.C. when a statue of the god Dionysius was carried from his temple in a "festival car" pulled by two men.
In the New Testament, we are all familiar with Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem (coming from the Mount of Olives on the eastern side of the city) on what we call Psalm Sunday. This could be called a processional. Just picture Jesus riding on a donkey with many gathered to cheer him on. John 12:13 says they shouted “Hosanna? Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Irael!”
Every year Pilate came to Jerusalem from his home in Caesarea Maritima (about 60 to 75 miles away) during Passover. He would use the palace compound built by Herod the Great as his headquarters during these visits. This palace compound was in the western part of the city. With all the Jews entering the city, full Roman military power and control would be in force. I doubt very much this influential man came without his own processional. The people might not be cheering him on with their hearts, but probably cheered nonetheless.
These two processionals; Jesus (coming from the East) proclaiming the kingdom of God and Pilate (coming from the West) proclaiming the power of the empire; good against evil – spiritual against worldly.
The same is true today. Christians proclaiming the gospel message vs. the world trying to force its power and dictates.
God bless,

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