Sissu - The Magic Town
Hello Viewers & Followers,
Rahul & Hiral is all about passion for travel and love for the beauty of nature. Exploring through our lens, we are here to bring the magic of this world to all of you.
A long ride from Manali towards this beautiful small town Sissu. The Atal Tunnel is the best way which sends you directly to the Winterland - Lahaul. We have tried creating a small video sharing our experience of this beautiful Cotton Candy wonderland - Sissu. This town on the tunnel's other end has bone-chilling weather yet a peaceful and great adventure ride. The best picnic spot for families and also an amazing trekking spot in knee-deep snow. Beautiful roads, scenic mountains, and a breathtaking flowing river on our way which transported us to another world. Mid-March to April month which is Springtime, is the best weather to see the beauty of Himachal Pradesh.
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