My detox journey
Join me and Karen Wong tonight at 8:30pm Singapore time on Beauty Queens livestream where I will be sharing my detox journey for the past 6 days since I started. Thanks Karen for introducing this great product and I cannot wait to share with everyone.
If you are into good deals and offers, you don’t want to miss this livestream because Karen will be giving out some great gifts and deals tonight (spoiler alerts) 😬🤭
If you are looking for a way to lose fats and weight or clear the toxins in your body. You should come and check out what we have to share with you. I can guarantee you that you don’t have to break the bank in order to do these.
See you tonight and say hi 👋🏻 so that we can see that you are tuning in ☺️
Virtual Live Preview Encore
Dear Changemakers, our founder and event producer Kenneth Choo will be going on FB Live!
He will be talking about:-
💎 Latest updates of the Summit
💎 What are the topics and who are our final speakers lineup
💎 What are the bonuses and gifts when you attend the summit
💎 Q&A Session
🎉Good News!!! Stand a Chance to win a pair of VIP All-Access Pass worth $388 each when you attend this FB Live and our founder, Kenneth Choo will be choosing the winner during the live stream!
Click on "Get Reminder" to receive notification when we go on FB LIVE!
See you tonight 9PM, GMT+8!
Virtual LIVE Preview & Ticket Launch!
🚨Virtual LIVE Preview & Ticket Launch!🚨
Dear Changemakers Family, our founder and event producer, Kenneth Choo will be announcing and launching our tickets for Changemakers Virtual Summit TODAY (Friday, 16 Oct) at 8PM, GMT+8 here at Changemakers Virtual Summit on FB LIVE!
#wearethechangemakers #changemakersvirtualsummit
#changemakersfamily #cvs2020
3 Things That Young Adults Should Know
#adulting #youngadults #tips #adultingtips #growingup #teenagers #teens #selfdiscovery #tiktok #tiktokasia #tiktoksg #tiktokers #tiktokvideos #educationvideos #educationcontent #educationcontentcreation #kennethchootv #tiktokinfluencer @tiktok.singapore
3 things that will make your life better
Follow me on TikTok
#tiktok #tiktoksg #tiktoksingapore #tiktokeducation #adulting #edutok #learningisfun #videocontent #videocontentcreator #videocontentcreators #videocontentmarketing #videoedits #videocreator #videocreators #sgvideocreator #sgvideocreators #sgvideomarketing #sgyoutuber #sgyoutubers #youtuber #youtubers #youtubersg #singaporeyoutuber #singaporeyoutubers #kennethchootv
Had a great 4 hours mastermind with my favorite SHEROes. After all the Q&A, we continued our discussion on their upcoming gigs including speaking in Changemakers Virtual Summit (CVS) in Nov 2020.
CVS is a women summit where all speakers are women and only women can participate in this live event. ❤️
CVS aim to raise women up! 💪🏻
TOP 10 FB LIVE Tips - How to do a better FB Live
Join me where I will be sharing with you what’s the TOP 10 FB LIVE TIPS!
Have been looking and researching for a Computer monitor rise stand for a while. Decide to get this before it is affordable and value for money! It is not just a riser and it can store some stuffs on it too 😉
It came much earlier than expected. Normally it takes 3-4 weeks to reach but it reach me in 2 weeks time!
It is very easy to assemble and comes with a setup manual to follow too. Found a matching color to match my table too. The wooden pieces are very solid and not flimsy at all after placing my monitor on it. There’s also a small drawer on the left to place small items in it.
It helps to save a lot of space especially you can keep your keyboard beneath where I will have more writing space.
Now my table look so much neater and organised ☺️ Very pleased and happy with it!
*Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. It is just pure sharing and if you are interested to check out this. I will include the link in the 1st comment and also a promocode to receive up to 50% off your first order in the 2nd comment. 😉
Music: Sunset Strip
Musician: music by
#wishapp #ecommerce #ecommerceshopping #monitorriserstand #desktopstorage #workstation #homeoffice #workfromhome #homeworkstation #onlinebusiness #onlinebizowner #storagespace #savespace #computertable #homeofficesetup #howtosavespace #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #shoppingapp #shoppingonline #onlineshopping #kennethchootv #12maycb
This is CRAZY with @garyvee giving you a #shoutout of your name to his followers on his #teawithgaryvee
This makes my day totally 💪🏻🤩
How about you? What makes your day?☺️
#Videocontent #videocontentcreator #videocontentcreators #videocontentmarketing #videoedits #videocreator #videocreators #sgvideocreator #sgvideocreators #sgvideomarketing #sgentrepreneur #sgentrepreneurs #singaporeentrepreneurs #singaporeentrepreneur #videomarketing #videomarketer #videomarketers #socialmediavideo #socialmediavideos #socialmediavideomarketing #filmoraedit #filmora #filmoraeditor #filmorauser #kennethchootv #fridyday
For friends who are into Vegan and Gluten-FREE diet, Chef Cynthia Louise is giving away “50 Gluten-Free & Vegan Filmed Recipes”
Click below to stand a chance to win!
Good luck 👍🏻🍀
Did our 3rd preview of our #StageCloserSHERO on Monday and this will be the last preview for this batch.
My biz partner and mentor @realjackwonghm shared with the attendees on how people with different B.A.N.K code react to the COVID-19 and it was an eye opener to see how power B.A.N.K. code.
Who want 4 weeks of FREE Masterclass on Lead Generation & Sales Conversion of High Ticket Offers?
Comment “BANK” below 👇🏻
Here’s my Top 10 Tips from Working-From-Home based on my 5 years of entrepreneurship.
I also did a FB LIVE to share these 10 tips.
Let me know what’s your biggest takeaway from this 10 tips and which one you can implement immediately?
Share with me in the comments 👇🏻
#kennethchootv #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #workfromhome #workfromhomelife #workfromhomejobs #selfemployed #selfemployedlife #workingathome #workathomeparent #workingremotely #tips #workathometips #workingadult #workingadultlife #mar20termbreakthu