"Embracing the Stillness, Hidden Treasures in Waiting"
Psalms 91:1 NLT
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.............................................................................................
In the silence, where I dwell, await with anticipation. Listen attentively, your mind clear, open to the endless gifts I bestow upon you. Await my presence.
My voice resonates within you, a gentle whisper in the light, dispelling fear as I become your stronghold.
In moments of tranquility, sense my nearness—but even amidst chaos, where I calm the storms within. I hush the clamor, murmuring, 'I am here, beloved. Keep your eyes fixed on me.'
Take a deep breath, slowly now.
Pause your hurried steps, if only for a moment. Dwell in the peace—retreat to the quiet, where my voice beckons. Grow accustomed to it, to moments of stillness and attentive listening.
I carve out sacred space within you, my beloved children.
Amidst life's challenges, I reveal the expansive realm within you, where I abide. A sanctuary of solace, security, and divine companionship.
In moments of solitude, journey into that inner expanse with me, and you'll hear my voice, stirring your soul, whispering wisdom and love—guiding you closer to Home."
Your Father ❤️