The award-winning multi-talented Sensei of Swing Eric Diamond returns with breaking news for 2025!
The award-winning multi-talented Sensei of Swing Eric Diamond gives us an update of his best-selling release “All of Me” featuring the title track, “I’ve Got a New Heartache”, “Bring Me Sunshine” plus a sneak peek into his upcoming 3rd release for 2025! Eric began his amazing career at 15 making the finals of the Jimmy Dean Country Showdown, played locally in Santa Fe and Durango, CO until 21, fronted Eric Diamond & The Rocky Mountain Playboys and played with Cowtown Swing later moving to Nashville, plus a multi-award winner as the most western swing played on the radio, People Magazine’s People of Country at #10, Heroes of Western Swing from Gov. Abbott, ’24 Entertainer of the Year with Tom Ousley and inducted into the Western Swing Hall of Fame in Sacramento, CA! Check out the amazing Eric Diamond on all major platforms and today! #ericdiamond #senseiofswing #westernswing #ericdiamondmusic #allofme #ivegotanewheartache #bringmesunshine #jimmydeancountryshowdown #peoplemagazine #heoresofwesternswing #govenorabbott #entertaineroftheyear #tomousley #westernswinghalloffame #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerericdiamond #themikewagnershowericdiamond
The award-winning multi-talented Sensei of Swing Eric Diamond returns with breaking news for 2025!
The award-winning multi-talented Sensei of Swing Eric Diamond gives us an update of his best-selling release “All of Me” featuring the title track, “I’ve Got a New Heartache”, “Bring Me Sunshine” plus a sneak peek into his upcoming 3rd release for 2025! Eric began his amazing career at 15 making the finals of the Jimmy Dean Country Showdown, played locally in Santa Fe and Durango, CO until 21, fronted Eric Diamond & The Rocky Mountain Playboys and played with Cowtown Swing later moving to Nashville, plus a multi-award winner as the most western swing played on the radio, People Magazine’s People of Country at #10, Heroes of Western Swing from Gov. Abbott, ’24 Entertainer of the Year with Tom Ousley and inducted into the Western Swing Hall of Fame in Sacramento, CA! Check out the amazing Eric Diamond on all major platforms and today! #ericdiamond #senseiofswing #westernswing #ericdiamondmusic #allofme #ivegotanewheartache #bringmesunshine #jimmydeancountryshowdown #peoplemagazine #heoresofwesternswing #govenorabbott #entertaineroftheyear #tomousley #westernswinghalloffame #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerericdiamond #themikewagnershowericdiamond
Multi-talented author Aran Shetterly is my guest with “Morningside: The 1979 Greensboro Massacre"!
Charlottesville multi-talented author Aran Shetterly talks about his latest release “Morningside: The 1979 Greensboro Massacre & The Struggle for an American City’s Soul” describing the story of the Greensboro Massacre in ’79 where 5 people were killed, 10 injured including a prominent city figure in the “Death to the Klan” march where activists, mill workers and locals gathered at the Morningside black public housing development were deeply committed to anti-racism & economic equality in an overlooked account in American history while relating to the present! Aran grew up in rural Maine studied English Literature, Spanish Language & Culture from Harvard while earning a Master’s in American/New England studies from the Univ. of Southern Maine, later worked in media, publishing, writing instructor, and collaborated with his father in “Americans Who Tell the Truth” and the founder of “Inside Mexico” plus the stories surrounding the incident! Check out the amazing Aran Shetterly on all major platforms and today! #aranshetterly #author #charlottesville #virginia #morningside #the1979greensboromassacare #greensboro #north Carolina #massacre #deathtotheklan #kukluxklan #americanhistory #maine #newengland #literature #americanswhotellthetruth #insidemexico #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagneraranshetterly #themikewagnershowaranshetterly
The amazing Northern CA award-winning indie-folk singer Rocky Michaels returns with “One People”!
Northern CA award-winning indie-folk singer Rocky Michaels returns with “One People” about people coming together during this critical time in our history! Rocky has 3 studio albums and 34 officially released songs to his credit and began his amazing career at 5 playing piano and honing his songwriting skills in high school, plus gives us an update on “Wishes” (named album of the year in ’24 in the Elite Music Awards) along with “Seasons” , “An Uncomfortable Truth” and nominated Song of the Year “Better Man” by the Josie Music Awards! Check out the amazing Rocky Michaels and his latest release on all major platforms and today! #rockymichaels #northerncalifornia #sanfranciscobay #indiefolksinger #people #seasons #betterman #anuncomfortabletruth #josiemusicawards #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerrockymichaels #themikewagnershowrockymichaels
Dallas-based jazz musician/saxophonist Mike Morrison is my special guest with “Missed The Boat”!
Dallas-based jazz musician/baritone saxophonist Mike Morrison talks about his latest release “Missed The Boat” featuring the title track, “Impermanence”, “Ferguson’s Saga”, “Tacocat” and more! Mike began his career rooted in the jazz tradition holding a Bachelor’s/Masters in Music Performance emphasizing in Jazz Studies from UT-Arlington & served as a Graduate Teaching Asst. teaching jazz theory and combos, performed with Arturo Sandoval, Jon Faddis, Bob Mintzer, etc., and currently the adj. professor at UTA & TCU plus as a fixture in the DFW area music scene plus shares the stories behind the music! Check out the amazing Mike Morrison and his latest release on all major platforms and today! #mikemorrison #dallas #jazzmusician #baritonesaxophonist #missedtheboat #impermanence #fergusonssaga #tacocat #jazzstudies #UTarlington #TCU #arturosandoval #jonfaddis #bobmintzer #luckybuckrecords #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermikemorrison #themikewagnershowmikemorrison
Cambridge, MA author/professor Emiliana Vegas is my special guest with “Let’s Change the World" !
Cambridge, MA author with 20+ years’ experience working in international development Emiliana Vegas talks about her latest release “Let’s Change the World: How to Work Within International Development Organizations to Make a Difference” providing a practical & encouraging guide for everyone (regardless of age) who wants to make a positive change through their professional life in schools, communities and their environment! Emiliana is currently a professor of practice at Harvard Graduate School of Education, served as leading economist at World Bank, Division Chief of Education at Inter-American Bank, co-director of Center for Universal Education at Inter-American Bank, and co-director of Center for Universal Education at Brookings Institute, plus her book highlights her personal & professional journey and providers inside tips, best practices, targeted advice for success including how you get in, how you thrive and how to make a real difference! Check out the amazing Emiliana Vegas and her new release on all major platforms and today! #emilianavegas #cambridge #internationaldevelopment #author #letschangetheworld #harvardgraduateschool #worldbank #centerofuniversaleducation #brookingsinstitute #professionalcareer #communityleadership #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagneremilianavegas #themikewagnershowemilianavegas
Cork City's multi-talented vocalist/guitarist Hank Wedel is my guest with “What Happens in Cork”!
The multi-talented vocalist/guitarist Hank Wedel based in Cork City, Ireland talks about his latest release “What Happens in Cork” featuring “Sleep Out on the Beach”, “The Time We Share”, “We Are the Rakes of Mallow”, “Poe Park 2am” and “Alright! Dynamite! Spiro!” along with his previous release “Living in the Land of Love”! Hank was born in Dayton, OH, raised in NYC and Mallow Co. in Cork, Ireland and currently based in Cork City, has performed thousands of shows from the North Pole to The Canary Islands, US, Europe, along with Princes Street, Open Kitchen, Small Town Talk;, performed with Shane McGowan, Mary Black, Christy Moore, Kila, Philemona Begley and Bono, and celebrates 50 years in Ireland, 40 years as a musician in Cork City, 30 years in Monday night residency with mandolin supremo Ray Barron and Charlies Bar, plus shares the stories behind the music! Check out the amazing Hank Wedel with his new release on all major platforms and today! #hankwedel #vocalist #guitarist #corkcity #whathappensincork #corkcityireland #ireland #daytonohio #newyorkcity #sleepoutonthebeach #thetimeweshare #mallowcounty #spiro #princesstreet #openkitchen #smalltowntalk #shanemcgowan #bono #raybarron #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerhankwedel #themikewagnershowhankwedel
Connecticut author & known authority in holistic health Dr. Kevin Reese is my special guest!
Connecticut author & a known authority in holistic health & former CBS radio “Shock Jock” Dr. Kevin Reese talks about his releases “Peace Over Pain” and “Medical Monopoly” and why the health care system is in chaos! Dr. Reese became chronically ill and on heart monitors at 28, transformed himself through natural healing and meditation, opened Peace Over Pain clinic in ’21 as one of the first virtual clinics in the world helping people correct chronic conditions by using head to toe healing his clients captured on camera while going against the medical monopoly! In his book “Peace Over Pain”, Dr. Reese explains the body from head-to-toe to truly understand the cause of most chronic conditions while “Medical Monopoly” exposes the secrets of the scheme believing your whole life that body is like a car and your doctor is a mechanic, yet most are over-tested, over-over-diagnosed and over-treated and nothing to show for! Check out the amazing Dr. Reese and his releases on all major platforms at today! #drkevinreese #author #holistichealth #peaceoverpain #medicalmonopoly #chronicalillness #naturalhealing #meditation #pain #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdrkevinreese #themikewagnershowdrkevinreese
Americana crossover artist from Kaloomps, BC Marshall Potts (Spectra Music Group) with "The Storm"!
The multi-talented singer/songwriter from Kaloomps, BC Marshall Potts (Spectra Music Group) talks about his latest release “The Storm” featuring the title track and “Heaven and Home” plus “The Rope”, “Never Gets Old”, “Thank You God” plus his previous release “Long Goodbye” and more! Marshall began his amazing career at 12 in songwriting later with a crossover in Americana, Rock, and Country Rock, has two movie soundtrack credits, there CD releases, extensive international & Canadian airplay alongside international touring with numerous followers on Spotify, YouTube and other social media platforms plus shares the stories behind the music with upcoming plans for 2025 and beyond! Check out the amazing Marshall Potts (Spectra Music Group) on all major platforms and and today! #marshallpotts #kaloompsbc #americana #countryrock #thestorm #spectramusicgroup #heavenandhome #therope #nevergetsold #thankyougod #longgoodbye #moviesoundtrack #internationaltouring #canadian #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermarshallpotts #themikewagnershowmarshallpotts
Texas author/founder of Vanguard Marketing & Investments Inc. Dennis J. Henson with "Real Impact"!
Texas author/founder/president of Vanguard Marketing & Investments Inc. Dennis J. Henson talks about his latest release “Real Impact: Daily Inspiration” designed to get people beyond doubting themselves and questioning why their momentum stalled or suffering from impostor syndrome! Dennis is a renowned leader/educator in real estate & personal growth establishing a career of singular achievement & authored numerous books including “The Royal Flush”, “A Millionaire’s Treasure Map to Real Estates Investing Success”, “Be A Success Maverick”, etc., with 50+ years in the business world and holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Education! His book also shows how many from humble beginnings with limited resources and numerous obstacles who persevered & succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations but their own! Check out the amazing Dennis J. Henson and his latest release on all major platforms and today! #dennisjhenson #texasauthor #president #vanguardmarketing #realimpact #dailyinspiration #impostorsyndrome #singularachievement #theroyualflush #realestate #education #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdennisjhenson #themikewagnershowdennisjhenson
Atlanta author/writer & student of history Mike Cobb with “Dead Beckoning” & “The Devil You Knew”!
Atlanta author/writer & student of history Mike Cobb talks about his back-to-back releases “Dead Beckoning” and “The Devil You Knew”! Mike is an amazing writer and student of history with numerous works in fiction, non-fiction (short & long), articles and blogs with a focus on historical fiction, Southern literary fiction, crime fiction, true crime, and rigorous research who originally began his career as a scientist! The 1st book is about a blockbuster story of a cold case from the annals of Atlanta history about the death of a prominent downtown businessman in 1896 by a single gunshot, and how corruption, deception and cheating exists in the city government while the 2nd book takes place in ’63 in Atlanta where 3 adolescent girls go missing & a killer is on the loose as a young man infatuated with one of the girls gets caught in the drama and suspense of the kidnappers later sets out to find the killer in ’80 as a newspaper reporter to really find out who did it! Check out the amazing Mike Cobb and all of his releases on major platforms and today! #mikecobb #atlanta #author #studentofhistory #deadbeckoning #thedevilyouknew #fiction #nonfiction #southernliteraryfiction #atlantahistory #atlantamurder #corruption #kidnapping #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermikecobb #themikewagnershowmikecobb