Currently my favorite song. “Shadows” by Nine Lashes. I had a notion to comeback and listen to there newer stuff. I honestly wish I stuck it out with them, because this song brought back the edge I was listening for. If you don’t know I am really into music and my favorite genre is Rock, Heavy Rock, and Metal but all from Christian Artists/Bands. I use to post and run my own website doing album reviews and interviews with Christian Artists/Bands on SJD Music For Christian Living. Loved what I was doing. Just doing that on my free time and working full time, getting married, now with my daughter time just disappeared. Anyways I say all this to say. I remember doing an album review for Nine Lashes and I wasn’t happy with their change of sound. Going back to check them out downloading all 6 of their 2020 songs sparked the flame in me again. Nine Lashes I hope you hear this when I say this. Those 6 songs are incredible and very powerful. I love the heaviness being driven. The lyrics speaking the truth and burning out shadows. It’s one of their best works. It has been added to my library of music.
Song Produced by: Nine LashesMixed & Mastered by: Jared LankfordI never want to be a dead manFalling into my own black holeI'd rather burn bright than break ...