What is it like when people tell you how good you are at something but you don’t feel good at all? How does it feel when you seems successful on the outside, but feel incompetent in the inside?
This is what imposter syndrome is. It is when deep down you feel like a fraud. That what you have accomplished, your skills, and your talents are not real. Imposter syndrome makes you feel like you just got lucky.
Because of these feelings, you are worried that other will find out just how incompetent you are. As a result of this anxiety, you may overachieve so that you can “live up to expectations” or protect yourself from being “found out”
You may also withdraw, or avoid taking risks for the same reason.
Stay tuned for the next several posts I will be creating about imposter syndrome. I will also be posting quotes from the doodledwellness community about what it’s like to live with imposter syndrome.
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How do you feel about your accomplishments and skills?