Lotte Slijker

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Lotte Slijker Inspiring your health journey

Ladies, let's talk PMS! 🙋‍♀️ We've all been there, right? The bloating, mood swings, and cramps that make you want to cu...

Ladies, let's talk PMS! 🙋‍♀️ We've all been there, right? The bloating, mood swings, and cramps that make you want to curl up into a ball. But did you know that what you eat can make a world of difference in managing those PMS symptoms? It's all about those hormone-building foods! 🍽️

🐟 Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon are your best friend during PMS. They help reduce inflammation, ease cramps, and boost serotonin because it contains an amino acid called tryptophan (a precursor to "feel-good" hormone serotonin).

🥑 Healthy fats like avocado help regulate blood sugar balance and keep your mood swings in check. You are most insulin resistant in the week before your period, so balancing your blood sugar with healthy fats is key.

🥚 Eggs are full of tryptophan and healthy fats from the yolk. Having eggs the week before your perdio can give you that extra serotonin boost when you need it most. 🌟

🥛 Calcium-rich foods like yogurt help reduce those painful cramps. Calcium helps your muscles relax, which means less discomfort when your uterus is doing its thing.

🍞 Carbohydrates in foods like sourdough bread can be your best friend during PMS. Your body needs carbs to produce the hormone progesterone. If progesterone levels are low, you may experience heavy and irregular bleeds. 🩸

🍗 Poultry, like chicken or turkey, is a double whammy. It contains tryptophan for that serotonin boost and protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied. No more hangry PMS moments! 🍽️

So, why are tryptophan, calcium, and carbohydrates so important the week before your period? These nutrients are like the building blocks for serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates your mood. Tryptophan is the raw material for creating serotonin, while calcium and carbohydrates help in its synthesis and help your body produce. This means better mood control, less irritability, and a smoother ride through your menstrual cycle. 🎢

Stay fierce, ladies! 🌟💃

Keep your metabolism high by prioritizing protein each meal 🔥✨

Keep your metabolism high by prioritizing protein each meal 🔥✨

Alright, let's dive into why ditching those seed oils (canola, soybean, corn, and the gang) can be a serious win for you...

Alright, let's dive into why ditching those seed oils (canola, soybean, corn, and the gang) can be a serious win for your weight loss journey and the battle against inflammation. 🌱

👉🏼Omega-3 vs. Omega-6: Seed oils are full of omega-6 fatty acids. These are important, but they need to play nice with omega-3s, the anti-inflammatory champs. When omega-6s overpower omega-3s, it sets the stage for chronic inflammation. And guess what? Chronic inflammation isn't a fan of efficient fat burning.

👉🏼Inflammation: Excessive use of seed oils increases inflammation. They contain high levels of pro-inflammatory compounds called prostaglandins. This chronic inflammation disrupts your body's metabolic processes, making weight loss an uphill battle.

👉🏼Convenience foods: You'll often find these oils in processed, prepackaged, and fried convenience foods. These foods are calorie-packed but nutrient-light, a recipe for weight gain.

👉🏼Metabolic impact: Research suggests that seed oils wreak havoc on your metabolism by promoting insulin resistance, a condition that impairs your body's ability to use insulin effectively and lead to weight gain.

👉🏼Processed and toxic: These oils are often HIGHLY processed with tons of chemicals added, which makes them void of essential nutrients and antioxidants found in whole food sources of fats.

❌In short, seed oils are poster children for weight gain and chronic inflammation.

So, what's the smart switch?

🫒🥑🥥🐟 Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, or omega-3-rich fatty fish. These alternatives maintain a balanced fatty acid profile and bring anti-inflammatory benefits to the table. A diet focused on whole, nutrient-dense foods is 🔑 to efficient fat burning and weight loss!

Drop a comment if you’ve ditched your seed oils! 🗑️

balance ✨ nourishment ✨ health

balance ✨ nourishment ✨ health

Here are some of my fav weight loss snack ideas that'll keep your energy up and your cravings down! 👌🏼These combos are p...

Here are some of my fav weight loss snack ideas that'll keep your energy up and your cravings down! 👌🏼

These combos are packed with protein, healthy fats, and fiber to keep you on track while balancing your blood sugar levels for effective fat loss.

What are your in-a-pinch snacks? Comment 👏🏼

Unpopular truth; one source of income is just not cutting it anymore nowadays. Wage increases don’t keep up with inflati...

Unpopular truth; one source of income is just not cutting it anymore nowadays. Wage increases don’t keep up with inflation, and you end up losing $$ — even if your paychecks look like they’re getting bigger!

Think about it: if your raise is less than 7.1% this year, it's basically a pay cut in disguise…

Personally, I was tired of waiting around for someone to throw me a bone. Sick of inflation and bills dragging me down every time I felt like I was finally getting ahead.

I knew I couldn’t settle for a life of barely making ends meet while my dreams gathered dust on the shelf.

After lots of research, I *finally* found the opportunity that I had been looking for, that felt aligned in every way; a high ticket online business that runs on automation.

From the moment I joined this global community, my life has been filled with abundance, exciting adventures, and personal growth beyond measure.

I often think about the awesomeness I would have missed out on without this second source of income; the trips, savings, growth, investments, friends, luxury purchases…

The truth is, without it, I’d still be living the paycheck-to-paycheck hustle.

If you feel it’s time to flip the script and learn how to build an online asset alongside your day job so you can hustle your way to true financial freedom, connect with me in DM ✨

🍽️ Did you know you can supercharge fat loss by eating more of certain foods? 🌱✨ Yes, you read that right. Eating MORE f...

🍽️ Did you know you can supercharge fat loss by eating more of certain foods? 🌱✨ Yes, you read that right. Eating MORE food to lose weight.

These weight-loss superfoods are metabolism-boosting, blood sugar-balanced, and in control of your cravings!

My weight loss approach is built around increasing fat burning hormones and metabolic rate so your body is in optimal fat burning state 🔥

Here are some of my favourite everyday foods to do that;

🥣 Greek Yogurt: Packed with protein, Greek yogurt helps curb cravings and promotes a feeling of fullness. Plus, it's a low-glycemic food, meaning it won't cause blood sugar spikes that can lead to weight gain.

🥚 Eggs: These protein powerhouses are not only versatile but also contribute to satiety and rev up your metabolism through the thermogenic effect of protein digestion. Scrambled, boiled, sunny side up - eggs are always a good option.

🧀 Cottage Cheese: Rich in protein and incredible macronutrient profile, cottage cheese keeps you feeling full for forever (seriously), making it a perfect snack or addition to your meals. I mix it with my greek yogurt.

🍗 Chicken Breast: Lean, protein-packed, and versatile, chicken breast helps build and maintain lean muscle mass. This contributes to a higher metabolism and more fat burning throughout the day. A staple food in my diet!

🥑 Avocado: Loaded with healthy fats and fiber. Their low-glycemic index helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Eating fat to burn fat is crucial!

🐟 Tuna: Packed with lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids essential for hormones and fat burning. I alternate between tuna and salmon in my diet.

🥗 Fiber: high-fiber foods, such as lettuce, zucchini, carrots, etc. helps regulate digestion, fullness, and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Be mindful of plant toxins and anti nutrients.

🍓 Red Fruit: Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are full of antioxidants and add a touch of sweetness to your diet while keeping your blood sugar in check. These low-glycemic fruits help satisfy your sweet tooth without derailing your progress.

Comment your staple foods for fat loss below ⬇️

Struggling with weight loss? Consider an animal-based diet! Studies have shown that a high-protein, low-carb diet can le...

Struggling with weight loss? Consider an animal-based diet! Studies have shown that a high-protein, low-carb diet can lead to significant fat loss, as well as improved satiety and increased energy levels.

Plus, animal products like meat, fish, and eggs are packed with essential nutrients that are hard to find in plant-based foods alone.

Want to learn more about the benefits of an animal-based diet? Follow me for tips and tricks to help you achieve your weight loss goals!

Are you tired of counting calories and still not seeing the weight loss results you want? Try shifting your focus to nut...

Are you tired of counting calories and still not seeing the weight loss results you want? Try shifting your focus to nutrient-dense foods instead!

Not only do these foods provide your body with the essential vitamins, minerals, and other compounds it needs to thrive, but they can also help with weight loss and blood sugar balancing.

By prioritizing low-glycemic, nutrient-dense foods like eggs, berries, avocados, and meats, you're giving your body the tools and protein it needs to function optimally. It helps your body keep insulin in check, allowing glucagon to rise and burn fat 🔥

Plus, you're less likely to experience energy crashes and cravings, making it easier to achieve your weight loss goals! You’ll feel full and satiated.

Remember, sustainable weight loss and blood sugar balance take time and effort, but incorporating more nutrient-dense foods into your diet can make all the difference.

Give it a try and see how it works for you!

Have you ever thought about starting a side gig? If you've been thinking about it, I can tell you from experience that i...

Have you ever thought about starting a side gig? If you've been thinking about it, I can tell you from experience that it's one of the best decisions you'll ever make! There are SO. MANY. perks to having an online side hustle that I had no idea about! So here's what I think you should know 👇🏼;

💰Financial benefits; as a business owner, you have the opportunity to earn extra income and create financial abundance for yourself. I've used it towards my travels, luxury purchases, replenished my savings, & started investing.

💸 Tax write-offs (this is a *BIG* one); deducting expenses related to your business from your taxable income. This can help reduce your tax bill and put more money back where it belongs: in your pocket!

💫 Personal growth and development; starting an online side business is about more than just making money. When you have a side hustle, you're constantly learning new skills and challenging yourself in ways that you might not have otherwise. It can help you build confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose that spills over into all areas of your life.

🙌🏼 Freedom; to work on something that you truly care about and that aligns with your values. Be your own boss, leverage your passions, create your own schedule, set your own goals, and build a business that truly reflects who you are and what you stand for.

🔒 Security; with the tightening economy and rising inflation, earning online is a great way to combat financial uncertainty. You'll have an additional stream of income that can help you weather any economic storms and give you more financial security in the long run.

So if you're thinking about starting an online side gig, I encourage you to take the leap! ✨ It's not always easy, but the rewards are worth it. Follow me for more insights and tips on how to get started, build your business, and create the life you've always wanted 🥂

💀 Are you tired of feeling sluggish and unhealthy? Are you tired of falling prey to the instant gratification culture th...

💀 Are you tired of feeling sluggish and unhealthy? Are you tired of falling prey to the instant gratification culture that prioritizes junk food, drugs, and medicine over true wellness? It's time to make some health swaps and take control of your well-being!

Let's start by saying goodbye 👋🏼 to fake meat, processed sugar, and seed oils. Instead, let's fuel our bodies with nutrient-dense foods that provide the vitamins and minerals we need to thrive. Incorporate more healthy fats, like avocado and butter, into your diet and make sure to stay hydrated with plenty of water and electrolytes.

But being healthy isn't just about what we eat. It's also about how we live. Get outside and soak up some sunshine to boost your Vitamin D levels, move your body regularly, and prioritize 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night. Give yourself time to relax and recharge, whether that's through meditation or simply taking a hot bath.

In a world that's increasingly connected through screens, it's also important to cultivate healthy relationships with real, human connections. Spend time with loved ones, and surround yourself with positive people who support your journey to wellness.

So let's make the swap from the hookup culture to healthy relationships, from processed grains to fruits and vegetables, and from excessive screen time to more time spent in the sunshine. Who's with me? 👯‍♀️

Comment below with your favorite health swap!

Lunch recap! Fuel your body with nutritious power! 💪🏼 These delicious and vibrant lunch options are packed with everythi...

Lunch recap! Fuel your body with nutritious power! 💪🏼 These delicious and vibrant lunch options are packed with everything you need to power through the day while supporting weight loss and fat burning goals.

From high-protein sources to healthy fats, this meal is designed to keep your blood sugar stable and hormones balanced.

And the best part? They are quick and easy to make and all ingredients are natural, organic, and guilt-free! 🌿

Start your journey to a healthier you by incorporating meals like this into your daily routine. Say goodbye to processed foods and hello to wholesome, nourishing ingredients. Remember, true transformation starts from the inside out! 👊🏼

So, who's ready to join me on this healthy journey? Leave a comment below and save this post. Let's do this! 🙌🏼

1. Scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, avocado, Babybel cheese
2. Greek yogurt, banana, coconut fiber, pecans
3. Skyr yogurt, cottage cheese, red fruit
4. Cucumber boats with tuna salad


Food is the SINGLE biggest lever in health and diseaseWhether you follow a carnivore, vegan, keto, or paleo diet, the fo...

Food is the SINGLE biggest lever in health and disease

Whether you follow a carnivore, vegan, keto, or paleo diet, the food you eat influences how you feel, perform, & look

If you consume mostly processed foods, you’re ACTIVELY promoting the development and progression of disease, inflammation, metabolic dysfunction, & aging

❌ Ditch the toxic artificial dyes, flavours, colours, cancer-causing chemicals, and industrial seed oils

✅ Opt for whole foods & fats from nature, without additives, hormones, and lengthy ingredients lists

Challenge: start eliminating all products containing seed oils (you’d be surprised how many you own)

Check your snack foods, bread, condiments, margarine, salad dressing, nut butter & spreads for the following ingredients: canola, grapeseed, soybean, sunflower, corn, sesame, cottonseed, ricebran oil ☠️

^ if you find it in the ingredient list, toss the product in the garbage 🗑 — it’s harming your health

Start sourcing better options for those foods, *without* the seed oils

To help you get started, I’ve put some of my seed-oil & toxin free recommendations in the comments 👇🏼

Some of my favourite hacks to keep my blood sugar in check ✔️ without cutting out any food groups 🍌🥑🍕🥩🍫Have you tried an...

Some of my favourite hacks to keep my blood sugar in check ✔️ without cutting out any food groups 🍌🥑🍕🥩🍫

Have you tried any of these? Let me know in the comments! 👇🏼

Some of my easy, go-to fat loss snacks to keep my blood sugar and insulin in check ✔️ and fat burning optimal 🔥It doesn’...

Some of my easy, go-to fat loss snacks to keep my blood sugar and insulin in check ✔️ and fat burning optimal 🔥

It doesn’t have to be complicated or break the bank to nourish & fuel your body (looking at you, overpriced, over-processed, ‘health’ foods) 👀

If you don’t know where to start, stick to a few simple basics;

✨ eliminate seed oils
✨ avoid processed foods
✨ eat sugar + starches last
✨ move your body daily

Check out my story highlights for more fat loss foods, hacks, inspiration + tips!

Adhere to the basics; adequate protein is essential, processed foods are not your friend, lowering insulin promotes fat ...

Adhere to the basics; adequate protein is essential, processed foods are not your friend, lowering insulin promotes fat burning, seed oils block fat burning, & exercise revs up metabolism.

Keep it simple — the key is to create a pattern of habits that you can stick to, every. single. day.

Meet yourself where you are at. If you currently can only squeeze in a 15 min workout a day, then start there! If you hate HIIT workouts but love long walks, do that!

Be honest with yourself about where you currently put your focus. Are you *really* prioritizing the key habits that contribute to reaching your goals?…

Drop a 🔥 if you’re a goal-getter!!

I’ve come a long way, from frazzled, dull, bleached, brittle hair, to a luscious, shiny, strong, & healthy mane ✨Over th...

I’ve come a long way, from frazzled, dull, bleached, brittle hair, to a luscious, shiny, strong, & healthy mane ✨

Over the years, I have wasted a small fortune $$ on hair growth products and pills. I tried every new hype product on the market (Sugar Bear Hair anyone?) because I wanted long, luscious hair so badly

The problem was, my hair would just never make it past a certain point no matter what I did…

Sound familiar?

Here’s what changed everything for me; I switched to an all natural animal-based diet

It wasn’t until I changed my diet that my hair & nails started to grow *effortlessly*, and my skin became radiant

I 100% attribute my ✨glow up✨ to adequate amounts of protein, amino acids, and healthy fats from all natural sources

But in addition, I also started to phase out toxic hair care products & supplements, replacing them with natural, low-toxic alternatives to prevent breakage and split ends

Here are some of my favourite healthy hair habits & products:

✨ Oiling my ends daily
✨ Pre-shampoo oil treatment with pure Marula oil
✨ Mulberry silk pillowcase
✨ wooden hairbrush
✨ Silk scrunchies
✨ Hair mask every wash (I like )
✨ Blue tansy essential oil mixed in with my shampoo, to keep my colour fresh

Comment your healthy hair hacks & follow for more low-toxic beauty 💓

Breathe. Expand. Reset. Repeat.

Breathe. Expand. Reset. Repeat.

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard of ‘calories in vs. calories out’. But does it really matter?...

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard of ‘calories in vs. calories out’. But does it really matter?

Imagine running a 5 km race, but you get to choose if you race your opponent with or without carrying a bag of sand on your back. Which would you pick?

Even though the distance remains the same in both scenarios (5 km), one is going to be a lot easier and a more efficient way to win the race, right?!

It’s same with calories…

So the short answer is; no, they are just a unit of measurement.

You are way better of paying attention to your bloodsugar + insulin response, to make sure you’re not racing with a bag of sand on your back. Here’s why 👇🏼

The *source* of calories impacts your hormones and health differently, & the differing effects of foods on our glucose determines how efficiently we burn fat. Don’t worry — I’ll explain.

Each time you eat, your body releases insulin to bring down glucose in the blood. Insulin is a fat-storage hormone, and as long as it is present, your body is in a fat-storing state.

For example;

Eating a 100-calorie serving of candy (carbs) is going to spike your blood sugar, requiring a large amount of insulin to bring glucose levels back down. This leaves your body in fat-storage mode for HOURS, and probably all the way up until your next meal, where you spike your blood sugar again & the cycle repeats.

See what’s happening here 👀…

Eating a 100-calorie serving of scrambled eggs (protein + fat) barely spikes blood sugar, requiring only a small amount of insulin. Once insulin comes down, glucagon goes back up and your body returns to its fat-burning state until your next meal 🔥

So you could be eating the exact same amount of calories, and never tap into fat-burning because you are constantly spiking blood sugar and insulin.

Your food choices are the biggest lever to preventing or promoting fat burning!

Not sure where/how to start? ✨ Follow me, I’ll teach you ✨


I want you to win too! 💓 In life, love, health, & wealth.

Which is exactly *why* I teach my methods to other people.

What if your actions today could set you up for a LIFETIME of success, freedom & flexibility?

Would that be worth it?

Dm “READY” for abundance 💕

Let me start of by saying, none of these foods are “off limits”👆🏼 but being aware of the *effect* of food on your blood ...

Let me start of by saying, none of these foods are “off limits”👆🏼 but being aware of the *effect* of food on your blood sugar is important if you’re trying to lose fat and reduce inflammation

High GI foods tend to spike blood sugar (rapid increase of glucose in the blood), causing the body to produce more insulin

& insulin is a fat storage hormone that promotes weight gain

Not only does it impair your body’s ability to burn fat for fuel, but high blood sugar and the insulin resistance that often accompanies it can be pro-inflammatory

Low GI foods are slowly digested and absorbed, causing a slower and smaller rise in blood sugar levels and sustained energy ⚡️

So what’s the big takeaway…?

Instead of counting calories, focus on nutrient composition, the effect on blood sugar, and adjust the amount you eat accordingly

Here are some tips to balance blood sugar without cutting out your fav foods:

✨ avoid eating ‘naked’ carbs; add fiber, protein and fat to reduce the spike
✨ don’t drink your carbs; soda, smoothies, juices, etc. are full of sugar and no longer contain fiber to help reduce the spike
✨ meal sequencing: eat fiber, fat, and protein first before carbs/sugars
✨ move your body within 40min of eating; your muscles will absorb some of the glucose from the bloodstream reducing the spike
✨ have 1tbsp of ACV 10 min before a carb-heavy meal; acetic acid slows down gastric emptying, which helps curb the spike

Follow if this was helpful (you’re gonna love it here)!

Adhere to the basics; adequate protein is essential, processed foods are not your friend, lowering insulin promotes fat ...

Adhere to the basics; adequate protein is essential, processed foods are not your friend, lowering insulin promotes fat burning, seed oils block fat burning, & exercise revs up metabolism.

Keep it simple — the key is to create a pattern of habits that you can stick to, every. single. day.

Meet yourself where you are at. If you currently can only squeeze in a 15 min workout a day, then start there! If you hate HIIT workouts but love long walks, do that!

Be honest with yourself about where you currently put your focus. Are you *really* prioritizing the key habits that contribute to reaching your goals?…

Drop a 🔥 if you’re a goal-getter!!


I used to loveeeee protein powder! At one point, I consumed two protein shakes a day (one with breakfast + one post-workout)

Needless to say, I was mildly upset (understatement) when I found out that my fav salted caramel protein powder was in fact filled with garbage ingredients…🗑

It took me a minute before *actually* discontinuing this staple from my diet after my rude awakening, despite my knowledge how harmful the ingredients were — I guess I was in denial…

Since then, I must have tried every natural clean protein power on the market, but no luck. Without those junk ingredients, they all tend to be gritty or chalky 🥺 (IYKYK), AND I’ve found that even the cleanest “all natural” organic ones harboured harmful ingredients & additives

So, I’ve stopped using them all together, and instead focus on getting adequate protein from *real* foods from nature

The key 🔑 takeaway: sports supplements/protein powders are a convenience product, not a necessity. And as with any processed convenience food, it is not very healthy.

Adequate protein can easily be obtained from real foods from nature, IF we make the right food decisions.

Leave any *real clean* supplement recommendations in the comments for me to check it out — tysm 👏🏼

Reminder for you and me 🤍What’s holding you back from stepping into your power?Remember: no rain, no flowersThe key is t...

Reminder for you and me 🤍

What’s holding you back from stepping into your power?

Remember: no rain, no flowers

The key is to lean into the opportunities that excite your soul

Beauty Eats 🤤

Beauty Eats 🤤

Don’t knock it till you try it! Give these natural remedies a try next time you’re about to pop Advil, okay?👇🏼✈️ Activat...

Don’t knock it till you try it! Give these natural remedies a try next time you’re about to pop Advil, okay?👇🏼

✈️ Activated charcoal attracts and expels ingested toxins, bacteria and chemicals from the gastrointestinal tract, making it a travellers staple (Bangkok belly, anyone?). Because AC is not absorbed by the body, the substances that bind to the charcoal leave the body naturally. A great remedy to relief 💦💩 & gut discomfort.

🌿Aloe vera is another travel/summer staple. It’s my go-to topical treatment for skin injuries such as sun burns. Aloe gel contains tons of bioactive compounds including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants (polyphenols). Great for hydration and soothing irritated skin. I love layering it with my moisturizer, leaving my skin look like a glazed donut after a beach day!

🌱Tea tree oil is the real MVP in my arsenal! Its germ-fighting properties make this my most used multi-purpose natural remedy. I use it mainly as an antiseptic for minor cuts and scrapes, but I’ve also used it to treat gum inflammation, acne, and bug bites. Tea tree oil has helped me avoid the use of antibiotics on multiple occasions. I also add it to my homemade cleaners as a sanitizing agent.

💕 Lemon balm, my ride or die for a calm mind and relief from occasional anxiety & insomnia. I love starting this new online biz, but stepping out of my comfort zone has me sweating at times, you know? I supplement with both organic tea and tincture. Great to bring on trips to ease jet lag and to have on hand for stressful/overwhelming times.

🌼 Arnica salve or ointment is essential if you or someone in your family is an athlete. Arnica helps soothe sprains, bruises, muscle soreness, joint pain, and reduces inflammation & swelling.

💊 Turmeric, aka Nature’s Advil! the active ingredient in turmeric, Curcumin, is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant. Use for pain relief and digestive healing in place of acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Early mornings laying the groundwork for my future ✨

Early mornings laying the groundwork for my future ✨

Drop. the. calories. notion! There,- I said it, and I’m not sorry 🙅🏼‍♀️ Counting calories is exhausting, misguided, and ...

Drop. the. calories. notion! There,- I said it, and I’m not sorry 🙅🏼‍♀️ Counting calories is exhausting, misguided, and definitely not what you should be focusing on if your goal is to lose fat. Trust me, I’ve been there, living on 1200 kcal a day and not dropping a single pound. Here’s why I stopped counting calories forever 👇🏼

You’ve been told that losing weight is a matter of simple math; calories in vs calories out. The truth is, that calorie calculations are just *one* variable to ‘track’ your body’s metabolism. This is why you can eat the exact same number of calories as someone else, yet have wildly different body compositions. I’ll explain.

The body is smart and adapts to your caloric intake. This is why most people ultimately ‘plateau’ on a calorie-restricted diet. Your metabolism is like a thermostat, if you eat too much, total energy expenditure (TEE) revs up. Conversely, when we eat too little, the body reduces TEE.

Put more simply? Even if you stick to your calorie-restricted diet perfectly, weight loss will stop… 🤯 “OMG, that sucks!” - yes, it does. So… now what?

For successful and sustainable fat loss & weight management, focus on the quality of your food and how it affects your hormones, gut microbiome, and metabolism. After all, our weight is controlled by our *hormones*, not calories.

Hormonal imbalances largely stem from your environment and food choices such as frequent eating, ignoring hunger & satiety cues, and consuming an abundance of processed foods, refined carbs, and added sugars.

The result is elevated insulin levels (fat storage hormone) on a consistent basis, preventing the body from using fat for fuel and instead promoting fat storage.

To regain hormonal balance, be very VERY picky about the foods you consume. Chemical additives disrupt your gut microbiome and thyroid, leading to hormonal imbalances. Instead, focus on reading labels to implement these 2 key 🔑 dietary changes:

🔥 Provide your body with a low(er)-carb diet that is high in natural fats and (animal) protein.

🔥 Limit foods that elicit a greater insulin response such as sugar, grains, root vegetables.

Like if you’re ready to ditch My Fitness Pal!




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