Days in The Wild Big Game Hunting Podcast

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Days in The Wild Big Game Hunting Podcast Bowhunting Podcast: John Stallone Professional Hunter, Writer, Outdoor TV personality Interviews hun

John Stallone Interviews Hunting Pros to get inside hunting tips and tactics western big game hunting, bowhunting and whitetail deer

Join Us to Preserve Colorado's Hunting Heritage—Your Help Is Essential! Colorado is facing a decision. Colorado has a gr...

Join Us to Preserve Colorado's Hunting Heritage—Your Help Is Essential! Colorado is facing a decision. Colorado has a great hunting past, but a proposed ballot issue threatens that legacy. Regardless of the state we live in, it is time for us to stand together. To address this dilemma, we are advocating for an ALL HANDS ON DECK strategy. The group Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management (CRWM) has been working nonstop to educate hunters about these looming problems....

Join Us to Preserve Colorado’s Hunting Heritage—Your Help Is Essential! Colorado is facing a decision. Colorado has a great hunting past, but a proposed ballot issue threatens that legacy. Regardless of the state we live in, it is time for us to stand together. To address this dilemma, we are ad...

So why does one care so deeply about the livelihood of these animals and the landscape they live in? Why are we willing ...

So why does one care so deeply about the livelihood of these animals and the landscape they live in? Why are we willing to put so much time, effort, and funding towards building a better life for an animal that you intend to kill and then eat?

The Hunter’s Paradox why do we hunt what we love It was a cold, clear morning. The sun had not yet risen, and already the hustle and bustle of the camp, consisting of uncles and cousins, was alive with the idea of the start of a brand new day. My father shook me gently, “JP, […]

by Charles Whitwam Throughout history humans have needed food to survive(the obvious). Not everyone was a hunter, not ev...

by Charles Whitwam Throughout history humans have needed food to survive(the obvious). Not everyone was a hunter, not everyone was a gatherer, not everyone was a tool maker. But the hunters brought back the protein, the warmth from furs, the bones for tools. You can see glimpses of proud hunters painted on cave walls, or through decorations celebrating the success of a hunt....

by Charles Whitwam Throughout history humans have needed food to survive(the obvious). Not everyone was a hunter, not everyone was a gatherer, not everyone was a tool maker. But the hunters brought back the protein, the warmth from furs, the bones for tools. You can see glimpses of proud hunters pai...


Public attitudes toward hunting are often fueled by emotion, propaganda, and misconceptions instead of hard data, scientific evidence, and proven practices. It’s time to set the record straight. Preservation vs Conservation The words “preservation” and “conservation” are often used interchangeably. Although both processes seek to protect the natural world, these two approaches couldn’t be more different. Conservation seeks to protect the environment through the responsible management of natural resources....

Public attitudes toward hunting are often fueled by emotion, propaganda, and misconceptions instead of hard data, scientific evidence, and proven practices. It’s time to set the record straight. Preservation vs Conservation The words “preservation” and “conservation” are often used interch...

Painted Arrow Mag PRO-plus bow mounted camera review. As you may know, I've been producing outdoor film and content for ...

Painted Arrow Mag PRO-plus bow mounted camera review. As you may know, I've been producing outdoor film and content for 22 years so when I see innovations that improve my ability to film my own hunts or to have different camera angles and prospective I usually take interest in it, especially since I created a less sophisticated version of this type of mount back in 2013 where I mounted and iPhone case to flat-bar that I had bent to use the stabilizer to hold it in place....

Painted Arrow Mag PRO-plus bow mounted camera review. As you may know, I’ve been producing outdoor film and content for 22 years so when I see innovations that improve my ability to film my own hunts or to have different camera angles and prospective I usually take interest in it, especially since...

Bowfishing for carp: your next hunting obsession By Matt Smythe There’s an underrated gamefish making its way into the s...

Bowfishing for carp: your next hunting obsession By Matt Smythe There’s an underrated gamefish making its way into the spotlight — quite literally. Instead of chasing them during the day with rod and reel, though, you’re hunting these bruisers at night with bright lights from a boat and firing a well-placed arrow at them as they roam in shallow water. …...

Bowfishing for carp: your next hunting obsession By Matt Smythe There’s an underrated gamefish making its way into the spotlight — quite literally. Instead of chasing them during the day with rod and reel, though, you’re hunting these bruisers at night with bright lights from a boat and firing...


By Matt Smythe Advocating for fish, wildlife, and habitat conservation as well as hunters’ rights is an all-in proposition. A vocal, united, and persistent hunting community is the single best defense against anti-hunting interests that would love nothing more than for our sporting heritage to simply disappear. The month of May is a perfect example of just how important our Howls were in the outcome of a number of issues across the country....

By Matt Smythe Advocating for fish, wildlife, and habitat conservation as well as hunters’ rights is an all-in proposition. A vocal, united, and persistent hunting community is the single best defense against anti-hunting interests that would love nothing more than for our sporting heritage to sim...


Mule Deer Hunting Stories with Braxton Hamilton
Show Notes:

Braxton Hamilton joins me to talk about mule deer hunting and share some stories. He’s fresh off a bear hunt, and we spend some time talking about bear hunts from the past. Braxton lives in northwestern Wyoming, where I used to go every year for the opener of mule deer. He’s been hunting for as long as he can remember. Braxton’s dad hunted just about everything when it was open, and as a kid, it was really fun. They spent a lot of time in the mountains, and he grew up seeing a lot of huge deer. Back in the 90s and 00s, there were a ton of deer out there.

When he was younger, Braxton had his heart set on killing a giant one and nothing else, and he went a whole 9 years before grabbing one! There are so many lessons in deer hunting, especially when using a bow. We chat about everything that goes into it and how important those moments are when you pull back and draw. Sometimes, it’s as simple as having that killer instinct to go after your target and getting rid of any doubts.

Braxton shares a story about how he shot a 5 x 4 deer back in 2021. He says it was the biggest learning experience he’s ever had in his hunting career. He was out with a partner, and they had been tracking the deer since 2019. We talk about how the majority of mule deer hunting is mental, and sitting in one spot for hours is a whole other grind. They played a bit of a waiting game and wound up losing track of him after shooting him with an arrow. They took a few days off and wound up finding him dead in another camp! It wasn’t a pretty scene, and they think it must have died the night he got him.

What’s Inside:

How Braxton got into hunting and got his first deer.
A mule deer hunting story from Braxton where he played the waiting game.
The mental challenges of deer hunting.

Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Braxton on Instagram
Short Description:
Braxton Hamilton is a Wyoming boy who’s been hunting for as long as he can remember. Here, we talk about the lessons we learn through deer hunting and why so much of it is a mental game. When he was younger, Braxton had his heart set on killing a giant one and nothing else and he went a whole 9 years before grabbing one! Braxton also shares all about how he shot a 5 x 4 deer back in 2021. He says it was the biggest learning experience he’s ever had in his hunting career and it’s an amazing story.

big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, elk hunting, deer hunting, mule deer, bow hunting, archery


Cliff Gray Hunting learning from other's experiences.
Cliff and I discuss: being on Joe Rogan, we talk about learning from the experiences and stories of others, we talk about blood trailing, and determining when is the best time to seize an opportunity.

Follow Cliff Gray here Cliff Gray () • Instagram photos and videos
youtube Cliff Gray - YouTube


Hunting and Mental Toughness with Weston Paul
Show Notes:

Weston Paul is the Director of Business Development at MTNTOUGH Fitness Lab out of Bozeman, Montana. MTNTOUGH is a state-of-the-art fitness app that helps hunters get into tip top shape for the hunting season. Their programs have been tested and proven for conditions like high elevation, steep terrain, and multiple days under load. Your mental toughness will most certainly be challenged. Founder Dustin Diefenderfer designed the app with the backcountry athlete in mind, and the training programs feature a good mix of both strength and cardio.

In hunting, we know things don’t always go the way we want them to. MTNTOUGH also has a 10-day mental toughness course that trains you how to handle adversity and achieve your goals, so you can persevere through challenges. There are also yoga, physical therapy, and spirituality aspects woven into the various programs. This well-rounded approach is a great way for hunters to prepare for just about anything.

Weston and I talk about failures and how we learn from them. He also shares a story about an elk hunt where his brother-in-law wound up catching COVID and he wound up leaving. Later, a big snowstorm hit and dumped about two feet of snow. He followed some grizzly tracks to a few bulls and was able to sneak in and get one. We also chat about carrying loads on elk hunts and how to pack what your body can handle, toughing through injuries and ailments, and how Weston’s partnering with Howl for Wildlife.

What’s Inside:

How MTNTOUGH helps hunters get into physical and mental shape.
An epic elk hunting story from Weston.
Carrying loads and tough pack outs.

Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Short Description:
Weston Paul is the Director of Business Development at MTNTOUGH Fitness Lab out of Bozeman, Montana. MTNTOUGH is a state-of-the-art fitness app that helps hunters get into tip top shape for the hunting season. Weston shares an epic elk hunt story that involves a snowstorm and grizzly tracks. We also chat about carrying loads on elk hunts and how to pack what your body can handle, toughing through injuries and ailments, and how Weston’s partnering with Howl for Wildlife.

big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, fitness, training, hunting season, MTNTOUGH, mental toughness, workouts, perseverance, elk hunting, grizzly bear


How to Hunt 120 Days of the Year with Clint Casper
Show Notes:

Clint Casper hunts 120 days out of the year and here he shares his stories and how he’s achieved his success. Clint runs the Working Class Bowhunter podcast and we met back in 2015 through Outdoor Insiders. He’s in his second year running the show on the CC Hunt Files platform. We start our conversation by talking about what it takes to run a podcast and the challenges that come along with it. The industry creates a lot of snake oil salesmen with their products and sponsors, and we share a few stories and laughs about it.

Clint is very vocal about what he uses and why he uses it on his podcast. He only promotes what he uses, which means he truly endorses what he shares on his shows. Clint also doesn’t get paid to hunt for a living and he talks about all the different jobs he does. We talk about the right way to get into the hunting industry and why you should find a job that gives you a lot of time while generating a steady income.

Hunting isn’t always fun, and Clint shares a story about when he quit a mule deer trip after 8 days. He threw in the towel mentally, and for the next year, it was all he thought about. It was the worst and best thing to happen to him and since then, Clint’s been adding more days to his hunts. He shares how he defines success and why some of his best hunts were ones where he didn’t even release an arrow. Clint also talks about some of the toughest trips he’s had, how they tested him, and what he learned.

What’s Inside:

How Clint defines a successful hunt.
The right way to get into the hunting industry.
Why podcasting has created snake oil salesmen.

Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Working Class Bowhunter Podcast
Short Description:Clint Casper hunts 120 days out of the year and here, he shares his stories and how he’s achieved his success. We talk about the snake oil salesmen in podcasting, the right way to get into the hunting industry, and why some of Clint’s most successful hunts were ones where he didn’t even release an arrow. Clint also shares stories of some of his toughest hunts and the lessons he learned.

big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, bow hunting, working class bowhunter, hunting industry, podcasting, success


DIY Boat Building with Mike Lopez
Show Notes:

Mike Lopez is an artist and a YouTuber who’s made his business out of building and modifying small bass boats. His channel is called Tiny Boat Nation and definitely check it out if you’re a DIY guy or gal. He’s currently working on a welding cart and gearing up to work on a pontoon boat next. He says it’s going to be business in the front and party in the back, and he wants to call it the mullet! Mike’s been working on boats and running his YouTube channel since 2015. He eventually took his online success full time and left his day job behind after the pandemic took his channel to a new level.

Mike and I start our conversation with a chat about airboats and their pros and cons. Mike also built me a boat, and we talk about how he made it and all the great features. A lot of guys out there want to take on a project or improve their boats, but they have some reservations since a project like this can be costly and time consuming. Mike offers some suggestions on how you can get started and insights into how he plans out his builds. Unlike an engineer who does a ton of upfront planning, Mike likes to work as he goes and tries to solve as many problems as possible.

We chat about different motors and rigs and how to incorporate them into a build. We also talk about the best kinds of boats for bow fishing and how to choose one based on your needs and budget. If you’re thinking about your own build, it helps to start with what you want the boat to accomplish and back into it. Mike also suggests going with a custom layout over a standard manufactured model to really make it your own. If you’re interested in buying a kit, check out Mike’s Tiny Boat Nation store through the link below.

What’s Inside:

How Mike left his day job to run Tiny Boat Nation full time.
Tips for planning out your own boat build.
How to customize your boat based on your needs.

Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Tiny Boat Nation on YouTube
Tiny Boat Nation – Website & Store
Short Description:Mike Lopez is an artist and a YouTuber who’s made his business out of building and modifying small bass boats. Here, we talk about how he builds his boats (including one he did for me) and what to do if you want to build or improve your own boat. We also chat about motors, features, and how to customize your own boat based on your needs and budget.

big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, bass boats, tiny boat nation, bow fishing, custom boats

Spot and Ambush… spot and stalk for the not so sneaky by John Stallone ! Many of us use spot and stalk strategies in our...

Spot and Ambush… spot and stalk for the not so sneaky by John Stallone ! Many of us use spot and stalk strategies in our hunting especially in big open areas. This style of hunting requires the hunter to be : 1) proficient at glassing 2) able to pick a route and execute it 3) plan for wind 4) cover distances quickly and efficiently until in the slow zone 5) be patient and methodical once in the slow zone 6) lastly and most important be sneaky....

Spot and Ambush… spot and stalk for the not so sneaky by John Stallone ! Many of us use spot and stalk strategies in our hunting especially in big open areas. This style of hunting requires the hunter to be : 1) proficient at glassing 2) able to pick a route and execute it 3) […]


Mule Deer Hunting Live Q&A with Robby Denning
Show Notes:

I brought Robby Denning of Rokslide on for a live Q&A where we talked all things mule deer. Robby is the author of two mule deer hunting books: Hunting Big Mule Deer: How to Take the Best Buck of Your Life and Hunting Big Mule Deer: The Stories. We kick off things with an audience question about whether or not Robby prefers to bed deer before he stalks them or if he prefers them on the hoof, and if that changes between rifle hunting and archery hunting. Robby says bedded is always the best, but it’s easier said than done, and he walks through his process.

Next, we talk about hunting in the early season vs. the late season and the pros and cons. Another question asks Robby to share his idea of the perfect scenario and paint the picture so hunters can recognize that out in the field. He says he doesn’t usually know until he puts his finger on the trigger because so many things happen between finding bucks and actually getting them. Being careful and not letting the buck know you’re there are, as Robby says, the most important. The distance and the topography have to be in your favor, and Robby talks about some of his experiences.

Robby and I discuss which mule deer behavioral attributes to pay attention to that ultimately help you harvest the animal. We talk about sightings and tracks and which times of day are the best. Mule deer also tend to return to the same area around the same dates each year, so mark your calendar. Other questions we ask Robby include how many years he follows a deer before he gets them, moon cycle patterns and summer bucks, how to decide if a unit has too much hunting pressure, and more.

What’s Inside:

Hunting bedded mule deer vs. on the hoof
What the perfect hunting scenario looks like and all the factors that come into play
Key mule deer behaviors to pay attention to
Moon cycle patterns and deer hunting
Best places and terrain to hunt bucks

Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Book – Hunting Big Mule Deer: How to Take the Best Buck of Your Life
Book - Hunting Big Mule Deer: The Stories

Short Description:I recently brought Robby Denning of Rokslide on for a live Q&A where we talked all things mule deer. We talk about hunting in the early season vs. the late season and which mule deer behavioral attributes to pay attention to the most. Other questions we ask Robby include how many years he follows a deer before he gets them, moon cycle patterns and summer bucks, how to decide if a unit has too much hunting pressure, and more.

big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, mule deer hunting, Q&A, rifle hunting, archery hunting, bow hunting, moon cycles, terrain, mule deer behavior, hunting advocacy


Coyote Hunting with Heath Baker
Show Notes:

Heath Baker is a full-time coyote hunter. He’s been hunting coyotes since he was 13, and the more he got into it, the more obsessed he became. Heath grew up watching Randy Anderson videos and says he was his idol. Heath is also a licensed clinical therapist, which you might not guess by looking at him. He’s currently on a break from that work to focus on hunting, and we talk about how to make a living as a hunter. It’s way more than just going out on the hunt. You have to take a unique approach, do something no one else does, and pursue it relentlessly.

Today, Heath is the marketing director at Predator Tactics, a company that designs and manufactures high-quality hunting lights and gear. He goes live on Facebook while he’s out hunting coyotes, and he has an 85% kill ratio when he’s streaming. Heath also shows people how to work through the whole process and the entire dynamic in the moment. We take some questions from the audience about coyote calls and talk about best practices.

Another audience question came through about Heath’s go-to starting volume when using a Revolt caller. Heath shares his recommendations, what he’s using today, and how to use the volume level to get coyotes’ attention. We talk about what to do with coyotes that hang up a couple hundred yards out and how to adjust your call’s pitch and volume to lure them in. I also ask Heath what he looks for when he chooses a place to go hunting and how he sets up a sequence.

What’s Inside:

How Heath teaches coyote hunting through livestreams.
Coyote calling tips around volume and pitch.
How Heath chooses an ideal hunting spot.

Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Predator Tactics
Predator Tactics on Instagram
Heath Baker on Instagram

Short Description:Heath Baker is a full-time coyote hunter and heads up marketing at Predator Tactics. He hunts coyotes live on Facebook, where he shows people how to work through the whole process and the entire dynamic in the moment. We take some questions from the audience about coyote calls and what to do with coyotes that hang up a couple hundred yards away. I also ask Heath what he looks for when he chooses a place to go hunting and how he sets up a sequence.

big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, coyote hunting, livestreaming, coyote calling, predator tactics, predator hunting


Supporting Conservation with Coffee with Will deRover
Show Notes:

My buddy Will deRover is an interesting cat. He’s a husband and a father of four boys, and the youngest was born about a month ago. Will’s 27 and he’s been hunting since the age of 18. As a kid, his family wasn’t into hunting or the outdoors, but he really got into it because of his wife and his in-laws. Will owns half of BearTrack Outfitters in Manitoba where they do guided black bear hunts. He’s also the founder and owner of Bear Beans Coffee, which is what we’re getting into here.

Will started Bear Beans Coffee about two years ago to stay involved with the outdoor industry when COVID shut his outfitter down for a while. It’s also Will’s way of giving back to the hunting community. Recently, Will started getting an idea of how he could support conservation better. Today, Bear Beans has conservation partnerships with a number of groups, including Howl for Wildlife. Howl for Wildlife has its very own branded coffee through Bear Beans, and a portion of the profit goes directly to us as a donation.

With all the attacks on hunting in the US and Canada, the more companies that can support the hunting lifestyle and passion, the better. Along with info on how to get your hands on some coffee, Will shares some of his best hunting stories. He’s got a great story about himself and his business partner, as well as stories from his outfitting trips.

What’s Inside:

How Will supports conservation through Bear Beans Coffee.
Will’s hunting stories.
Info on Will’s outfitting business.

Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Bear Beans Coffee
Bear Beans Coffee on Instagram

Short Description:Will deRover started Bear Beans Coffee about two years ago to stay involved with the outdoor industry when COVID shut his outfitter down for a while. Recently, Will started getting an idea of how he could support conservation better and now, Bear Beans has conservation partnerships with a number of groups, including Howl for Wildlife. Along with info on how to get your hands on some coffee, Will shares some of his best hunting stories.

big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, conservation, hunting support, wolves, bear hunting, Bear Beans Coffee, outfitting, deer hunting, moose hunting


It doesn't always go as planned Kia and Talon Philips at the Arizona Hunt Expo
Show Notes:

I caught up with Kia and Talon Phillips at the Arizona Hunt Expo, which is put on by Arizona Game and Fish. It was a pretty big turnout, and I’m pleasantly surprised. The last time I attended was during the pre-Covid days, and it definitely wasn’t as big as it was this year. Stieg Phillips, who owns Muley Maniacs, is Kia and Talon’s brother and I got the chance to interview him in a recent episode. Kia just started an outdoor gear business called AK Lloyd, and she’s working on some cool products. They’re getting ready to come out with a USB-heated sleeping bag/bed roll, so stay tuned.

Kia and Talon share with me some hunts that had some unfortunate events and show the not so pretty side of hunting and how at times the emotions and adrenaline make us make rash decisions.

Kia and Talon both had some pretty awesome hunts last year. Kia’s hunt was up first at the end of October. She had a muzzleloader elk tag in Nevada, and they saw a lot of really good bulls when scouting. Her husband convinced her to put in for the hunt because it went into the rut a bit. They watched one bull in particular and decided to go after him at the end of the hunt. With the help of a couple of friends and a little luck, they got the job done.

Next, we get into Talon’s hunt, which was a day or two after Kia’s. He scouted throughout Kia’s hunt but didn’t see anything decent. However, a friend of theirs spotted another bull across a valley, and they decided to check it out at night. Eventually, they spotted him again and he got set up. Talon hit him in the shoulder on the first shot with a 28 Nosler. All hell broke loose after that and Talon shares the story of how he wound up finally getting him down.

What’s Inside:

Info about Kia’s new company, AK Lloyd.
Stories from Kia’s elk hunt in Nevada.
Stories from Talon’s hunt and how he got his bull.

Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
A.K.Lloyd Outdoor Gear

Short Description:I caught up with Kia and Talon Phillips at the Arizona Hunt Expo. Kia is about to launch a new company called AK Lloyd, and we get into the products she’s developing. Kia and Talon both had some pretty awesome hunts last year and here, the two share their stories.

big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, conservation, hunting support, elk hunting, Nevada, Arizona Hunt Expo, bull, Nosler, muzzle loader


Turkey and Predator Hunting with Logan Holtz
Show Notes:

My buddy Logan Holtz joins me to talk turkey, predator hunting, and everything in between. Logan grew up in north central Wisconsin. He attended the University of Wisconsin and worked in the outdoor industry his whole career, including at Cabela’s corporate headquarters. Logan also worked at Burris Optics, and today, he’s at QuietKat E-Bikes. Hunting is one of his major passions, and it’s given him a number of great opportunities throughout his life.

Turkey season has already started, and here out west, they’re just about to kick things off. Logan’s an avid turkey and waterfowl hunter, and he’s got over 200 waterfowl hunt videos on his YouTube channel. Before we dive into that, we talk about his ideal coyote setup. His coyote gun is the same one he uses for snow goose hunting; he just changes the choke. With the right kickoff system, you get better target reacquisition. He also has a mounted red dot between the receiver and the stock, but Logan prefers the bead on a shotgun.

Logan and I get into why it’s important to pattern your turkey guns. Whether you’re using a bead or a red dot, the most important thing is to know where that pattern hits. You should be comfortable putting it on a golf ball from 10 yards away, because that’s where many people miss. We talk more in depth about coyote hunting, and I pick Logan’s brain on how he chooses his best hunting spots. We also talk about Logan’s calling sequences, bow hunting turkey and coyote, and more.

What’s Inside:

Logan’s ideal coyote gun setup.
Why you should pattern your turkey gun.
How Logan picks good coyote hunting spots.
Logan’s calling sequences.
Using a bow to hunt turkey and coyote.

Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife:
Holtz Outdoors on Instagram
Holtz Outdoors YouTube Channel

Short Description:
My buddy Logan Holtz joins me to talk turkey, predator hunting, and everything in between. Logan shares his ideal coyote setup and we get into why it’s important to pattern your turkey guns. We talk more in depth about coyote hunting, and I pick Logan’s brain on how he chooses his best hunting spots. We also talk about Logan’s calling sequences, bow hunting turkey and coyote, and more.

big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, turkey hunting, coyote hunting, predator hunting, archery, bow hunting, decoy, waterfowl, patterning



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