Election Day!!! Vote!!!!
It’s Election Day!!! Y’all!!! Please go vote I voted we all should vote!! I vote because my ancestors struggled to gain the right and I vote because some countries don’t have the freedom to vote. Today my students expressed to me how anxious they were about the election and they hoped the adults made the right decision and how helpless they feel. It broke my heart! So please even if you don’t want to do it for any other reason do it for them they are counting on us to secure their future #vote #queensonaroll #advocacymatters #electionday #disabilityawareness #Election2024
SURPRISE!!!!!! I AM BACK!!!! With an all NEW EPISODE!!! With my big sis Dina!!! Go check it out & find out why I have been away for so long! Just FYI there won’t be subtitles on this episode at it’s release technical difficulties but it will be up soon #queensonaroll #newepisode #12AM #podcast #disabilityawareness
Halloween 2024
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice BEETLEJUICE!!! #halloween2024
So I know I haven’t posted in awhile or put out an episode in awhile life has been lifing! And the podcast computer stopped working but I promise Queens On A Roll will be back and in the meantime your girl is fiercly advocating and I am always a day late with everything!! Lol but I was deeply honored to be the keynote speaker for Sanys yesterday on the 34th anniversary of the ADA!! As much as I wanted to inspire all the self-advocates and people there to keep letting their voices be heard on important issues for the ably different community in my speech. They made me want to continue to fiercely advocate as well! It was truly an honor! Here is a sneak peek of my speech #advocacymatters #disabilitypridemonth #advocate #cerebalpalsy
Keeping The Pressure On!
We have a message that needs to be heard! Please support! the popcorn sale is over & thank you to everyone that supported! But we still need your help https://gofund.me/71301be5 #share #support #womenshistorymonth #cerebralpalsyawareness #advocacy#durablemedicalequipment
A call to action! Please help!
Hey everyone on this Women’s History month and Cerebral Palsy awareness month I am trying to make a difference! but I need your help! Please either go buy popcorn, or go to my GoFundMe page. The popcorn last until Sunday at 2 PM despite what it says. please help me and others get to Albany for a second time to tell them to stop closing hospitals and put the durability back in durable medical equipment! The links will be in the comments. Thanks! #calltoaction #helpmeplease #cerebralpalsywarrior #wheelchairlife #queensonarollpodcast #advocacy
So y’all know I’m not a singer but I wanted in on the hood Christmas Challenge So here y’all go! #hoodchristmascarols #Share #Queensonaroll #cerebralpalsy #wheelchairlife #Merrychristmaseve