Specializing in voice over sound recordings, music improvisation, and creative writing for comic book, cartoon, toy, and movie characters of feature film/ tv & video games. The Cobra Organization had its beginnings when the man who would become Cobra Commander settled in a town called Springfield. Bringing his hate of the government whom he blames as among the causes of his misfortunes, he recruit
ed other people who were in the same situation as he was. Springfield was a perfect place to start the organization as the town itself had fallen on hard times and the population was disillusioned. Much of Cobra’s early funding came from pyramid schemes initiated by Cobra Commander. As revealed in G.I. Joe #10, the precursor to COBRA was an Amway-like company called Arbco. When the government courts rule that Arbco is an illegal pyramid scheme, its founder, who later becomes Cobra Commander, swears revenge on the government by forming a terrorist organization called Cobra, an anagram of Arbco. This brief quote from the comic gives an insight into the motivation for the creation of Cobra:
"I'm not going to be ground under the wheels of big government!... I'm going to create an underground organization that will bypass government restrictions, and garner power through terrorism and extortion!... I won't stop until my organization coils around the whole world like a giant cobra!" -- Cobra Commander, circa. 1978
In a very time, it became more like a military organization. Motivated by greed and power, the group soon expanded all over the country, operating in secret. Soon, they were engaging in terrorism to achieve their objectives. By the time the US government recognized Cobra as a threat, the evil organization had already gained footholds around the world. Cobra soon developed into a highly powerful and wealthy private army and terrorist organization. Many of its members (especially those in the elite Crimson Guard units) lead normal lives to outside eyes, supporting Cobra covertly. Cobra attracted members on the promise of fast financial rewards and power for those willing to be ruthless enough.