Here’s a comment from Mrs Patriarchy to
further the conversation (Titus you can feel a tiny less guilty now that there is a female voice in the room):
“I don’t believe in the P word like you, because my wife is actually smart. She actually knows how to think. She doesn’t need me to tell her what to think (contrasting your wife).”
Better conversation: I’m sure your wife is very intelligent and hears from God as clearly as you do and has a strong faith, how does submission or the P word practically play out in your home?
“I’m worried Mr P man abuses his wife and that she is an enabler.”
Better conversation:
Dear p man, what does authority and submission look in your home? Do you feel like your wife has spiritual input into your life? Can you give us some examples? In your P circles what sort of safeguards are in place so that leadership isn’t abused? Or literally a billion other questions.
“Men can’t talk about how women should dress. It’s not our job to rule over women in such a way. Anyways, I think women wearing a headcovering is a stumbling block to bringing women into the kingdom. Let’s talk about that as men.”
Better conversation:
1. Paul says wear a head covering.
2. Older women, I’ll trust you to take it from there teaching the younger women. If the scripture is very clear on a woman’s ministry in the church it is for sure that one. I won’t try to take it from you because I’m not more woke than you. I also understand that being a woman convert from the world, you may actually have some insight that I don’t about women converts from a culture I’ve never been a part of.
“There is no role for women in the church… our wives are more valuable than doing nothing but sitting at home pregnant.”
Better conversation:
I see how you labor sister in the Lord. I see how much your family does and wouldn’t be able to work in the kingdom without your part, you’re prayers, your sacrifice and blessing your husband to be away weeks at a time for the kingdom, your long hours of co ministering late into the night, your hours of discussions that go into most sermon, your disciples, your raising children to be soldiers in the kingdom. Your serving of the saints and your hospitality. May God richly bless you.
“Women can’t be fulfilled in the church without teaching .”
Better conversation:
The Bible says women prophesied, they traveled with Jesus, they were ministers of the gospel, and ministers of God. Bless you sisters who are partaking in prophesy, church planting, discipleship, baptisms..etc. Preaching is not the way we are fulfilled in our Christian walk and in the church either! In fact most men don’t teach in the church.