Borrelia spp. have two intrinsic mechanisms which enable them to remain unaffected by antibiotic treatments table 1:
(a) Biofilms: these are “shells” of extracellular material under which the bacterium protects itself, either alone or in association with other micro-organisms (68, 100-103). Most antibiotics do not pe*****te this shell and are therefore ineffective. Borrelia biofilms have been observed in vitro and in vivo, including in borrelian lymphocytoma (104), and in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, correlating with the development of amyloid plaques (105-110).
(b) Round forms: the spiral form of Borrelia can transform, especially under hostile conditions, into atypical, non-spiral forms: “round bodies” or wall-less L-form spheroplast variants (spherical cells of Borrelia burgdorferi with a flexible cell envelope containing numerous flagella) (111-118). These forms are thought to be more capable of long-term survival, particularly in the presence of beta-lactam antibiotics. The transition from spiral to round forms, and vice versa, has already been filmed and published (116). Round forms can give rise to spirochetes: their pathogenic potential is therefore certain. There are also “blebs” morphotypes characterized by the formation of outer membrane vesicles on the Borrelia surface (113), which can also appear on the surface of cells. These blebs, expressing Borrelia antigens at the surface of the infected cell, could trigger autoimmune reactions.
Lyme Disease, Tests and Treatment: A Review of The Controversy on The Ineffectiveness of Biological Tests and Proof of The Existence of A Chronic Form. PubMed, SCI, Scopus, ESCI, PMC indexed