Deep Transformation Podcast: Self - Society - Spirit

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Deep Transformation Podcast: Self - Society - Spirit Deep Transformation is a community for those of us who want to wake up, grow up, clean up, show up.


Brendan Graham Dempsey: "...when I discovered people talking about metamodernism, I got really excited. At the time, they were just talking about this new surge in the arts where people seem to be taking a stand on values and being willing to make claims about things knowing they're probably wrong and having sort of the risk now became being earnest..."


🎧 Listen to the FULL audio only interviews with Brendan Graham Dempsey:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Visit the episode page for a summary, timestamps, and links to resources mentioned.


❤️ Our podcast is a labor of love funded solely by co-hosts Roger and John. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us keep these meaningful conversations alive by supporting us through:


Trailer Transcript:

And so, when I discovered people talking about metamodernism, I got really excited. At the time, they were just talking about this new surge in the arts where people seem to be taking a stand on values and being willing to make claims about things knowing they're probably wrong and having sort of the risk now became being earnest. Before, it used to be, "Oh, we're cool because we're cynical and skeptical." Now, it was becoming cool to be earnest, and maybe even a little hokey. So, this was this aesthetic shift that people started to notice, and it didn't conform to the postmodern paradigm anymore. So, people were like, "We have to theorize this differently." So, that's where the term metamodernism really comes from and gets going from.


“Metamodernism is a worldview of worldviews, a cultural logic of cultural logics, trying to expand beyond the frame we h...

“Metamodernism is a worldview of worldviews, a cultural logic of cultural logics, trying to expand beyond the frame we have been working in…to a framework where we can relate to each other in deeper ways, and find deeper modes of understanding, compassion, and empathy with one another.“

🎙️ EPISODE 134
Brendan Graham Dempsey (Part 2 of 2) – How and Why Cultures Evolve, and the Emerging Stage of Metamodernism


Brendan Graham Dempsey explains why postmodernism no longer serves and why the new stage of metamodernism offers hope and a way through.


Brendan Graham Dempsey: "...To become who we are, we have to go out of ourselves in our existing worldviews. We have to deconstruct and then reconstruct, and that this is a a meaningful social process that we can partake in that can help the world, that we can collectively help the world update its model especially in times when our collective world-making, sense-making structures are failing...."


🎧 Listen to the FULL audio only interviews with Brendan Graham Dempsey:

Part 1:
Part 2: (available on June 13, 2024)

Visit the episode page for a summary, timestamps, and links to resources mentioned.


❤️ Our podcast is a labor of love funded solely by co-hosts Roger and John. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us keep these meaningful conversations alive by supporting us through:


Trailer Transcript:

To become who we are, we have to go out of ourselves in our existing worldviews. We have to deconstruct and then reconstruct, and that this is a a meaningful social process that we can partake in that can help the world, that we can collectively help the world update its model especially in times when our collective world-making, sense-making structures are failing. That's where we are certainly at the moment with the metacrisis, the meaning crisis. Collectively, our worldview is breaking down and we're being forced out to go try to bring out of that chaos some order, which is to say, a new level of complexity. That's a lot of what the metamodern next step in this cultural evolution process is, in some ways, trying to help facilitate for people.



Brendan Graham Dempsey: "...I did ultimately land in a fairly kind of modern worldview, one much more informed by sort of modern science and, at that time, I was really grappling a lot with issues of materialism, reductionism, determinism... I didn't know how you could live a moral life if we're all just sort of fluke accidents..."


🎧 Listen to the FULL audio only interviews with Brendan Graham Dempsey:

Part 1:
Part 2: (available on June 13, 2024

Visit the episode page for a summary, timestamps, and links to resources mentioned.


❤️ Our podcast is a labor of love funded solely by co-hosts Roger and John. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us keep these meaningful conversations alive by supporting us through:


Trailer Transcript:

The psyche kind of has a structure to it that can hold things together, you could say. As I was saying earlier, that's directly related to social structures and how certain kinds of social organization hold together. So, when that set of—that container, you can say, starts to deconstruct and fall apart, you're just between worlds. I did ultimately land in a fairly kind of modern worldview, one much more informed by sort of modern science and, at that time, I was really grappling a lot with issues of materialism, reductionism, determinism... I didn't know how you could live a moral life if we're all just sort of fluke accidents, you know, who kind of showed up for no reason ultimately in this sort of dark, uncaring void, you know. It was like... it was a very kind of difficult time. Related to that was a lot of the nihilism that shows up also with the grappling with the issue of plurality, indifference, of seeing that, actually, there are all sorts of worldviews.


“It’s absolutely essential that some folks, anyway, try to break through to this other way of seeing that can get us bey...

“It’s absolutely essential that some folks, anyway, try to break through to this other way of seeing that can get us beyond the limits of our worldviews at the moment…in a way that allows us to keep moving forward rather than back.“

🎙️ EPISODE 133

Brendan Graham Dempsey (Part 1) – How and Why Cultures Evolve, and the Emerging Stage of Metamodernism


Author, podcaster, farmer, and poet, Brendan Graham Dempsey, brings passion, dedication, clarity, and outstanding scholarship to the fascinating and enormously important study of cultural evolution, which operates on both a personal level and a collective one. He illuminates how, when, and why we shift from one cultural worldview to the next, using his own life’s journey through the cultural stages as a map and paints colorful portraits of the outstanding characteristics of each stage: traditional/premodern, modern, postmodern, and metamodern. Brendan enlightens us as to the tumultuous and often lonely and despairing time that occurs when our prior stage has been deconstructed and we find ourselves between worldviews in a liminal space where sensemaking fails. As he puts it, we live in certain worlds to help us navigate reality. But then things change, and we bump up against the limits of things. Now the time has come to update our sense of the world; we are invited to expand and grow.

We come to understand why it is necessary for cultures to evolve—to accommodate ever increasing complexity—and why culture wars and confusion result from misunderstanding a worldview that infiltrates your psyche before it’s ready. Brendan explains why postmodernism does not serve us now, introducing and inviting us to the new, emerging worldview of metamodernism, where there is hope in positivity, affirmation, and aspirational idealism. Hope, and the promise of coming together in a new understanding among peoples, a prerequisite for dealing with the challenges of the global crises that affect us all. Brendan brings a big heart, keen mind, and a lot of verve to these complex subjects, which come alive under his brilliant tutelage. As he points out, deconstructing the psyche can help save the world, adding, this is a lot of what the metamodern community is trying to get the word out about. Recorded May 1, 2024.

Brendan Graham Dempsey explains cultural evolution from traditional through postmodern & introduces the promising new stage of metamodernism.

EMDR Therapy with Dr. Laurel Parnell, a 3-part podcast episode, now available as a full video on YouTube.  🎞️ https://ww...

EMDR Therapy with Dr. Laurel Parnell, a 3-part podcast episode, now available as a full video on YouTube.


The Remarkable Transformative Power of EMDR Therapy: A Revolution in Trauma Treatment & Gateway to Transpersonal Openings

Parnell Institute

Laurel Parnell – The Remarkable Transformative Power of EMDR Therapy: A Revolution in Trauma Treatment & Gateway to Transpersonal Openings“EMDR clears what i...


Dr. Laurel Parnell: "...In families, there can be periods of time of great trauma and difficulty. We look at what Jewish people, what African Americans are bringing, what Native Americans are bringing in... all this intergenerational trauma, as well as European Americans. But what we have is a period of time of great trauma. But if you go back thousands of years, further back, you can always find resources in healthy, whole ancestral lineage."


🎧 Listen to the FULL audio only interviews with Laurel Parnell:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Visit the episode page for a summary, timestamps, and links to resources mentioned.


❤️ Our podcast is a labor of love funded solely by co-hosts Roger and John. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us keep these meaningful conversations alive by supporting us through:


Trailer Transcript:

In families, there can be periods of time of great trauma and difficulty. We look at what Jewish people, what African Americans are bringing, what Native Americans are bringing in... all this intergenerational trauma, as well as European Americans. But what we have is a period of time of great trauma. But if you go back thousands of years, further back, you can always find resources in healthy, whole ancestral lineage. So, if we go back further back and we discover where the healthy ancestry is, we really connect to that and then bring that forward energetically—kind of our energetic cord so to speak. We bring that forward we can begin to heal the ancestry that's more current.


Parnell Institute


Dr. Laurel Parnell: "...That was how I was using my intuition and my empathy, and it was causing me to burn out. So, I don't need to run their energy through my nervous system. I can have my energetic sovereignty and theirs, and I can feel with them without the merging. Then we can help others without running it through our system. This was such a powerful learning for me."


🎧 Listen to the FULL audio only interviews with Laurel Parnell:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Visit the episode page for a summary, timestamps, and links to resources mentioned.


❤️ Our podcast is a labor of love funded solely by co-hosts Roger and John. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us keep these meaningful conversations alive by supporting us through:


Trailer Transcript:

Well, part of what I'm learning, John, is energetic sovereignty. It's so important because I think part of what happens when we're empathic and we're healer type people is we merge with others and we take on what is in them. So, this is the whole thing where we work with what we call the energy bubble. We have our energy bubble, and the others have theirs. But, what I discovered I was doing is I was merging my bubble with other people's bubbles! That was how I was using my intuition and my empathy, and it was causing me to burn out. So, I don't need to run their energy through my nervous system. I can have my energetic sovereignty and theirs, and I can feel with them without the merging. Then we can help others without running it through our system. This was such a powerful learning for me.


Parnell Institute

“The consciousness that illumines everything illumines everything on all dimensions.”🎙️ EPISODE 132Laurel Parnell (Part ...

“The consciousness that illumines everything illumines everything on all dimensions.”

🎙️ EPISODE 132
Laurel Parnell (Part 3 of 3) – The Remarkable Transformative Power of EMDR Therapy: A Revolution in Trauma Treatment & Gateway to Transpersonal Openings


Topics & Time Stamps
• Normalizing living in the nondual space with Suzanne Segal (00:56)
• Laurel’s son’s horrific death, the sense of feeling held, and working with a spirit worker afterwards (03:42)
• Laurel’s further healing on her own with EMDR (08:51)
• The onset of working with multiple dimensions of reality: working with energetic attachments, ancestral/intergenerational trauma, energetic sovereignty (09:53)
• Not everything we experience is ours, and should not be integrated (11:20)
• This way of working is all about empowering the individual, cultivating & developing the very powerful resource deities within us and in other dimensions (15:20)
• Using Tibetan technology & developing skillful means (16:48)
• Energetic sovereignty and working with energy bubbles: how to help others without merging with them (20:22)
• Healing intergenerational trauma: resourcing positive, wholesome, healthy ancestry and bringing it forward (21:59)
• The bridging technique: reprocessing past life trauma of the client or even of another energetic being (25:49)
• Staying open to the multiplicity of possibilities of what could be going on (28:14)
• What the original pioneering psychedelic therapists discovered about the psyche (29:13)
• Laurel’s healing journey in the Amazon and recognizing that ancient ways of healing are still important (31:03)
• Consciousness is so vast, everything is there—grief too (34:48)
• Primordial purity: everything is an expression of consciousness; nothing needs to be condemned (35:19)
• There is cross-generational transmission of limiting beliefs, traumas, etc., but also of virtues: bringing forward ancestral wisdom to heal current traumas (37:28)
• The importance of service, setting good boundaries, and practicing good ethics on the part of the shaman or therapist (42:45)

Parnell Institute

Laurel Parnell discusses intergenerational trauma & the EMDR work that excites her the most now: multidimensional integrative healing.


Dr. Laurel Parnell: "I think the therapist should have a basic meditation practice of sitting, of having that silent mind, being able to notice ... I think that is kind of a baseline. Then, the ability to be curious, and not interpret, and allow what's unfolding to unfold without needing to define it, or drain it, or to take the power [from the client]."


🎧 Listen to the FULL audio only interviews with Laurel Parnell:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: (available on May 30, 2024)

Visit the episode page for a summary, timestamps, and links to resources mentioned.


❤️ Our podcast is a labor of love funded solely by co-hosts Roger and John. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us keep these meaningful conversations alive by supporting us through:


Trailer Transcript:

I think the therapist should have a basic meditation practice of sitting, of having that silent mind, being able to notice—you know, basic Vipassana is so helpful to really disidentify with the thoughts and feelings and body sensations and not project that onto the client, that who the client is are their thoughts and the things that happen to them. So, the extent to which the therapist can be present. I think presence is so important. All the distractions that people have... presence and a basic practice of watching thoughts, of coming back to the moment... I think that is kind of a baseline. Then, the ability to be curious, and not interpret, and allow what's unfolding to unfold without needing to define it, or drain it, or to take the power.


Parnell Institute


Dr. Laurel Parnell: "...this is where it facilitates, I think, the dissolution of the self-constructs in the therapist as well as the client. I think there's this connection that's happening, this resonant connection in the healing process.'"


🎧 Listen to the FULL audio only interviews with Laurel Parnell:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: (available on May 30, 2024)

Visit the episode page for a summary, timestamps, and links to resources mentioned.


❤️ Our podcast is a labor of love funded solely by co-hosts Roger and John. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us keep these meaningful conversations alive by supporting us through:


Trailer Transcript:

Over and over and over again, there's the experience of... Oh, here are these places in the person I'm working with. We work through them, and that moves it out. We're sitting there with this energy, this love, this whatever it is that we're both connected to. So, there's a feeling of merging in this, the wonder of it all, if you want, the mystery. There's nobody who's doing that. So, this is where it facilitates, I think, the dissolution of the self-constructs in the therapist as well as the client. I think there's this connection that's happening, this resonant connection in the healing process.


Parnell Institute

“EMDR clears what isn’t true.”🎙️ EPISODE 131Laurel Parnell (Part 2) – The Remarkable Transformative Power of EMDR Therap...

“EMDR clears what isn’t true.”

🎙️ EPISODE 131
Laurel Parnell (Part 2) – The Remarkable Transformative Power of EMDR Therapy: A Revolution in Trauma Treatment & Gateway to Transpersonal Openings


Topics & Time Stamps
• The amazing healing effects of after-death communications (00:55)
• Allan Botkin’s research with veterans, inducing after-death communication to heal PTSD (06:26)
• Roger’s experience of EMDR and how it healed his hypersensitivity (10:04)
• The therapist experiences the same healing, clearing process as the client, also opening into a transpersonal space (14:12)
• The importance of spiritual practice for the therapist: meditation, presence, watching thoughts, coming back to the moment, the ability to be curious, allowing things to unfold as they will (16:59)
• Can we do this on our own? Resource installation or resource tapping (19:35)
• Activating 4 strong foundational resources: peaceful place, nurturing figure, protective figure, and wise figure (21:09)
• NeuroTek devices that Laurel and clients can use to aid the process of bilateral stimulation (25:10)
• Laurel’s spiritual path: from Tibetan Buddhism to Vipassana to nonduality (27:49)
• What is important in life after the dissolution of all constructs? (35:47)

Parnell Institute

EMDR therapist Laurel Parnell on nondual awareness, the healing effects of after-death communication, activating inner resources, and more.


Dr. Laurel Parnell: "So, the typical result of EMDR is compassion for self and others. It's like the heart opens. There's a sense of no longer identifying with what happened, and also the desire for revenge or anger or any of that just dissolves out. Typically, a client will arrive at, 'What happened to me does not define who I am...'"


🎧 Listen to the FULL audio only interviews with Laurel Parnell:
Part 1:
Part 2: (available on May 23, 2024)
Part 3: (available on May 30, 2024)

Visit the episode page for a summary, timestamps, and links to resources mentioned.


❤️ Our podcast is a labor of love funded solely by co-hosts Roger and John. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us keep these meaningful conversations alive by supporting us through:


Trailer Transcript:

The most common experience is that of compassion for self and others. So, the typical result of EMDR is compassion for self and others. It's like the heart opens. There's a sense of no longer identifying with what happened, and also the desire for revenge or anger or any of that just dissolves out. Typically, a client will arrive at, "What happened to me does not define who I am," and all this upwelling of self-love comes. Just, wow! It's a very common experience. It's not something the therapist is directing the client to do at all. It just happens on its own.


Parnell Institute

Joseph Goldstein's 3-part podcast episode is now available as a full video on YouTube.🎞️

Joseph Goldstein's 3-part podcast episode is now available as a full video on YouTube.


Joseph Goldstein – Living on the Spiritual Edge: The Ever-Deepening Healing & Transformative Gifts of Opening to Experience and Life

Insight Meditation Society

Joseph Goldstein – Living on the Spiritual Edge: The Ever-Deepening Healing & Transformative Gifts of Opening to Experience and Life“Nirvana is like the peac...

Dr. Roger Walsh, our co-host, was among the distinguished presenters at the recently concluded Integral Conference of No...

Dr. Roger Walsh, our co-host, was among the distinguished presenters at the recently concluded Integral Conference of North America (ICON) held from May 16th to 19th, 2024, in Denver, Colorado Check out our Deep Transformation Podcast ad prominently featured at the back of the program brochure!


Dr. Laurel Parnell: "...what happens in the work is we discover what in the past is linked to whatever it is and we process it with EMDR, and all this stuff disappears! Stuff that's been held for a lifetime, you know, is gone and the person is living in this very free fluid way without the constraints of these old beliefs. But, they weren't connected to big stuff! Often, they're connected to little stuff that you would never find in history because they weren't noted as really significant."


🎧 Listen to the FULL audio only interviews with Laurel Parnell:
Part 1:
Part 2: (available on May 23, 2024)
Part 3: (available on May 30, 2024)

Visit the episode page for a summary, timestamps, and links to resources mentioned.


❤️ Our podcast is a labor of love funded solely by co-hosts Roger and John. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us keep these meaningful conversations alive by supporting us through:


Trailer Transcript:

So, what happens in the work is we discover what in the past is linked to whatever it is and we process it with EMDR, and all this stuff disappears! Stuff that's been held for a lifetime, you know, is gone and the person is living in this very free fluid way without the constraints of these old beliefs. But, they weren't connected to big stuff! Often, they're connected to little stuff that you would never find in history because they weren't noted as really significant. This is the fun of what we do with this. To me, it's really open-minded discovery of what it is that's creating these blocks to living fully for the individual.


Parnell Institute

“How many trauma therapies have the upwelling of compassion for self and others as the typical endpoint?“🎙️ EPISODE 130L...

“How many trauma therapies have the upwelling of compassion for self and others as the typical endpoint?“

🎙️ EPISODE 130
Laurel Parnell (Part 1) – The Remarkable Transformative Power of EMDR Therapy: A Revolution in Trauma Treatment & Gateway to Transpersonal Openings


World renowned EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) therapy pioneer and trainer Dr. Laurel Parnell has used EMDR therapy with clients for decades with truly remarkable success. Laurel relates how EMDR therapy dissolves blocks caused by trauma, freeing clients from negative constructs so they can develop their own felt sense of truth, and express from and know their own true nature. After EMDR, she says, “singers sing, writers write, dancers dance.” Not only are clients freed, but the endpoint of EMDR therapy quite often rests in a transpersonal space that is invariably characterized by an upwelling of self-love and compassion for others, an opening to mystery and boundless possibility. Interestingly, because of the resonant field between therapist and client (interpersonal neurobiology), the therapist experiences the transpersonal opening when it happens as well. More often than not, Laurel tells us, the way the session unfolds is a surprise to both client and therapist, with long forgotten little “t” traumas turning out to be responsible for the client’s blocks rather than the expected major life traumas.

Laurel makes it clear that the goal of EMDR is to empower the client; the therapist must allow the wisdom to reside in the client rather than in their own interpretation of what unfolds, and adhere strictly to a process of open inquiry. She describes how the therapist’s beliefs can limit the outcome and outlines the advantages of a therapist who has a spiritual practice and transpersonal awareness. Laurel’s leading edge at this point involves multidimensional healing, an evolution from her longtime experience with EMDR, where further dimensions of reality have so often emerged in her work, and her own spiritual journey. It is fascinating to hear her describe how we can not only install helpful inner resources for ourselves, but also counter intergenerational trauma by calling forward ancestral wisdom. A deeply intriguing, eye opening, and impactful conversation with a very wise, enthusiastic, far thinking trailblazer of a teacher. Recorded April 15, 2024.



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