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Quantum Galaxy Network The Quantum Galaxy Network is dedicated to preparing you for THE GOLDEN AGE and beyond.



I'm ready to do this again. With the solar maximum anticipated to be this year to next we may have more chances.


"In Part II of this special Bitcoin Series, : Winifred sits down with Kurt Wuckert, Jr. otherwise known as the Historian of the Bitcoin Civil War to discuss the Satoshi Trial, the white papers in detail and the argument surrounding the patents and definition of Bitcoin technology, specifically. Commenting on XRP and XLM, Kurt touches on the current market temperature along with the concept of halvening. Don't miss PART II of this necessary closure on this controversial coin better known as Bitcoin. Explore the history of the deep state dirty money used for laundering and child trafficking and how that Bitcoin leg is fundamentally separated from the newer chain of BSV.
As an expert in his field of mining, Kurt lends a professor-like history and argument for Satoshi and why his trial is a sham, but what it may mean for the future of Bitcoin!

Listen, like and share! You can find Kurt for private consultations on Gorillapool.com, and Coingeek.com as well as all social media outlets.

FB: Makinglifebrighter


"Join your host, POSTMASTER/Quantum Healer, : Winifred: Adams. for a fascinating deep-dive with 'The Historian of Bitcoin,' Gorilla Pool and Coin Geek's very own, Kurt Wuckert, JR. Kurt is a leader and an expert in the field of mining coin, as well as the truth about the history of Bitcoin. Don't miss this special two-part series on the 'TRUTH ABOUT BITCOIN' and how the split may affect future commerce and world trade. A fierce proponent of BVS, Kurt discusses it's history down to the atom and how it may be a way to thrive in a new world economy that is leaning toward digital commerce. Find out the pros and the cons from his honest assessment and how this may affect all of us going forward.

Kurt is an entrepreneur in South Florida focused on media and bitcoin infrastructure. As Chief Bitcoin Historian publishing exclusively with CoinGeek, Kurt brings a unique blend of expertise from a long career in bitcoin mining, business management, and cybersecurity.


Thank you for listening and 'Go Make Someone Else's Life Brighter!"



"Join your host, POSTMASTER/Quantum Healer, : Winifred: Adams. for a fascinating deep-dive with 'The Historian of Bitcoin,' Gorilla Pool and Coin Geek's very...


Discover the Power of Medical Intuition: An Enlightening Talk with Charles Lightwalker ·

Discover the Power of Medical Intuition: An Enlightening Talk with Charles Lightwalker and our guest speaker Winifred Adams President of the Global Association Medicail Initiatives.

Dive deep into the fascinating world of Medical Intuition, a groundbreaking approach to healing and wellness that transcends the boundaries of traditional medicine. Join us for an exclusive talk with the renowned Charles Lightwalker, who will guide us through the mysteries and practices of Medical Intuition.

What is Medical Intuition?
Medical Intuition is an energetic evaluation technique that leverages the practitioner's developed intuition to assess the body's vibrational patterns. It identifies disturbances or blocks that may manifest as physical or emotional issues, recognizing humans as complex beings of interconnected energies.

This holistic approach goes beyond what conventional medical diagnostics offer, providing tailored healing solutions through body scanning, shamanic practices, spiritual healing, Reiki, and more.
Tune in at 7pm on this page
being streamed live from 7pm
also on Twitch and Youtube.
You tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqnsO3j42B51rK-og6Qt6Aw
Derek McGillivray
Tel 07468119635
Email [email protected]
part of www.soleretreatwellness.com


""Join your host, : Winifred: Adams. as she welcomes Julie and Michael of Solasceremonies.ie. Julie is a healer, Reiki Master, and official of wedding ceremonies using the sacred, Celtic traditions. Michael is an engineer, Reiki Master, healing couselor and together they own and run SolasCeremonies.ie.

Tomorrow is a big célébration in Ireland, so reach out to them if you are near and would like to join their international healing party, celebrating their center, or if you 'd like the last two spots on their spécial healing retreat to France in June!

Otherwise you can visit them for a dual tuning in reiki at their retreat center for healing and a healthy dose or happy, healthy love!
You can find them online more easily on X: , or on Facebook when you search Solasceremonies.

: MAKING-LIFE-BRIGHTER, is dedicated to bringing you those who are making our lives brighter as we round the bend to the Golden Age.

Julie and Michael have an infections syngery, showing what true love and spirit-coherency really does look like! Don't miss this spécial episode featuring, SolasCeremonies.

Global Association Of Médical Intuitives




Things went off the rails, false copyright claims, religious and anti-religious wars in chat, false accusations of theft from the big solar channel.... my wa...


"Join your host, : Winifred: Adams, with special guest, Dr. John Ryan, author of Unity Field Healing.

An allopathic doctor who experienced an extraordinary awakening followed by direct downloaded transmissions for healing at this time in history. This unique method coming from the Sirian star family lends to a fascinating deep-dive with Dr. Ryan.

Meet Dr. Ryan in Rochester, New York upcoming. Find out how you can benefit from this specific healing technique.

FB: Making Life Brighter


"Join your host, : Winifred: Adams, for the latest update on the Atlantean Crystal, The Lost Empire of Tartaria and more on Crystal Skulls with author of Journey of The Crystal Skull Explorers, Joshua Shapiro.

FB: Making Life Brighter

Contact Joshua For FREE EBOOKS and Crystal Skulls.


"Join your host, : Winifred: Adams. THIS THURSDAY EVE at 8:30 pm EST, as we are excited to welcome special guest, COINGEEK'S very own, Kurt Wuckert Jr, who's leading the industry with his expertise in Bitcoin and Blockchain technologies. Don't miss this special journal on the here, the now and the future of Bitcoin Technologies!"

Kurt is an entrepreneur in South Florida focused on media and bitcoin infrastructure. As Chief Bitcoin Historian publishing exclusively with CoinGeek, Kurt brings a unique blend of expertise from a long career in bitcoin mining, business management, and cybersecurity. His Bitcoin journey began in 2012, and he’s been a vocal proponent for Satoshi’s Vision since the early days of the Bitcoin Civil War.

His ability to distill complex blockchain concepts into understandable insights has made him a sought-after voice in the blockchain space, and he is a frequent guest on Fox Business and some of your favorite podcasts! Known for his engaging, unapologetic editorials and his lively presence as the host of the CoinGeek Weekly Livestream, you can always find Kurt stirring up spirited debates.

Kurt is also a dedicated martial artist, coach and team leader – holding a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, teaching advanced classes and coaching the competition team at his local gym. When he’s not at work or on the mats, you can find him enjoying time with his family, friends or volunteering at church.


What's your favorite dark sky spot in the Adirondacks?

Dark sky week is upon us, it started yesterday and ends on the day of the Eclipse. Many live in places where they can barely see the night sky. Being in the Adirondacks I'm blessed to be able to just step outside and see the stars if the clouds choose to cooperate.

Mt Jo here is one of my favorite spots to look upon the stars, though it's not the darkest, it's still very good.


"Operation Blackout Hero-Veteran, Teddy Daniels.
; Winifred sits down with heroic veteran, Teddy Daniels who took physical fire while in Afghanistan. Find out why Teddy's survival book is the perfect go-to manual for survival. Learn Teddy's number one skill you'll need in order to survive the upcoming blackout. Listen in, on today's interesting conversation, in the life of a man who went to war and came out loving, more aware and raising a six year old as a widower. You won't want to miss Teddy's message on : MAKING-LIFE-BRIGHTER. This die-hard-veteran and super patriot shares his conversation with Trump and his passionate warning about the state of our nation.

Listen and share to get the link for more information!"

FB: Making Life Brighter


Great knowledge

On Jeopardy the other night, the final question was, How many steps does the guard take during their walk across the Tomb of the Unknowns? ------ All three missed it ---

This is really an awesome sight to watch if you've never had the chance Very fascinating.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

1. How many steps does the guard take during their walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and why?

21 steps. It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, which is the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.

2. How long do they hesitate after their about face to begin their return walk and why?

21 seconds for the same reason as answer number 1

3. Why are their gloves wet?

Their gloves are moistened to prevent losing their grip on the rifle.

4. Do they carry their rifle on the same shoulder all the time and if not, why not?

They carry the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb.

After their march across the path, they execute an about face and move the rifle to the outside shoulder.

5. How often are the guards changed?

Guards are changed every thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to?

For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, they must be between 5' 10' and 6' 2' tall and their waist size cannot exceed 30.' Other requirements of the Guard:

They must commit 2 years of life to guard the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty.

They cannot swear in public and cannot disgrace the uniform or the tomb in any way. After two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on their lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only a little over 600 presently worn.

The guard must obey these rules while serving as guards or for the rest of their lives if they choose.

The shoes are specially made with very thick soles to keep the heat and cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that extend to the top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt.

There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform.

Guards dress for duty in front of a full-length mirror.

The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone, nor watch TV.

All off-duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. A guard must memorize who they are and where they are interred.

Among the notables are: President Taft, Joe E. Lewis (the boxer) and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, (the most decorated soldier of WWII) of Hollywood fame.

Every guard spends five hours a day getting their uniforms ready for guard duty.


In 2003 as Hurricane Isabelle was approaching Washington , DC , our US Senate/House took 2 days off with anticipation of the storm. On the ABC evening news, it was reported that because of the dangers from the hurricane, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment.

They respectfully declined the offer, 'No way, Sir!' Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson.

The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930.

God Bless and Keep Them

I don't usually suggest that many posts be reshared, but I'd be very proud if this one reached as many people as possible.

We can be very proud of our young men and women in the service no matter where they serve.

Duty - Honor - Country


UPDATED ON 2/20/2024 To reflect the current number of those who have served as guards and to delete “for the rest of their lives”. Thank you for reading and sharing this.



This is from 1988, and updated by Lt. Col. Bearden in 2010.After Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Bearden passed away, his company, his will or his estate, or someo...



This one is a doozy folks! It is a little outside the box of my normal podcasts and deals with some heavy, "fringe" biblical topics. IF YOU WANT AN EASY LIST...


"Join Host : Winifred: Adams for the latest updates on what's going on in AMERICA."



"Wecome return guest Ret. Army Intelligence Officer, Sgt. William G. Kotel on Making Life Brighter Radio. Sgt. Kotel covers the latest updates, needs and th...


I was getting into bed when the aurora alert came through, so I got dressed and headed out. Glad I did. The aurora kicked up nicely. My first stop want much but there was a little color in the sky, then I found my way over to the east shore of Schroon Lake and this was the roadside view. The spikes on the left of the view were about the only portions the naked eye could pick up.

If you look closely on the left I also picked up an extra feature.


" : Making-Life-Brighter presents :Mastering-The-Now-Space with :Commander :Russell-Jay: Gould, and Sacha Stone for a deep-dive into the :now and the quantum field of consciousness. Join Winifred as she navigates this compelling conversation in consciousness with these two credible way-showers who are giving their all to humanity at this critical time on Earth.

(Please note: this is an unedited version that was supposed to have live-streamed on MLB, but was then moved to War Castles, only that didn't work either! So here it is, finally! Yesterday was a frenetic energy day but there's no mistake that this goes out today because it is calm and still. :Go-Jolli!)"

FB: Making Life Brighter


"The Most Famous Musician You've Never Heard Of!"
" : Winifred: Adams sits down with Andy Cahan of The Turtles.
Andy plays and sings for : Winifred in her home in Malibu, CA."


"The Most Famous Musician You've Never Heard Of"--Andy Cahan of the band, THE TURTLES! Return guest on Making Life Brighter Radio, Andy sits down with Winifred recounting his best moments in his career and introducing his book chronicling his magical career.

Sharing his childhood premonition of one day meeting a Beatle, Andy shares his insider jaw-dropping encounters with Ringo Star, Hendrix, Little Richard and many more.

Out Today, Andy's new coffee table collectible book featuring the stories and photos of his career traveling, touring and handing with the greatest musicians to ever live. As a member of the band, THE TURTLES, Andy Cahan toured and played the hits. Today, you can get a personalized message by Andy, himself, as a shout out, bday song, happy anniversary or anything you'd like him to sing or say using the app CAMEO. Check out Andy Cahan on Cameo and send a music message to a friend!

Don't miss this interview with The Most Famous Musician You've Never Heard Of, Mr. Andy Cahan only on Making Life Brighter Radio! And get your signed copy of his book today! I got mine and it's fantastic!!"

: Making-Life-Brighter. is 'Your Choice For Conscious Entertainment.'
FB: Making Life Brighter
C-Suite Radio


I can't imagine only hiking during daylight hours. People comment to me all the time about hiking in the dark. It's worth every bit of it to see the beauty of a sunrise or a sunset. Imagine going to an ice cream place and only ever trying the vanilla( or plain if that was a thing). That's what hiking during daylight hours is. You're missing the extravagant and complex 'flavors' that nature has to show you at these hours at both ends of the day. Yes, you need to bring a headlamp, but you should be doing that anyway.


Waiting for the sun to go down.



Sunset over water lilies on Brant Lake.



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