Kundalini Blessings: Meditations for the Aquarian Age

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Kundalini Blessings: Meditations for the Aquarian Age www.kundaliniblessings.com KUNDALINI BLESSINGS GIVE: Affirmation for the Day! Oracle Spreads to Gain Insights and Actual Yogic Meditations to do for Elevation!

Made for You!

Do you want to create financial freedom?Have you ever tried to envision a goal and it just didn't happen?  What do you t...

Do you want to create financial freedom?

Have you ever tried to envision a goal and it just didn't happen? What do you think was blocking you?

I have tried many practices throughout my life to create the reality I want to live in. It includes meditation practices, setting goals, magical manifestation boxes, and more.

One tip I have to share with you today is an open eye gazing meditation practice. All you need is clarity on your intention and 3-11 minutes every day to sit down and breathe deeply.

Here are the simple steps:

I set my intention and write it as if it's already happening. Instead of writing I want to have more money in my savings account, I get clear and get specific. So then I would write: I have $50,000 in my savings account.

The next step is to sit down with this specific art piece called Waimea Canyon. Waimea Canyon is known as the Grand Canyon in the Pacific. It has also been called the Garden of Eden, where all things are possible. Any time you are in need, you will be provided for. Abundance is yours as long as you believe in it. Use this piece to pray with and you will be delighted at what unfolds. This piece is good for the fourth chakra, activating love and compassion. It will help to awaken spiritual awareness, forgiveness and service.

With this art piece in hand or on the screen, set yourself up to sit and gaze at it. Set your timer for 3 to 11 minutes. Maybe have some peaceful music playing in the background (here is a mix I like).

As you begin your meditation practice, begin to breathe long and deep. Gaze at the art piece and see where you go. Keep your inner dialogue focused on the intention you wrote. Repeat it internally as you keep your attention on this image. Feel what it would feel like to have it realized. Keep bringing yourself back to this piece if your mind begins to wander. Keep your eyes open and keep living in the magic of this landscape. Embody your intention as if it's already happening.

At the end, inhale deeply and raise up your arms. Begin to shake them to disperse the energy into your own being. Repeat every day for a week and notice what magic begins to happen.

You can go to https://www.gdkartist.com/image/I0000eLTthVVvMic or buy a print to put it on your altar.
Remaining Prints available at 11x14 and 16x20
Metal Prints at 11x14 now on sale for $185


Have you ever wanted to make your own oracle card deck? What challenges are you having with manifesting it? I’d love to sit down and discuss how to break through the blocks of where you are stuck with it. Click www.calendly.com/withgurudarshan and sign up for a quick 15 min research conversation.

Have you ever thought about making your own oracle card deck (or know anyone who wants to)?   I'm doing some research to...

Have you ever thought about making your own oracle card deck (or know anyone who wants to)? I'm doing some research to understand what has held people back from making their own deck? Any interest or ideas?

Pm me and we can set up a time to discuss


Have you or anyone you know desired to make your own oracle card deck? I'd like to do some market research to understand what has held you back so far from making your own deck. This is not a sales call just so you know. Just a few questions.
Would you be willing to jump on a quick 15 min zoom call so I could ask you some more questions? Click here https://calendly.com/withgurudarshan if you can join me.
Thank you so much for your time!!!

Art sale for 16x20 pieces on Metal. Ends Feb 26 Visit www.gdkartist.com                         #

Art sale for 16x20 pieces on Metal.

Ends Feb 26

Visit www.gdkartist.com


Do you want an intuitive healing? - https://mailchi.mp/c29bc65e72c8/rebirth-5758448It's been a few months since I last c...

Do you want an intuitive healing? - https://mailchi.mp/c29bc65e72c8/rebirth-5758448

It's been a few months since I last checked in with you. How are you? Are you enjoying the inward time of winter? This year I’m experiencing mostly warm days and cold nights at my new home near Austin, Texas. I moved here after traveling for the last 4 months and I'm so grateful to settle in and celebrate my birthday which is on February 14th. By the way, Happy Valentines Day!

Every year around my birthday I reflect on the last journey around the sun. This last year has been a mix of ups and downs. I had moved to Hawaii in late 2019 to focus on the final stages of my recovery. I was generously offered a place to stay at a retreat center where I had done an artist residency in 2015. The land was beautiful, the caretakers and owners were sweet and generous, and I loved walking regularly to the nearby waterfalls. But soon after I moved there, my health started declining from a potent mold exposure. I had gotten so sick that I had to move from the wet side of the island and restart my life on the dry, hot side. I was sad to leave the lush paradise of the retreat property, but in the new location I found myself surrounded by incredible new friends, taught yoga, spent time at the beach, and found myself surrounded by healers who taught me more ways to heal myself in additional to the brain exercises, self care practices, and yoga.

Every step of my journey has been guided by the reminder to do the inner and outer work so I could get better quicker. The most profound part of my healing was embracing a forgiveness practice that I learned in Hawaii. I forgave some key players in the story of my life, but most importantly, I forgave myself. I let go of emotions I was still holding on to from challenges to grief to disappointments I've endured. I had to forgive myself completely for everything that has ever happened to me in this and all other life times.

What I was wonderfully surprised by was that as I healed and released all of that, my intuitive and healing powers returned from lifetimes ago. With this deeper connection to my own inner guidance, I have started giving intuitive healing sessions. The more I have been able to integrate all parts of me through love, forgiveness and acceptance, the more I am able to guide others. And because of these experiences, I want to share my intuitive healing work with you.

In celebration of my birthday this year, I will be giving away 5 intuitive healing sessions! Anyone who responds by Friday the 18th will have their name added to a list, then I will select 5 people at random to receive a free Intuitive Healing session. These sessions will help you get to the root of whatever is going as well learn tools that I've done in my recovery.

Please Write to [email protected] IF
- You have an issue or challenge that you want more insight on
- You are seeking more ease within yourself
- You are open to get to the root of whatever is stagnant
- You desire to become the upgraded version of yourself
- You want to reconnect to your intuition
- AND, You are willing to do some homework if it's necessary

It's been quite the ride traveling through the mainland.  The biggest thing I've noticed is the level of consistency (or...

It's been quite the ride traveling through the mainland. The biggest thing I've noticed is the level of consistency (or lack of) in the external world right now. Think about how many different things we've been told about the pandemic and how it keeps changing. How this has affected you and your relations? Have you had people in your life that say one thing and do another?

These days we walk between worlds. There is reality and non-reality (our little meta universes in our phones perhaps?). Sometimes we go too far to non-reality and it pulls on reality too much. Unwanted, undesirable thoughts and fear arise; to be healthy and not overloaded by these thoughts, we need to eliminate them. Our human design incorporates systematic strategies to release the destructive overload. But what happens when you don't eliminate these thoughts?

When we loose our own consistency and ability to let go of the overload, we can become depressed. What's more, somehow we then unconsciously attract this in others. We end up looking outside of ourselves to find stability, but we can't count on the people in our world anymore. It's very frustrating!

I invite you to join me live on Thursday 5 pm EST (or if you'd like to do the class later, I'll send you the replay) to do a yoga/meditation class where we will focus on eliminating the overwhelm. Then you can stand before adversity and turn it around. You can be steady and unwavering in the face of life's ups and downs. You can be consistent in your relationship with your source, with others, and with yourself.

Sign Up for Class
5 pm EST

For the first time ever I’m offering this 20% off of 2 Kundalini Blessings cards decks. I am leaving Hawaii for a walk a...

For the first time ever I’m offering this 20% off of 2 Kundalini Blessings cards decks. I am leaving Hawaii for a walk about and it’s time to share the love contained in these 40 Oracle cards. Use code ALOHA at checkout (follow click here https://gurudarshan-khalsa-photography.square.site/)

I love that healing is an active state of mindful presence. It takes courage to respond in each moment. It’s a choice in...

I love that healing is an active state of mindful presence. It takes courage to respond in each moment. It’s a choice in each moment.

Join me this week in Waikoloa on Monday and Wednesday at 8:15 at Paniolo Greens. I only have a few weeks left!

As we look at the oracle cards drawn for September 2021, we see that Divine Shield is in the past position.  This means ...

As we look at the oracle cards drawn for September 2021, we see that Divine Shield is in the past position. This means that we have been feeling like we haven't had the kind of protection we need when bombarded with all of the news, horror, misinformation, polization and destabilizatio that is our current society. When we give our focus to things that make us feel powerless, we loose our way. In order to heal this, we have to take our pain and give it back to Mother earth and be in nature to receive the supportive divine shield. The Fulfillment card is in the Present position. Present times can leave us feeling empty and depressed. It's hard to know where to turn when our comforts and ways of life have been so challenged. We have now been in multiple waves of grief, and it's only going to continue. However, change is here. Instead of looking outside, we can turn our attention inward and find what gives us the greatest amount of inner peace and fulfillment. The only way out is in. Atomic Protection is the future position. This means that we get to release anxiety, tension, and stress down to the most atomic level. When we balance ourselves like the atom, we join our neutral/neutron and our positive/proton aspects and let the negative/electrons merely spin around us in a dance, instead of destabilizing our sense of self. Connect to your source and know you are always protected.

You can do it. Be here now!

You can do it. Be here now!

Do you want a Reading plus Free oracle cards? Sign up to get a session with Gurudarshan. We will have in person readings...

Do you want a Reading plus Free oracle cards? Sign up to get a session with Gurudarshan. We will have in person readings on Saturday sept 11. Pm for RSVP. $150 for the session plus a free Kundalini Blessings oracle card deck. I’d you can’t make it in person, please pm rsvp and I’ll send you the scheduling link.

All love

Healers! Stand tall.

Healers! Stand tall.

“A scientifically controlled study conducted by German researchers at the University of Kassel has shown that while the ...

“A scientifically controlled study conducted by German researchers at the University of Kassel has shown that while the chest area of an average person emits only 20 photons of light per second, someone who meditates on their heart center and sends love and light to others emits an amazing 100,000 photons per second. That is 5000 times more than the average human being. Numerous studies have also shown that when these photons are infused with a loving and healing intent, their frequency and vibration increases to the point where they can literally change matter, heal disease, and transform negative events.

The Heart also Loves, feels, thinks and remembers and communicates with other Hearts. It stores information and continually with each beat pulses this information through the body. It is far more than what modern science would have you believe. It is also a pump that pumps the cellular symphony that is the very essence of your being and it is a magnetic and radiating vortex and the true source of human power. “

Where the heart is therein lies your treasure🕊🌟

Join me for classes mondays and Wednesday’s at 8:15 in waikoloa at Paniolo greens between buildings k & l. Message me to sign up for class. Mahalo.

Show up. Do the work. Liberate Humanity. What could be more important than this? Join me for class  Sunday 8 amMonday 5:...

Show up. Do the work. Liberate Humanity. What could be more important than this?

Join me for class Sunday 8 am
Monday 5:30 pm

8:15 Monday and Wednesday

Be blessed

Or you can just come to yoga class for $15 (class passes available) Sundays at 8 am hst ONLINE register in link 👆 and IN...

Or you can just come to yoga class for $15 (class passes available)

Sundays at 8 am hst ONLINE register in link 👆 and IN PERSON at Yoga Barre Hawaii and Juice]

Mondays at 8:15 am hst IN PERSON at Paniolo Greens in Waikoloa Village.

Mondays at 5:30 pm hst ONLINE register in link 👆 and IN PERSON at Yoga Barre Hawaii and Juice]

Wednesdays at 8:15 am hst IN PERSON at Paniolo Greens in Waikoloa Village.

May today be your best day ever. May. You live everything in your wildest dreams right now. Make it all great. Give your...

May today be your best day ever. May. You live everything in your wildest dreams right now. Make it all great. Give yourself everything you’ve ever wanted. What are you waiting for?

It might be the last time. As each breath passes, it always might be the last time.


If you are looking for me, you’ll find me here in my happy place. If you are looking for you, join me in showing up for ...

If you are looking for me, you’ll find me here in my happy place.

If you are looking for you, join me in showing up for your practice, which will bring you to your happy place.

Saturdays at 10 am hst ONLINE register in link 👆 and IN PERSON at Yoga Barre Hawaii and Juice]

Mondays at 8:15 am hst IN PERSON at Paniolo Greens in Waikoloa Village.

Mondays at 5 pm hst ONLINE register in link 👆 and IN PERSON at Yoga Barre Hawaii and Juice]

Wednesdays at 8:15 am hst IN PERSON at Paniolo Greens in Waikoloa Village.

Join me for two incredible opportunities to set your day right! Do yoga overlooking the horizon with the ocean and mount...

Join me for two incredible opportunities to set your day right! Do yoga overlooking the horizon with the ocean and mountains in the distance. I’m teaching on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:15 am to 9:30 at Paniolo Greens between buildings K & L. $15 cash. Equipment provided. Class pass available. Text 8084649176 to confirm your spot.

Volunteering here on earth during this time is such a service to help us break free of the programs and control patterns...

Volunteering here on earth during this time is such a service to help us break free of the programs and control patterns of the Pisces Age. Doing the work from the inside first is where our power lies and this is how it makes ripples and effects change for the collective. Thank you for your spiritual gangsta presence and capacity to heal all of us!

You want to have healthy relationships and your unresolved trauma is making it hard. Real talk. We all have unresolved t...

You want to have healthy relationships and your unresolved trauma is making it hard. Real talk. We all have unresolved trauma. It’s what we are here to experience and work out. It’s ultimately for the greater expansion of our soul. It all is happening, and it’s okay. By utilizing your meditative capacity, you can do both at once with integrity, vulnerability, and authenticity.

Saturday 10 am hst Yoga Barre Hawaii and Juice]
Monday 5:30 pm hst Yoga Barre Hawaii and Juice]

Sign up for online classes on the link above.


A taste of my secret garden 💗💗💗 I feel so blessed to be on this land in this way. The softening I’m experiencing is profound and deeply humbling. It’s safe to be okay, to love, and to thrive. Giving so much thanks for this chapter in my life.

It’s been a great honor teaching at  for the last few months.  I will no longer be teaching on Sundays at Waimea yoga.  ...

It’s been a great honor teaching at for the last few months. I will no longer be teaching on Sundays at Waimea yoga. Please join me for my final class.


Yoga your day!

Join me for class online or in person. Saturday 10 am hst
Sunday 10 am hst (my last class on sundays)
Monday 5:30 pm hst

Private meditation coaching is available.

The decision moment as described by Henri Cartier-Bresson captures a perfected moment of reality when everything lines u...

The decision moment as described by Henri Cartier-Bresson captures a perfected moment of reality when everything lines up. Between the eclipse, Mercury retrograde, and the solstice, I’m experiencing a flip flop between the chaotic energies and decisive moments. Are you?

Your chance to Master Your Domain - https://mailchi.mp/a30818fdfc8e/rebirth-4801092

Your chance to Master Your Domain - https://mailchi.mp/a30818fdfc8e/rebirth-4801092

Dearest , We just made it through what is known as an eclipse portal.  It was an intense 2 weeks between the lunar (May 26) and solar (June 10) eclipses.  Many people have reported both feelings of overwhelm as well as a release of belief systems that no longer served them.  Are y...

What if we were already healed? By Gurudarshan Khalsa June 10, 2021💎What if we get to thrive instead of survive?What if ...

What if we were already healed?
By Gurudarshan Khalsa June 10, 2021


What if we get to thrive instead of survive?

What if society took a pause to rehabilitate every living person?
What if we are taught how to heal our childhood traumas?

What if?


What if we were taught self compassion and forgiveness? What if we were taught how to live better? What if we were taught how to appreciate and love this earth that supports us?

What if we become we instead of I? What if we recognized we are stewards of the earth instead of ra**ng and dominating the earth?


What if we gave everyone who is homeless a home and food? A place to heal their trauma.

What if all prisons were healing centers?

What if all schools became earth schools?

What if police were all trauma responders instead of authority brute force figures?


We are all taught gardening?
Wild harvesting on the land and balanced eating?
Body core alignment, yoga and meditation?
Authentic relating, emotional intelligence, and nonviolent communication skills?

What if everyone got acupuncture, massage, cranial sacral and Rolfing? Hot springs and time in nature was a part of every day?

What if all we learned was how to know what Daily self care habits would give us the greatest repatterning? What if healing our traumas, brains and bodies actually opened up our ability to use more of our brains and superpowers?

What if we were taught how to heal our childhood traumas?


What if our priority was about nurturing our autonomic nervous systems? We value napping. Doing things to be calm. Honor creative writing every day. Time to connect to spirit. Letting go of the pursuit of productivity. We need to learn how to be.....and that is enough. What if this is where the healing occurs?


What if we didn’t each need to buy all these things for ourselves, but instead things are bought and we all share the resources? One lawn mower can be used for a whole block? What if tools and resources are shared and taken care of?


What if there was no hierarchies or judgment based on outward achievements? You are not determined by your your accolades and how much money you make. What if we all had to contribute our gifts but money wasn’t part of it? All doctors and trash men are equal. We all agree to show up - the artists equal the gardeners equals the drivers equal the grocery store dispensers? No job is higher or lower than another? We all know we work together and the reward is the betterment of our collective?

What if the pursuit of knowledge was offered to everyone equally?


What if someone’s job was to hug and hold the children so we could heal our addictions and unhealthy attachments?


What if we ask all cultures on earth to share their wisdom and knowledge? Each one holds the key to our thriving as a whole? What did their grandmothers and grandfathers teach them. What did the ancestors teach us? What if we remembered and shared? What if our differences were celebrated instead of judged? What if the color of our skin simply meant the unique wisdom you carry in your dna?


What if each piece of food or water was consumed with consciousness? What if the first step of eating is gratitude? What if the first step of drinking was thanking the water.

What if we slept in the earth and had the land heal our bodies?


What if your joy matters?

What if the whole universe depends on your healing?

What if we change?

What if?

What if we were already healed?
By Gurudarshan Khalsa on June 10, 2021

Tracking my income and expenses these days. It’s the perfect budget to be on. I allow in positivity, love, hope, prosper...

Tracking my income and expenses these days. It’s the perfect budget to be on. I allow in positivity, love, hope, prosperity, good, ease, and grace into my domain.


Opening Hours

Monday 10:30 - 15:30
Tuesday 14:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:30 - 18:00
Thursday 10:30 - 15:30
Friday 10:30 - 14:30


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Welcome to Kundalini Blessings

Kundalini Blessings: Meditation for the Aquarian Age are oracle cards with Kundalini Yoga Meditations on each card. There is a message for guidance as well as instructions on how to activate the card through a meditation practice. The author, Gurudarshan Khalsa, also offers intuitive readings!