I know it may seem like it's been 6 weeks since we left you hanging on Group D, but that was actually just the longest Thursday of your life and this is coming out when we promised it would! .
#comedy #podcast #Funny #comedypodcast #Everest
Wolverine: Great hero. Terrible colleague.
#Wolverine #MCU #Movies #Podcasts #Comedy
Any Al-CRAWL-holics want to stand up for your boi and tell us why you all love Nightcrawler so much?
#xmen #DeadpoolWolverine #mcu #podcasts
It's not so bad being the personality hire! One day Channing Tatum may want to make a movie about you that he just can never seem to get off the ground.
#Podcasts #Comedy #Funny #FYP #XMen #Marvel #Deadpool #RyanReynolds #Wrexham #Wolverine #HughJackman #Comics #ComicBook #MCU #JumpStreet23 #ChanningTatum #JonahHill
Lots of people asking why Haunted and here is your reason why!
#taylorswift #Swifties #evermore #fearless #erastour #midnights #FCP #FriendlyCompetition #Comedy #ComedyPodcast #Podcast #Funny #FunnyPodcast #Humor #PodcastRecommendation #TwinCities #Minneapolis #StPaul #MN #SiouxFalls #SD #Podcasters #PopCulture #PopCulturePodcast
Y'all we did do it. I will say it's freeing to have something out there that I will know will come back to haunt me.
#TaylorSwift #Swifties #evermore #fearless #erastour #midnights #FCP #FriendlyCompetition #Comedy #ComedyPodcast #Podcast #Funny #FunnyPodcast #Humor #PodcastRecommendation #TwinCities #Minneapolis #StPaul #MN #SiouxFalls #SD #Podcasters #PopCulture #PopCulturePodcast
Nothing says freedom like this image. This is what the American Flag should be.
#NicolasCage #ConAir #ActionMovies #Podcast #comedy #humor #funny
Remember when your parents tell you that video games are rotting your brain, you can tell them all the wonderful lessons you learned!
#FCP #FriendlyCompetition #Comedy #ComedyPodcast #Podcast #Funny #FunnyPodcast #Humor #PodcastRecommendation #TwinCities #Minneapolis #StPaul #MN #SiouxFalls #SD #Podcasters #PopCulture #PopCulturePodcast #ModernMiracle #Inventions #BlackFriday #Thanksgiving #TurkeyDay #Thankful #Grateful #CountYourBlessings #pokemon #nintendo #VideoGames
Hopefully all of you are safe from your Black Friday excurious, but for those in the Emergency Room, my condolensces that you probably aren't going to get the type of care we used to!
#FCP #FriendlyCompetition #Comedy #ComedyPodcast #Podcast #Funny #FunnyPodcast #Humor #PodcastRecommendation #TwinCities #Minneapolis #StPaul #MN #SiouxFalls #SD #Podcasters #PopCulture #PopCulturePodcast #ModernMiracle #Inventions #BlackFriday #Thanksgiving #TurkeyDay #Thankful #Grateful #CountYourBlessings
Ah what a utopia it must've been when your best source of hydration was beer.
#FCP #FriendlyCompetition #Comedy #ComedyPodcast #Podcast #Funny #FunnyPodcast #Humor #PodcastRecommendation #TwinCities #Minneapolis #StPaul #MN #SiouxFalls #SD #Podcasters #PopCulture #PopCulturePodcast #ModernMiracle #Inventions #BlackFriday #Thanksgiving #TurkeyDay #Thankful #Grateful #CountYourBlessings #Water #Beer #Medicine #Doctors #Internet #AI
This random throwaway reference, has come to define Cody's whole personality these last few days. He can't stop listening to "Like a G6". Hopefully you all will get to re-enjoy this classic, as well.
#FCP #FriendlyCompetition #Comedy #ComedyPodcast #Podcast #Funny #FunnyPodcast #Humor #PodcastRecommendation #TwinCities #Minneapolis #StPaul #MN #SiouxFalls #SD #Podcasters #PopCulture #PopCulturePodcast #ModernMiracle #Inventions #VideoGames #NerdSh*t #AirFryer #BlackFriday #Thanksgiving #TurkeyDay #Flying #LikeAG6 #SoFly #dishes #Thankful #Grateful #CountYourBlessings
What do you all think? These two still pals after graduation? Comment below!
#FCP #FriendlyCompetition #Comedy #ComedyPodcast #Podcast #Funny #FunnyPodcast #Humor #PodcastRecommendation #TwinCities #Minneapolis #StPaul #MN #SiouxFalls #SD #Podcasters #PopCulture #PopCulturePodcast #BoyMeetsWorld #PodMeetsWorld #Nostalgia #The90s #BroadCity #Buffy #Vampire #NerdSh*t #Fandom #Rugrats #Cartoons #animation #Nickolodeon