CR-a-PS a day in a life with a woman with CRPS

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CR-a-PS a day in a life with a woman with CRPS I am living with CRPS and I’m wanting to hear your story & all the listeners to hear it too.Awareness

Number 1-5, so many times do I get asked if I tried, or did you do, but I saw you with a cane why do you need the wheelc...

Number 1-5, so many times do I get asked if I tried, or did you do, but I saw you with a cane why do you need the wheelchair, but you look so healthy, etc, etc. It’s something we will always hear unfortunately. But I figure if they have questions I am going to educate. Awareness is key! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

Just wanted to say hello, and we’ve got this! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

Just wanted to say hello, and we’ve got this! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡


Happy Father’s Day to all our Special Dads, Warrior Dads, Caretakers Dads and all the Dads who will and have the love and support their children and families. Here’s to you!! 🍻

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mommas, who has little ones, teenagers or adults & grandchildren. The ones who are trying ...

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mommas, who has little ones, teenagers or adults & grandchildren. The ones who are trying or waiting for the paperwork go through. Happy Mother’s Day to all who not only on this day, but every single day wipes noses & tears, kiss boo boos, cooks dinner, or grabs it, while helping with English homework too. Happy Mother’s Day to all work 40+ hours a week and come home and continue “working” so there is fresh clothes, floors swept and toilet paper on the roll. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mommies who reads one more book ( already read 3) at bed time, and help the child who forgot about the solar system they had to build that’s due TOMORROW! Happy Mother’s Day to all who takes a shower in the middle of the night or maybe tomorrow night. Happy Mother’s Day to all who drives back & forth to baseball, dance and karate classes. Happy Mother’s Day to all who loves every single kiss, hugs, I Love You by sweet voices. Happy Mother’s Day to all who does it all over again the next day and all the days after. Because being a Mom is the greatest gift that they were ever given. Thank you to my babies making me a mom and my mom for wanting me so I could be. Happy Mother’s Day to my bonus moms. Thank you all for being there. Thank you for my husband always making my Moms Day and everyday special. Love to all! Time to finish enjoying my special day and all the days after.

Felicia (CRPS) and I have been fighting a battle for a while. So thank for my cute honey of mine that signed me up for a...

Felicia (CRPS) and I have been fighting a battle for a while. So thank for my cute honey of mine that signed me up for a gym membership with a pool. It’s going to be a slow process to get back to where I was, but I’m doing it. Felicia is happy I think. 🤔 🧡🤔 We shall see. But I do believe this is a very good, good thing!!!

A dear friend shared this with me today. It is so inspiring and so true.

A dear friend shared this with me today. It is so inspiring and so true.

I've just reached 800 followers! CRPS WARRIORS ROCK!!! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it with...

I've just reached 800 followers! CRPS WARRIORS ROCK!!! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🧡🤗🧡

Spring is my favorite time of year. The flowers 🌸 blooming and everything is just new. Sitting outside enjoying the sun ...

Spring is my favorite time of year. The flowers 🌸 blooming and everything is just new. Sitting outside enjoying the sun ☀️ shining down on me. Oh it feels so good. Great company with my pups and my husband when he is off work. But even with all of that, the depression inside me is still there. I have been so deep in this for a while now. I just don’t know how to get out of it. Yes I have a psychiatrist and medication to help me get through the day. But I still catch myself crying 😢 a little being sad 😞 a great bit. Yes I laugh, smile 😊 sound like my bubbly self. But it’s still there. It affects so much. My health overall. The extra pain and flares that is making my CRPS so intense. I love this time of year. The flowers 🌺 how everything is new and the sun beating down on me.

I have CRPS, unfortunately Depression, anxiety, trauma, insomnia, and substance use disorders is part of the journey. I ...

I have CRPS, unfortunately Depression, anxiety, trauma, insomnia, and substance use disorders is part of the journey. I lost my sweet Pogo almost a year ago. The sadness and depression is still there. He was such a big part of my life and we had to grow together through so many hard times. Yes, I do have many other pups, but Pogo was my man. He was mine. I’m trying so hard to get out of this but it’s not happening. My physiatrist tells me that mourning is a process and it’s okay to take my time. But then it feels like I’m letting others down and myself. I’m trying. That’s all I can do. Wishing y’all an extra 🥄 spoon 🥄 day and for days to come. 🧡🥄🤗🥄🧡

Happy National Pet Day!! I truly do not know where I would be today without my sweet pups!!! Especially my angel, Pogo. ...

Happy National Pet Day!! I truly do not know where I would be today without my sweet pups!!! Especially my angel, Pogo.

There’s no doubt about it! Pets can make us feel good. There are so many ways a pet can improve your health.
1- They can change your mood, by leveling your cortisol, a stress hormone, lowers. Also Serotonin, a feel-good chemical rises.
2- Did you know that having a pet can help you manage your blood pressure. Those who have a pet(s) had lower blood pressure and lower heart rates during rest than people who didn’t have a pet. Just by petting your dog, your numbers can improve.
3- People who have pets tend to have better levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, compared to people who don’t.
4- People with cats and dogs can have heart benefits.
5- NO ONE loves you more than your pet. Their Unconditional Love It can help you deal with and recover from depression. Your pet will listen to you talk for as long as you want to talk. You’ll feel calmer when you pet a cat or dog. And taking care of your pet, like walking him/her, grooming, playing with them. It can take you out of yourself and help you feel better over time.
6- Plus, don’t forget the Unconditional Love 🥰🐾🥰

Do you have a pet? Share your pets pictures and let me know what they do for you! 🤗🐾🐶🐾🤗
Sorry for the picture overload. It makes me happy to see the memories that are captured with all my furbabies. 🥰🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🥰

S-4 E-12, I meant to have this episode up by the end of November, But as we all know, especially us CRPS Warriors, life ...

S-4 E-12, I meant to have this episode up by the end of November, But as we all know, especially us CRPS Warriors, life sometimes has its own plan. But one of many things I am truly thankful for, all the friendships I made through this life called CRPS.

One thing that I am so thankful for is the friends I have made through the years.


Day 30 of CRPS Awareness Month. YUP!!! Still his Warrior and of course Y’all’s too. Last day of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Month, but it is never over!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 I will still use my voice throughout the years and I hope y’all will still educate yourself. This is PAIN and so many other health issues that come with it. 24/7 365! So please keep helping me and all my fellow Warriors! Thank you ☺️ and I love y’all for being there for me. 💖🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💖


YUP!!! Still his Warrior and of course Y’all’s too. Last day of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Month, but it is never over!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 I will still use my voice throughout the years and I hope y’all will still educate yourself. This is PAIN and so many other health issues that come with it. 24/7 365! So please keep helping me and all my fellow Warriors! Thank you ☺️ and I love y’all for being there for me. 💖🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💖

Day 29 of CRPS Awareness Month. The month is almost over. Yet there is still so much more I want to say. Like how there ...

Day 29 of CRPS Awareness Month. The month is almost over. Yet there is still so much more I want to say. Like how there are those times that you feel alone, left out, a burden or just less of yourself. But then those who truly love you and what nothing but the best for you takes you to see a sunset. One of the many things I love doing. Watching a good sunset lets me know, I made it through today and tomorrow is a new day. I am so thankful for those who are around me and keeps me going. But yet still lets me grieve my old self but also reminds me how amazing I am and that they love me just the way I am. Yes, there is still so much more to say. I will still advocate and use my voice to let the world know about CRPS. Even after November. I live with this disease 24/7 365! So I shall spread awareness the same way. So anytime you may see me I might have some information for you and a soft CRPS hug too! 🤗🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

Day 28 of CRPS Awareness Month. Today I said just do it! Yes it’s cold, the wind is blowing fiery ice cycles through you...

Day 28 of CRPS Awareness Month. Today I said just do it! Yes it’s cold, the wind is blowing fiery ice cycles through your bones and your body is saying to stay inside. But I am ready for my deck to glow. I love all the Christmas lights lit up. It makes me so happy. Makes my heart light up.
Sometimes you have to work through the pain to do what makes you smile. Because life needs to have happiness in it. Rather you have chronic pain or not. It’s the little and the big things in life that we all live for. So I want to live. Even though the pain. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

Day 27 of CRPS Awareness Month. I am still using my voice to this day and will continue to. I use my podcast CR-a-PS a d...

Day 27 of CRPS Awareness Month. I am still using my voice to this day and will continue to. I use my podcast CR-a-PS a day in a life with a woman with CRPS, to have an outlet to spread awareness about CRPS and so my fellow CRPS Warriors can share their stories.
Using my voice as soon as I received it. I am so thankful for Eric Phillips for letting me tell my story at the start of my journey. How I wish I could have known what I do now.
This disease has tried to take my life and my voice. But here I am today. 😊🧡😊 Living 24/7 365 days a year in Chronic Pain and all the other symptoms that is caused by CRPS.
Now I ask you, help me use my voice by you learning, teaching, asking questions about Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Not just during the month of November, but 24/7, 365 days a year. -view_1637589124189

Day 26 of CRPS Awareness Month. When you have an outing that last ALL DAY! Well that means for me a rest day. That means...

Day 26 of CRPS Awareness Month. When you have an outing that last ALL DAY! Well that means for me a rest day. That means puppy snuggles with my pups and our fosters. This means y’all have a great day and to all a good rest 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 🐶

Day 25 of CRPS Awareness Month. My husband and I have been looking for a car for a while now. It took a while because, w...

Day 25 of CRPS Awareness Month. My husband and I have been looking for a car for a while now. It took a while because, well me. CRPS is a needy disease.
Like making sure that it has enough leg room for me and my pillows, I really wanted duel climate and heated seats. I am very cold sensitive and just the wind blowing from the vents are terrible! 🥶There is also getting in and out, plus have to make sure it can carry my medical devices. Oh! Don’t forget about the material and my sensitive skin too.
After a few dealerships and 2 hours out of our way. We found what we were looking for. YAY!!! It’s the simple things in life that we have to think of all the time. From clothing, shoes and yes even a car. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

Day 24 of CRPS Awareness Month. This time of year can be very stressful. Ever since my CRPS I have not been able to driv...

Day 24 of CRPS Awareness Month. This time of year can be very stressful. Ever since my CRPS I have not been able to drive, work or be able to feel like a true independent person. I want to be able to do all the things that I use to be able to do. Go on my own to go gift shopping. Be able to go to Christmas Parties and go see all the lights. It does cause a lot of stress for me. Stress can be a high trigger point to put me in a major flair, I mean FLAIR!!! 🥵😡🥶🔥😡🥵 Wishing the “old” me could come back so I can be myself! When I do this to myself, it not only puts me in a high stress level, and that dark place where I don’t want to go. Crying, wishing, wanting the best for all those around me. But, then I have to calm myself down, talk to my psychiatrist and be thankful that there is so many places that deliver. Which I am. It is a struggle daily. Not just during the holidays, but every day. I feel the walls closing in, it’s just worse during the holidays. High stress, something I am going to try to keep at bay.

Day 23 of CRPS Awareness Month. Happy Thanksgiving to all my loved ones, family, friends & my fellow CRPS Warriors. Toda...

Day 23 of CRPS Awareness Month. Happy Thanksgiving to all my loved ones, family, friends & my fellow CRPS Warriors. Today and every day I am so thankful for all of those who support me and cheer for me as I battle through life with a chronic illness, CRPS. Today I am truly thankful that I was able to sleep. Being in constant pain and suffering through so many other elements, it is EXHAUSTING! Thank you for my husband who knows how exhausted I am and let me sleep. As he says, you don’t wake up Sleeping Beauty with a kiss when this is exactly what she needs. While I slept he grilled some chicken and made some delicious Chicken Alfredo. It was so yummy. Thank you for Wendi Conyers for the invite for dinner and to spend time with the beautiful Conyers family. But my body had took over. It’s about to take over again. The exhaustion is real. Having to live this way is also disappointing and sad. I don’t want to disappoint those around me or make people think I am not appreciative that you have thought about me and invite me to spend time with you. Please do not give up on me. The next time might be a “good day”

Day 22 of CRPS Awareness Month. Dental care and CRPS. One thing I do is make sure I keep up with my dental hygiene so th...

Day 22 of CRPS Awareness Month. Dental care and CRPS. One thing I do is make sure I keep up with my dental hygiene so that my overall health can be as good as possible. When I go I make sure I let the Dentist know how I am feeling that day, bring a pillow for my feet, a blanket and sound canceling headphones to help with the sounds. I also make sure I go at a time that will be more comfortable at. Like I go in the morning because I know once my day starts the “pain” worsens as it goes along. Also if if need something more to help with your anxiety ask your family Doctor. I know they would be more than happy to help you. So please for your overall care, see a dentist. Because between a dry mouth, medicine, etc, etc… our teeth need their help to stay healthy. 🎗

Day 21 of CRPS Awareness Month. Yesterday I took a break. Everyone deserves a break here and there. I might take a littl...

Day 21 of CRPS Awareness Month. Yesterday I took a break. Everyone deserves a break here and there. I might take a little bit more time to rest or really recover. But I took a break because yesterday was my birthday. 🥳 I was able to spend time with my husband, daughter and my brother. It was just perfect. We ate at a yummy 😋 delicious bakery called Baker's Sweets Bistro & Bakery in Sumter. Every time I get a chance I take my family or friend there to eat. It is so good!
After we ate that yummy food we went to Swan Lake Iris Gardens. They have every single type of swan there. It was so fun, but quiet and serene. We talked we laugh, hugged and said 100’s of I love you’s.
Thank you for everyone who texted me, called me, sung to me, sent me cards, FB posts and for all the love everyone shared with me.
I had a terrible night on Sunday, and when I woke up my “skinny” leg was bigger than my “fat” leg. But I just knew I needed this day. Yes we should rest our bodies when we are in flairs, but at the same time you can’t let it take your life away. I am so happy I was able to get in my electric wheelchair and enjoy my special day with very special people.
Thank y’all so much for all y’all shared with me. Yup, I made it another year around the sun.☀️ I may have CRPS…. BUT CRPS does not have me!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡



It's a head under the covers, puppies by me and scream till you can't anymore. The McGill Pain System might say 42 for C...

It's a head under the covers, puppies by me and scream till you can't anymore. The McGill Pain System might say 42 for CRPS! BUT, Felicia is acting up so badly it is like she's double dog daring to chop off my feet and hands. Life should not be lived like so. I'm numb and feel so faint. UGH!!!!😩 CRPS IS NO JOKE!!! My thermometer is about to EXPLODE!!!

May is Mental Health Month. It is so important to work on your health, body, mind and soul. If you need help, please rea...

May is Mental Health Month. It is so important to work on your health, body, mind and soul.
If you need help, please reach out. There is so many programs out there.
Some are;

National Su***de Prevention Lifeline- 800-273-8255

NAMI Helpline- 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
[email protected]


You can also talk to your Family Doctor, School Counselor, Someone from your Church, ME! Please, reach out.

May is Mental Health Month. It is so important to work on your health, body, mind and soul. If you need help, please reach out. There is so many programs out there. Some are; National Su***de Prevention Lifeline- 800-273-8255https://suicideprevent...

AMEN! Plus, you really don't have to look that hard. I do believe. It's still something I struggle with every day. It's ...

AMEN! Plus, you really don't have to look that hard. I do believe. It's still something I struggle with every day. It's so hard for me to not yell at myself "WHY DO YOU SUCK SO BADLY!"

It's something that my psychiatrist and I are working very hard on.

I've caught myself quite a few... Okay a lot of times saying or getting ready to say.

After all these years it's still a struggle, but I am working for it. That's what matters.

I'm SOOOOO EXCITED!!! ME!!!! MWSUSA is going to MWUSA in TWO MONTHS!!! I can hardly believe it!! It seemed so far away &...

I'm SOOOOO EXCITED!!! ME!!!! MWSUSA is going to MWUSA in TWO MONTHS!!! I can hardly believe it!! It seemed so far away & BAM!! It's basically here! I am excited to meet the other contestants, aka my pageant sisters. But I am really looking forward speaking and spreading awareness about my platform, "We Have A Voice."
If you would like to find out more about MWUSA, know someone who would like to enter, more about The Dane Foundation you can go to

or if you would like to donate to your very own Ms. Wheelchair Southeastern USA
Melissa Adams you can go to

ME!!!! MWSUSA is going to MWUSA in TWO MONTHS!!! I can hardly believe it!! It seemed so far away & BAM!! It's basically here! If you would like to find out more about MWUSA, know someone who would like to enter, more about The Dane Foundation ...

I loved yesterday so much!! I love the memory, the time. I love this picture, but I love y'all more!!!As a CRPS WARRIOR,...

I loved yesterday so much!! I love the memory, the time. I love this picture, but I love y'all more!!!

As a CRPS WARRIOR, we all know those days that we want to stay in bed and have nothing touch us. Scream and maybe even some tears.

BUT, instead we get up, get dressed, have an awesome, beautiful friend come and get me so I can make a new memory.

I have to remember that I still need a life and live. Be part of the world. See friends, feel the sunshine 🌞 Make the day magical!!! Make it so you are feeling so good, that even though the pain is out of this world! 🤬🥵🔥🥵🤬 You are on that natural high that the pain is overlooked, and your smile ☺️🧡☺️ is beeming!!! So thankful for the memories. 💝🧡💝




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HEY!! My name is Melissa, a woman living every day with CRPS. I am married to my AWESOME husband Tommy, I have 2 beautiful children Jeffery & Serena and I have 5 pups

I am a middle child of 5. My Brother Dutch has been with me my whole life and will be with us on this journey 😊 as Co-Host extraordinar!

We are bringing this podcast to you to spread the word about CRPS. There will be education, & stories to make you laugh, cry, say HUH??? Did I say make you laugh :D

A little about CRPS