I saw it today
I saw it this morning
In my husband's wardrobe
I wanted to be a good wife
My mother in law would be coming in a few days time
So I decided to do some clean up
And that was when I saw it
Lying there.
Wrapped in a piece of clothing
My son's tongue. ,
Benny hsd gone to visit Aunt Karo if I'm not mistaken
But that was my son's tōngue in the wardrope.
Shivering I opened the note book I found beside it.
There written in bold black letters were those whose tōngues had been cūt off I suppose
My mother in law and Aunt Karo tops the list.
No wonder they hadn't spoken to me since I got married into the family
I opened another piece of clothing
Please don't ask me what I saw.
I'm in the toilet typig this
Please if you happen to come across my mother
She sells tomato in Okokomaiko
Tell her I'm sorry
Tell her I should have listened
Tell her my tongue too is gone just like the rest