- Chapter 1,118: "Be free” (“自由になる” in japanese).
Ogre Child Yamato's Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage, Vol. 8: "Yamato leaves the Flower Capital while is eating a bento".
Chapter starts where last one ended. We can see that Ancient Giant Robot is sinking under the sea after Warcury's attack. It thinks about Joy Boy while is sinking.
Ancient Giant Robot: "Where are you, Joy Boy? I thought you were here just a moment ago..."
- After that, we can hear a little bit more of Vegapunk's message, only just his voice from the Special Den Den Mushi.
REDON -Then we can see some reactions around the world about the interruption of Vegapunk's message. In
Vegapunk: "The name is..."
Arabasta we see Kohza and Toto with other citizens.
Arabasta citizens: "Assassination from someone...!?
He talked about "sins" didn't he...!!
Could it be that he was erased by the World Government...
No way, did you guys forget that Vegapunk was held hostage by "Straw Hat Luffy"!!
Obviously the pirates are the ones to blame!!"
- Cut to Whisky Peak, where we can see Mr. 9 and Miss Monday (and their son) with other citizens.
Whisky Peak citizens: "No matter what kind of "sins" he committed, I can't imagine that the World Government would try to kill the world's number one genius over them...!!"
- In Dressrosa, we see Rebecca and Leo talking about Luffy.
Leo: "So is it Luffyland after all..."
Rebecca: "Of course not!!"
- Back to Egghead Island. York informs Five Elders that there are still 2 Vegapunks remaining: Lilith and Atlas. York says too that "Punk Records" will continue to grow even after Stella's death.
- Five Elders decide that their next priority is eliminate the remaining Vegapunks except York.
- Luffy, Dorry and Brogy reach the shore and jump to Elbaf ship, joining with Bonney, Sanji and Franky.
-Marines say the giants are just too tough but they can't let them get away when they brought many
battleships from Marine HQ to stop them.
- Bonney turns Vice Admirals Bluegrass and Doll into little girls (and "Sea Beast Weapon" that Bluegrass was
riding too), allowing Elbaf ship to set sail.
Doll: "Curse you Bonney...!!"
Bluegrass: "I feel ashamed of my current helplessness... What an absurd ability...!!"
Bonney: "Wouldn't it be a big issue for you if I got away, Marines!?"
- Luffy greets Oimo and Kashii (that is almost KO due Doll attack from last chapter). Sanji contacts with
Nami to tell her they have successfully set Jinbe and Nusjuro in this chapter).
sail. Nami tells Sanji they're taking off too (no news about Zoro,
- While Luffy is in the kitchen eating all food he can find
, Mars flies to Elbaf ship and shoots a beam from his mouth. 3 giants put up their shields together to block Mars attack but part of Elbaf ship still catches fire.
"Gear 5"
form and gets out of ship to fight again (Luffy's power makes the sea
-Suddenly, Luffy returns to
and ships shake). Luffy talks to Bonney.
Luffy: "Bonney!!"
PIRATEKING Luffy "Let's go together!! You wanna punch these guys, right?"
Bonney: "Ahll Nika!!"
Bonney: "It's imposible, I can't do it..."
Luffy: "I don't really understand your power but I know you can do it!!"
Bonney remembers when she first met Luffy on Egghead and how Luffy told her that he looks like "Nika"
when "he is free".
-Then Bonney thinks back to Kuma's flashback (when he promised in front of Ginny's grave that he will raise Bonney) and uses "Toshi Toshi no Mi" power to change into "Nika".
Bonney: "Distortion Future: Watashi Ga Ichiban Jiyū Mirai!!! (歪んだ未来:私が一番自由な未来-Distortion
Future: The future where I'm most free)"
Luffy: "HyahyaHya!! Way to go Bonney!!!"
Bonney: "I did it!!"
- In the EPIC final double page of the chapter, we can see giant Bonney in "Nika form" (with the same pose Luffy has in One Piece Volume 106 cover) along with giant Luffy using "Gear 5" (Luffy is laughing like the first time saw "Gear 5" in Onigashima).
- Bonney's transformation is exactly the same as Luffy's: white clouds floating around her neck, white and curly hair, white clothes (except her sashi, eyes with ring-like pupils... Marines and giants are surprised seeing them.
Giants: "What is that!? Woah, there are 2 Nikas!!"
Marines: "Are those white giants!?"
- Warcury and Ju Peter sense a weird presence, so they are hurrying towards Elbaf ship. Luffy and Bonney are ready to face Mars.
Mars: "...!!"
Luffy: "Let's go!!"
Bonney: "Yeah!!"
- In the final panel of the chapter, we see that Ancient Giant Robot activates again under the sea....
Ancient Giant Robot: "He's here..."
End of chapter. NO BREAK next week.