Some people think life is ‘just the way it is’. I’ve learned that isn’t true.
Life is malleable; it responds to a particular frequency. A frequency brought about through love, compassion, and non-resistance. In my experience, life responds EVERY time I bring this energy to ANY circumstance, person, or issue. Therefore, it has become my obsession and self-imposed responsibility to bring this peaceful, loving frequency to everything I can.
I truly believe I can change your life—the way it feels and the way it shows up.
Have you ever felt so lit up, powerful, full of faith, and in awe of the perfect design of the universe and your place in it? Have you ever been in a situation where you marveled at the fact that you ever doubted or feared anything in this divine creation, and you KNEW that you couldn’t possibly ever doubt again?
Then all of a sudden, your world flips. Maybe something life-changing happens that rocks your world, or maybe an incredibly inconsequential irritation just happens to enrage you. Suddenly, you only have a memory of that confident version of yourself—the one that knows the universe supports you always—and you have no idea how you fell off your wagon or how to get back there. All you know is that in THIS moment, you feel fearful, resistant, thwarted, and powerless—frustrated at your loss of Zen that you thought was now a permanent state.
I HAVE!!!!!
Many times, in fact.
And because my nature is to research, experiment, and keep notes, I have spent the last 30 years extremely interested in tools that would help shift my state or the state of those around me. I’ve practiced, tweaked, and observed, and ultimately been surprised over and over at the results.
The things that created the biggest shifts seemed absurdly simple (though not necessarily easy), and the ripple effects were WAY more far-reaching than I initially thought. So, I tested, experimented, and played with parameters, and was left with no doubt that my state affects my reality. No doubt!!
Until something happens… and I don’t keep to my own standards, and doubt creeps in, and I find myself wondering how I had been so sure, and where I lost my footing.
These days, I still have many moments where I lose my clarity, but I have learned enough to at least know which direction I need to walk in to bring myself back to the exquisitely powerful state of PEACE.
The direction is ALWAYS compassion. I know now that from this state I can create miraculously in my world. In this heightened state that peace places me, I am powerful in my creating, and things that appeared impossible become possible. This makes it imperative for me to be intentional about holding the line for internal peace and aiming for an exceptional standard, because my state affects my entire world.
The reason I desire to teach this to you is, first, because the dance of energetics is so exciting and fascinating to me, and I want every human to have the chance to experiment with it. Second, I believe it takes a community to hold each other up, gently hold each other to account, and borrow each other’s faith when our own is wobbly.
Sometimes it can feel really scary to choose compassion over resistance and fighting. Sometimes compassion can feel so wrong in the face of circumstances we find abhorrent, yet I am so sure of the transformative power of true peace utilizing authentic compassion. It absolutely appears to be alchemy, and my obsession, my game, my dance, my joy is to mine out every nugget of discord and resistance within me so I can watch the reflection in my reality miraculously transform. Seeing other people succeed at doing this around us is an extremely helpful tool, if not a crucial one when we are feeling unsure.
Uncompromising Peace the Collaboration is about up-skilling each of us in our ability to transform our state and thus our reality, and strengthening our faith with the idea that we can effortlessly transform our world together.
The Collaboration is between you and Source, and you and I, and between each of you. Together we can raise the standard of Peace.
(Photo I took last month of Lake Como Italy)