CARE: Curating Audience Relations and Engagements
Deadline for papers: May 5, 2025
Deadline for letters: July 31, 2025
More information:https://www.berghahnjournals.com/fileasset/TURBA%204_2%20CARE%20Curating%20Audience%20Relationships%20and%20Engagements.pdf
We invite submissions that engage with innovative methods of bridging the gap between cultural institutions—those showcasing newly created, experimental, or classical live arts—and the broader public. We seek contributions from curators exploring new ways to invite the people in their communities into the live arts traditions at their institutions. We are particularly interested in hearing from those who may not typically see themselves as curators—those mediators of culture, creators of children’s programs, outreach coordinators for marginalized communities, and those involved in pedagogies, audience development, and the appreciation of live arts. Additionally, we welcome insights from observers and analysts of cultural mediation processes, and from those driving these initiatives through new institutional strategies, policies, and funding.
We are particularly interested in hearing about the ground-level realities of curating the relationships—both offstage and on—between cultural institutions in the live arts and their surrounding public. What ideologies and strategies have been tried, and which have proven successful—or instructive through their failure? How can live art works be developed to integrate the process of mediation and outreach within the artistic concept itself? How do mediator-curators see the field evolving, and how do other stakeholders—such as artists, curators, and administrators—perceive their impact (or lack thereof) on their own practices? Do we have a sufficiently diverse range of methods for engaging live art with audiences, or do we need new ideas and approaches to foster deeper connections between live art and its communities, whether those communities are traditional audiences or not?