Catch That Thought

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Catch That Thought Hi!! Welcome to Catch That Thought. This blog is dedicated to my thoughts, perspective and life experiences in hopes of inspiring and encouraging others.

What TO expect: My thoughts and perspective
What NOT to expect: A perfectly curated life

Yesterday I was conversing with some people and I was going to say something but decided against it. Then I heard God sa...

Yesterday I was conversing with some people and I was going to say something but decided against it. Then I heard God say to me “plant the seed.” So I made the statement but more in a joking way.

Afterwards when I had to time to really think about what God said to me, I was able to understand how important it is to speak things into existence and put it in the atmosphere. But also to have confidence behind what you say.

I thought about when farmers plant seeds they use all kinds of irrigation methods from flooding a field to using both above ground and underground irrigation systems. But what if the farmers irrigation equipment needed repairing or replaced. What if a water main broke or was shut off resulting in no water, what would happen? What would the farmer rely on then? Rainwater perhaps?

We don’t have to stress or worry about how to water the seeds or how to make them grow. We only need to plant the seeds and allow the resources given to us to do the rest of the work of cultivating, growing and producing something or someone great. God is the source and provides the resources we need. And by the way rainwater (sent from God) is the best at watering and growing. So if your methods aren’t working just know God has something better!

As I was looking at the calendar and realizing what the date was, I heard a voice say “There’s still time”This last half...

As I was looking at the calendar and realizing what the date was, I heard a voice say “There’s still time”

This last half of the year means a lot to me. I declared this year to be my year of reset. The year to break bad habits and create new habits and routines. I’ve set some goals and looking at the calendar gave me some anxiety because all I could think was, I don’t have time to do it all or accomplish it all.

But God reminded me there is still time….. 🙌🏽

So on this first day of July, let this be your reminder as well that whatever you want to accomplish it is possible and you my friend, still have time too!!

Listen!!! SJR has done it again!!! Her new book entitled: Power Moves is absolutely mind blowing. Here is an excerpt fro...

Listen!!! SJR has done it again!!! Her new book entitled: Power Moves is absolutely mind blowing. Here is an excerpt from the book that knocked me out my seat!

“There does come a time, though, when even the most successful organization must be willing to reevaluate the system if they desire to maintain a healthy and productive work environment. Some organizations falsely believe that if they’re still able to produce the same outcomes over and over that everything is healthy; but you can’t look at where you finish to determine health.
You must be willing to actively consider whether your system is outdated for where you’re headed and whether your environment is nimble enough to withstand the discomfort of your introducing a new system. You could be frustrated because yesterday’s system has become today’s restriction. What if the systems we once needed are the systems that are now oppressing? Is it possible that the system that once served you well has now become an enemy to your destiny?”

Drop the 🎤

Change is inevitable. And as long as you stick to what was and what is and never look to what could be and what will be, even if you resist it, you run the risk of never reaching your full potential. You also run the risk of never living the life God intended for you to live. A life of abundance that allows actual living and not just existing!

We can dwell over and over again about all of our ”should of, could of, would of’s” but the reality is doesn’t help anyt...

We can dwell over and over again about all of our ”should of, could of, would of’s” but the reality is doesn’t help anything if all you do is dwell.

It’s natural to go over all the scenarios of what we could have or should have done differently.
That’s been me a lot lately. Although easier said than done theres no point in me playing certain scenarios over and over agin in my head.

The best action is to analyze what was, accept what is and move forward with what can be and will be if you’re open to it.

June 1, 2024It’s the last month of the 2nd quarter of the year. It’s the half way point to the end of the year. Although...

June 1, 2024

It’s the last month of the 2nd quarter of the year.

It’s the half way point to the end of the year.

Although I’ve made small progress in some of the goals and plans I had for this year, I’m excited to push through these next 6 months and give it my all.

I know there are greater things on the other side of this season I’ve been in, but this is my reset year. My faith allows me to believe and know that anything is possible!

It’s on!!

Some people will attempt to discourage you, plant seeds of discouragement, and try to intimidate you. Be great anyway! N...

Some people will attempt to discourage you, plant seeds of discouragement, and try to intimidate you. Be great anyway! Never dim your light for the comfort of others. Shine bright like a Diamond! Happy Monday!!

Getting your focus back is a game changer. Recently I was out the game. I was to busy allowing others to dictate what I ...

Getting your focus back is a game changer. Recently I was out the game. I was to busy allowing others to dictate what I thought of myself and who I am and what I am capable of doing. Trying to live up to unrealistic and I communicated expectations is draining and nonproductive.

Thankful God brought back to my heart the things that he equipped me with and the values, skills and integrity that have been placed within me. He reminded me I never had to prove myself in the past and I don’t have to start now. HE sees and therefore HE allows those that need to see to see as well. (Catch it when can 😉).

Things are so much clearer now. I got my focus back! 😎

We spend a lot of time trying to prove who we are, what we have, and the need for validation.This is a reminder to you a...

We spend a lot of time trying to prove who we are, what we have, and the need for validation.

This is a reminder to you as well as myself that “their” approval is not necessary.

Do you. Be you. For you.

Q1-Plan and PrepareQ2- ActionApril I welcome you!! This next quarter is about making things happen. Putting plans and th...

Q1-Plan and Prepare

Q2- Action
April I welcome you!! This next quarter is about making things happen. Putting plans and thoughts into action. I’m looking forward to this next phase of the year.

Wow!! It’s already April!!! Can you believe it?!

I completed my first audible book. This book was amazing!!! Viola Davis is the epitome of having dignity, resilience and...

I completed my first audible book. This book was amazing!!! Viola Davis is the epitome of having dignity, resilience and a strength that can only come from above.

Her ability to tell her story in only the way that her voice can is what made this audible experience so great. Definitely 10 out of 10 recommend!! You will not be disappointed.

If you’ve got some recommendations for other good biographical audibles drop them below!!

Tonight was AMAZING!!!! I had the opportunity to listen, meet, and have my books signed by THEEEE Kevin Powell. Now if y...

Tonight was AMAZING!!!! I had the opportunity to listen, meet, and have my books signed by THEEEE Kevin Powell. Now if you don’t know him from just from the name, go back in time to the first season of MTV’s Real World. Yep! That’s Blackity Black Kevin-lol (IYKYK).

He is such an amazing writer, speaker, activist, TUPAC enthusiast, Grammy award nominated poet. He has written for some of the most prestigious publications. One of my fave being VIBE Magazine which is where a lot of his Tupac writings were featured.

I told him I was waiting on the Tupac Bio he’s working on because I’m a fanatic and he said “You know how complex Pac was, it’s been difficult” 👀😩 I was thinking He seen and felt the connection I have to Pac😂. He knows I know!!!🤣

All in all it was an amazing experience! Complete 90’s nostalgia!!

Love is patient and kind, love does not envy or boast, it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it...

Love is patient and kind, love does not envy or boast, it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with truth. LOVE BEARS ALL THINGS, believes all things, hopes all things, ENDURES ALL THINGS. 1Corinthians 13:4-7

That’s LOVE 💕

I had an encounter today with someone going through a very difficult time and situation. I could tell they were somewhat...

I had an encounter today with someone going through a very difficult time and situation. I could tell they were somewhat embarrassed to tell me everything. I could read between the lines and in that moment I felt the strong need and urge to be transparent. Once I shared my experience, it gave them the courage to open all the way up.

I think it made a world of difference to the person to know that they were not alone. Race, gender, age, socioeconomic background are all so minuscule in the big scheme of things. We are all fighting a battle, have fought a battle or will be fighting one and the thing that truly connects us all are our experiences.

Be willing to share your experiences with others. There is somebody that needs your story, your testimony and experience. There is somebody that needs you.❤️

Mindset is everything. Your mindset determines a lot of possibilities and the way you respond to people, situations and ...

Mindset is everything. Your mindset determines a lot of possibilities and the way you respond to people, situations and circumstances.

But something more important than mindset is having a growth mindset. Being able to be open to change, growing, and adapting new thoughts and ways of doing things is even greater.

This year I’m working on having a growth mindset. A mind that is able to look back at what was, what is now and how it can be better, and what can be and will be in the future if you open your heart and mindset to new things and experiences.

Endless possibilities await those that are able to grow beyond their present self.

First book of the year completed, Atomic Habits by James Clear. Okay to be honest, this was my third attempt at finishin...

First book of the year completed, Atomic Habits by James Clear. Okay to be honest, this was my third attempt at finishing this book. Just do to being busy I never could finish it. I started it again back in December and thanks to this snowed in week, I was able to complete it.

It’s a great read and was a great book to start the year off considering I’m trying to improve my daily habits as well as RESET the major areas of my life.

My greatest take aways were:

1. “Purpose of goals is to win the game. Purpose of systems is to continue playing the game.”

2. “Goals are good for setting a direction, systems are best for making progress.”

3. “Make it Obvious, Attractive, Easy, Satisfying.”

Trust me, there are a lot more but these stood out the most to me and for me. I’ve set a reading goal of 8 books this year as I’m trying to get back into reading regularly. I hope to meet that goal or exceed it. The Goodreads App is such a cool and fun app for choosing books and keeping up with your progress.

Let me know what you’re reading and if you’re using the Goodreads App.

It’s been a minute!! Happy 2024! What better time for a re-introduction then another snow day in the Ville! I’m Ashley J...

It’s been a minute!! Happy 2024! What better time for a re-introduction then another snow day in the Ville!

I’m Ashley Jones and welcome to Catch That Thought. This is a page I like to share my personal thoughts on things like life, faith, family and a few things in-between. I enjoy writing and journaling my thoughts as often as I can. On Thursdays, I usually post a video of “My Thoughts on a Thursday” or what was known as Thoughtful Thursdays so be sure to check that out! I hope you enjoy and engage as you can.

In December (I turned 44) and my new year began. My 43rd Birthday, the Lord gave me a theme for the year and that was “Forty-Free.” I had never done a theme or had a theme for my “New Year” but this was so perfect and really helped me. When I turned 44, the Lord gave me the theme of RESET. It’s so funny because I had been seeing and reading many things that all had to do with resetting prior to.

This is my year to RESET. RESET for me is Restore, Evolve, Simplify, Edify, and Transform. I plan to use this to RESET the following areas in my life:

1. Finances- learning to budget and not spend frivolously and irresponsibly.
2. Mental/emotional- taking time to take a break from social media and work when needed. Also to resume counseling.
3. Physical- eating better and exercising
4. Home- creating a simple and more functional space.

I’m looking forward to this year and the changes that will come from my RESET. If you have a new year’s theme share it below. I’d love to hear yours!

💄 Brittany J Artistry
📸 Snapshot Shuneil


Okay music aside….let’s talk about Andre 3000. If you haven’t had a chance to read or watch his interview with GQ Magazi...

Okay music aside….let’s talk about Andre 3000. If you haven’t had a chance to read or watch his interview with GQ Magazine, I highly suggest you do.

One thing that he said that really stuck with me is that rapping for him at age 48 felt inauthentic to him. He didn’t say that anything was wrong with it but that he didn’t have anything to say and that it felt inauthentic TO HIM and FOR HIM.

Someone on Twitter compared him to NAS saying that well NAS is that age and he made an album and had something to say. Guess what?!?! That’s fine for NAS. This is where Andre 3000 is in his life. Everyone may not understand your journey. Everyone may not get where you are in your life and that is fine. Just do what works for you and what’s best for you.

I’m glad he didn’t conform. I’m glad he did what felt right for the moment and where he is. I’m glad he made this album because I am someone that is in need of decompressing from overstimulation on many days. This album is genius and Is guaranteed to be around a lot longer than most think or realize.

Trust me when I tell you this album is pure genius and the after affects will be felt for years to come in many different arenas.

you raised the bar and the standard for being authentic and true to self.


We are not called to everything or everyone…

Something I’m working on all the time is understanding that not everyone shares my same sentiments and it’s okay at leas...

Something I’m working on all the time is understanding that not everyone shares my same sentiments and it’s okay at least it has to be to maintain some type of peace and sanity.

There’s always more than one way to do something. Your way isn’t the only way or always the best way.

Your priorities aren’t someone else’s. What’s important and holds value to you, may not necessarily hold true for the next person. This is in work, family, and life in general.

I’m learning to meet people where they are and not allow their beliefs or ways rub to off on me or rub me the wrong way.

These days I value peace over stress. I can’t control what the next does or does not do. I can only control me and my reaction.

So here’s your challenge as well as mines for the remainder of the year and beyond….

LETS MIND OUR OWN! Relax, and enjoy the rest of the year.

No stress!

A reminder to self to keep pushing. Keep going until you get it right or get it done. Just don’t STOP!

A reminder to self to keep pushing. Keep going until you get it right or get it done. Just don’t STOP!


Highlight of my day! I met The Huntsville Mom! If you want to know all THE Happs on what’s going on in Huntsville for th...

Highlight of my day! I met The Huntsville Mom! If you want to know all THE Happs on what’s going on in Huntsville for the Fam and kiddos follow her now!


Meet our Contributor of the Week - Ashley Jones.

Ashley is a multitalented HR Professional, devoted wife, and mother. When she's not busy with work or family life, Ashley enjoys reading, live music and most of all, writing and journaling. Her passion for writing has inspired her to encourage others to take up journaling as a way to release their thoughts and emotions.

Learn more about Ashley at Catch That Thought

Fear holds us back. Fear stops us from moving forward. Fear is a dream killer. Disobedience makes us turn away. Disobedi...

Fear holds us back. Fear stops us from moving forward. Fear is a dream killer.

Disobedience makes us turn away. Disobedience stops us from doing what we know we should do. Disobedience robs us of the blessings that are attached to our obedience.

Fear not.
Be obedient and pursue all that is within you.




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