Mirror books contain story lines, characters, and experiences you can see yourself in. Children feel seen and heard after reading a book that is a mirror. Window books help you see into the life of someone else. Children can learn and grow from that story or the book’s characters.
Early Risers podcast host, Dianne Haulcy, was at the MN State Fair for a conversation on the importance of diversity and representation in children’s books. She was joined by children’s book authors Timi Bliss, and Remona Htoo Simeon along with Zsamé Morgan, owner of Babycake's Book Stack, a mobile book mobile.
In this clip, Timi Bliss reads from one of her books, The Magic in Charlie, Remona Htoo reads from her book, My Little Legs and Zsame’ Morgan reads from the book Brave, by Grace Byers.
What are some of your favorite mirror and window children’s books?
How do children learn about race? Is it ever too early to start talking to them about it?
This week we're highlighting wisdom from our past guests, who give us insights and tools for raising kids to understand cultural differences, racism & implicit bias.
Listen to the episode here: https://bit.ly/3BXBvgy
#interview #podcasting #newepisode #littlemomentscountmn #mnchildcare #childdevelopment #minnesota #mn #stpaul #minneapolis #ece #earlychildhood #prek #earlyeducation #race #racism #minnesotapreschool #minnesotaprek #MNPreschool #stpaulmn
On the latest episode of Early Risers, professor and researcher Dr. Charisse Pickron discusses how babies start to learn about race. In this clip, Dr. Pickron explains how children naturally categorize different types of people & why it's important for children to experience diversity early on in life.
Listen to the episode here: https://bit.ly/3z0SY5J
#littlemomentscountmn #mnchildcare #childdevelopment #minnesota #mn #stpaul #minneapolis #ece #earlychildhood #prek #earlyeducation #race #racism #minnesotapreschool #minnesotaprek #MNPreschool #stpaulmn #podcast
On the latest episode of Early Risers, host Dianne Haulcy speaks with Dr. Rosemarie Allen, a national leader around racial equity in early childhood and author of two children’s books, Cute and Curly and Stylish and Straight. Check out both these books on Allen’s website, Love Being Black Books, which is dedicated to African American children so that they will see themselves and their lives positively reflected in books. https://lovebeingblack.com
You can listen to Dr. Rosemarie Allen’s podcast episode here: https://bit.ly/3xSZRFJ
#littlemomentscountmn #mnchildcare #childdevelopment #minnesota #mn #stpaul #minneapolis #ece #earlychildhood #prek #earlyeducation #race #racism #minnesotapreschool #minnesotaprek #MNPreschool #stpaulmn #podcast #racialjustice
Remembering George Floyd: How to talk to young children about racialized trauma and healing
In this panel discussion hosted by Early Risers podcast host Dianne Haulcy, early childhood educators, parents and mental health practitioners share insights on helping young children to understand and heal from racialized trauma past and present.