Friday night pie lets go!
What is up nerds!!!??
going to try to eat a whole 12" pecan pie through out this stream hopefully finish with out throwing up lets freaking do this thing!
Let's hear your best dad joke!
If you like the content please drop a like it will really help me out!
New follower goal of 500! Let's GO!!!!
Stars are active! Type !Notify in chat to get updates when I go live!
Hit me up on Discord - NerdDad09#1533
#Warzone #NerdDad09 #razerstreamer
Trios with @amcarrgaming
How is everyone doing today?! New follow goal to go for is 500! lets keep this grind going!! Stars are now active! Type !Notify to get notifications when I go live!
18 and up content
Discord --- NerdDad09#1533
#Warzone #NerdDad09
Unsuspecting team gets wiped
Austin Hill wipes a team straight out the Gulag!
RPG fail
The broken mechanics of this game are wack
Solos W last min of game
First Solo's W! Had a sweet self revive right before the video started recording wish I had it set to longer than the last 1 min.
dous with drew
Dous in warzone