
Gritfulness Secrets of Being Happy, Satisfied and Fulfilled. Read Books!


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What is your MOST GRATEFUL for TODAY😇


I didnt noticed that I have reached 1k already.

Thank you for the support 😇


Its a Blessed Rainy Sunday.

Good Morning To All


If only I have THREE MILLION

I think I might Change my Current LOGO 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️


Hello to Everyone🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️


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Then here is the BEST part

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GREAT MORNING and HAPPY SUNDAY!!!🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️


Happy Sunday everyone!


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Just reached 700 followers.

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This is a great book actually. Wanted to share this on my page and what are the key learnings on this book

Title : The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Personal Legend
The book emphasizes the importance of following one's Personal Legend, which refers to an individual's true purpose or destiny in life. It encourages readers to pursue their dreams and listen to their hearts, even in the face of obstacles or societal pressures.

Omens and Signs
The book suggests that paying attention to these subtle messages from the universe can help individuals navigate their paths and make important decisions.

The Power of Dreams
The Book highlights the significance of dreams as a source of guidance and inspiration. It suggests that dreams can offer insights into the future and act as a driving force behind one's actions and aspirations.

The Journey is as Important as the Destination
The book suggests that the experiences, lessons, and growth one encounters along the way are just as important as achieving the desired outcome.

Personal Transformation
The book explores the theme of personal transformation. It encourages readers to embrace change, face their fears, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves in order to fulfill their potential.

The Language of the World
The book suggests that when individuals are aligned with their true purpose, they can tap into this language and communicate with the world on a deeper level.

Trust in the Universe
The book emphasizes the importance of trusting in the universe and having faith that things will work out as they are meant to. It encourages readers to let go of fear and doubt, and to have confidence in the journey they have chosen.

The Power of Love
Love is a recurring theme in the book. It emphasizes the transformative power of love, highlighting its ability to inspire and motivate individuals to pursue their dreams and make sacrifices for others.

Simplicity and Enjoying the Present
The author/writer promotes the idea of simplicity and encourages readers to appreciate the present moment. The book suggests that true happiness can be found in SIMPLE PLEASURE and being fully present in the current experience.

Personal Responsibility
The book reminds readers of their personal responsibility in creating their own destiny. It encourages individuals to take ownership of their choices, actions, and the consequences that follow.

Hope you read also this book. Lots of things to learn and can be applied in life.
Happy Sunday Everyone!


Trying to catch up for those new followers 🥰. Please bear with me right now as I need to check the list one by one 😍. Just posted last time but another 50 followers added!



Thank you for 350 Peepz following me. Seems a lot to me.

Thank you so much!


A very nice Book that you should read. This is why successful people wakes up early.

The book title is "The 5AM Club" by Robin Sharma

The Power of Early Rising: The book emphasizes the importance of waking up at 5 AM as a way to gain a head start on the day. It suggests that the early hours of the morning are ideal for self-reflection, planning, and focusing on personal development.

The 20/20/20 Formula: Sharma introduces the concept of the 20/20/20 formula, which involves dedicating the first hour of the morning to three specific activities: 20 minutes of intense exercise to energize the body, 20 minutes of reflective journaling or visualization to nourish the mind, and 20 minutes of learning or studying to expand knowledge.

Mastery over Mindset: The book highlights the significance of cultivating a positive and proactive mindset. It emphasizes the importance of mindfulness, meditation, and visualization techniques to strengthen mental focus and improve overall well-being.

Lifelong Learning: Sharma emphasizes the value of continuous learning and personal growth. The book encourages readers to allocate time each morning for reading, listening to educational materials, or engaging in skill development to enhance their knowledge and expertise.

Creating Daily Rituals: "The 5 AM Club" promotes the idea of establishing a morning routine or ritual that sets the tone for the day. By incorporating healthy habits, such as exercise, meditation, goal setting, and gratitude practice, individuals can enhance their productivity, creativity, and overall performance.

The Importance of Rest and Recovery: While the book focuses on the early morning hours, it also acknowledges the significance of adequate sleep and the importance of rest and recovery for maintaining optimal physical and mental health.


Wow Thanks for my 200+ followers right now. Appreciate it guys. Havent been active in a while for books that I have read.

Any1 that I havent followed yet? Please let me know. A lot of notif to backtrack right now.

Have a GRIT day ahead Everyone!


Its a beautiful and lovely day always!


Thanks for the Support Guys. Thanks to my 100 followers.
Finishing first the book I am reading right now from John Maxwell.

Stewarding Life's Blessing

Stewarding Life's Blessing


Another Good book to read. It is important to start with a habit.
"Mini Habits" by Stephen Guise

Starting small is essential: Guise argues that starting with a small, manageable habit is the key to long-term success. He advocates for setting a "mini habit" that is so small that it almost seems too easy.

Consistency is more important than intensity: Guise stresses the importance of consistency over intensity when it comes to building habits. He argues that doing a small habit every day is more effective than doing a larger habit sporadically.

Habits build momentum: Guise notes that once you start building one habit, it becomes easier to build additional habits. He suggests that creating a "habit cascade" by adding new habits to your routine can be an effective way to build momentum and achieve your goals.

Willpower is limited: Guise argues that relying solely on willpower to achieve your goals is not sustainable. Instead, he suggests using systems and routines to make habits automatic and reduce the need for willpower.

Celebrate small wins: Guise emphasizes the importance of celebrating small wins along the way to achieving your goals. He argues that acknowledging progress and rewarding yourself for small achievements can help keep you motivated and committed to your habits.

Mindset is key: Guise suggests that having a growth mindset, being willing to make mistakes and learn from them, and focusing on progress rather than perfection are essential for building and maintaining habits.

Habits can change your identity: Guise notes that building and maintaining habits can have a profound impact on your identity and sense of self. By consistently practicing small habits, you can begin to see yourself as the kind of person who takes action and achieves their goals.


Sharing my key learnings from the book "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. This is a very good book to read.

Habits are formed through a three-step process: cue, routine, reward. Understanding this process can help you identify and change your own habits.

Habits can be changed through a process called habit reversal, which involves recognizing the cue that triggers the habit, replacing the routine with a new one, and then rewarding yourself for the new behavior.

Belief in your ability to change is critical to breaking habits. If you believe you can change, you are more likely to do so.

Willpower is a limited resource that can be depleted by stress, fatigue, and other factors. Developing good habits can reduce the need for willpower and make it easier to achieve your goals.

Small wins and positive feedback are essential for maintaining motivation and building momentum towards larger goals.

Social connections and support can be powerful motivators for changing habits. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help you achieve your goals.

Habits are not just individual behaviors, but also social norms that are reinforced by group behavior. Changing social norms can be a powerful way to change habits at a larger scale.

Habits are not all created equal. Some habits, such as exercise and good nutrition, have a "keystone" effect that can lead to positive changes in other areas of your life.

Understanding the role of habits in organizations and institutions can help leaders create positive change at a larger scale.

The key to creating lasting change is to identify the underlying motivations and values that drive your habits. By aligning your habits with your values, you can create a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


Here are some of the key learnings from "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz:

Believe in yourself: One of the most important things you can do is to believe in yourself and your abilities. If you think small, you'll achieve small things. But if you believe you can achieve big things, you're more likely to succeed.

Focus on your goals: To achieve success, you need to have clear and specific goals. Focus on what you want to achieve and work towards it with determination and persistence.

Cultivate a positive attitude: A positive attitude can help you overcome obstacles and setbacks. When you have a positive attitude, you're more likely to see opportunities and find solutions to problems.

Take action: It's not enough to simply think about your goals – you need to take action to make them happen. Be proactive and take the steps necessary to achieve your goals.

Learn from failure: Failure is not the end of the road – it's an opportunity to learn and grow. When you experience setbacks or failures, use them as a learning experience and keep moving forward.

Surround yourself with positive people: The people you surround yourself with can have a big impact on your success. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who encourage you and believe in your abilities.

Practice visualization: Visualization can be a powerful tool for achieving your goals. Take time to visualize yourself achieving your goals and experiencing success.

Develop good habits: Your habits can have a big impact on your success. Develop good habits that support your goals and help you achieve success.

Keep learning and growing: Success requires continuous learning and growth. Be open to new ideas and opportunities, and never stop learning.

Take responsibility for your life: Ultimately, you are responsible for your own success. Take ownership of your life and your choices, and work towards creating the life you want.


A very good book from Simon Sinek's

"Find Your Why"

Your "why" is your purpose, cause, or belief that inspires and drives you. It is the reason you get out of bed in the morning and do what you do.

When you know your why, you have a clear sense of direction and can make decisions that align with your values and goals.

Your why is not a goal or a strategy. It is a fundamental belief that shapes your worldview and influences your behavior.

To find your why, you need to reflect on your past experiences, identify what makes you come alive, and consider how you can contribute to the world in a meaningful way.

Your why should be focused on others, not yourself. It should be about how you can make a positive impact on the world and the people around you.

Your why should be simple, clear, and inspiring. It should be something that resonates with you and motivates you to take action.

Once you have identified your why, you can use it to guide your decision-making, communicate your vision to others, and build a strong sense of purpose and belonging in your team or organization.

Finding your why is a continuous process, not a one-time event. It requires ongoing reflection, experimentation, and growth.

Overall, "Find Your Why" is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to discover their purpose and create a life or a business that is meaningful and fulfilling. By focusing on your why, you can align your actions with your values, inspire others, and make a positive impact on the world.


Going through heartbreak can be a difficult and painful experience. However, there are several things you can do to help yourself feel happier and move forward:

Allow yourself to feel your emotions: It's important to give yourself time to process your emotions and allow yourself to feel sad, angry, or whatever you may be feeling. Don't try to suppress your emotions or push them away.

Connect with loved ones: Spending time with family and friends can help you feel supported and cared for. Reach out to people who make you feel good and who you can talk to about what you're going through.

Take care of yourself: It's important to take care of yourself physically and mentally during this time. This includes getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Practice self-compassion: Be kind and gentle with yourself. Remember that heartbreak is a common experience and that it's okay to feel the way you do.

Focus on personal growth: Use this time to focus on your personal growth and goals. Take up a new hobby, learn a new skill, or pursue a passion. This can help you feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

Seek professional help if needed: If you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling to cope, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide support and guidance as you navigate through this difficult time.

Remember, healing from heartbreak takes time, and it's okay to take things one day at a time. Be patient and kind to yourself as you work through your emotions and move forward.


Key learning points from "Atomic Habits" by James Clear:

Small, consistent improvements add up over time and lead to significant changes.

Habits are the building blocks of our lives, and we can transform ourselves by changing our habits.

The four laws of behavior change are make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying.

Making habits obvious involves creating a clear and visible cue for the behavior we want to reinforce.

Making habits attractive involves linking the behavior to something we already enjoy or framing it in a positive light.

Making habits easy involves breaking the behavior down into small, manageable steps and removing barriers to success.

Making habits satisfying involves rewarding ourselves for completing the behavior and feeling the positive effects of our actions.

The importance of tracking progress and measuring our successes along the way.

The benefits of habit stacking and temptation bundling.

The role of identity in habit formation and how we can shape our identities through our habits.

The importance of environment in shaping our habits.

The truth about talent and how success is less about natural ability and more about the systems and habits we create for ourselves.

The power of positive habits to transform our lives and help us achieve our goals.

Overall, "Atomic Habits" teaches readers how to develop positive habits and break negative ones by applying practical strategies and principles. By following the book's advice and adopting a growth mindset, readers can transform themselves and achieve long-term success in any area of their lives.


"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is a self-help book written by Stephen Covey. The book presents a framework for personal and interpersonal effectiveness based on seven habits that can help individuals achieve their goals and live a more fulfilling life. Here's a summary outline of the seven habits:

Be Proactive - Take responsibility for your life and actions, and focus on what you can control.

Begin with the End in Mind - Start with a clear understanding of your desired outcomes, and use your imagination to envision what success looks like.

Put First Things First - Prioritize your time and energy on the most important things that align with your values and goals.

Think Win-Win - Seek mutual benefit and create win-win situations in all interactions and relationships.

Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood - Listen empathetically to others to understand their perspective, and then communicate your own ideas in a clear and respectful manner.

Synergize - Work together with others to achieve goals that are beyond what any one person could achieve alone.

Sharpen the Saw - Continuously improve yourself by balancing and renewing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The book emphasizes that the seven habits are interdependent and should be practiced consistently to achieve long-term success and happiness. Covey also highlights the importance of developing a personal mission statement and aligning one's actions with their values and principles.




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