We know that with Election Day fast approaching, American democracy is at the top of our minds right now. At Door County Knock, we know that democracy & journalism go hand-in-hand.
In 2024, you helped us expand our watchdog journalism as we welcomed our first full-time reporter & increased our part-time staff. This staffing growth allowed us to revamp our weekly newsletter so we can provide you with even more in-depth coverage of the issues that matter to Door County most.
But we still want to do more.
Today kicks off our annual NewsMatch campaign; our biggest reader led fundraiser where your donations are tripled by national & local matches. Support from readers like you is what allows us to dig deep into issues that affect our community and provide you with information to make informed decisions. With 19 municipalities in Door County, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover & we need your help to do it.
For our NewsMatch campaign, we’ve set a goal of raising $18,000 in reader donations by December 31. During this campaign, your donation up to $1000 per individual will be tripled!
Here’s how it works. Newsmatch will match your new monthly donation 12 times or double your one-time gift, all up to $1000. In addition to NewsMatch, we have local donors who believe our goal is worth supporting & have generously pledged to match the same donations so that your gift to Door County Knock will be tripled!
If we hit our fundraising goal, we’ll be able to hire a second full-time reporter. That means we’ll be able to produce multiple additional major projects, further expansion of our local government coverage, & other critical issue coverage. Your support will put us another step closer to our vision of a fully resourced local newsroom for Door County. Most importantly, it means more informed residents making more informed decisions – and a thriving community working toward solutions.
Your support will get our NewsMatch campaign off to a strong start & help us reach our goal to make our vision for local news in Door County a reality. If you believe in the work we’re doing, will you give today to triple the impact of your donation?