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The Positive One is a youth media organization that aspires to filter out everything negative in your life and bring you something positive with a motive of upholding the solutions rather than shedding tears about the problems!


চলমান কোটা সংস্কার আন্দোলনে শহীদ ভাইদের পাশে দাঁড়ানোর জন্য আমরা Help BUETian ফান্ড রেইজ করছিলাম। আপনাদের দেয়া তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে শহীদদের পরিবারের সাথে যোগাযোগ করে আমরা তিন জন শহীদ এর পরিবারের পাশে দাঁড়ানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছি। শহীদদের পরিবারের সাথে আলোচনার ভিত্তিতে আমরা সহযোগিতার ধরন নির্ধারণ করেছি।

নীচে শহীদদের পরিচয় এবং সাহায্যের ধরন বিস্তারিত ভাবে তুলে ধরা হলো।

১। মোহাম্মদ ফারুক।

ফারুক ভাই মুরাদপুরের একটি ফার্নিচারের দোকানের কর্মচারী ছিলেন৷ উনার আকস্মিক মৃত্যুতে উনার পরিবার অনিশ্চয়তায় দিন কাটাচ্ছেন। উনি পরিবারের একমাত্র উপার্জনক্ষম ব্যক্তি ছিলেন। ফারুক ভাইয়ের স্ত্রী সীমা আপুর সাথে আমরা যোগাযোগ করেছি। তিনি ২ সন্তানের (১ ছেলে, ১ মেয়ের) ভবিষ্যৎ নিয়ে শঙ্কার কথা জানিয়েছেন আমাদের৷

★ আমরা উনার ২ সন্তানের জন্য স্কলারশিপ এবং এককালীন নগদ অর্থ প্রদান করে পাশে দাঁড়াতে চাই।

২। হৃদয় চন্দ্র তরুয়া
চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ইতিহাস বিভাগের ৩য় বর্ষের শিক্ষার্থী (২০-২১ সেশন)।

হৃদয় এর ভগ্নিপতি দিপঙ্কর দাদার সাথে আমাদের যোগাযোগ হয়েছে। হৃদয় এর বাবা কাঠমিস্ত্রী। উনার নিজের কোনো দোকান নেই৷ উনি দৈনিক মজুরীর ভিত্তিতে কাজ করে সংসার চালান। হৃদয়ের ভগ্নিপতি জানিয়েছেন নগদ অর্থ প্রদান করে সাহায্য করতে পারলে উনাদের জন্য উপকার হবে।

★হৃদয়ের বাবাকে একটি দোকান করে দেয়ার পরিকল্পনা আছে আমাদের। যদি সেটি সম্ভব না হয়, তবে এককালীন নগদ অর্থ প্রদান করে হৃদয়ের পরিবারের পাশে দাঁড়াতে চাই আমরা।

৩। ফয়সাল আহমেদ শান্ত
শিক্ষার্থী (স্নাতক), ওমর গণি এম.ই.এস কলেজ চট্টগ্রাম।

উনার বাবা ছোটখাটো ব্যবসা করেন। পরিবারের স্বপ্ন ছিলো শান্ত পড়াশোনা শেষ করে পরিবারের হাল ধরবে৷ এখন সে স্বপ্ন স্বপ্নই রয়ে গেলো৷

★আমরা শান্তর পরিবার কে এককালীন নগদ অর্থ প্রদান করতে চাই।

সকল মিডিয়ামে ডোনেশনের জন্য রেফারেন্স: Martyr

1.Junayed Jahan
01863164111 (Personal)

2. Sazedur Rahman
01517024767 (Personal)

3. Abdul Hannan
01610600226 (Personal)


1. Saifullah Bin Yusuf
01572254215 (Personal)

2. Sazedur Rahman
01517024767 (Personal)

3. Abdul Hannan
01610600226 (Personal)


1. Sazedur Rahman
017647002118 (Personal)

ব্যাংক একাউন্ট:

Saifullah Bin Yusuf
A/C: 4404001035271
Sonali Bank, BUET Branch
Routing: 200270522


[email protected]
Nusrat Subah Binte Shakhawat

শহীদ আবু সাইদ ভাই এর পাশে আপনারা যেভাবে সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দিয়েছিলেন এই শহীদদের পরিবারের জন্যও একই ভাবে সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দেয়ার উদাত্ত আহবান করছি সবাইকে।

Poster credit : Khandaker Ruhama Amin




চলমান কোটা সংস্কার আন্দোলনের প্রথম শহীদ আবু সাইদ ভাইয়ের পরিবারের জন্য গতকাল আপনারা অভাবনীয় রূপে সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দিয়েছিলেন আলহামদুলিল্লাহ। এখন আমরা Help BUETian এর পক্ষ থেকে অন্যান্য শহীদ ভাইদের পরিবারের পাশেও দাড়াতে চাই। এই ফান্ড রেইজে আসা সকল অর্থ প্রয়োজন অনুসারে কোটা আন্দোলনের বাকি শহীদদের পরিবারের হাতে পৌঁছে দেব আমরা।

সকল মিডিয়ামে ডোনেশনের জন্য রেফেরেন্স: Martyr

1.Junayed Jahan
01863164111 (Personal)

2. Sazedur Rahman
01517024767 (Personal)

3. Abdul Hannan
01610600226 (Personal)


1. Saifullah Bin Yusuf
01572254215 (Personal)

2. Sazedur Rahman
01517024767 (Personal)

3. Abul Hannan
01610600226 (Personal)


1. Sazedur Rahman
017647002118 (Personal)

ব্যাংক একাউন্ট:

Saifullah Bin Yusuf
A/C: 4404001035271
Sonali Bank, BUET Branch
Routing: 200270522


[email protected]
Nusrat Subah Binte Shakhawat

Poster credit : Khandaker Ruhama Amin


#কেটে গেলে-
ব্লিডিং বন্ধ করার জন্য যে হাতে বা পায়ে আঘাত লেগেছে সেটাকে উপরে ধরে রেখে কোন কাপড়, ওড়না দিয়ে শক্ত পেচিয়ে ধরে রাখতে হবে। 15-20 মিনিট পর পর আলগা করে বাধন খুলে দিতে হবে।
#চোখে কোনো কিছু গেলে-
15-20 মিনিট ট্যাপ ওয়াটার দিয়ে ওয়াশ করতে হবে। এরপর পরিষ্কার কাপড় চোখের উপর দিয়ে বেধে রাখতে হবে।
ফাকা মুক্ত জায়গায় নিয়ে আসতে হবে। কোন প্লাস্টিক বা কাগজের ব্যাগ মুখে দিয়ে শ্বাস নিতে বলতে হবে। কোন গ্যাসের কন্টাক্টে এসে থাকলে পানি দিয়ে ভালো করে ধুয়ে নিতে হবে।
#বাড়ি লেগে ফুলে গেলে-
বরফ দিতে হিবে, উচু করে ধরে রাখতে হবে, নড়াচড়া করা যাবে নাহ।
#টিয়ারশেল ম্যানেজম্যান্ট-
নরমাল স্যালাইন দিয়ে ধুতে হবে, এন্টিবায়োটিক আইড্রপ 'অপ্টিমক্স' দিনে 4 বার করে 10 দিন এবং 'টিয়ার আই ড্রপ' দিনে 4 বার করে 14 দিন দিতে হবে।
★ Sobai k bolo ors saline and pani niye jete
★ And chokhe splinter gele ber korte nished koro

1. Dr masum 01521-202834
2.Dr lemon +880 1716-705418
3. Dr Saiful +880 1913-758994
Enara opthalmologist. Any emergency call them
Savar Ambulance Service:
Tuhin Ambulance Service:
Deep Ambulance Service:
Dipu Ambulance Service:
Raha Ambulance Service:
Badda Ambulance and Freezing
ambulance service in Banasree
Ambulance service DIT project
Ambulance service Bangladesh
Police Plaza
Ambulance Service
Ambulance number
Al Amin Ambulance Service Rampura- Meradia 01720448666
List of ambulance service number


মোবাইল ডেটা কানেকশন (4G, 3G সেবা) সারাদেশে বিঘ্নিত লক্ষ্য করা যাচ্ছে। জরুরি প্রয়োজনে পরিবার বা অন্য কারো সাথে যোগাযোগ করার জন্য বিকল্প উপায়:
অ্যান্ড্রয়েড ব্যবহারকারীদের জন্য 'ব্রায়ার' (Briar) অ্যাপ এবং iOS ব্যবহারকারীদের জন্য 'ব্রিজিফাই' (Bridgefy) অ্যাপ ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে। অ্যাপগুলো ব্লুটুথ ও ওয়াইফাই নেটওয়ার্কের মাধ্যমে কাজ করে, যা অফলাইনে থেকেও যোগাযোগ রাখতে সাহায্য করবে।

Briar (Android) :
Bridgefy (iOS) :



Before you share any news, especially regarding current movements, please take a moment to verify the facts. If you come...

Before you share any news, especially regarding current movements, please take a moment to verify the facts.
If you come across any news you want us to verify, leave a comment below, and our team will act on it.
Together, we can stop the spread of fake news and ensure that accurate information prevails.

Voices of Change: Students unite nationwide demanding a refined quota system.

Voices of Change: Students unite nationwide demanding a refined quota system.

To effectively gather the attention of the international media about the current situation, reach out to these verified ...

To effectively gather the attention of the international media about the current situation, reach out to these verified contacts and sources. Please note that contacts circulating on social media earlier are not all valid.

BBC News: [email protected],
Whatsapp: +44 7756 165803

CNN: [email protected]
Al Jazeera: , Whatsapp: +974 5080 0207

Sky News: [email protected]
France 24: [email protected]
DW: [email protected], [email protected]
Bloomberg: [email protected], [email protected]


Dhaka University - 1 AM - 15 July 2024

The ultimate showdown is here! Tonight, we witness history in the making with both the Copa America and Euro Finals taki...

The ultimate showdown is here! Tonight, we witness history in the making with both the Copa America and Euro Finals taking place. Two epic battles, one unforgettable night. Who will rise to glory and be crowned champions?

14/07/2024We've hit the 10k followers mark!Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being part of our journey. Your s...

We've hit the 10k followers mark!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being part of our journey. Your support, engagement, and positivity inspire us daily to keep sharing uplifting stories and making a difference. We couldn't have reached this milestone without you. Here’s to many more milestones and spreading even more positivity together!

Fayez Ahmed(2nd from left), a brilliant young biologist from Bangladesh, has won his second consecutive bronze medal at ...

Fayez Ahmed(2nd from left), a brilliant young biologist from Bangladesh, has won his second consecutive bronze medal at the prestigious International Biology Olympiad (IBO) held this year in Astana, Kazakhstan. This remarkable achievement underscores his dedication and exceptional talent in the field of biology.

This year's event features a four-member team from Bangladesh. Leading the team is Soumitra Chakraborty, an international jury and the General Secretary of the Bangladesh Biology Olympiad. The four team members are Fayez Ahmed from Rajshahi Government Laboratory High School, Raisa Fabiha Jannat from Chittagong Cantonment Public School, Ha-Mim Rahman from St. Joseph Higher Secondary School, and Swapna Mondol from Ideal School And College, Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

The IBO, a globally recognized competition, brings together the brightest high school biology students from around the world to compete in both theoretical and practical tasks. Fayez's success highlights the high level of scientific education and passion among Bangladeshi students.

In the remote village of Mallik Ber in Rampal Upazila, Bagerhat, a remarkable transformation has taken place. Faisal Ahm...

In the remote village of Mallik Ber in Rampal Upazila, Bagerhat, a remarkable transformation has taken place. Faisal Ahmed Shuvo, a college student with a passion for exotic chickens, has turned a modest investment into a thriving poultry farm, Shuvo Agro.

It all began in 2019 when Faisal, inspired by a YouTube video, purchased four European Silky chickens for Tk3,400. What started as a backyard hobby has blossomed into a specialized farm boasting 200 to 300 rare chicken breeds. Shuvo Agro is now home to 25 species of exotic chickens, including European Brahma, Silky Hamburg, Silver Brahma, Buff Polish Cap Frizzle, White Polish Cap, Bantam, Wyandotte, and Sebright.

"My farm's journey began purely out of interest. Once the chickens started laying eggs, there was no turning back," Faisal recounts. His dedication and passion have not only brought joy to his family but also attracted other exotic chicken farmers seeking his advice.

The farm's crowning glory is the American Wyandotte chicken, with pairs fetching between Tk60,000 and Tk70,000. Shuvo Agro also hosts the world's smallest bird breed, the King Quail, with pairs priced between Tk8,000 and Tk10,000. Faisal focuses on breeding and selling chicks, supplying foreign breed chickens to 55 districts across Bangladesh, including Bagerhat, Khulna, Barishal, Mymensingh, Chattogram, and Cumilla.

Faisal credits his success to the unwavering support of his family. His father, Saiful Islam, proudly states, "Shuvo's success shows that one can earn a livelihood without traditional employment. What was once impossible for us has become a reality in today's interconnected world." He encourages educated youth to pursue entrepreneurship.

Additionally, Faisal's success has caught the attention of the Bagerhat district livestock office. Mohammad Saheb Ali, the livestock officer, praises Faisal's farm for its diversity and highlights the office's support for young entrepreneurs. Shuvo Agro stands as a testament to how passion and perseverance can turn a dream into a prosperous reality.

Faisal plans to expand his operations, including building a larger incubator and exploring international markets. His journey from a modest investment to a thriving enterprise showcases the potential of innovative farming in Bangladesh.

Japan has taken a bold step into the future of railway maintenance with the unveiling of a colossal 12-metre high humano...

Japan has taken a bold step into the future of railway maintenance with the unveiling of a colossal 12-metre high humanoid robot by West Japan Railway. This mechanical marvel, reminiscent of a sci-fi figure from the 1980s with its coke bottle eyes and Wall-E-like head, is set to revolutionize how train lines are maintained.

Mounted on a truck that can travel on rails, the robot will assist with various tasks, ranging from painting to trimming tree branches. The operator controls the robot from a cockpit on the truck, using cameras embedded in the robot's eyes to guide its powerful limbs and hands.

Boasting an impressive vertical reach of 12 metres and the ability to handle objects weighing up to 40kg, the robot can be equipped with different attachments, such as brushes for painting or chainsaws for cutting. Initially, it will focus on trimming branches along rail lines and painting the metal frames that support overhead cables.

Kazuaki Hasegawa, president of West Japan Railway, emphasized the robot's role in addressing worker shortages in Japan's ageing workforce and enhancing safety by reducing accidents like falls and electric shocks. "In the future, we hope to use machines for all kinds of maintenance operations of our infrastructure," Hasegawa stated, envisioning this robot as a solution to labour shortages and a blueprint for future innovations.

Get ready for the ultimate showdown at Naveed's Comedy Club presented by Stand Up Dhaka ! 🎤⚽ On July 12th at 8 PM, the a...

Get ready for the ultimate showdown at Naveed's Comedy Club presented by Stand Up Dhaka !
🎤⚽ On July 12th at 8 PM, the age-old debate will be settled: Who's the GOAT, Messi or Ronaldo? A 3 vs 3 team of comedians will roast each other to decide who's better! Team LM10 features Zubayer, Emu, and Antu, while Team CR7 boasts Tashdid, Shadid, and Tayeb. This isn't just a comedy show—it’s a battle for football supremacy! Be sure to attend for a night of epic laughs and fierce burns.
🎟️ Tickets:

In our childhood, many of us dreamt of representing our country in cricket, envisioning ourselves playing for the nation...

In our childhood, many of us dreamt of representing our country in cricket, envisioning ourselves playing for the national team. Yet, only a select few achieved that dream. However, the path to a career in cricket isn't limited to playing on the field. Passionate individuals can also thrive as sports journalists, analysts, or even performance analysts within cricket boards, regardless of their academic background.

Anik Neogi’s story is a perfect example of this. A former student of Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Anik recently realized his dream by joining the Cricket Board (BCB) as a Performance Analyst. Anik, who studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering at RUET, leveraged his cricket knowledge and data analysis skills to secure this coveted role. He also served as an advisor for the RUET Cricket Club, showcasing his commitment to the sport.

From a young age, Anik nurtured a deep love for cricket. His dream of working in the cricket industry fueled his passion and dedication throughout his university years, inspiring many around him. Today, Anik has successfully turned his passion into a profession.

Reflecting on his journey, Anik expressed his thrill at officially joining the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) as a Performance Analyst. He described achieving his long-held dream, transitioning from playing cricket in village fields to working with the national cricket board, as an incredible journey. Anik credited his cricket knowledge and data analysis expertise for securing the position and conveyed his excitement about contributing to the board's development and success. He also thanked everyone who supported and believed in him throughout his journey.

Anik Neogi’s journey from the fields of his village to the Bangladesh Cricket Board is a testament to the fact that with passion, hard work, and dedication, dreams can indeed come true. His story serves as an inspiration to all aspiring professionals who aim to combine their academic expertise with their love for sports.

Zabeer Zarif Akhter, a 17-year-old student from St. Joseph Higher Secondary School, has emerged victorious in the nation...

Zabeer Zarif Akhter, a 17-year-old student from St. Joseph Higher Secondary School, has emerged victorious in the national round of the prestigious Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition. His innovative water purification system, made from recycled electronic waste, addresses water pollution and waterborne diseases while promoting environmental responsibility.

Zabeer's innovative "high voltage plasma water purifier" eradicates microbiological contaminants and breaks down organic compounds, ensuring cleaner, safer water. "It can be deployed for individual use in flood-prone areas of Bangladesh to decontaminate water from bacteria and reduce the impact of waterborne diseases," Zabeer explains. This device offers a cost-effective solution by utilizing readily available electronic waste, such as components from old CRT TVs, laptops, and mobile batteries, significantly lowering production costs and tackling the growing e-waste problem in Bangladesh.

The young inventor emphasizes the eco-friendly nature of his project. By repurposing electronic waste, the purifier reduces hazardous material emissions, contributing to environmental preservation. Additionally, the device can be powered by solar panels, further minimizing its carbon footprint. Zabeer's commitment to his community's well-being drives his innovation. "Industrial wastewater and textile dyes are significant pollutants that contaminate water and soil, leading to increased carcinogenic materials," he mentions. Frequent floods exacerbate these issues, causing widespread suffering and loss of life due to waterborne diseases.

House of Volunteers Foundation - HOV , the national organizers of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize, played a crucial role in facilitating this competition and supporting young talents like Zabeer. His victory secures him a fully-funded trip to Stockholm, Sweden, where he will represent Bangladesh in the international leg of the competition.


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Sy Huq, a celebrated Bangladeshi-American filmmaker, has been appointed as the Lead Executive Producer at D'ART Shtajio,...

Sy Huq, a celebrated Bangladeshi-American filmmaker, has been appointed as the Lead Executive Producer at D'ART Shtajio, Japan’s pioneering anime studio. Born in Trondheim, Norway, Huq is a four-time Oscar-qualified director, screenwriter, and producer. His acclaimed films, including "Things That Fall" (2019), "Boys" (2021), and "Oh, Mighty Ocean" (2022), have won multiple awards and been distributed internationally.

Huq expressed his gratitude for this new role on Instagram, reflecting on his journey and the impact of his work. He emphasized the honor of joining D’ART Shtajio, the first Black-owned anime studio in Japan’s history, and the significance of becoming the first Bangladeshi-American creative executive in anime history. He praised prior collaborations with D’ART Shtajio's CEO, Arthell Isom, and looked forward to continuing to bridge worlds between the East and West through innovative storytelling. Huq also highlighted the importance of cultural solidarity, stating, "And for my fellow Bangladeshis, the uniformity of multifarious cultural solidarity with the community around you, no matter where you are in the world, is such a powerful ideal. Standing together, breaking molds, and soaring; that’s what it’s all about."

"Things That Fall," starring Sterling Beaumon and Stephanie Nogueras, used pioneering sound design to depict auditory hallucinations, winning the 2019 AT&T Film Award and the Stage 32 Short Film Contest. The film was qualified for the 92nd Academy Awards for Best Live Action Short Film.

In 2021, Huq’s "Boys" was qualified for the 94th Academy Awards. His 2022 productions, "The Stranger" and "Panorama," also earned Oscar qualifications. Sayem was also a producer for the Saudi Arabia and Japan anime co-production "The Journey."

RUET alumnus Mahedi Azam, from the 16 Series, has been honored with the “Best In Region Award” at the highly esteemed UN...

RUET alumnus Mahedi Azam, from the 16 Series, has been honored with the “Best In Region Award” at the highly esteemed UNI International Architecture & Design Thesis Award (UnIATA'2024). His undergraduate thesis, "Reimagining Barishal River Port: Creating A Public Realm with Integrated Port Facilities," has captivated the international design community and has also been shortlisted for the “UNI International Architecture & Design Dissertation Award (UnIADA'2024)”.

This remarkable achievement highlights the innovative and visionary approach Mahedi took in his thesis, which was meticulously supervised by Md. Nazmul Hoda, Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at RUET. The project reimagines the Barishal River Port, aiming to transform it into a dynamic public realm with integrated port facilities.

The UNI Design Awards for Best Graduation Projects of 2024, UnIATA, is a prestigious annual awards program dedicated to unveiling and celebrating the next wave of exceptional Designers, Architects, Urbanists, and Landscape architects globally. As one of the most expansive showcases of graduation projects, it offers an unparalleled glimpse into the latest trends and innovations shaping design education and architectural practices worldwide.

Congratulations to Mahedi Azam on this outstanding achievement and best wishes for his future endeavors.


We are extremely thrilled to have The Positive One as our Media Partner for our next event ICSL presents, From Our Kitchen: To Their Hearts.

The Positive One is a dynamic youth media organization committed to filtering out negativity and delivering uplifting, positive content. We aim to provide a refreshing perspective by emphasizing solutions over problems, and fostering an environment of optimism and hope. Our mission is to inspire and empower young people by highlighting stories of resilience, success, and innovation. By focusing on the brighter side of life, The Positive One seeks to cultivate a community that values positivity and proactive problem-solving, ultimately contributing to a more hopeful and constructive outlook on the world.

Phoenix Communication proudly organized Miftah Zaman's first solo concert, delivering an unforgettable 2.5-hour experien...

Phoenix Communication proudly organized Miftah Zaman's first solo concert, delivering an unforgettable 2.5-hour experience filled with music, engaging conversations, and a vibrant atmosphere. The event began at approximately 7 PM, featuring a performance by Shuvro, the latest sensation in Bangla Music.

Shuvro captivated the audience with his original compositions and cover songs, setting the stage for the main event. Following his performance, Miftah Zaman took over, mesmerizing the crowd with a series of his most beloved tracks. The setlist included hits such as "Shihoron," "Odeetia," "Valo Theko," "Mone Tai Tomar Kheyal," and the ever-popular "Chiro Odhora."

Throughout the concert, Miftah Zaman shared personal anecdotes, responded to fan requests, and answered audience questions, creating a dynamic and interactive experience. The energy of the crowd matched the enthusiasm of the artist, making for a truly lively event.

The concert was executed with exceptional professionalism, marked by smooth transitions and meticulous organization from start to finish. There was no rush or mismanagement, ensuring a seamless experience for all attendees. While the evening was dedicated to celebrating Miftah Zaman's artistry, it ultimately became a night to remember for his devoted fans.

Engr Kaiduzzaman Azad's remarkable journey from an unfulfilling corporate career to an inspiring rural entrepreneur is a...

Engr Kaiduzzaman Azad's remarkable journey from an unfulfilling corporate career to an inspiring rural entrepreneur is a testament to resilience and community empowerment. After five years in various jobs, Azad returned to his village in Dinajpur, Bangladesh, with a dream of making a difference. He started small, with a few sewing machines and 40 local women, producing handicrafts from hogla leaves and jute.

Despite initial struggles and low sales, Azad's determination never wavered. He sold his products door-to-door on a cart, but the returns were meager. Undeterred, Azad expanded his operations, bringing in more equipment and training over 400 women in three phases. His factory, Rangjute Bd রংজুট বি ডি, now boasts 54 permanent workers and 250 contract-based women, who earn between 5,000 to 12,000 takas monthly, providing financial independence and stability.

Azad's factory produces over 500 types of handicrafts, including baskets, mats, swings, rugs, and caps. These products, initially sold locally, have found markets in Russia, the USA, Europe, and the Middle East, thanks to strategic partnerships with local and international buyers. With monthly production worth 3 to 3.5 million takas, Azad's venture is not only profitable but also a beacon of hope for many.

The transformation of his 30-decimal land enterprise into a sprawling one and a half bighas operation, complete with a poultry farm and diverse plantations, is a story of innovative growth. Azad's success has garnered admiration and pride from his family and community, with improved infrastructure facilitating better access to his factory.

Azad's vision extends beyond business; it’s about giving back to his community. His efforts have provided employment to many women, including widows and divorcees, offering them a dignified livelihood. Azad’s story, marked by perseverance and community spirit, showcases the potential of rural entrepreneurship in transforming lives and fostering sustainable development.

Kaiduzzaman Azad’s journey from selling on a cart to exporting globally is a shining example of how one individual's dream can uplift an entire community, embodying the true spirit of entrepreneurship and empowerment.

🎉🎉 Celebrating Two Years of Positivity! 🎉🎉On this joyous day, 23rd July 2023, we at The Positive One want to express our...

🎉🎉 Celebrating Two Years of Positivity! 🎉🎉

On this joyous day, 23rd July 2023, we at The Positive One want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our incredible audiences for their unwavering support in our journey of growth and positivity. Your encouragement and love have been the driving force behind everything we do!

We also extend a special thank you to our esteemed collaborative partners who consistently placed their faith in us. Your belief in our vision has been instrumental in shaping The Positive One's success.

Today, we take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and dedication of our outstanding team members – the brilliant content writers, the insightful news analysts, the creative designers, the strategic planners, the efficient operations managers, and our exceptional executives. Your relentless efforts have been pivotal in making The Positive One the beacon of positivity it is today!

As we celebrate these remarkable two years, we look forward to continuing our mission of spreading positivity, inspiration, and motivation to all corners of the world. Together, we can make a difference!

Join us in celebrating this special day, and here's to many more years of positivity and success! 🥂

Exciting news emerged from the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) and the Bangladesh University of Engineering and T...

Exciting news emerged from the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) and the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) as their remarkable achievements propelled them to the final round of the esteemed European Rover Challenge 2023.

Taking place annually in Kielce, Poland, the European Rover Challenge has gained worldwide recognition as a premier Mars rover competition. This year, the highly-anticipated finals are scheduled to be held from September 15 to 17, 2023.

Out of the impressive 54 global teams participating, a select group of only 25, including the brilliant minds behind Project Altair and Team Interplanetar, have secured their well-deserved place in the final round. Standing tall among their international peers, IUT's team has achieved a remarkable 16th position globally, marking a significant milestone as the top-performing Bangladeshi and second-best Asian team. Additionally, BUET's team has secured a commendable 25th position, adding to the nation's pride.

The exceptional success of these two Bangladeshi teams not only showcases their exceptional potential but also highlights the caliber of talent that exists within Bangladesh on the global stage. Their accomplishments serve as an inspiration to aspiring scientists, engineers, and innovators, encouraging them to reach for the stars.

Three students from the Islamic University of Technology, IUT have emerged victorious at the prestigious Australasian En...

Three students from the Islamic University of Technology, IUT have emerged victorious at the prestigious Australasian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Debating Championship, organized by Edudrift. The event, which brought together participants from Australia and Asia, took place in Krabi, Thailand. The IUT team showcased their exceptional debating skills in the AP style 3 by 3 format, securing the champion title.

The Bangladesh team, consisting of Evan Ashfaque, Tamim Ahmed and Tanzim Noor Tonmoy qualified for the preliminary rounds of the highly anticipated face-off against the Brigham University team. In an intense battle of words, the IUTains emerged triumphant with a 6-1 split decision in their favor.

During the preliminary round, the judges awarded a speaker's break to select the top ten speakers. Tamim Ahmed and Tanzim Noor Tonmoy, stood out among their peers, securing the 8th and 7th positions respectively. It was Tamim Ahmed from the winning team who claimed the coveted title of Best Speaker, further solidifying the IUT team's outstanding performance.

Congratulations to the IUT team on their remarkable achievement, and may their success pave the way for further accomplishments and recognition.

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak



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