Proud parent / macaroni necklace moment post :
Our boy Javan Lee got accepted with early admittance to the media school at Indiana University. With unlimited potential and the doors of your dreams creeping open, I’m taken back to all those mornings we spent in the car rider line in at Pleasant Crossing Elementary. You’d leave the vehicle jazzed up for the day, full of Pop Tarts and return with a million new things to tell me about what you learned. Son, my life has never been better than on those mornings.
You’ve been through adversities at your age that would humble any grown man and always kept a sunny disposition no matter what’s going on. You don’t run away from the hard work and I admire your gumption and will to give anything you wanna do a valiant try. The way you care for others and animals and put yourself out there for your friends when they need a shoulder is incredible. I don’t have a clue what we did right to end up with a kid like you, but I count my lucky stars that the last 17 years has gone this way.
You’re a college man now, no matter if you’re still finishing your high school requirements, and you’ve shown us you can handle anything life throws at you. Me and mom will remain here watching the show and supporting you in your star role, being the s**t forever and ever.
Tammy Wright we did it, my baby! Look at your sugar lump!
Cried like a newborn typing this bro.
My best friend the INDIANA UNIVERSITY student. 🥹